Better handling of clocks in memalloc
- We can do a better allocation if we take into account 'when' in extvalues (test/good/memalloc_clocks.ept shows the improvement) - Fixed a bug with memalloc on records: if we translate: o = { a with .f = u } to o = a; o.f = u then we cannot share u and o.f
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 303 additions and 184 deletions
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ let main () =
"-statefuli", Arg.Set stateful_info, doc_stateful_info;
"-fname", Arg.Set full_name, doc_full_name;
"-itfusion", Arg.Set do_iterator_fusion, doc_itfusion;
"-strict_ssa", Arg.Set strict_ssa, doc_strict_ssa;
"-strict_ssa", Arg.Unit set_strict_ssa, doc_strict_ssa;
"-memalloc", Arg.Unit do_mem_alloc_and_typing, doc_memalloc;
"-only-memalloc", Arg.Set do_mem_alloc, doc_memalloc_only;
"-only-linear", Arg.Set do_linear_typing, doc_linear_only;
@ -10,31 +10,6 @@ open Printf
let print_interference_graphs = false
let verbose_mode = false
let print_debug0 s =
if verbose_mode then
Format.printf s
let print_debug1 fmt x =
if verbose_mode then
Format.printf fmt x
let print_debug2 fmt x y =
if verbose_mode then
Format.printf fmt x y
let print_debug_ivar_env name env =
if verbose_mode then (
Format.printf "%s: " name;
IvarEnv.iter (fun k v -> Format.printf "%s : %d; " (ivar_to_string k) v) env;
Format.printf "@."
let print_debug_ivar_set name env =
if verbose_mode then (
Format.printf "%s: " name;
IvarSet.iter (fun k -> Format.printf "%s; " (ivar_to_string k) ) env;
Format.printf "@."
module TyEnv =
@ -42,6 +17,37 @@ module TyEnv =
let compare = Global_compare.type_compare
module VarEnv = struct
include Idents.Env
let add_ivar env iv =
let x = var_ident_of_ivar iv in
if mem x env then
add x (IvarSet.add iv (find x env)) env
add x (IvarSet.singleton iv) env
let print_debug fmt =
if verbose_mode then
Format.printf fmt
Format.ifprintf Format.std_formatter fmt
let print_debug_ivar_env name env =
if verbose_mode then (
Format.printf "%s: " name;
IvarEnv.iter (fun k v -> Format.printf "%a : %d; " print_ivar k v) env;
Format.printf "@."
let print_debug_var_env name env =
if verbose_mode then (
Format.printf "%s: " name;
VarEnv.iter (fun _ l -> IvarSet.iter (fun k -> Format.printf "%a; " print_ivar k) l) env;
Format.printf "@."
(** @return whether [ty] corresponds to a record type. *)
let is_record_type ty = match Modules.unalias_type ty with
| Tid n ->
@ -70,7 +76,7 @@ module InterfRead = struct
exception Const_extvalue
let rec vars_ck acc = function
| Con(ck2, _, n) -> IvarSet.add (Ivar n) (vars_ck acc ck2)
| Con(ck2, _, n) -> (Ivar n)::(vars_ck acc ck2)
| Cbase | Cvar { contents = Cindex _ } -> acc
| Cvar { contents = Clink ck } -> vars_ck acc ck
@ -78,10 +84,10 @@ module InterfRead = struct
| Ck ck -> vars_ck acc ck
| Cprod ct_list -> List.fold_left vars_ct acc ct_list
let rec ivar_of_extvalue w = match w.w_desc with
let rec ivar_of_extvalue w' = match w'.w_desc with
| Wvar x -> Ivar x
| Wfield(w, f) -> Ifield (ivar_of_extvalue w, f)
| Wwhen(w, _, _) -> ivar_of_extvalue w
| Wwhen(w, _, _) -> Iwhen (ivar_of_extvalue w, w'.w_ck)
| Wconst _ -> raise Const_extvalue
| Wreinit (_, w) -> ivar_of_extvalue w
@ -100,10 +106,10 @@ module InterfRead = struct
let read_extvalue funs acc w =
(* recursive call *)
let _, acc = Mls_mapfold.extvalue funs acc w in
(*let _, acc = Mls_mapfold.extvalue funs acc w in*)
let acc =
IvarSet.add (ivar_of_extvalue w) acc
(ivar_of_extvalue w)::acc
| Const_extvalue -> acc
@ -115,17 +121,19 @@ module InterfRead = struct
(* special cases *)
let acc = match e.e_desc with
| Emerge(x,_) | Eapp(_, _, Some x)
| Eiterator (_, _, _, _, _, Some x) -> IvarSet.add (Ivar x) acc
| Eiterator (_, _, _, _, _, Some x) -> (Ivar x)::acc
| _ -> acc
e, acc
let rec vars_pat acc = function
| Evarpat x -> IvarSet.add (Ivar x) acc
| Evarpat x -> x::acc
| Etuplepat pat_list -> List.fold_left vars_pat acc pat_list
let def eq =
vars_pat IvarSet.empty eq.eq_lhs
vars_pat [] eq.eq_lhs
let def_ivars eq =
|||| (fun x -> Ivar x) (def eq)
let rec nth_var_from_pat j pat =
match j, pat with
@ -137,7 +145,7 @@ module InterfRead = struct
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with
Mls_mapfold.exp = read_exp;
Mls_mapfold.extvalue = read_extvalue } in
let _, acc = Mls_mapfold.exp_it funs IvarSet.empty e in
let _, acc = Mls_mapfold.exp_it funs [] e in
let read eq =
@ -147,7 +155,7 @@ end
module World = struct
let vds = ref Env.empty
let memories = ref IvarSet.empty
let memories = ref IdentSet.empty
let igs = ref []
let init f =
@ -161,14 +169,15 @@ module World = struct
let env =
match f.n_contract with
None -> env
| Some c ->
| Some c ->
let env = build env c.c_local in
build env c.c_controllables in
igs := [];
vds := env;
(* build the set of memories *)
(* build the set of memories *)
let mems = Mls_utils.node_memory_vars f in
memories := List.fold_left (fun s (x, _) -> IvarSet.add (Ivar x) s) IvarSet.empty mems
let s = List.fold_left (fun s (x, _) -> IdentSet.add x s) IdentSet.empty mems in
memories := s
let vd_from_ident x =
try Env.find x !vds
@ -184,6 +193,13 @@ module World = struct
let n = Modules.find_field f in
let fields = Modules.find_struct n in
Signature.field_assoc f fields
| Iwhen (iv, _) -> ivar_type iv
let ivar_clock iv = match iv with
| Iwhen (_, ck) -> ck
| _ ->
let vd = vd_from_ident (var_ident_of_ivar iv) in
let is_optimized_ty ty =
(!Compiler_options.interf_all (* && not (is_enum ty)) *) ) || is_array_or_struct ty
@ -192,19 +208,19 @@ module World = struct
is_optimized_ty (ivar_type iv)
let is_memory x =
IvarSet.mem (Ivar x) !memories
IdentSet.mem x !memories
let node_for_ivar iv =
let rec _node_for_ivar igs iv =
match igs with
| [] -> print_debug1 "Var not in graph: %s@." (ivar_to_string iv); raise Not_found
| [] -> print_debug "Var not in graph: %a@." print_ivar iv; raise Not_found
| ig::igs ->
ig, node_for_value ig iv
with Not_found ->
_node_for_ivar igs iv)
_node_for_ivar !igs iv
_node_for_ivar !igs (remove_iwhen iv)
let node_for_name x =
node_for_ivar (Ivar x)
@ -243,6 +259,7 @@ let add_same_value_link_from_ivar = by_ivar () add_affinity_link
let coalesce_from_name = by_name () coalesce
let coalesce_from_ivar = by_ivar () coalesce
let have_same_value_from_name = by_name false have_same_value
let have_same_value_from_ivar = by_ivar false have_same_value
let remove_from_ivar iv =
@ -252,87 +269,70 @@ let remove_from_ivar iv =
| Not_found -> (* var not in graph, just ignore it *) ()
(** Adds all the fields of a variable to the set [s] (when it corresponds to a record). *)
let rec all_ivars s iv ty =
let s = if World.is_optimized_ty ty then IvarSet.add iv s else s in
match Modules.unalias_type ty with
| Tid n ->
let fields = Modules.find_struct n in
List.fold_left (fun s { f_name = n; f_type = ty } ->
all_ivars s (Ifield(iv, n)) ty) s fields
Not_found -> s
| _ -> s
(** Adds all the fields of a variable to the list [l] (when it corresponds to a record). *)
let rec all_ivars l iv ck ty =
if not (World.is_optimized_ty ty) then
else (
let iv' = match ck with None -> iv | Some ck -> Iwhen(iv, ck) in
let l = iv'::l in
match Modules.unalias_type ty with
| Tid n ->
let fields = Modules.find_struct n in
List.fold_left (all_ivars_field iv ck) l fields
Not_found -> l
| _ -> l
let all_ivars_set ivs =
IvarSet.fold (fun iv s -> all_ivars s iv (World.ivar_type iv)) ivs IvarSet.empty
and all_ivars_field iv ck l { f_name = n; f_type = ty } =
let new_iv = match ck with
| None -> Ifield(iv, n)
| Some ck -> Iwhen (Ifield(iv, n), ck)
all_ivars l new_iv ck ty
(** Returns a map giving the number of uses of each ivar in the equations [eqs]. *)
let compute_uses eqs =
let aux env eq =
let incr_uses iv env =
if IvarEnv.mem iv env then
IvarEnv.add iv ((IvarEnv.find iv env) + 1) env
IvarEnv.add iv 1 env
let all_ivars_list ivs =
let add_one acc iv =
let ck = match iv with
| Iwhen (_, ck) -> Some ck
| _ -> None
let ivars = all_ivars_set ( eq) in
IvarSet.fold incr_uses ivars env
let iv = remove_iwhen iv in
all_ivars acc iv ck (World.ivar_type iv)
List.fold_left aux IvarEnv.empty eqs
List.fold_left add_one [] ivs
let number_uses iv uses =
IvarEnv.find iv uses
| Not_found ->
(* add one use for memories without any use to make sure they interfere
with other memories and outputs. *)
(match iv with
| Ivar x when World.is_memory x -> 1
| _ -> 0)
let add_uses uses iv env =
let ivars = all_ivars IvarSet.empty iv (World.ivar_type iv) in
IvarSet.fold (fun iv env -> IvarEnv.add iv (number_uses iv uses) env) ivars env
let decr_uses iv env =
IvarEnv.add iv ((IvarEnv.find iv env) - 1) env
| Not_found ->
print_debug1 "Cannot decrease; var not found : %s@." (ivar_to_string iv); assert false
(** TODO: compute correct live range for variables wit no use ?*)
(* TODO: variables with no use ?? *)
let compute_live_vars eqs =
let uses = compute_uses eqs in
print_debug_ivar_env "Uses" uses;
let aux (env,res) eq =
let alive_vars = IvarEnv.fold (fun iv n acc -> if n > 0 then iv::acc else acc) env [] in
print_debug1 "Alive vars : %s@." (String.concat " " ( ivar_to_string alive_vars));
let read_ivars = all_ivars_set ( eq) in
let env = IvarSet.fold decr_uses read_ivars env in
let res = (eq, alive_vars)::res in
let env = IvarSet.fold (add_uses uses) (InterfRead.def eq) env in
print_debug_ivar_env "Remaining uses" env;
env, res
let aux (alive_vars, res) eq =
let read_ivars = all_ivars_list ( eq) in
let def_ivars = InterfRead.def eq in
(* add vars used in the equation *)
let alive_vars = List.fold_left VarEnv.add_ivar alive_vars read_ivars in
(* remove vars defined in this equation *)
let alive_vars =
List.fold_left (fun alive_vars id -> VarEnv.remove id alive_vars) alive_vars def_ivars
print_debug "%a@," Mls_printer.print_eq eq;
print_debug_var_env "alive" alive_vars;
let alive_vars_list = VarEnv.fold (fun _ ivs acc -> (IvarSet.elements ivs)@acc) alive_vars [] in
let res = (eq, alive_vars_list)::res in
alive_vars, res
let env = IvarSet.fold (add_uses uses) !World.memories IvarEnv.empty in
let _, res = List.fold_left aux (env, []) eqs in
let _, res = List.fold_left aux (VarEnv.empty, []) (List.rev eqs) in
let rec disjoint_clock is_mem ck1 ck2 =
let rec disjoint_clock ck1 ck2 =
match Clocks.ck_repr ck1, Clocks.ck_repr ck2 with
| Cbase, Cbase -> false
| Con(ck1, c1, n1), Con(ck2,c2,n2) ->
if ck1 = ck2 & n1 = n2 & c1 <> c2 & not is_mem then
if ck1 = ck2 & n1 = n2 & c1 <> c2 then
disjoint_clock is_mem ck1 ck2
disjoint_clock ck1 ck2
(*let separated_by_reset =
(match x_is_mem, y_is_mem with
| true, true -> are_separated_by_reset c1 c2
@ -341,29 +341,41 @@ let rec disjoint_clock is_mem ck1 ck2 =
(** [should_interfere x y] returns whether variables x and y
can interfere. *)
let should_interfere (x, y) =
let vdx = World.vd_from_ident x in
let vdy = World.vd_from_ident y in
if Global_compare.type_compare vdx.v_type vdy.v_type <> 0 then
let should_interfere (ivx, ivy) =
let tyx = World.ivar_type ivx in
let tyy = World.ivar_type ivy in
if Global_compare.type_compare tyx tyy <> 0 then
else (
let x_is_mem = World.is_memory x in
let y_is_mem = World.is_memory y in
let are_copies = have_same_value_from_name x y in
let disjoint_clocks = disjoint_clock (x_is_mem || y_is_mem) vdx.v_clock vdy.v_clock in
let x_is_mem = World.is_memory (var_ident_of_ivar ivx) in
let x_is_when = is_when_ivar ivx in
let y_is_mem = World.is_memory (var_ident_of_ivar ivy) in
let y_is_when = is_when_ivar ivy in
let ckx = World.ivar_clock ivx in
let cky = World.ivar_clock ivy in
let are_copies = have_same_value_from_ivar ivx ivy in
(* a register with a slow clock is still alive even when it is not activated.
However, if we read a fast register on a slow rhythm,
we can share it with other variables on disjoint slow rhythms as we know
that the value of the register will
be done at the end of the step. *)
let disjoint_clocks =
not ((x_is_mem && not x_is_when) || (y_is_mem && not y_is_when)) && disjoint_clock ckx cky
not (disjoint_clocks or are_copies)
let should_interfere = Misc.memoize_couple should_interfere
(** Builds the (empty) interference graphs corresponding to the
variable declaration list vds. It just creates one graph per type
and one node per declaration. *)
let init_interference_graph () =
(** Adds a node for the variable and all fields of a variable. *)
let rec add_ivar env iv ty =
let ivars = all_ivars IvarSet.empty iv ty in
IvarSet.fold (fun iv env -> TyEnv.add_element (World.ivar_type iv) (mk_node iv) env) ivars env
let ivars = all_ivars [] iv None ty in
List.fold_left (fun env iv -> TyEnv.add_element (World.ivar_type iv) (mk_node iv) env) env ivars
let env = Env.fold
(fun _ vd env -> add_ivar env (Ivar vd.v_ident) vd.v_type) !World.vds TyEnv.empty in
@ -375,12 +387,9 @@ let init_interference_graph () =
whatever the variables are, without checking if interference
is real. *)
let rec add_interferences_from_list force vars =
let add_interference x y =
match x, y with
| Ivar x, Ivar y ->
if force or should_interfere (x, y) then
add_interference_link_from_ivar (Ivar x) (Ivar y)
| _, _ -> add_interference_link_from_ivar x y
let add_interference ivx ivy =
if force or should_interfere (ivx, ivy) then
add_interference_link_from_ivar ivx ivy
Misc.iter_couple add_interference vars
@ -393,24 +402,24 @@ let add_interferences live_vars =
(** Spill non linear inputs. *)
let spill_inputs f =
let spilled_inp = List.filter (fun vd -> not (is_linear vd.v_linearity)) f.n_input in
let spilled_inp = List.fold_left
(fun s vd -> IvarSet.add (Ivar vd.v_ident) s) IvarSet.empty spilled_inp in
let spilled_inp = all_ivars_set spilled_inp in
IvarSet.iter remove_from_ivar spilled_inp
let spilled_inp = (fun vd -> Ivar vd.v_ident) spilled_inp in
let spilled_inp = all_ivars_list spilled_inp in
List.iter remove_from_ivar spilled_inp
(** If we optimize all types, we need to spill outputs and memories so
that register allocation by the C compiler is not disturbed. *)
let spill_mems_outputs f =
let add_output s vd =
if not (is_array_or_struct vd.v_type) then IvarSet.add (Ivar vd.v_ident) s else s
let add_output l vd =
if not (is_array_or_struct vd.v_type) then (Ivar vd.v_ident)::l else l
let add_memory iv s =
if not (is_array_or_struct (World.ivar_type iv)) then IvarSet.add iv s else s
let add_memory x l =
let iv = Ivar x in
if not (is_array_or_struct (World.ivar_type iv)) then iv::l else l
let spilled_vars = List.fold_left add_output IvarSet.empty f.n_output in
let spilled_vars = IvarSet.fold add_memory !World.memories spilled_vars in
let spilled_vars = all_ivars_set spilled_vars in
IvarSet.iter remove_from_ivar spilled_vars
let spilled_vars = List.fold_left add_output [] f.n_output in
let spilled_vars = IdentSet.fold add_memory !World.memories spilled_vars in
let spilled_vars = all_ivars_list spilled_vars in
List.iter remove_from_ivar spilled_vars
(** [filter_vars l] returns a list of variables whose fields appear in
a list of ivar.*)
@ -479,7 +488,7 @@ let process_eq ({ eq_lhs = pat; eq_rhs = e } as eq) =
| _, Eiterator((Imap|Imapi), { a_op = Enode _ | Efun _ }, _, pw_list, w_list, _) ->
let invars = InterfRead.ivars_of_extvalues w_list in
let pinvars = InterfRead.ivars_of_extvalues pw_list in
let outvars = IvarSet.elements (InterfRead.def eq) in
let outvars = InterfRead.def_ivars eq in
(* because of the encoding of the fold, the outputs are written before
the partially applied inputs are read so they must interfere *)
List.iter (fun inv -> List.iter (add_interference_link_from_ivar inv) outvars) pinvars;
@ -516,10 +525,27 @@ let process_eq ({ eq_lhs = pat; eq_rhs = e } as eq) =
add_affinity_link_from_ivar (InterfRead.ivar_of_extvalue w) (Ivar x)
| InterfRead.Const_extvalue -> ())
| Evarpat x, Eapp({ a_op = Eupdate | Efield_update }, args, _) ->
let w, _ = Misc.assert_1min args in
| Evarpat x, Eapp({ a_op = Eupdate }, args, _) ->
let w, _ = Misc.assert_1min args in
add_affinity_link_from_ivar (InterfRead.ivar_of_extvalue w) (Ivar x)
add_affinity_link_from_ivar (InterfRead.ivar_of_extvalue w) (Ivar x)
| InterfRead.Const_extvalue -> ())
| Evarpat x, Eapp({ a_op = Efield_update }, args, _) ->
let w1, w2 = Misc.assert_2 args in
(* if we generate code for o = { a with .f = b } that is:
o=a; o.f = b
then we need to make sure that b interferes with all fields of o *)
if !Compiler_options.memcpy_array_and_struct then
let all_iv = all_ivars [] (Ivar x) None w1.w_ty in
let iv2 = InterfRead.ivar_of_extvalue w2 in
List.iter (add_interference_link_from_ivar iv2) all_iv;
| InterfRead.Const_extvalue -> ());
let iv1 = InterfRead.ivar_of_extvalue w1 in
add_affinity_link_from_ivar iv1 (Ivar x)
| InterfRead.Const_extvalue -> ())
| Evarpat x, Eextvalue w ->
@ -533,12 +559,26 @@ let process_eq ({ eq_lhs = pat; eq_rhs = e } as eq) =
(** Add the special init and return equations to the dependency graph
(resp at the bottom and top) *)
let add_init_return_eq f =
let pat_from_dec_list decs =
Etuplepat ( (fun vd -> Evarpat vd.v_ident) decs)
let tuple_from_dec_and_mem_list decs =
let exp_of_vd vd =
mk_extvalue ~clock:vd.v_clock ~ty:vd.v_type ~linearity:vd.v_linearity (Wvar vd.v_ident)
let exp_of_mem x = exp_of_vd (World.vd_from_ident x) in
let decs = exp_of_vd decs in
let mems = IdentSet.fold (fun iv acc -> (exp_of_mem iv)::acc) !World.memories [] in
Eapp(mk_app Earray, decs@mems, None)
(** a_1,..,a_p = __init__ *)
let eq_init = mk_equation false (Mls_utils.pat_from_dec_list f.n_input)
let eq_init = mk_equation false (pat_from_dec_list f.n_input)
(mk_extvalue_exp Cbase Initial.tint Ltop (Wconst (Initial.mk_static_int 0))) in
(** __return__ = o_1,..,o_q *)
(** __return__ = o_1,..,o_q, mem_1, ..., mem_k *)
let eq_return = mk_equation false (Etuplepat [])
(mk_exp Cbase Tinvalid Ltop (Mls_utils.tuple_from_dec_list f.n_output)) in
(mk_exp Cbase Tinvalid Ltop (tuple_from_dec_and_mem_list f.n_output)) in
@ -65,15 +65,6 @@ let is_record_type ty = match ty with
let is_op = function
| { qual = Pervasives; name = _ } -> true | _ -> false
let pat_from_dec_list decs =
Etuplepat ( (fun vd -> Evarpat vd.v_ident) decs)
let tuple_from_dec_list decs =
let aux vd =
mk_extvalue ~clock:vd.v_clock ~ty:vd.v_type ~linearity:vd.v_linearity (Wvar vd.v_ident)
Eapp(mk_app Earray, aux decs, None)
module Vars =
let add x acc = if List.mem x acc then acc else x :: acc
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ open Minils
open Mls_utils
open Misc
open Sgraph
open Interference
open Interference_graph
(** In order to put together equations with the same control structure, we have to take into
account merge equations, that will to be translated to two instructions on slow clocks
@ -14,13 +16,44 @@ let control_ck eq =
| Emerge (_, (_, w)::_) -> w.w_ck
| _ -> Mls_utils.Vars.clock eq
(** Returns a map giving the number of uses of each ivar in the equations [eqs]. *)
let compute_uses eqs =
let aux env eq =
let incr_uses env iv =
if IvarEnv.mem iv env then
IvarEnv.add iv ((IvarEnv.find iv env) + 1) env
IvarEnv.add iv 1 env
let ivars = all_ivars_list ( eq) in
List.fold_left incr_uses env ivars
List.fold_left aux IvarEnv.empty eqs
let number_uses iv uses =
IvarEnv.find iv uses
| Not_found ->
(* add one use for memories without any use to make sure they interfere
with other memories and outputs. *)
(match iv with
| Ivar x when World.is_memory x -> 1
| _ -> 0)
let add_uses uses env iv =
let ivars = all_ivars [] iv None (World.ivar_type iv) in
List.fold_left (fun env iv -> IvarEnv.add iv (number_uses iv uses) env) env ivars
let decr_uses env iv =
IvarEnv.add iv ((IvarEnv.find iv env) - 1) env
| Not_found ->
print_debug "Cannot decrease; var not found : %a@." print_ivar iv; assert false
module Cost =
open Interference_graph
open Interference
(** Remove from the elements the elements whose value is zero or negative. *)
let remove_null m =
let check_not_null k d m =
@ -31,38 +64,40 @@ struct
(** Returns the list of variables killed by an equation (ie vars
used by the equation and with use count equal to 1). *)
let killed_vars eq env =
let is_killed iv acc =
let is_killed acc iv =
if IvarEnv.find iv env = 1 then acc + 1 else acc
| Not_found ->
Format.printf "Var not found in kill_vars %s@." (ivar_to_string iv); assert false
Format.printf "Var not found in kill_vars %a@." print_ivar iv; assert false
IvarSet.fold is_killed (all_ivars_set ( eq)) 0
let used_ivars = remove_iwhen (all_ivars_list ( eq)) in
List.fold_left is_killed 0 used_ivars
(** Initialize the costs data structure. *)
let init_cost uses inputs =
let env = IvarSet.fold (add_uses uses) !World.memories IvarEnv.empty in
let env = IdentSet.fold (fun x env -> add_uses uses env (Ivar x)) !World.memories IvarEnv.empty in
let inputs = (fun vd -> Ivar vd.v_ident) inputs in
List.fold_left (fun env iv -> add_uses uses iv env) env inputs
List.fold_left (add_uses uses) env inputs
(** [update_cost eq uses env] updates the costs data structure
after eq has been chosen as the next equation to be scheduled.
It updates uses and adds the new variables defined by this equation.
let update_cost eq uses env =
let env = IvarSet.fold decr_uses (all_ivars_set ( eq)) env in
IvarSet.fold (add_uses uses) (InterfRead.def eq) env
let used_ivars = remove_iwhen (all_ivars_list ( eq)) in
let env = List.fold_left decr_uses env used_ivars in
List.fold_left (add_uses uses) env (InterfRead.def_ivars eq)
(** Returns the next equation, chosen from the list of equations rem_eqs *)
let next_equation rem_eqs ck env =
let bonus eq = match eq.eq_rhs.e_desc with
| Eapp ({a_op = (Eupdate _ | Efield_update _) },_,_) -> 1
| Eapp ({a_op = (Eupdate | Efield_update) },_,_) -> 1
| _ -> 0
let cost eq =
let nb_killed_vars = killed_vars eq env in
let nb_def_vars = IvarSet.cardinal (all_ivars_set (InterfRead.def eq)) in
let nb_def_vars = List.length (all_ivars_list (InterfRead.def_ivars eq)) in
let b = bonus eq in
if verbose_mode then
Format.eprintf "(%d,%d,%d)%a@." nb_killed_vars nb_def_vars b Mls_printer.print_eq eq;
@ -114,7 +149,7 @@ let remove_eq eq node_list =
(** Main function to schedule a node. *)
let schedule eq_list inputs node_list =
let uses = Interference.compute_uses eq_list in
let uses = compute_uses eq_list in
Interference.print_debug_ivar_env "uses" uses;
let rec schedule_aux rem_eqs sched_eqs node_list ck costs =
match rem_eqs with
@ -140,7 +175,7 @@ let schedule eq_list inputs node_list =
let schedule_contract contract c_inputs =
match contract with
None -> None, []
| Some c ->
| Some c ->
let node_list, _ = c.c_eq in
(Some { c with c_eq = schedule c.c_eq c_inputs node_list; }),
@ -150,7 +185,7 @@ let node _ () f =
let contract,controllables = schedule_contract f.n_contract (f.n_input@f.n_output) in
let node_list, _ = f.n_equs in
(* Controllable variables are considered as inputs *)
let f = { f with
let f = { f with
n_equs = schedule f.n_equs (f.n_input@controllables) node_list;
n_contract = contract } in
f, ()
@ -34,11 +34,13 @@ let rec repr_from_ivar env iv =
let ty = Tid (Modules.find_field f) in
let lhs = mk_pattern ty (repr_from_ivar env iv) in
Lfield(lhs, f)
| Iwhen _ -> assert false
let rec choose_record_field env l = match l with
| [iv] -> repr_from_ivar env iv
| (Ivar _)::l -> choose_record_field env l
| (Ifield(iv,f))::_ -> repr_from_ivar env (Ifield(iv,f))
| (Iwhen _ )::_ -> assert false
| [] -> assert false
(** Chooses from a list of vars (with the same color in the interference graph)
@ -56,14 +58,10 @@ let choose_representative m inputs outputs mems ty vars =
| [], [Ivar vout], [] -> Lvar vout
| [Ivar vin], [Ivar _], [] -> Lvar vin
| _, _, _ ->
Interference.print_debug0 "@.Something is wrong with the coloring : ";
Interference.print_debug1 "%s@." (String.concat " " ( ivar_to_string vars));
Interference.print_debug0 "\tInputs : ";
Interference.print_debug1 "%s@." (String.concat " " ( ivar_to_string inputs));
Interference.print_debug0 "\tOutputs : ";
Interference.print_debug1 "%s@." (String.concat " " ( ivar_to_string outputs));
Interference.print_debug0 "\tMem : ";
Interference.print_debug1 "%s@." (String.concat " " ( ivar_to_string mems));
Interference.print_debug "@.Something is wrong with the coloring : %a@." print_ivar_list vars;
Interference.print_debug "\tInputs : %a@." print_ivar_list inputs;
Interference.print_debug "\tOutputs : %a@." print_ivar_list outputs;
Interference.print_debug "\tMem : %a@." print_ivar_list mems;
assert false (*something went wrong in the coloring*)
mk_pattern ty desc
@ -116,6 +116,13 @@ let do_mem_alloc_and_typing () =
let use_old_scheduler = ref false
let strict_ssa = ref false
(* if this option is on, generate code that first copies the whole array and then modifies one element.
Otherwise, generate two loops so that each element in the array is only assigned once. *)
let memcpy_array_and_struct = ref true
let set_strict_ssa () =
strict_ssa := true;
memcpy_array_and_struct := false
let unroll_loops = ref false
@ -25,11 +25,13 @@ module DotG = struct
match iv with
| Ivar id -> id
| Ifield(ivar, f) -> (ivar_name ivar)^"_"^(Names.shortname f)
| Iwhen _ -> assert false
Misc.sanitize_string (ivar_name (List.hd !(V.label v)))
let vertex_attributes v =
let s = String.concat ", " ( (fun iv -> ivar_to_string iv) !(V.label v)) in
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "%a" print_ivar_list !(V.label v);
let s = Format.flush_str_formatter () in
[`Label s; `Color (color_to_graphviz_color (Mark.get v))]
let edge_attributes e =
@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
open Format
open Pp_tools
open Global_printer
open Graph
type ilink =
@ -8,22 +11,59 @@ type ilink =
type ivar =
| Ivar of Idents.var_ident
| Ifield of ivar * Names.field_name
| Iwhen of ivar *
let rec ivar_compare iv1 iv2 = match iv1, iv2 with
| Ivar x1, Ivar x2 -> Idents.ident_compare x1 x2
| Iwhen (iiv1, ck1), Iwhen (iiv2, ck2) ->
let cr = Global_compare.clock_compare ck1 ck2 in
if cr <> 0 then cr else ivar_compare iiv1 iiv2
| Ifield (iiv1, f1), Ifield (iiv2, f2) ->
let cr = f1 f2 in
if cr <> 0 then cr else ivar_compare iiv1 iiv2
| Ivar _, _ -> 1
| Iwhen _, Ivar _ -> -1
| Iwhen _, _ -> 1
| Ifield _, _ -> -1
module IvarEnv =
Map.Make (struct
type t = ivar
let compare = compare
let compare = ivar_compare
module IvarSet =
Set.Make (struct
type t = ivar
let compare = compare
let compare = ivar_compare
let rec ivar_to_string = function
| Ivar n -> n
| Ifield(iv,f) -> (ivar_to_string iv)^"."^(Names.shortname f)
let rec print_ivar ff iv = match iv with
| Ivar n -> print_ident ff n
| Ifield(iv,f) -> fprintf ff "%a.%a" print_ivar iv print_qualname f
| Iwhen(iv, ck) -> fprintf ff "%a::%a" print_ivar iv print_ck ck
let print_ivar_list ff l =
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@]" (print_list_r print_ivar "("","")") l
let rec var_ident_of_ivar iv = match iv with
| Iwhen (iv, _) -> var_ident_of_ivar iv
| Ifield (iv, _) -> var_ident_of_ivar iv
| Ivar x -> x
let rec remove_iwhen iv = match iv with
| Iwhen (iv, _) -> remove_iwhen iv
| Ifield (iv, f) -> Ifield (remove_iwhen iv, f)
| _ -> iv
let remove_inner_iwhen iv = match iv with
| Iwhen (iv, ck) -> Iwhen (remove_iwhen iv, ck)
| _ -> remove_iwhen iv
let is_when_ivar iv = match iv with
| Iwhen _ -> true
| _ -> false
module VertexValue = struct
type t = ivar list ref
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
node f(c:bool) = (o:int)
var last t:int^100 = 1^100;
t = merge c ((last t) when c) ([((last t) whenot c) with [0] = 0]);
o = t[0];
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