Generate code from interface (.epi) files

It includes the definition of types, constants
and prototypes defined in the interface.
Cédric Pasteur 13 years ago committed by Cédric Pasteur
parent ace0cec555
commit 8cc879be7a

@ -1215,13 +1215,9 @@ let program p =
{ p with p_desc = program_desc p.p_desc }
let interface i =
let interface_decl i =
let desc = match i.interf_desc with
let interface_desc id = match id with
| Iconstdef c -> Iconstdef (typing_const_dec c)
| Itypedef t -> Itypedef (typing_typedec t)
| Isignature i -> Isignature (typing_signature i)
| id -> id
{ i with interf_desc = desc }
in interface_decl i
{ i with i_desc = interface_desc i.i_desc }

@ -183,14 +183,12 @@ type signature = {
sig_param_constraints : constrnt list;
sig_loc : location }
type interface = interface_decl list
and interface_decl = {
interf_desc : interface_desc;
interf_loc : location }
type interface =
{ i_modname : modul;
i_opened : modul list;
i_desc : interface_desc list }
and interface_desc =
| Iopen of modul
| Itypedef of type_dec
| Iconstdef of const_dec
| Isignature of signature

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ let parse_program modname lexbuf =
let parse_interface modname lexbuf =
(* Parsing of the file *)
let i = do_silent_pass "Parsing" (parse Hept_parser.interface) lexbuf in
let i = { i with Hept_parsetree.i_modname = modname } in
(* Fuse static exps together *)
let i = do_silent_pass "Static Scoping" Hept_static_scoping.interface i in

@ -645,20 +645,13 @@ infx:
| interface_decls EOF { List.rev $1 }
| o=list(opens) i=list(interface_desc) EOF
{ { i_modname = ""; i_opened = o; i_desc = i } }
| /* empty */ { [] }
| interface_decls interface_decl { $2 :: $1 }
| id=_interface_decl { mk_interface_decl id (Loc($startpos,$endpos)) }
| type_dec { Itypedef $1 }
| const_dec { Iconstdef $1 }
| OPEN modul { Iopen $2 }
| VAL n=node_or_fun f=ident pc=node_params LPAREN i=params_signature RPAREN
RETURNS LPAREN o=params_signature RPAREN
{ Isignature({ sig_name = f;

@ -217,14 +217,12 @@ type signature =
sig_param_constraints : exp list;
sig_loc : location }
type interface = interface_decl list
and interface_decl =
{ interf_desc : interface_desc;
interf_loc : location }
type interface =
{ i_modname : dec_name;
i_opened : module_name list;
i_desc : interface_desc list }
and interface_desc =
| Iopen of module_name
| Itypedef of type_dec
| Iconstdef of const_dec
| Isignature of signature
@ -261,9 +259,6 @@ let mk_type_dec name desc loc =
let mk_equation desc loc =
{ eq_desc = desc; eq_loc = loc }
let mk_interface_decl desc loc =
{ interf_desc = desc; interf_loc = loc }
let mk_var_dec ?(linearity=Linearity.Ltop) name ty ck last loc =
{ v_name = name; v_type = ty; v_linearity = linearity;
v_clock =ck; v_last = last; v_loc = loc }

@ -316,18 +316,14 @@ and interface_desc_it funs acc id =
try funs.interface_desc funs acc id
with Fallback -> interface_desc funs acc id
and interface_desc funs acc id = match id with
| Iopen _ -> id, acc
| Itypedef t -> let t, acc = type_dec_it funs acc t in Itypedef t, acc
| Iconstdef c -> let c, acc = const_dec_it funs acc c in Iconstdef c, acc
| Isignature s -> let s, acc = signature_it funs acc s in Isignature s, acc
and interface_it funs acc i = funs.interface funs acc i
and interface funs acc i =
let decl acc id =
let idc, acc = interface_desc_it funs acc id.interf_desc in
{ id with interf_desc = idc }, acc
mapfold decl acc i
let desc, acc = mapfold (interface_desc_it funs) acc i.i_desc in
{ i with i_desc = desc }, acc
and signature_it funs acc s = funs.signature funs acc s
and signature funs acc s =

@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ end
let mk_app ?(params=[]) ?(unsafe=false) ?(inlined = false) op =
{ Heptagon.a_op = op;
{ Heptagon.a_op = op;
Heptagon.a_params = params;
Heptagon.a_unsafe = unsafe;
Heptagon.a_inlined = inlined }
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ let translate_contract env opt_ct =
| Some ct ->
let env' = Rename.append env ct.c_controllables in
let b, env = translate_block env ct.c_block in
{ Heptagon.c_assume = translate_exp env ct.c_assume;
Heptagon.c_enforce = translate_exp env ct.c_enforce;
Heptagon.c_controllables = translate_vd_list env' ct.c_controllables;
@ -560,15 +560,12 @@ let translate_signature s =
let translate_interface_desc = function
| Iopen n -> open_module n; Heptagon.Iopen n
| Itypedef tydec -> Heptagon.Itypedef (translate_typedec tydec)
| Iconstdef const_dec -> Heptagon.Iconstdef (translate_const_dec const_dec)
| Isignature s -> Heptagon.Isignature (translate_signature s)
let translate_interface_decl idecl =
let desc = translate_interface_desc idecl.interf_desc in
{ Heptagon.interf_desc = desc;
Heptagon.interf_loc = idecl.interf_loc }
let translate_interface i = translate_interface_decl i
let translate_interface i =
let desc = translate_interface_desc i.i_desc in
{ Heptagon.i_modname = Names.modul_of_string i.i_modname;
Heptagon.i_opened = i.i_opened;
Heptagon.i_desc = desc; }

@ -67,10 +67,6 @@ let const_dec funs local_const cd =
add_const c_name (Signature.mk_const_def Types.Tinvalid (Initial.mk_static_string "invalid"));
cd, local_const
let interface_desc _ local_const id = match id with
| Iopen n -> open_module n; id, local_const
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback
let program p =
let funs = { Hept_parsetree_mapfold.defaults
with node_dec = node; exp = exp; static_exp = static_exp; const_dec = const_dec } in
@ -81,6 +77,7 @@ let program p =
let interface i =
let funs = { Hept_parsetree_mapfold.defaults
with node_dec = node; exp = exp; const_dec = const_dec } in
List.iter open_module i.i_opened;
let i, _ = Hept_parsetree_mapfold.interface_it funs Names.NamesSet.empty i in

@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ struct
raise Errors.Error
let fresh = Idents.gen_fresh "hept2mls"
(function Heptagon.Enode f -> (shortname f)
let fresh = Idents.gen_fresh "hept2mls"
(function Heptagon.Enode f -> (shortname f)
| _ -> "n")
(* add an equation *)
@ -224,3 +224,22 @@ let program
p_format_version = minils_format_version;
p_opened = modules;
p_desc = program_desc desc_list }
let signature s =
{ sig_name = s.Heptagon.sig_name;
sig_inputs = s.Heptagon.sig_inputs;
sig_stateful = s.Heptagon.sig_stateful;
sig_outputs = s.Heptagon.sig_outputs;
sig_params = s.Heptagon.sig_params;
sig_param_constraints = s.Heptagon.sig_param_constraints;
sig_loc = s.Heptagon.sig_loc }
let interface i =
let interface_decl id = match id with
| Heptagon.Itypedef td -> Itypedef (typedec td)
| Heptagon.Iconstdef cd -> Iconstdef (const_dec cd)
| Heptagon.Isignature s -> Isignature (signature s)
{ i_modname = i.Heptagon.i_modname;
i_opened = i.Heptagon.i_opened;
i_desc = interface_decl i.Heptagon.i_desc }

@ -32,10 +32,13 @@ let compile_interface modname source_f =
if !print_types then Global_printer.print_interface Format.std_formatter;
(* Process the interface *)
let _ = Hept_compiler.compile_interface p in
(* Output the .epci *)
let p = Hept_compiler.compile_interface p in
(* Output the .epci *)
output_value epci_c (Modules.current_module ());
(* Translate to Obc *)
let p = Hept2mls.interface p in
(* Generate the sequential code *)
Mls2seq.interface p;
close_all_files ()
| x -> close_all_files (); raise x

@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ let translate_node
} as n) =
Idents.enter_node f;
let mem_var_tys = Mls_utils.node_memory_vars n in
let c_list, c_locals =
let c_list, c_locals =
match contract with
| None -> [], []
| Some c -> c.Minils.c_controllables, c.Minils.c_local in
@ -749,3 +749,22 @@ let program { Minils.p_modname = p_modname; Minils.p_opened = p_o; Minils.p_desc
p_opened = p_o;
p_desc = p_desc }
let signature s =
{ sig_name = s.Minils.sig_name;
sig_inputs = s.Minils.sig_inputs;
sig_stateful = s.Minils.sig_stateful;
sig_outputs = s.Minils.sig_outputs;
sig_params = s.Minils.sig_params;
sig_param_constraints = s.Minils.sig_param_constraints;
sig_loc = s.Minils.sig_loc }
let interface i =
let interface_decl id = match id with
| Minils.Itypedef td -> Itypedef (translate_ty_def td)
| Minils.Iconstdef cd -> Iconstdef (translate_const_def cd)
| Minils.Isignature s -> Isignature (signature s)
{ i_modname = i.Minils.i_modname;
i_opened = i.Minils.i_opened;
i_desc = interface_decl i.Minils.i_desc }

@ -16,12 +16,28 @@ open Misc
(** Definition of a target. A target starts either from
dataflow code (ie Minils) or sequential code (ie Obc),
with or without static parameters *)
type target =
type program_target =
| Obc of (Obc.program -> unit)
| Obc_no_params of (Obc.program -> unit)
| Minils of (Minils.program -> unit)
| Minils_no_params of (Minils.program -> unit)
type interface_target =
| IObc of (Obc.interface -> unit)
| IMinils of (Minils.interface -> unit)
type target =
{ t_name : string;
t_program : program_target;
t_interface : interface_target;
t_load_conf : unit -> unit }
let no_conf () = ()
let mk_target ?(interface=IMinils ignore) ?(load_conf = no_conf) name pt =
{ t_name = name; t_program = pt;
t_interface = interface; t_load_conf = load_conf }
(** Writes a .epo file for program [p]. *)
let write_object_file p =
let filename = (Names.modul_to_string p.Minils.p_modname)^".epo" in
@ -38,14 +54,19 @@ let write_obc_file p =
close_out obc;
comment "Generation of Obc code"
let no_conf () = ()
let targets =
[ mk_target ~interface:(IObc Cmain.interface) "c" (Obc_no_params Cmain.program);
mk_target "java" (Obc Java_main.program);
mk_target "z3z" (Minils_no_params Sigalimain.program);
mk_target "obc" (Obc write_obc_file);
mk_target "obc_np" (Obc_no_params write_obc_file);
mk_target "epo" (Minils write_object_file) ]
let targets = [ "c",(Obc_no_params Cmain.program, no_conf);
"java", (Obc Java_main.program, no_conf);
"z3z", (Minils_no_params Sigalimain.program, no_conf);
"obc", (Obc write_obc_file, no_conf);
"obc_np", (Obc_no_params write_obc_file, no_conf);
"epo", (Minils write_object_file, no_conf) ]
let find_target s =
List.find (fun t -> t.t_name = s) targets
Not_found -> language_error s; raise Errors.Error
let generate_target p s =
@ -53,9 +74,7 @@ let generate_target p s =
comment "Unfolding";
if !Compiler_options.verbose
then List.iter (Mls_printer.print stderr) p_list in*)
let target =
(try fst (List.assoc s targets)
with Not_found -> language_error s; raise Errors.Error) in
let target = (find_target s).t_program in
match target with
| Minils convert_fun ->
convert_fun p
@ -72,15 +91,16 @@ let generate_target p s =
let o_list = Obc_compiler.compile_program o_list in
List.iter convert_fun o_list
let generate_interface i s =
let target = (find_target s).t_interface in
match target with
| IObc convert_fun ->
let o = Mls2obc.interface i in
convert_fun o
| IMinils convert_fun -> convert_fun i
let load_conf () =
let target_conf s =
let conf = snd (List.assoc s targets) in
conf ()
Not_found -> language_error s; raise Errors.Error
List.iter target_conf !target_languages
List.iter (fun s -> (find_target s).t_load_conf ()) !target_languages
(** Translation into dataflow and sequential languages, defaults to obc. *)
let program p =
@ -89,3 +109,9 @@ let program p =
| l -> l in
let targets = if !create_object_file then "epo"::targets else targets in
List.iter (generate_target p) targets
let interface i =
let targets = match !target_languages with
| [] -> [] (* by default, generate obc file *)
| l -> l in
List.iter (generate_interface i) targets

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ and edesc =
* extvalue list * extvalue list * var_ident option
(** map f <<n>> <(extvalue)> (extvalue) reset ident *)
and app = { a_op: op;
and app = { a_op: op;
a_params: static_exp list;
a_unsafe: bool;
a_id: ident option;
@ -156,6 +156,26 @@ and program_desc =
| Pconst of const_dec
| Ptype of type_dec
type signature = {
sig_name : qualname;
sig_inputs : arg list;
sig_stateful : bool;
sig_outputs : arg list;
sig_params : param list;
sig_param_constraints : constrnt list;
sig_loc : location }
type interface =
{ i_modname : modul;
i_opened : modul list;
i_desc : interface_desc list }
and interface_desc =
| Itypedef of type_dec
| Iconstdef of const_dec
| Isignature of signature
(*Helper functions to build the AST*)
let mk_extvalue ~ty ?(linearity = Ltop) ?(clock = fresh_clock()) ?(loc = no_location) desc =

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ let copname = function
| "=" -> "==" | "<>" -> "!=" | "&" -> "&&" | "or" -> "||" | "+" -> "+"
| "-" -> "-" | "*" -> "*" | "/" -> "/" | "*." -> "*" | "/." -> "/"
| "+." -> "+" | "-." -> "-" | "<" -> "<" | ">" -> ">" | "<=" -> "<="
| ">=" -> ">="
| ">=" -> ">=" | "<=." -> "<=" | "<." -> "<" | ">=." -> ">=" | ">." -> ">"
| "~-" -> "-" | "not" -> "!" | "%" -> "%"
| op -> op
@ -225,10 +225,11 @@ let rec cexpr_of_static_exp se =
(List.fold_left (fun cc n -> Carraylit (repeat_list cc (int_of_static_exp n)))
(cexpr_of_static_exp c) n_list)
| Svar ln ->
(* (try
let cd = find_const ln in
cexpr_of_static_exp (Static.simplify QualEnv.empty cd.c_value)
with Not_found -> assert false)
with Not_found -> assert false) *)
Cvar (cname_of_qn ln)
| Sop _ ->
let se' = Static.simplify QualEnv.empty se in
if se = se' then
@ -258,14 +259,14 @@ and cexprs_of_exps out_env var_env exps =
and cop_of_op_aux op_name cexps = match op_name with
| { qual = Pervasives; name = op } ->
begin match op,cexps with
| "~-", [e] -> Cuop ("-", e)
| ("~-" | "~-."), [e] -> Cuop ("-", e)
| "not", [e] -> Cuop ("!", e)
| (
"=" | "<>"
| "&" | "or"
| "+" | "-" | "*" | "/"
| "*." | "/." | "+." | "-." | "%"
| "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">="), [el;er] ->
| "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | "<=." | "<." | ">=." | ">."), [el;er] ->
Cbop (copname op, el, er)
| _ -> Cfun_call(op, cexps)
@ -775,20 +776,21 @@ let cdefs_and_cdecls_of_type_decl otd =
let decl = Cdecl_struct (name, decls) in
([], [decl])
(** [cfile_list_of_oprog oprog] translates the Obc program [oprog] to a list of
C source and header files. *)
let cfile_list_of_oprog_ty_decls name oprog =
let types = Obc_utils.program_types oprog in
let cdefs_and_cdecls = cdefs_and_cdecls_of_type_decl types in
let cdefs_and_cdecls_of_const_decl cd =
let name = cname_of_qn cd.c_name in
let v = cexpr_of_static_exp cd.Obc.c_value in
let cty = ctype_of_otype cd.Obc.c_type in
[], [Cdecl_constant (name, cty, v)]
let (cty_defs, cty_decls) = List.split cdefs_and_cdecls in
let filename_types = name ^ "_types" in
let types_h = (filename_types ^ ".h",
Cheader (["stdbool"; "assert"; "pervasives"],
List.concat cty_decls)) in
let types_c = (filename_types ^ ".c", Csource (concat cty_defs)) in
let cdefs_and_cdecls_of_interface_decl id = match id with
| Itypedef td -> cdefs_and_cdecls_of_type_decl td
| Iconstdef cd -> cdefs_and_cdecls_of_const_decl cd
| _ -> [], []
filename_types, [types_h; types_c]
let cdefs_and_cdecls_of_program_decl id = match id with
| Ptype td -> cdefs_and_cdecls_of_type_decl td
| Pconst cd -> cdefs_and_cdecls_of_const_decl cd
| _ -> [], []
let global_file_header name prog =
let dependencies = ModulSet.elements (Obc_utils.Deps.deps_program prog) in
@ -800,10 +802,33 @@ let global_file_header name prog =
let decls = List.concat decls
and defs = List.concat defs in
let (ty_fname, ty_files) = cfile_list_of_oprog_ty_decls name prog in
let filename_types = name ^ "_types" in
let cdefs_and_cdecls = cdefs_and_cdecls_of_program_decl prog.p_desc in
let (cty_defs, cty_decls) = List.split cdefs_and_cdecls in
let types_h = (filename_types ^ ".h",
Cheader ("stdbool"::"assert"::"pervasives"::dependencies,
List.concat cty_decls)) in
let types_c = (filename_types ^ ".c", Csource (concat cty_defs)) in
let header =
(name ^ ".h", Cheader (ty_fname :: dependencies, decls))
(name ^ ".h", Cheader (filename_types :: dependencies, decls))
and source =
(name ^ ".c", Csource defs) in
[header; source] @ ty_files
[header; source; types_h; types_c]
let interface_header name i =
let dependencies = ModulSet.elements (Obc_utils.Deps.deps_interface i) in
let dependencies = (fun m -> String.uncapitalize (modul_to_string m)) dependencies in
let cdefs_and_cdecls = cdefs_and_cdecls_of_interface_decl i.i_desc in
let (cty_defs, cty_decls) = List.split cdefs_and_cdecls in
let types_h = (name ^ ".h",
Cheader ("stdbool"::"assert"::"pervasives"::dependencies,
List.concat cty_decls)) in
let types_c = (name ^ ".c", Csource (concat cty_defs)) in
[types_h; types_c]

@ -344,3 +344,11 @@ let program p =
let dir = clean_dir dirname in
let c_ast = translate filename p in
C.output dir c_ast
let interface i =
let filename =
filename_of_name (cname_of_name (modul_to_string i.i_modname)) in
let dirname = build_path (filename ^ "_c") in
let dir = clean_dir dirname in
let c_ast = interface_header (Filename.basename filename) i in
C.output dir c_ast

@ -130,3 +130,22 @@ and program_desc =
| Pconst of const_dec
| Ptype of type_dec
type signature = {
sig_name : qualname;
sig_inputs : arg list;
sig_stateful : bool;
sig_outputs : arg list;
sig_params : param list;
sig_param_constraints : constrnt list;
sig_loc : location }
type interface =
{ i_modname : modul;
i_opened : modul list;
i_desc : interface_desc list }
and interface_desc =
| Itypedef of type_dec
| Iconstdef of const_dec
| Isignature of signature

@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ type 'a obc_it_funs = {
tdesc: 'a obc_it_funs -> 'a -> Obc.tdesc -> Obc.tdesc * 'a;
program: 'a obc_it_funs -> 'a -> Obc.program -> Obc.program * 'a;
program_desc: 'a obc_it_funs -> 'a -> Obc.program_desc -> Obc.program_desc * 'a;
interface: 'a obc_it_funs -> 'a -> Obc.interface -> Obc.interface * 'a;
interface_desc: 'a obc_it_funs -> 'a -> Obc.interface_desc -> Obc.interface_desc * 'a;
signature: 'a obc_it_funs -> 'a -> Obc.signature -> Obc.signature * 'a;
global_funs: 'a Global_mapfold.global_it_funs }
@ -202,6 +205,9 @@ and tdesc funs acc td = match td with
| Type_struct s ->
let s, acc = structure_it funs.global_funs acc s in
Type_struct s, acc
| Type_alias ty ->
let ty, acc = ty_it funs.global_funs acc ty in
Type_alias ty, acc
| _ -> td, acc
@ -218,6 +224,30 @@ and program_desc funs acc pd = match pd with
| Ptype td -> let td, acc = type_dec_it funs acc td in Ptype td, acc
| Pclass n -> let n, acc = class_def_it funs acc n in Pclass n, acc
and interface_it funs acc p = funs.interface funs acc p
and interface funs acc p =
let i_desc, acc = mapfold (interface_desc_it funs) acc p.i_desc in
{ p with i_desc = i_desc }, acc
and interface_desc_it funs acc pd =
try funs.interface_desc funs acc pd
with Fallback -> interface_desc funs acc pd
and interface_desc funs acc pd = match pd with
| Itypedef td -> let td, acc = type_dec_it funs acc td in Itypedef td, acc
| Iconstdef cd -> let cd, acc = const_dec_it funs acc cd in Iconstdef cd, acc
| Isignature s -> let s, acc = signature_it funs acc s in Isignature s, acc
and signature_it funs acc s = funs.signature funs acc s
and signature funs acc s =
let sig_params, acc = mapfold (param_it funs.global_funs) acc s.sig_params in
let sig_inputs, acc = mapfold (arg_it funs.global_funs) acc s.sig_inputs in
let sig_outputs, acc = mapfold (arg_it funs.global_funs) acc s.sig_outputs in
{ s with sig_params = sig_params; sig_inputs = sig_inputs; sig_outputs }, acc
let defaults = {
lhs = lhs;
lhsdesc = lhsdesc;
@ -238,4 +268,7 @@ let defaults = {
tdesc = tdesc;
program = program;
program_desc = program_desc;
interface = interface;
interface_desc = interface_desc;
signature = signature;
global_funs = Global_mapfold.defaults }

@ -151,6 +151,10 @@ struct
| Module _ | QualModule _ -> ModulSet.add qn.qual deps
| _ -> deps
let deps_ty funs deps ty = match ty with
| Tid ln -> ty, deps_longname deps ln
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback
let deps_static_exp_desc funs deps sedesc =
let (sedesc, deps) = Global_mapfold.static_exp_desc funs deps sedesc in
match sedesc with
@ -192,7 +196,8 @@ struct
let deps_program p =
let funs = { Obc_mapfold.defaults with
global_funs = { Global_mapfold.defaults with
static_exp_desc = deps_static_exp_desc; };
static_exp_desc = deps_static_exp_desc;
ty = deps_ty };
lhsdesc = deps_lhsdesc;
edesc = deps_edesc;
act = deps_act;
@ -200,6 +205,15 @@ struct
} in
let (_, deps) = Obc_mapfold.program funs ModulSet.empty p in
ModulSet.remove p.p_modname deps
let deps_interface i =
let funs = { Obc_mapfold.defaults with
global_funs = { Global_mapfold.defaults with
static_exp_desc = deps_static_exp_desc;
ty = deps_ty };
} in
let (_, deps) = Obc_mapfold.interface funs ModulSet.empty i in
ModulSet.remove i.i_modname deps
(** Creates a new for loop. Expects the size of the iteration
@ -238,6 +252,13 @@ let program_classes p =
List.fold_right add_class p.p_desc []
let interface_types i =
let add_type id acc = match id with
| Itypedef ty -> ty :: acc
| _ -> acc
List.fold_right add_type i.i_desc []
let rec ext_value_of_pattern patt =
let desc = match patt.pat_desc with
| Lvar id -> Wvar id
