Fixed Tomato: did not reconstruct internal clocks of extvalues
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 55 additions and 32 deletions
@ -165,7 +165,10 @@ module World = struct
memories := List.fold_left (fun s (x, _) -> IvarSet.add (Ivar x) s) IvarSet.empty mems
let vd_from_ident x =
Env.find x !vds
try Env.find x !vds
with Not_found ->
Format.eprintf "Unknown variable %a@." print_ident x;
Misc.internal_error "interference"
let rec ivar_type iv = match iv with
| Ivar x ->
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ struct
er_pattern : pat;
er_head : exp;
er_children : class_ref list;
er_add_when : exp -> exp;
er_add_when : (exp -> exp) -> exp -> exp;
er_when_count : int;
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ struct
let print_class_ref fmt cr = match cr with
| Cr_plain id -> print_ident fmt id
| Cr_input w -> print_extvalue fmt w
| Cr_input w -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a (input)" print_extvalue w
let debug_tenv fmt tenv =
let debug pat repr =
@ -185,13 +185,14 @@ let rec add_equation is_input (tenv : tom_env) eq =
let class_id_list, w = extvalue is_input w class_id_list in
class_id_list, (cn, w) in
let id x = x in
let id _ x = x in
let ed, add_when, when_count, class_id_list =
let rec decompose e = match e.e_desc with
let rec decompose e =
match e.e_desc with
| Eextvalue w ->
let class_id_list, w = extvalue is_input w [] in
Eextvalue w, id, 0, class_id_list
Eextvalue w, (id : (exp -> exp) -> exp -> exp), 0, class_id_list
| Eapp (app, w_list, rst) ->
let class_id_list, w_list = mapfold_right (extvalue is_input) w_list [] in
@ -210,7 +211,7 @@ let rec add_equation is_input (tenv : tom_env) eq =
| Ewhen (e', cn, x) ->
let ed, add_when, when_count, class_id_list = decompose e' in
ed, (fun e' -> { e with e_desc = Ewhen (add_when e', cn, x) }), when_count + 1,
ed, (fun f e' -> f { e with e_desc = Ewhen (add_when f e', cn, x) }), when_count + 1,
class_ref_of_var is_input
(mk_extvalue ~clock:(Clocks.first_ck e'.e_ct) ~ty:Initial.tbool
~linearity:Linearity.Ltop (Wvar x)) x
@ -307,7 +308,8 @@ let new_name mapping x =
let Info x' = Env.find x mapping in
with Not_found -> x
with Not_found ->
(* Takes a tomato env and returns a renaming environment *)
let construct_mapping (_, cenv) =
@ -369,9 +371,18 @@ let rec reconstruct ((tenv, cenv) as env) mapping =
reconstruct_clock mapping repr.er_head.e_level_ck in (* not strictly needed, done for
consistency reasons *)
let ct = reconstruct_clock_type mapping repr.er_head.e_ct in
{ repr.er_head with e_desc = ed; e_level_ck = level_ck; e_ct = ct; } in
let e = repr.er_add_when e in
{ repr.er_head with e_desc = ed; e_level_ck = level_ck; e_ct = ct; }
let e =
let reconstruct_exp e =
{ e with
e_level_ck = reconstruct_clock mapping e.e_level_ck;
e_ct = reconstruct_clock_type mapping e.e_ct; }
repr.er_add_when reconstruct_exp e
let pat = reconstruct_pattern mapping repr.er_pattern in
@ -420,31 +431,34 @@ and reconstruct_exp_desc mapping headd children =
Eiterator (it, app, sel, partial_w_list, w_list, rst)
and reconstruct_extvalues mapping w_list children =
let rec reconstruct_extvalue w (children : class_ref list) = match w.w_desc with
| Wconst _ -> w, children
| Wvar _ ->
let w = { w with w_desc = Wvar (reconstruct_class_ref mapping (List.hd children)); } in
w, children
| Wwhen (w', cn, _) ->
let w_x = reconstruct_class_ref mapping (List.hd children) in
let w', children = reconstruct_extvalue w' ( children) in
{ w with w_desc = Wwhen (w', cn, w_x) }, children
| Wfield (w', fn) ->
let w', children = reconstruct_extvalue w' children in
{ w with w_desc = Wfield (w', fn); }, children
| Wreinit (w1, w2) ->
let w1, children = reconstruct_extvalue w1 children in
let w2, children = reconstruct_extvalue w2 children in
{ w with w_desc = Wreinit (w1, w2); }, children
let rec reconstruct_extvalue w (children : class_ref list) =
let w, children =
match w.w_desc with
| Wconst _ -> w, children
| Wvar _ ->
let w = { w with w_desc = Wvar (reconstruct_class_ref mapping (List.hd children)); } in
w, children
| Wwhen (w', cn, _) ->
let w_x = reconstruct_class_ref mapping (List.hd children) in
let w', children = reconstruct_extvalue w' ( children) in
{ w with w_desc = Wwhen (w', cn, w_x) }, children
| Wfield (w', fn) ->
let w', children = reconstruct_extvalue w' children in
{ w with w_desc = Wfield (w', fn); }, children
| Wreinit (w1, w2) ->
let w1, children = reconstruct_extvalue w1 children in
let w2, children = reconstruct_extvalue w2 children in
{ w with w_desc = Wreinit (w1, w2); }, children
{ w with w_ck = reconstruct_clock mapping w.w_ck }, children
let consume w (children, result_w_list) =
let w, children = reconstruct_extvalue w children in
let w = { w with w_ck = reconstruct_clock mapping w.w_ck } in
children, w :: result_w_list
let (children, w_list) = List.fold_right consume w_list (List.rev children, []) in
let (_, w_list) = List.fold_right consume w_list (List.rev children, []) in
(* and extract_name w = match w.w_desc with *)
@ -104,10 +104,13 @@ let rec split_at n l = match n, l with
let l1, l2 = split_at (n-1) l in
x::l1, l2
let rec take n l = match n, l with
| 0, l -> []
| n, h :: t -> take (n - 1) t
| _ -> invalid_arg "take: list is too short"
let take n l =
let (l, _) = split_at n l in
let drop n l =
let (_, l) = split_at n l in
let rec nth_of_list n l = match n, l with
| 1, h::t -> h
@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ val split_at : int -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
(** [take n l] returns the [n] first elements of the list [l] *)
val take : int -> 'a list -> 'a list
(** [drop n l] removes the [n] first elements of the list [l] *)
val drop : int -> 'a list -> 'a list
(** [nth_of_list n l] @return the [n] element of the list [l] (1 is the first)
@raise List_too_short exception if the list is too short.*)
val nth_of_list : int -> 'a list -> 'a
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