Merge branch 'memalloc' into decade
Conflicts: compiler/global/ compiler/heptagon/analysis/ compiler/heptagon/ compiler/heptagon/ compiler/heptagon/ compiler/heptagon/parsing/hept_parser.mly compiler/heptagon/parsing/ compiler/heptagon/parsing/ compiler/heptagon/transformations/ compiler/main/ compiler/minils/ compiler/minils/ compiler/obc/c/ compiler/obc/ compiler/utilities/misc.mli
This commit is contained in:
62 changed files with 2879 additions and 137 deletions
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
<>: camlp4of, use_camlp4
<**/>: use_menhirLib
<**/>: use_menhirLib
<**/*.{byte,native}>: use_unix, use_str, link_menhirLib, debug
true: use_menhir
<**/*.{byte,native}>: use_unix, use_str, link_menhirLib, link_graph, debug
true: use_menhir, use_graph
<main/>: use_lablgtk, thread
<main/hepts.{byte,native}>: use_lablgtk, use_lablgtkthread, thread
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
open Format
open Names
open Misc
type linearity_var = name
type init =
| Lno_init
| Linit_var of linearity_var
| Linit_tuple of init list
type linearity =
| Ltop
| Lat of linearity_var
| Lvar of linearity_var (*a linearity var, used in functions sig *)
| Ltuple of linearity list
module LinearitySet = Set.Make(struct
type t = linearity
let compare = compare
module LocationEnv =
type t = linearity_var
let compare = compare
module LocationSet =
type t = linearity_var
let compare = compare
(** Returns a linearity object from a linearity list. *)
let prod = function
| [l] -> l
| l -> Ltuple l
let linearity_list_of_linearity = function
| Ltuple l -> l
| l -> [l]
let flatten_lin_list l =
(fun arg args -> match arg with Ltuple l -> l@args | a -> a::args ) l []
let rec lin_skeleton lin = function
| Types.Tprod l -> Ltuple ( (lin_skeleton lin) l)
| _ -> lin
(** Same as Misc.split_last but on a linearity. *)
let split_last_lin = function
| Ltuple l ->
let l, acc = split_last l in
Ltuple l, acc
| l ->
Ltuple [], l
let rec is_not_linear = function
| Ltop -> true
| Ltuple l -> List.for_all is_not_linear l
| _ -> false
let rec is_linear = function
| Lat _ | Lvar _ -> true
| Ltuple l -> List.exists is_linear l
| _ -> false
let location_name = function
| Lat r | Lvar r -> r
| _ -> assert false
exception UnifyFailed
(** Unifies lin with expected_lin and returns the result
of the unification. Applies subtyping and instantiate linearity vars. *)
let rec unify_lin expected_lin lin =
match expected_lin,lin with
| Ltop, Lat _ -> Ltop
| Ltop, Lvar _ -> Ltop
| Lat r1, Lat r2 when r1 = r2 -> Lat r1
| Ltop, Ltop -> Ltop
| Ltuple l1, Ltuple l2 -> Ltuple (List.map2 unify_lin l1 l2)
| Lvar _, Lat r -> Lat r
| Lat r, Lvar _ -> Lat r
| _, _ -> raise UnifyFailed
let rec lin_to_string = function
| Ltop -> "at T"
| Lat r -> "at "^r
| Lvar r -> "at _"^r
| Ltuple l_list -> String.concat ", " ( lin_to_string l_list)
let print_linearity ff l =
fprintf ff " %s" (lin_to_string l)
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
open Names
open Types
open Location
open Linearity
(** Warning: Whenever these types are modified,
interface_format_version should be incremented. *)
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ type arg = {
a_name : name option;
a_type : ty;
a_clock : ck; (** [a_clock] set to [Cbase] means at the node activation clock *)
a_linearity : linearity;
(** Node static parameters *)
@ -122,7 +124,10 @@ let types_of_arg_list l = (fun ad -> ad.a_type) l
let types_of_param_list l = (fun p -> p.p_type) l
let mk_arg name ty ck = { a_type = ty; a_name = name; a_clock = ck }
let linearities_of_arg_list l = (fun ad -> ad.a_linearity) l
let mk_arg ?(linearity = Ltop) name ty ck =
{ a_type = ty; a_linearity = linearity; a_name = name; a_clock = ck }
let mk_param name ty = { p_name = name; p_type = ty }
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ open Names
open Idents
open Heptagon
open Location
open Graph
open Sgraph
open Format
open Pp_tools
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ type sc =
| Ctuple of sc list
| Cwrite of ident
| Cread of ident
| Clinread of ident
| Clastread of ident
| Cempty
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ type sc =
type ac =
| Awrite of ident
| Aread of ident
| Alinread of ident
| Alastread of ident
| Aseq of ac * ac
| Aand of ac * ac
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@ let output_ac ff ac =
fprintf ff "@[%a@]" (print_list_r (print 1) "(" "," ")") acs
| Awrite(m) -> fprintf ff "%s" (name m)
| Aread(m) -> fprintf ff "^%s" (name m)
| Alinread(m) -> fprintf ff "*%s" (name m)
| Alastread(m) -> fprintf ff "last %s" (name m)
fprintf ff "@[<v 1>%a@]@?" (print 0) ac
@ -131,6 +134,7 @@ and norm = function
| Ctuple l -> ctuple ( norm l)
| Cwrite(n) -> Aac(Awrite(n))
| Cread(n) -> Aac(Aread(n))
| Clinread(n) -> Aac(Alinread(n))
| Clastread(n) -> Aac(Alastread(n))
| _ -> Aempty
@ -139,39 +143,48 @@ let build ac =
(* associate a graph node for each name declaration *)
let nametograph n g n_to_graph = Env.add n g n_to_graph in
let rec associate_node g n_to_graph = function
let rec associate_node g (n_to_graph, lin_map) = function
| Awrite(n) ->
nametograph n g n_to_graph
nametograph n g n_to_graph, lin_map
| Alinread(n) ->
n_to_graph, nametograph n g lin_map
| Atuple l ->
List.fold_left (associate_node g) n_to_graph l
List.fold_left (associate_node g) (n_to_graph, lin_map) l
| _ ->
n_to_graph, lin_map
(* first build the association [n -> node] *)
(* for every defined variable *)
let rec initialize ac n_to_graph =
let rec initialize ac n_to_graph lin_map =
match ac with
| Aand(ac1, ac2) ->
let n_to_graph = initialize ac1 n_to_graph in
initialize ac2 n_to_graph
let n_to_graph, lin_map = initialize ac1 n_to_graph lin_map in
initialize ac2 n_to_graph lin_map
| Aseq(ac1, ac2) ->
let n_to_graph = initialize ac1 n_to_graph in
initialize ac2 n_to_graph
let n_to_graph, lin_map = initialize ac1 n_to_graph lin_map in
initialize ac2 n_to_graph lin_map
| _ ->
let g = make ac in
associate_node g n_to_graph ac
associate_node g (n_to_graph, lin_map) ac
let make_graph ac n_to_graph =
let make_graph ac n_to_graph lin_map =
let attach node n =
let g = Env.find n n_to_graph in add_depends node g
| Not_found -> () in
let attach_lin node n =
let g = Env.find n lin_map in add_depends g node
| Not_found -> () in
let rec add_dependence g = function
| Aread(n) -> attach g n
| Aread(n) -> attach g n; attach_lin g n
| Alinread(n) -> attach g n; attach_lin g n
| _ -> ()
@ -187,12 +200,12 @@ let build ac =
match ac with
| Awrite n -> Env.find n n_to_graph
| Alinread n -> Env.find n lin_map
| Atuple l ->
begin try
node_for_tuple l
with Not_found
_ -> make ac
node_for_tuple l
with Not_found
_ -> make ac)
| _ -> make ac
@ -211,27 +224,28 @@ let build ac =
top1 @ top2, bot1 @ bot2
| Awrite(n) -> let g = Env.find n n_to_graph in [g], [g]
| Aread(n) -> let g = make ac in attach g n; [g], [g]
| Aread(n) ->let g = make ac in attach g n; attach_lin g n; [g], [g]
| Alinread(n) -> let g = Env.find n lin_map in attach g n; [g], [g]
| Atuple(l) ->
let make_graph_tuple ac =
match ac with
| Aand _ | Atuple _ -> make_graph ac
| _ -> [], []
let g = node_for_ac ac in
let g = make ac in
List.iter (add_dependence g) l;
let top_l, bot_l = List.split ( make_graph_tuple l) in
(* let top_l, bot_l = List.split ( make_graph_tuple l) in
let top_l = List.flatten top_l in
let bot_l = List.flatten bot_l in
g::top_l, g::bot_l
g::top_l, g::bot_l *) [g], [g]
| _ -> [], []
let top_list, bot_list = make_graph ac in
graph top_list bot_list in
let n_to_graph = initialize ac Env.empty in
let g = make_graph ac n_to_graph in
let n_to_graph, lin_map = initialize ac Env.empty Env.empty in
let g = make_graph ac n_to_graph lin_map in
(* the main entry. *)
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ open Names
open Idents
open Heptagon
open Location
open Graph
open Sgraph
open Linearity
open Causal
let cempty = Cempty
@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ let rec cseqlist l =
| c1 :: l -> cseq c1 (cseqlist l)
let read x = Cread(x)
let linread x = Clinread(x)
let lastread x = Clastread(x)
let cwrite x = Cwrite(x)
@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ let rec pre = function
| Cand(c1, c2) -> Cand(pre c1, pre c2)
| Ctuple l -> Ctuple ( pre l)
| Cseq(c1, c2) -> Cseq(pre c1, pre c2)
| Cread _ -> Cempty
| Cread _ | Clinread _ -> Cempty
| (Cwrite _ | Clastread _ | Cempty) as c -> c
(* projection and restriction *)
@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ let clear env c =
let c2 = clearec c2 in
cseq c1 c2
| Ctuple l -> Ctuple ( clearec l)
| Cwrite(id) | Cread(id) | Clastread(id) ->
| Cwrite(id) | Cread(id) | Clinread(id) | Clastread(id) ->
if IdentSet.mem id env then Cempty else c
| Cempty -> c in
clearec c
@ -95,7 +97,10 @@ let build dec =
let rec typing e =
match e.e_desc with
| Econst _ -> cempty
| Evar(x) -> read x
| Evar(x) ->
(match e.e_linearity with
| Lat _ -> linread x
| _ -> read x)
| Elast(x) -> lastread x
| Epre (_, e) -> pre (typing e)
| Efby (e1, e2) ->
@ -116,6 +121,10 @@ let rec typing e =
let t = read x in
let tl = (fun (_,e) -> typing e) c_e_list in
cseq t (candlist tl)
| Esplit(c, e) ->
let t = typing c in
let te = typing e in
cseq t te
(** Typing an application *)
@ -260,7 +260,9 @@ let rec typing h e =
(fun acc (_, e) -> imax acc (itype (typing h e))) izero c_e_list in
let i = imax (IEnv.find_var x h) i in
skeleton i e.e_ty
| Esplit (c, e2) ->
let i = imax (itype (typing h c)) (itype (typing h e2)) in
skeleton i e.e_ty
(** Typing an application *)
and apply h app e_list =
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,830 @@
open Linearity
open Idents
open Names
open Location
open Misc
open Signature
open Modules
open Heptagon
type error =
| Eunify_failed_one of linearity
| Eunify_failed of linearity * linearity
| Earg_should_be_linear
| Elocation_already_defined of linearity_var
| Elocation_already_used of linearity_var
| Elinear_variables_used_twice of ident
| Ewrong_linearity_for_iterator
| Eoutput_linearity_not_declared of linearity_var
| Emapi_bad_args of linearity
| Ewrong_init of linearity_var * linearity
exception TypingError of error
let error kind = raise (TypingError(kind))
let message loc kind =
begin match kind with
| Eunify_failed_one expected_lin ->
Format.eprintf "%aThis expression cannot have the linearity '%s'.@."
print_location loc
(lin_to_string expected_lin)
| Eunify_failed (expected_lin, lin) ->
Format.eprintf "%aFound linearity '%s' does not \
match expected linearity '%s'.@."
print_location loc
(lin_to_string lin)
(lin_to_string expected_lin)
| Earg_should_be_linear ->
Format.eprintf "%aArgument should be linear.@."
print_location loc
| Elocation_already_defined r ->
Format.eprintf "%aMemory location '%s' is already defined.@."
print_location loc
| Elocation_already_used r ->
Format.eprintf "%aThe memory location '%s' cannot be \
used more than once in the same function call.@."
print_location loc
| Elinear_variables_used_twice id ->
Format.eprintf "%aVariable '%s' is semilinear and cannot be used twice@."
print_location loc
(name id)
| Ewrong_linearity_for_iterator ->
Format.eprintf "%aA function of this linearity \
cannot be used with this iterator.@."
print_location loc
| Eoutput_linearity_not_declared r ->
Format.eprintf "%aThe memory location '%s' cannot be \
used in an output without being declared in an input.@."
print_location loc
| Emapi_bad_args lin ->
"%aThe function given to mapi should expect a non linear \
variable as the last argument (found: %a).@."
print_location loc
print_linearity lin
| Ewrong_init (r, lin) ->
"%aThe variable defined by init<<%s>> should correspond \
to the given location (found: %a).@."
print_location loc
print_linearity lin
raise Errors.Error
module VarsCollection =
type t =
| Vars of LinearitySet.t
| CollectionTuple of t list
let empty = Vars (LinearitySet.empty)
let is_empty c =
match c with
| Vars s -> LinearitySet.is_empty s
| _ -> false
let prod = function
| [l] -> l
| l -> CollectionTuple l
(* let map f = function
| Vars l -> Vars ( f l)
| CollectionTuple l -> CollectionTuple (map f l)
let rec union c1 c2 =
match c1, c2 with
| Vars s1, Vars s2 -> Vars (LinearitySet.union s1 s2)
| CollectionTuple l1, CollectionTuple l2 ->
CollectionTuple (List.map2 union l1 l2)
| _, _ -> assert false
let rec var_collection_of_lin = function
| Lat r -> Vars (LinearitySet.singleton (Lat r))
| Ltop | Lvar _ -> Vars LinearitySet.empty
| Ltuple l ->
CollectionTuple ( var_collection_of_lin l)
let rec unify c lin =
match c, lin with
| Vars s, lin ->
if LinearitySet.mem lin s then
raise UnifyFailed
| CollectionTuple l, Ltuple lins ->
|||| (List.map2 unify l lins)
| _, _ -> assert false
let rec find_candidate c lins =
match lins with
| [] -> raise UnifyFailed
| lin::lins ->
unify c lin
UnifyFailed -> find_candidate c lins
let lin_of_ident x (env, _, _) =
Env.find x env
(** [check_linearity loc id] checks that id has not been used linearly before.
This function is called every time a variable is used as
a semilinear type. *)
let check_linearity (env, used_vars, init_vars) loc id =
if IdentSet.mem id used_vars then
message loc (Elinear_variables_used_twice id)
let used_vars = IdentSet.add id used_vars in
(env, used_vars, init_vars)
(** This function is called for every exp used as a semilinear type.
It fails if the exp is not a variable. *)
let check_linearity_exp (env, used_vars, init_vars) e lin =
match e.e_desc, lin with
| Evar x, Lat _ ->
(match Env.find x env with
| Lat _ -> check_linearity (env, used_vars, init_vars) e.e_loc x
| _ -> (env, used_vars, init_vars))
| _ -> (env, used_vars, init_vars)
(** Checks that the linearity value has not been declared before
(in an input, a local var or using copy operator). This makes
sure that one linearity value is only used in one place. *)
let check_fresh_lin_var (env, used_vars, init_vars) loc lin =
let check_fresh r =
if LocationSet.mem r init_vars then
message loc (Elocation_already_defined r)
let init_vars = LocationSet.add r init_vars in
(env, used_vars, init_vars)
match lin with
| Lat r -> check_fresh r
| Ltop -> (env, used_vars, init_vars)
| _ -> assert false
(** Substitutes linearity variables (Lvar r) with their value
given by the map. *)
let rec subst_lin m lin_list =
let subst_one = function
| Lvar r ->
Lat (NamesEnv.find r m)
_ -> Lvar r)
| Lat _ -> assert false
| l -> l
|||| subst_one lin_list
(** Generalises the linearities of a function. It replaces
values (Lat r) with variables (Lvar r) to get a correct sig.
Also checks that no variable is used twice. *)
let generalize arg_list sig_arg_list =
let env = ref NamesSet.empty in
let add_linearity vd =
match vd.v_linearity with
| Lat r ->
if NamesSet.mem r !env then
message vd.v_loc (Elocation_already_defined r)
else (
env := NamesSet.add r !env;
Lvar r
| Ltop -> Ltop
| _ -> assert false
let update_linearity vd ad =
{ ad with a_linearity = add_linearity vd }
List.map2 update_linearity arg_list sig_arg_list
(** [subst_from_lin (s,m) expect_lin lin] creates a map,
mapping linearity variables to their values. [expect_lin]
and [lin] are two lists, the first one containing the variables
and the second one the values. *)
let subst_from_lin (s,m) expect_lin lin =
match expect_lin, lin with
| Ltop, Ltop -> s,m
| Lvar r1, Lat r2 ->
if NamesSet.mem r2 s then
message no_location (Elocation_already_used r2)
else (
(* Format.printf "Found mapping from _%s to %s\n" r1 r2; *)
NamesSet.add r2 s, NamesEnv.add r1 r2 m
| _, _ -> s,m
let rec not_linear_for_exp e =
lin_skeleton Ltop e.e_ty
let check_init env loc init lin =
let check_one env (init, lin) = match init with
| Lno_init -> lin, env
| Linit_var r ->
(match lin with
| Lat r1 when r = r1 -> Ltop, check_fresh_lin_var env loc lin
| Lvar r1 when r = r1 -> Ltop, check_fresh_lin_var env loc lin
| _ -> message loc (Ewrong_init (r, lin)))
| Linit_tuple _ -> assert false
match init, lin with
| Linit_tuple il, Ltuple ll ->
let l, env = mapfold check_one env (List.combine il ll) in
Ltuple l, env
| _, _ -> check_one env (init, lin)
(** [unify_collect collect_list lin_list coll_exp] returns a list of linearities
to use when a choice is possible (eg for a map). It collects the possible
values for all args and then tries to map them to the expected values.
[collect_list] is a list of possibilities for each arg (the list of
linearity vars this arg can have).
[lin_list] is the list of all linearities that are expected.
[coll_exp] is the list of args expressions. *)
let unify_collect collect_list lin_list coll_exp =
let rec unify_collect collect_list lin_list coll_exp =
match collect_list, coll_exp with
| [], [] ->
(match lin_list with
| [] -> []
| _ -> raise UnifyFailed)
| collect::collect_list, e::coll_exp ->
(* find if this arg can be assigned one of the expected value*)
let l = VarsCollection.find_candidate collect lin_list in
(* and iterate on the rest of the value*)
let lin_list = List.filter (fun l2 -> l2 <> l) lin_list in
l::(unify_collect collect_list lin_list coll_exp)
with UnifyFailed ->
(* this arg cannot have any of the expected linearity,
so it is not linear*)
(not_linear_for_exp e)::
(unify_collect collect_list lin_list coll_exp))
| _, _ -> assert false
(* Remove Ltop elements from a linearity list. *)
let rec remove_nulls = function
| [] -> []
| l::lins ->
let lins = remove_nulls lins in
if is_not_linear l then lins
else l::lins
unify_collect collect_list (remove_nulls lin_list) coll_exp
(** Returns the lists of possible types for iterator outputs.
Basically, each output can have the linearity of any input of the same type.
[collect_list] is the list of collected lists for each input. *)
let collect_iterator_outputs inputs outputs collect_list =
let collect_for_type ty l arg_ty collect =
if arg_ty = ty then VarsCollection.union collect l else l
let collect_one_output ty =
List.fold_left2 (collect_for_type ty)
VarsCollection.empty inputs collect_list
|||| collect_one_output outputs
(** Same as List.assoc but with two lists for the keys and values. *)
let rec assoc_lists v l1 l2 =
match l1, l2 with
| [], [] -> raise Not_found
| x::l1, y::l2 ->
if x = v then y else assoc_lists v l1 l2
| _, _ -> assert false
(** Returns the possible linearities for the outputs of a function.
It just matches outputs with the corresponding inputs in case of targeting,
and returns an empty collection otherwise.
let rec collect_outputs inputs collect_list outputs =
match outputs with
| [] -> []
| lin::outputs ->
let lin = (match lin with
| Ltop -> VarsCollection.empty
| Lvar _ -> assoc_lists lin inputs collect_list
| _ -> assert false
) in
lin::(collect_outputs inputs collect_list outputs)
let build env vds =
List.fold_left (fun env vd -> Env.add vd.v_ident vd.v_linearity env) env vds
let build_ids env vds =
List.fold_left (fun env vd -> IdentSet.add vd.v_ident env) env vds
let build_location env vds =
let add_one env vd =
match vd.v_linearity with
| Lat r -> LocationSet.add r env
| _ -> env
List.fold_left add_one env vds
(** [extract_lin_exp args_lin e_list] returns the linearities
and expressions from e_list that are not yet set to Lat r.*)
let rec extract_lin_exp args_lin e_list =
match args_lin, e_list with
| [], [] -> [], []
| arg_lin::args_lin, e::e_list ->
let lin_l, l = extract_lin_exp args_lin e_list in
(match arg_lin with
| Lat _ -> lin_l, l
| lin -> lin::lin_l, e::l)
| _, _ -> assert false
(** [fuse_args_lin args_lin collect_lins] fuse the two lists,
taking elements from the first list if it semilinear (Lat r)
and from the second list otherwise. *)
let rec fuse_args_lin args_lin collect_lins =
match args_lin, collect_lins with
| [], [] -> []
| [], _ -> assert false
| args_lin, [] -> args_lin
| (Lat r)::args_lin, collect_lins ->
(Lat r)::(fuse_args_lin args_lin collect_lins)
| _::args_lin, x::collect_lins ->
x::(fuse_args_lin args_lin collect_lins)
(** [extract_not_lin_var_exp args_lin e_list] returns the linearities
and expressions from e_list that are not yet set to Lvar r.*)
let rec extract_not_lin_var_exp args_lin e_list =
match args_lin, e_list with
| [], [] -> [], []
| arg_lin::args_lin, e::e_list ->
let lin_l, l = extract_lin_exp args_lin e_list in
(match arg_lin with
| Lvar _ -> lin_l, l
| lin -> lin::lin_l, e::l)
| _, _ -> assert false
(** [fuse_iterator_collect fixed_coll free_coll] fuse the two lists,
taking elements from the first list if it not empty
and from the second list otherwise. *)
let rec fuse_iterator_collect fixed_coll free_coll =
match fixed_coll, free_coll with
| [], [] -> []
| [], _ -> assert false
| fixed_coll, [] -> fixed_coll
| coll::fixed_coll, x::free_coll ->
if VarsCollection.is_empty coll then
x::(fuse_iterator_collect fixed_coll free_coll)
coll::(fuse_iterator_collect fixed_coll (x::free_coll))
let rec typing_pat env = function
| Evarpat n -> lin_of_ident n env
| Etuplepat l ->
prod ( (typing_pat env) l)
(** Linear typing of expressions. This function should not be called directly.
Use expect instead, as typing of some expressions need to know
the expected linearity. *)
let rec typing_exp env e =
let l, env = match e.e_desc with
| Econst _ -> lin_skeleton Ltop e.e_ty, env
| Evar x -> lin_of_ident x env, env
| Elast _ -> Ltop, env
| Epre (_, e) ->
let lin = (not_linear_for_exp e) in
let env = safe_expect env lin e in
lin, env
| Efby (e1, e2) ->
let env = safe_expect env (not_linear_for_exp e1) e1 in
let env = safe_expect env (not_linear_for_exp e1) e2 in
not_linear_for_exp e1, env
| Eapp ({ a_op = Efield }, _, _) -> Ltop, env
| Eapp ({ a_op = Earray }, _, _) -> Ltop, env
| Estruct _ -> Ltop, env
| Emerge _ | Ewhen _ | Esplit _ | Eapp _ | Eiterator _ -> assert false
e.e_linearity <- l;
l, env
(** Returns the possible linearities of an expression. *)
and collect_exp env e =
match e.e_desc with
| Eapp ({ a_op = Etuple }, e_list, _) ->
|||| ( (collect_exp env) e_list)
| Eapp({ a_op = op }, e_list, _) -> collect_app env op e_list
| Eiterator (it, { a_op = Enode f | Efun f }, _, _, e_list, _) ->
let ty_desc = Modules.find_value f in
collect_iterator env it ty_desc e_list
| _ -> VarsCollection.var_collection_of_lin (fst (typing_exp env e))
and collect_iterator env it ty_desc e_list = match it with
| Imap | Imapi ->
let inputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_inputs in
let inputs_lins = if it = Imapi then fst (split_last inputs_lins) else inputs_lins in
let outputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_outputs in
let collect_list = (collect_exp env) e_list in
(* first collect outputs fixed by the function's targeting*)
let collect_outputs =
collect_outputs inputs_lins collect_list outputs_lins in
(* then collect remaining outputs*)
let free_out_lins, _ = extract_not_lin_var_exp outputs_lins outputs_lins in
let free_in_lins, collect_free =
extract_not_lin_var_exp inputs_lins collect_list in
let free_outputs =
collect_iterator_outputs free_in_lins free_out_lins collect_free in
(*mix the two lists*)
|||| (fuse_iterator_collect collect_outputs free_outputs)
| Imapfold ->
let e_list, acc = split_last e_list in
let inputs_lins, _ =
split_last (linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_inputs) in
let outputs_lins, _ =
split_last (linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_outputs) in
let collect_list = (collect_exp env) e_list in
let collect_acc = collect_exp env acc in
(* first collect outputs fixed by the function's targeting*)
let collect_outputs =
collect_outputs inputs_lins collect_list outputs_lins in
(* then collect remaining outputs*)
let free_out_lins, _ = extract_not_lin_var_exp outputs_lins outputs_lins in
let free_in_lins, collect_free =
extract_not_lin_var_exp inputs_lins collect_list in
let free_outputs =
collect_iterator_outputs free_in_lins free_out_lins collect_free in
(*mix the two lists*)
((fuse_iterator_collect collect_outputs free_outputs)@[collect_acc])
| Ifold ->
collect_exp env (last_element e_list)
| Ifoldi ->
assert false (* TODO *)
(** Returns the possible linearities of an application. *)
and collect_app env op e_list = match op with
| Eifthenelse->
let _, e2, e3 = assert_3 e_list in
VarsCollection.union (collect_exp env e2) (collect_exp env e3)
| Efun f | Enode f ->
let ty_desc = Modules.find_value f in
let inputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_inputs in
let outputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_outputs in
let collect_list = (collect_exp env) e_list in
(collect_outputs inputs_lins collect_list outputs_lins)
| _ -> VarsCollection.var_collection_of_lin (fst (typing_app env op e_list))
and typing_args env expected_lin_list e_list =
(* this auxiliary function deals with functions returning tuples
used as arguments of function expecting a tuple. It groups
linearities in the list by looking at the size of tuples (given by the type). *)
let rec mk_lin_list e_list lin_list = match e_list, lin_list with
| [], [] -> []
| e::e_list, lin::rem_lin_list ->
(match e.e_ty with
| Types.Tprod tyl ->
let linl, lin_list = split_at (List.length tyl) lin_list in
let lin_list = mk_lin_list e_list lin_list in
Ltuple linl::lin_list
| _ ->
let lin_list = mk_lin_list e_list rem_lin_list in
| _, _ -> internal_error "linear_typing"
let expected_lin_list = mk_lin_list e_list expected_lin_list in
List.fold_left2 (fun env elin e -> safe_expect env elin e) env expected_lin_list e_list
and typing_app env op e_list = match op with
| Earrow ->
let e1, e2 = assert_2 e_list in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e1 in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e2 in
Ltop, env
| Earray_fill | Eselect | Eselect_slice ->
let e = assert_1 e_list in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e in
Ltop, env
| Eselect_dyn ->
let e1, defe, idx_list = assert_2min e_list in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e1 in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop defe in
let env = List.fold_left (fun env -> safe_expect env Ltop) env idx_list in
Ltop, env
| Eselect_trunc ->
let e1, idx_list = assert_1min e_list in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e1 in
let env = List.fold_left (fun env -> safe_expect env Ltop) env idx_list in
Ltop, env
| Econcat ->
let e1, e2 = assert_2 e_list in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e1 in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e2 in
Ltop, env
| Earray ->
let env = List.fold_left (fun env -> safe_expect env Ltop) env e_list in
Ltop, env
| Efield ->
let e = assert_1 e_list in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e in
Ltop, env
| Eifthenelse | Efun _ | Enode _ | Etuple
| Eupdate | Efield_update -> assert false (*already done in expect_app*)
(** Check that the application of op to e_list can have the linearity
expected_lin. *)
and expect_app env expected_lin op e_list = match op with
| Efun f | Enode f ->
let ty_desc = Modules.find_value f in
let inputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_inputs in
let outputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_outputs in
let expected_lin_list = linearity_list_of_linearity expected_lin in
(* create the map that matches linearity variables to linearity values
from the ouputs and the expected lin*)
let m = snd ( List.fold_left2 subst_from_lin
(NamesSet.empty, NamesEnv.empty) outputs_lins expected_lin_list) in
(* and apply it to the inputs*)
let inputs_lins = subst_lin m inputs_lins in
(* and check that it works *)
let env = typing_args env inputs_lins e_list in
unify_lin expected_lin (prod outputs_lins), env
| Eifthenelse ->
let e1, e2, e3 = assert_3 e_list in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e1 in
let l, env = expect env expected_lin e2 in
let _, env = expect env (not_linear_for_exp e3) e3 in
l, env
UnifyFailed ->
let l, env = expect env expected_lin e3 in
let _, env = expect env (not_linear_for_exp e2) e2 in
l, env
| Efield_update ->
let e1, e2 = assert_2 e_list in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e2 in
expect env expected_lin e1
| Eupdate ->
let e1, e2, idx = assert_2min e_list in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e2 in
let env = List.fold_left (fun env -> safe_expect env Ltop) env idx in
expect env expected_lin e1
| _ ->
let actual_lin, env = typing_app env op e_list in
unify_lin expected_lin actual_lin, env
(** Checks the typing of an accumulator. It also checks
that the function has a targeting compatible with the iterator. *)
and typing_accumulator env acc acc_in_lin acc_out_lin
expected_acc_lin inputs_lin =
(match acc_out_lin with
| Lvar _ ->
if List.mem acc_out_lin inputs_lin then
message acc.e_loc Ewrong_linearity_for_iterator
| _ -> ()
let m = snd (subst_from_lin (NamesSet.empty, NamesEnv.empty)
acc_out_lin expected_acc_lin) in
let acc_lin = assert_1 (subst_lin m [acc_in_lin]) in
safe_expect env acc_lin acc
and expect_iterator env loc it expected_lin inputs_lins outputs_lins e_list = match it with
| Imap | Imapi ->
(* First find the linearities fixed by the linearities of the
iterated function. *)
let inputs_lins, idx_lin = if it = Imapi then split_last inputs_lins else inputs_lins, Ltop in
let m = snd ( List.fold_left2 subst_from_lin
(NamesSet.empty, NamesEnv.empty) outputs_lins expected_lin) in
let inputs_lins = subst_lin m inputs_lins in
(* Then guess linearities of other vars to get expected_lin *)
let _, coll_exp = extract_lin_exp inputs_lins e_list in
let collect_list = (collect_exp env) coll_exp in
let names_list =
List.filter (fun x -> not (List.mem x inputs_lins)) expected_lin in
let collect_lin = unify_collect collect_list names_list coll_exp in
let inputs_lins = fuse_args_lin inputs_lins collect_lin in
(* The index should not be linear *)
if it = Imapi then (
try ignore (unify_lin idx_lin Ltop)
with UnifyFailed -> message loc (Emapi_bad_args idx_lin));
(*Check that the args have the wanted linearity*)
let env = typing_args env inputs_lins e_list; in
prod expected_lin, env
| Imapfold ->
(* Check the linearity of the accumulator*)
let e_list, acc = split_last e_list in
let inputs_lins, acc_in_lin = split_last inputs_lins in
let outputs_lins, acc_out_lin = split_last outputs_lins in
let expected_lin, expected_acc_lin = split_last expected_lin in
let env = typing_accumulator env acc acc_in_lin acc_out_lin
expected_acc_lin inputs_lins in
(* First find the linearities fixed by the linearities of the
iterated function. *)
let m = snd ( List.fold_left2 subst_from_lin
(NamesSet.empty, NamesEnv.empty) outputs_lins expected_lin) in
let inputs_lins = subst_lin m inputs_lins in
(* Then guess linearities of other vars to get expected_lin *)
let _, coll_exp = extract_lin_exp inputs_lins e_list in
let collect_list = (collect_exp env) coll_exp in
let names_list =
List.filter (fun x -> not(List.mem x inputs_lins)) expected_lin in
let collect_lin = unify_collect collect_list names_list coll_exp in
let inputs_lins = fuse_args_lin inputs_lins collect_lin in
(*Check that the args have the wanted linearity*)
let env = typing_args env inputs_lins e_list in
prod (expected_lin@[expected_acc_lin]), env
| Ifold ->
let e_list, acc = split_last e_list in
let inputs_lins, acc_in_lin = split_last inputs_lins in
let _, acc_out_lin = split_last outputs_lins in
let _, expected_acc_lin = split_last expected_lin in
let env = List.fold_left (fun env -> safe_expect env Ltop) env e_list in
let env = typing_accumulator env acc acc_in_lin acc_out_lin
expected_acc_lin inputs_lins in
expected_acc_lin, env
| Ifoldi ->
let e_list, acc = split_last e_list in
let inputs_lins, acc_in_lin = split_last inputs_lins in
let inputs_lins, _ = split_last inputs_lins in
let _, acc_out_lin = split_last outputs_lins in
let _, expected_acc_lin = split_last expected_lin in
let env = List.fold_left (fun env -> safe_expect env Ltop) env e_list in
let env = typing_accumulator env acc acc_in_lin acc_out_lin
expected_acc_lin inputs_lins in
expected_acc_lin, env
and typing_eq env eq =
match eq.eq_desc with
| Eautomaton(state_handlers) ->
let typing_state (u, i) h =
let _, u1, i1 = typing_state_handler env h in
IdentSet.union u u1, LocationSet.union i i1
let env, u, i = env in
let u, i = List.fold_left typing_state (u, i) state_handlers in
env, u, i
| Eswitch(e, switch_handlers) ->
let typing_switch (u, i) h =
let _, u1, i1 = typing_switch_handler env h in
IdentSet.union u u1, LocationSet.union i i1
let env, u, i = safe_expect env Ltop e in
let u, i = List.fold_left typing_switch (u, i) switch_handlers in
env, u, i
| Epresent(present_handlers, b) ->
let env, u, i = List.fold_left typing_present_handler env present_handlers in
let _, u, i = typing_block (env, u, i) b in
env, u, i
| Ereset(b, e) ->
let env, u, i = safe_expect env Ltop e in
let _, u, i = typing_block (env, u, i) b in
env, u, i
| Eeq(pat, e) ->
let lin_pat = typing_pat env pat in
let lin_pat, env = check_init env eq.eq_loc eq.eq_inits lin_pat in
safe_expect env lin_pat e
| Eblock b ->
let env, u, i = env in
let _, u, i = typing_block (env, u, i) b in
env, u, i
and typing_state_handler env sh =
let env = typing_block env sh.s_block in
let env = List.fold_left typing_escape env sh.s_until in
List.fold_left typing_escape env sh.s_unless
and typing_escape env esc =
safe_expect env Ltop esc.e_cond
and typing_block (env,u,i) block =
let env = build env block.b_local in
List.fold_left typing_eq (env, u, i) block.b_equs
and typing_switch_handler (env, u, i) sh =
let _, u, i = typing_block (env,u,i) sh.w_block in
env, u, i
and typing_present_handler env ph =
let (env, u, i) = safe_expect env Ltop ph.p_cond in
let _, u, i = typing_block (env, u, i) ph.p_block in
env, u, i
and expect env lin e =
let l, env = match e.e_desc with
| Evar x ->
let actual_lin = lin_of_ident x env in
let env = check_linearity_exp env e lin in
unify_lin lin actual_lin, env
| Emerge (_, c_e_list) ->
let env = List.fold_left (fun env (_, e) -> safe_expect env lin e) env c_e_list in
lin, env
| Ewhen (e, _, _) ->
expect env lin e
| Esplit (c, e) ->
let env = safe_expect env Ltop c in
let l = linearity_list_of_linearity lin in
let env = safe_expect env (List.hd l) e in
lin, env
| Eapp ({ a_op = Etuple }, e_list, _) ->
let lin_list = linearity_list_of_linearity lin in
let l, env = mapfold2 expect env lin_list e_list in
prod l, env
Invalid_argument _ -> message e.e_loc (Eunify_failed_one lin))
| Eapp({ a_op = op }, e_list, _) ->
expect_app env lin op e_list
UnifyFailed -> message e.e_loc (Eunify_failed_one lin))
| Eiterator (it, { a_op = Enode f | Efun f }, _, pe_list, e_list, _) ->
let ty_desc = Modules.find_value f in
let expected_lin_list = linearity_list_of_linearity lin in
let inputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_inputs in
let _, inputs_lins = Misc.split_at (List.length pe_list) inputs_lins in
let outputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_outputs in
let env =
List.fold_left (fun env e -> safe_expect env (not_linear_for_exp e) e) env pe_list in
expect_iterator env e.e_loc it expected_lin_list inputs_lins outputs_lins e_list
UnifyFailed -> message e.e_loc (Eunify_failed_one lin))
| _ ->
let actual_lin, env = typing_exp env e in
unify_lin lin actual_lin, env
e.e_linearity <- l;
l, env
and safe_expect env lin e =
begin try
let _, env = (expect env lin e) in env
UnifyFailed -> message e.e_loc (Eunify_failed_one (lin))
let check_outputs inputs outputs =
let add_linearity env vd =
match vd.v_linearity with
| Lat r -> LocationSet.add r env
| _ -> env
let check_out env vd =
match vd.v_linearity with
| Lat r ->
if not (LocationSet.mem r env) then
message vd.v_loc (Eoutput_linearity_not_declared r)
| _ -> ()
let env = List.fold_left add_linearity LocationSet.empty inputs in
List.iter (check_out env) outputs
let node f =
let env = build Env.empty (f.n_input @ f.n_output) in
let used_vars = build_ids IdentSet.empty f.n_output in
let init_vars = build_location LocationSet.empty f.n_input in
ignore (typing_block (env, used_vars, init_vars) f.n_block);
check_outputs f.n_input f.n_output;
(* Update the function signature *)
let sig_info = Modules.find_value f.n_name in
let sig_info =
{ sig_info with
node_inputs = generalize f.n_input sig_info.node_inputs;
node_outputs = generalize f.n_output sig_info.node_outputs } in
Modules.replace_value f.n_name sig_info
let program ({ p_desc = pd } as p) =
List.iter (function Pnode n -> node n | _ -> ()) pd;
@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ type error =
| Emerge_uniq of qualname
| Emerge_mix of qualname
| Estatic_constraint of constrnt
| Esplit_enum of ty
| Esplit_tuple of ty
exception Unify
exception TypingError of error
@ -173,6 +175,18 @@ let message loc kind =
eprintf "%aThis application doesn't respect the static constraint :@\n%a.@."
print_location loc
print_location c.se_loc
| Esplit_enum ty ->
"%aThe first argument of split has to be an \
enumerated type (found: %a).@."
print_location loc
print_type ty
| Esplit_tuple ty ->
"%aThe second argument of spit cannot \
be a tuple (found: %a).@."
print_location loc
print_type ty
raise Errors.Error
@ -626,6 +640,22 @@ let rec typing cenv h e =
||| (fun (c, e) -> (c, expect cenv h t e)) c_e_list in
Emerge (x, (c1,typed_e1)::typed_c_e_list), t
| Emerge (_, []) -> assert false
| Esplit(c, e2) ->
let typed_c, ty_c = typing cenv h c in
let typed_e2, ty = typing cenv h e2 in
let n =
match ty_c with
| Tid tc ->
(match find_type tc with | Tenum cl-> List.length cl | _ -> -1)
| _ -> -1 in
if n < 0 then
message e.e_loc (Esplit_enum ty_c);
(*the type of e should not be a tuple *)
(match ty with
| Tprod _ -> message e.e_loc (Esplit_tuple ty)
| _ -> ());
Esplit(typed_c, typed_e2), Tprod (repeat_list ty n)
{ e with e_desc = typed_desc; e_ty = ty; }, ty
@ -125,7 +125,10 @@ and edesc funs acc ed = match ed with
(c,e), acc in
let c_e_list, acc = mapfold aux acc c_e_list in
Emerge (n, c_e_list), acc
| Esplit (e1, e2) ->
let e1, acc = exp_it funs acc e1 in
let e2, acc = exp_it funs acc e2 in
Esplit(e1, e2), acc
and app_it funs acc a = funs acc a
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ open Format
open Global_printer
open Pp_tools
open Types
open Linearity
open Signature
open Heptagon
@ -32,15 +33,24 @@ let iterator_to_string i =
let print_iterator ff it =
fprintf ff "%s" (iterator_to_string it)
let rec print_pat ff = function
| Evarpat n -> print_ident ff n
| Etuplepat pat_list ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>(%a)@]" (print_list_r print_pat """,""") pat_list
let print_init ff = function
| Lno_init -> ()
| Linit_var r -> fprintf ff "init<<%s>> " r
| _ -> ()
let rec print_vd ff { v_ident = n; v_type = ty; v_last = last } =
fprintf ff "%a%a : %a%a"
let rec print_pat_init ff (pat, inits) = match pat, inits with
| Evarpat n, i -> fprintf ff "%a%a" print_init i print_ident n
| Etuplepat pl, Linit_tuple il ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>(%a)@]" (print_list_r print_pat_init """,""") (List.combine pl il)
| Etuplepat pl, Lno_init ->
let l = (fun p -> p, Lno_init) pl in
fprintf ff "@[<2>(%a)@]" (print_list_r print_pat_init """,""") l
| _, _ -> assert false
let rec print_vd ff { v_ident = n; v_type = ty; v_linearity = lin; v_last = last } =
fprintf ff "%a%a : %a%a%a"
print_last last print_ident n
print_type ty print_last_value last
print_type ty print_linearity lin print_last_value last
and print_last ff = function
| Last _ -> fprintf ff "last "
@ -93,8 +103,9 @@ and print_exps ff e_list =
and print_exp ff e =
if !Compiler_options.full_type_info then
fprintf ff "(%a : %a%a)"
print_exp_desc e.e_desc print_type e.e_ty print_ct_annot e.e_ct_annot
fprintf ff "(%a : %a%a%a)"
print_exp_desc e.e_desc print_type e.e_ty
print_linearity e.e_linearity print_ct_annot e.e_ct_annot
else fprintf ff "%a%a" print_exp_desc e.e_desc print_ct_annot e.e_ct_annot
and print_exp_desc ff = function
@ -125,6 +136,9 @@ and print_exp_desc ff = function
| Emerge (x, tag_e_list) ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>merge %a@ %a@]"
print_ident x print_tag_e_list tag_e_list
| Esplit (x, e1) ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>split %a@ %a@]"
print_exp x print_exp e1
and print_handler ff c =
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@]" (print_couple print_qualname print_exp "("" -> "")") c
@ -187,7 +201,7 @@ and print_app ff (app, args) =
let rec print_eq ff eq =
match eq.eq_desc with
| Eeq(p, e) ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a =@ %a@]" print_pat p print_exp e
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a =@ %a@]" print_pat_init (p, eq.eq_inits) print_exp e
| Eautomaton(state_handler_list) ->
fprintf ff "@[<v>@[<hv 2>automaton @ %a@]@,end@]"
print_state_handler_list state_handler_list
@ -14,14 +14,15 @@ open Idents
open Static
open Signature
open Types
open Linearity
open Clocks
open Initial
open Heptagon
(* Helper functions to create AST. *)
(* TODO : After switch, all mk_exp should take care of level_ck *)
let mk_exp desc ?(level_ck = Cbase) ?(ct_annot = None) ?(loc = no_location) ty =
{ e_desc = desc; e_ty = ty; e_ct_annot = ct_annot;
let mk_exp desc ?(linearity = Ltop) ?(level_ck = Cbase) ?(ct_annot = None) ?(loc = no_location) ty =
{ e_desc = desc; e_ty = ty; e_ct_annot = ct_annot; e_linearity = linearity;
e_level_ck = level_ck; e_loc = loc; }
let mk_app ?(params=[]) ?(unsafe=false) op =
@ -37,10 +38,11 @@ let mk_equation ?(loc=no_location) desc =
let _, s = Stateful.eqdesc Stateful.funs false desc in
{ eq_desc = desc;
eq_stateful = s;
eq_inits = Lno_init;
eq_loc = loc; }
let mk_var_dec ?(last = Var) ?(clock = fresh_clock()) name ty =
{ v_ident = name; v_type = ty; v_clock = clock;
let mk_var_dec ?(last = Var) ?(linearity = Ltop) ?(clock = fresh_clock()) name ty =
{ v_ident = name; v_type = ty; v_linearity = linearity; v_clock = clock;
v_last = last; v_loc = no_location }
let mk_block ?(stateful = true) ?(defnames = Env.empty) ?(locals = []) eqs =
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ open Idents
open Static
open Signature
open Types
open Linearity
open Clocks
open Initial
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ type exp = {
e_ty : ty;
e_ct_annot : ct option; (* exists when a source annotation exists *)
e_level_ck : ck; (* set by the switch pass, represents the activation base of the expression *)
mutable e_linearity : linearity;
e_loc : location }
and desc =
@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ and desc =
(** exp when Constructor(ident) *)
| Emerge of var_ident * (constructor_name * exp) list
(** merge ident (Constructor -> exp)+ *)
| Esplit of exp * exp
| Eapp of app * exp list * exp option
| Eiterator of iterator_type * app * static_exp list
* exp list * exp list * exp option
@ -78,6 +81,7 @@ and pat =
type eq = {
eq_desc : eqdesc;
eq_stateful : bool;
eq_inits : init;
eq_loc : location; }
and eqdesc =
@ -117,6 +121,7 @@ and present_handler = {
and var_dec = {
v_ident : var_ident;
v_type : ty;
v_linearity : linearity;
v_clock : ck;
v_last : last;
v_loc : location }
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ let compile_program p =
(* Typing *)
let p = silent_pass "Statefulness check" true Stateful.program p in
let p = pass "Typing" true Typing.program p pp in
let p = pass "Linear Typing" !do_mem_alloc Linear_typing.program p pp in
(* Causality check *)
let p = silent_pass "Causality check" !causality Causality.program p in
@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ List.iter (fun (str,tok) -> Hashtbl.add keyword_table str tok) [
"fold", FOLD;
"foldi", FOLDI;
"mapfold", MAPFOLD;
"at", AT;
"init", INIT;
"split", SPLIT;
"quo", INFIX3("quo");
"mod", INFIX3("mod");
"land", INFIX3("land");
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ open Signature
open Location
open Names
open Types
open Linearity
open Hept_parsetree
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ open Hept_parsetree
%token AROBASE
%token <string> PREFIX
%token <string> INFIX0
%token <string> INFIX1
@ -106,6 +108,10 @@ optsnlist(S,x) :
| x=x {[x]}
| x=x S {[x]}
| x=x S r=optsnlist(S,x) {x::r}
/* Separated list with delimiter, even for empty list*/
adelim_slist(S, L, R, x) :
| L R {[]}
| L l=snlist(S, x) R {l}
%inline tuple(x) : LPAREN h=x COMMA t=snlist(COMMA,x) RPAREN { h::t }
%inline soption(P,x):
@ -194,8 +200,9 @@ nonmt_params:
| idl=ident_list COLON ty=ty_ident ck=ck_annot
{ (fun id -> mk_var_dec id ty ck Var (Loc($startpos,$endpos))) idl }
| idl=ident_list COLON ty_lin=located_ty_ident ck=ck_annot
{ (fun id -> mk_var_dec ~linearity:(snd ty_lin)
id (fst ty_lin) ck Var (Loc($startpos,$endpos))) idl }
@ -253,12 +260,15 @@ loc_params:
| idl=ident_list COLON ty=ty_ident ck=ck_annot
{ (fun id -> mk_var_dec id ty ck Var (Loc($startpos,$endpos))) idl }
| LAST id=IDENT COLON ty=ty_ident ck=ck_annot EQUAL e=exp
{ [ mk_var_dec id ty ck (Last(Some(e))) (Loc($startpos,$endpos)) ] }
| LAST id=IDENT COLON ty=ty_ident ck=ck_annot
{ [ mk_var_dec id ty ck (Last(None)) (Loc($startpos,$endpos)) ] }
| idl=ident_list COLON ty_lin=located_ty_ident ck=ck_annot
{ (fun id -> mk_var_dec ~linearity:(snd ty_lin) id (fst ty_lin)
ck Var (Loc($startpos,$endpos))) idl }
| LAST id=IDENT COLON ty_lin=located_ty_ident ck=ck_annot EQUAL e=exp
{ [ mk_var_dec ~linearity:(snd ty_lin) id (fst ty_lin)
ck (Last(Some(e))) (Loc($startpos,$endpos)) ] }
| LAST id=IDENT COLON ty_lin=located_ty_ident ck=ck_annot
{ [ mk_var_dec ~linearity:(snd ty_lin) id (fst ty_lin)
ck (Last(None)) (Loc($startpos,$endpos)) ] }
@ -266,6 +276,13 @@ ident_list:
| IDENT COMMA ident_list { $1 :: $3 }
| ty_ident
{ $1, Ltop }
| ty_ident AT IDENT
{ $1, Lat $3 }
| qualname
{ Tid $1 }
@ -321,7 +338,7 @@ sblock(S) :
| eq=_equ { mk_equation eq (Loc($startpos,$endpos)) }
| pat EQUAL exp { Eeq($1, $3) }
| pat=pat EQUAL e=exp { Eeq(fst pat, snd pat, e) }
| AUTOMATON automaton_handlers END
{ Eautomaton(List.rev $2) }
| SWITCH exp opt_bar switch_handlers END
@ -407,14 +424,12 @@ present_handlers:
| IDENT {Evarpat $1}
| LPAREN ids RPAREN {Etuplepat $2}
| {[]}
| pat COMMA pat {[$1; $3]}
| pat COMMA ids {$1 :: $3}
| id=IDENT { Evarpat id, Lno_init }
| INIT DOUBLE_LESS r=IDENT DOUBLE_GREATER id=IDENT { Evarpat id, Linit_var r }
| pat_init_list=adelim_slist(COMMA, LPAREN, RPAREN, pat)
{ let pat_list, init_list = List.split pat_init_list in
Etuplepat pat_list, Linit_tuple init_list
@ -458,6 +473,8 @@ _exp:
/* node call*/
| n=qualname p=call_params LPAREN args=exps RPAREN
{ Eapp(mk_app (Enode n) p , args) }
| SPLIT n=ident LPAREN e=exp RPAREN
{ Esplit(n, e) }
| NOT exp
{ mk_op_call "not" [$2] }
| exp INFIX4 exp
@ -660,8 +677,8 @@ nonmt_params_signature:
| IDENT COLON ty_ident ck=ck_annot { mk_arg (Some $1) $3 ck }
| ty_ident ck=ck_annot { mk_arg None $1 ck }
| IDENT COLON located_ty_ident ck=ck_annot { mk_arg (Some $1) $3 ck }
| located_ty_ident ck=ck_annot { mk_arg None $1 ck }
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ and edesc =
| Eiterator of iterator_type * app * exp list * exp list * exp list
| Ewhen of exp * constructor_name * var_name
| Emerge of var_name * (constructor_name * exp) list
| Esplit of var_name * exp
and app = { a_op: op; a_params: exp list; }
@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ and eqdesc =
| Epresent of present_handler list * block
| Ereset of block * exp
| Eblock of block
| Eeq of pat * exp
| Eeq of pat * Linearity.init * exp
and block =
{ b_local : var_dec list;
@ -148,6 +149,7 @@ and present_handler =
and var_dec =
{ v_name : var_name;
v_type : ty;
v_linearity : Linearity.linearity;
v_clock : ck option;
v_last : last;
v_loc : location; }
@ -203,6 +205,7 @@ and program_desc =
type arg =
{ a_type : ty;
a_clock : ck option;
a_linearity : Linearity.linearity;
a_name : var_name option }
type signature =
@ -261,9 +264,9 @@ let mk_equation desc loc =
let mk_interface_decl desc loc =
{ interf_desc = desc; interf_loc = loc }
let mk_var_dec name ty ck last loc =
{ v_name = name; v_type = ty; v_clock = ck;
v_last = last; v_loc = loc }
let mk_var_dec ?(linearity=Linearity.Ltop) name ty ck last loc =
{ v_name = name; v_type = ty; v_linearity = linearity;
v_clock =ck; v_last = last; v_loc = loc }
let mk_block locals eqs loc =
{ b_local = locals; b_equs = eqs;
@ -272,8 +275,8 @@ let mk_block locals eqs loc =
let mk_const_dec id ty e loc =
{ c_name = id; c_type = ty; c_value = e; c_loc = loc }
let mk_arg name ty ck =
{ a_type = ty; a_name = name; a_clock = ck}
let mk_arg name (ty,lin) ck =
{ a_type = ty; a_linearity = lin; a_name = name; a_clock = ck }
let ptrue = Q Initial.ptrue
let pfalse = Q Initial.pfalse
@ -110,6 +110,9 @@ and edesc funs acc ed = match ed with
| Ewhen (e, c, x) ->
let e, acc = exp_it funs acc e in
Ewhen (e, c, x), acc
| Esplit (x, e2) ->
let e2, acc = exp_it funs acc e2 in
Esplit(x, e2), acc
| Eapp (app, args) ->
let app, acc = app_it funs acc app in
let args, acc = mapfold (exp_it funs) acc args in
@ -166,10 +169,10 @@ and eqdesc funs acc eqd = match eqd with
| Eblock b ->
let b, acc = block_it funs acc b in
Eblock b, acc
| Eeq (p, e) ->
| Eeq (p, inits, e) ->
let p, acc = pat_it funs acc p in
let e, acc = exp_it funs acc e in
Eeq (p, e), acc
Eeq (p, inits, e), acc
and block_it funs acc b = funs.block funs acc b
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ struct
| Econst_variable_already_defined of name
| Estatic_exp_expected
| Eredefinition of qualname
| Elinear_type_no_memalloc
let message loc kind =
begin match kind with
@ -80,6 +81,9 @@ struct
eprintf "%aName %a was already defined.@."
print_location loc
print_qualname qualname
| Elinear_type_no_memalloc ->
eprintf "%aLinearity annotations cannot be used without memory allocation.@."
print_location loc
raise Errors.Error
@ -259,6 +263,7 @@ let rec translate_exp env e =
{ Heptagon.e_desc = translate_desc e.e_loc env e.e_desc;
Heptagon.e_ty = Types.invalid_type;
Heptagon.e_linearity = Linearity.Ltop;
Heptagon.e_level_ck = Clocks.Cbase;
Heptagon.e_ct_annot = Misc.optional (translate_ct e.e_loc env) e.e_ct_annot;
Heptagon.e_loc = e.e_loc }
@ -307,7 +312,10 @@ and translate_desc loc env = function
(c, e) in
|||| fun_c_e c_e_list in
Heptagon.Emerge (x, c_e_list)
| Esplit (x, e1) ->
let x = translate_exp env (mk_exp (Evar x) loc) in
let e1 = translate_exp env e1 in
Heptagon.Esplit(x, e1)
and translate_op = function
| Earrow -> Heptagon.Earrow
@ -331,8 +339,10 @@ and translate_pat loc env = function
| Etuplepat l -> Heptagon.Etuplepat ( (translate_pat loc env) l)
let rec translate_eq env eq =
let init = match eq.eq_desc with | Eeq(_, init, _) -> init | _ -> Linearity.Lno_init in
{ Heptagon.eq_desc = translate_eq_desc eq.eq_loc env eq.eq_desc ;
Heptagon.eq_stateful = false;
Heptagon.eq_inits = init;
Heptagon.eq_loc = eq.eq_loc; }
and translate_eq_desc loc env = function
@ -341,7 +351,7 @@ and translate_eq_desc loc env = function
(translate_switch_handler loc env)
switch_handlers in
Heptagon.Eswitch (translate_exp env e, sh)
| Eeq(p, e) ->
| Eeq(p, _, e) ->
Heptagon.Eeq (translate_pat loc env p, translate_exp env e)
| Epresent (present_handlers, b) ->
@ -393,6 +403,7 @@ and translate_var_dec env vd =
(* env is initialized with the declared vars before their translation *)
{ Heptagon.v_ident = Rename.var vd.v_loc env vd.v_name;
Heptagon.v_type = translate_type vd.v_loc vd.v_type;
Heptagon.v_linearity = vd.v_linearity;
Heptagon.v_last = translate_last vd.v_last;
Heptagon.v_clock = translate_some_clock vd.v_loc env vd.v_clock;
Heptagon.v_loc = vd.v_loc }
@ -420,6 +431,19 @@ let params_of_var_decs p_l =
let translate_constrnt e = expect_static_exp e
let args_of_var_decs =
let arg_of_vd vd =
if Linearity.is_linear vd.v_linearity && not !Compiler_options.do_mem_alloc then
message vd.v_loc Elinear_type_no_memalloc
Signature.mk_arg ~linearity:vd.v_linearity
(Some vd.v_name)
(translate_type vd.v_loc vd.v_type)
|||| arg_of_vd
let translate_node node =
let n = current_qual node.n_name in
Idents.enter_node n;
@ -144,6 +144,20 @@ let rec translate kind context e =
let context, e_list = translate_list ExtValue context e_list in
context, { e with e_desc = Eiterator(it, app, n, flatten_e_list pe_list,
flatten_e_list e_list, reset) }
| Esplit (x, e1) ->
let context, e1 = translate ExtValue context e1 in
let context, x = translate ExtValue context x in
let id = match x.e_desc with Evar x -> x | _ -> assert false in
let mk_when c = mk_exp ~linearity:e1.e_linearity (Ewhen (e1, c, id)) e1.e_ty in
(match x.e_ty with
| Tid t ->
(match Modules.find_type t with
| Signature.Tenum cl ->
let el = mk_when cl in
context, { e with e_desc = Eapp(mk_app Etuple, el, None) }
| _ -> Misc.internal_error "normalize split")
| _ -> Misc.internal_error "normalize split")
| Elast _ | Efby _ ->
Error.message e.e_loc Error.Eunsupported_language_construct
in add context kind e'
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ let level_up defnames constr h =
let add_to_locals vd_env locals h =
let add_one n nn (locals,vd_env) =
let orig_vd = Idents.Env.find n vd_env in
let vd_nn = mk_var_dec nn orig_vd.v_type in
let vd_nn = mk_var_dec ~linearity:orig_vd.v_linearity nn orig_vd.v_type in
vd_nn::locals, Idents.Env.add vd_nn.v_ident vd_nn vd_env
fold add_one h (locals, vd_env)
@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ struct
let translate_var { Heptagon.v_ident = n; Heptagon.v_type = ty;
let translate_var { Heptagon.v_ident = n; Heptagon.v_type = ty; Heptagon.v_linearity = linearity;
Heptagon.v_loc = loc; Heptagon.v_clock = ck } =
mk_var_dec ~loc:loc n ty ck
mk_var_dec ~loc:loc ~linearity:linearity n ty ck
let translate_reset = function
| Some { Heptagon.e_desc = Heptagon.Evar n } -> Some n
@ -83,7 +83,9 @@ let translate_app app =
~unsafe:app.Heptagon.a_unsafe (translate_op app.Heptagon.a_op)
let rec translate_extvalue e =
let mk_extvalue = mk_extvalue ~loc:e.Heptagon.e_loc ~ty:e.Heptagon.e_ty in
let mk_extvalue =
mk_extvalue ~loc:e.Heptagon.e_loc ~linearity:e.Heptagon.e_linearity ~ty:e.Heptagon.e_ty
match e.Heptagon.e_desc with
| Heptagon.Econst c -> mk_extvalue (Wconst c)
| Heptagon.Evar x -> mk_extvalue (Wvar x)
@ -97,8 +99,9 @@ let rec translate_extvalue e =
mk_extvalue (Wfield (translate_extvalue e, fn))
| _ -> Error.message e.Heptagon.e_loc Error.Enormalization
let rec translate ({ Heptagon.e_desc = desc; Heptagon.e_ty = ty; Heptagon.e_level_ck = b_ck;
Heptagon.e_ct_annot = a_ct; Heptagon.e_loc = loc } as e) =
let rec translate ({ Heptagon.e_desc = desc; Heptagon.e_ty = ty;
Heptagon.e_level_ck = b_ck; Heptagon.e_linearity = linearity;
Heptagon.e_ct_annot = a_ct; Heptagon.e_loc = loc; } as e) =
let desc = match desc with
| Heptagon.Econst _
| Heptagon.Evar _
@ -126,15 +129,15 @@ let rec translate ({ Heptagon.e_desc = desc; Heptagon.e_ty = ty; Heptagon.e_leve
||| translate_extvalue pe_list,
|||| translate_extvalue e_list,
translate_reset reset)
| Heptagon.Efby _
| Heptagon.Efby _ | Heptagon.Esplit _
| Heptagon.Elast _ ->
Error.message loc Error.Eunsupported_language_construct
| Heptagon.Emerge (x, c_e_list) ->
Emerge (x, (fun (c,e)-> c, translate_extvalue e) c_e_list)
match a_ct with
| None -> mk_exp b_ck ty ~loc:loc desc
| Some ct -> mk_exp b_ck ty ~ct:ct ~loc:loc desc
| None -> mk_exp b_ck ty ~loc:loc ~linearity:linearity desc
| Some ct -> mk_exp b_ck ty ~ct:ct ~loc:loc ~linearity:linearity desc
@ -175,7 +178,8 @@ let node n =
n_equs = translate_eq n.Heptagon.n_block.Heptagon.b_equs;
n_loc = n.Heptagon.n_loc ;
n_params = n.Heptagon.n_params;
n_param_constraints = n.Heptagon.n_param_constraints }
n_param_constraints = n.Heptagon.n_param_constraints;
n_mem_alloc = [] }
let typedec
{Heptagon.t_name = n; Heptagon.t_desc = tdesc; Heptagon.t_loc = loc} =
@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ let main () =
"-fti", Arg.Set full_type_info, doc_full_type_info;
"-fname", Arg.Set full_name, doc_full_name;
"-itfusion", Arg.Set do_iterator_fusion, doc_itfusion;
"-memalloc", Arg.Set do_mem_alloc, doc_memalloc;
"-sch-interf", Arg.Set use_interf_scheduler, doc_interf_scheduler
compile errmsg;
@ -201,8 +201,8 @@ let rec translate_pat map ty pat = match pat, ty with
| Minils.Etuplepat _, _ -> Misc.internal_error "Ill-typed pattern"
let translate_var_dec l =
let one_var { Minils.v_ident = x; Minils.v_type = t; v_loc = loc } =
mk_var_dec ~loc:loc x t
let one_var { Minils.v_ident = x; Minils.v_type = t; Minils.v_linearity = lin; v_loc = loc } =
mk_var_dec ~loc:loc ~linearity:lin x t
|||| one_var l
@ -665,6 +665,7 @@ let translate_node
({ Minils.n_name = f; Minils.n_input = i_list; Minils.n_output = o_list;
Minils.n_local = d_list; Minils.n_equs = eq_list; Minils.n_stateful = stateful;
Minils.n_contract = contract; Minils.n_params = params; Minils.n_loc = loc;
Minils.n_mem_alloc = mem_alloc
} as n) =
Idents.enter_node f;
let mem_var_tys = Mls_utils.node_memory_vars n in
@ -685,12 +686,12 @@ let translate_node
let resetm = { m_name = Mreset; m_inputs = []; m_outputs = []; m_body = mk_block si } in
if stateful
then { cd_name = f; cd_stateful = true; cd_mems = m; cd_params = params;
cd_objs = j; cd_methods = [stepm; resetm]; cd_loc = loc; }
cd_objs = j; cd_methods = [stepm; resetm]; cd_loc = loc; cd_mem_alloc = mem_alloc }
else (
(* Functions won't have [Mreset] or memories,
they still have [params] and instances (of functions) *)
{ cd_name = f; cd_stateful = false; cd_mems = []; cd_params = params;
cd_objs = j; cd_methods = [stepm]; cd_loc = loc; }
cd_objs = j; cd_methods = [stepm]; cd_loc = loc; cd_mem_alloc = mem_alloc }
let translate_ty_def { Minils.t_name = name; Minils.t_desc = tdesc;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
open Idents
open Types
open Signature
open Clocks
open Minils
open Linearity
open Interference_graph
open Containers
open Printf
let print_interference_graphs = false
let verbose_mode = false
let print_debug0 s =
if verbose_mode then
Format.printf s
let print_debug1 fmt x =
if verbose_mode then
Format.printf fmt x
let print_debug2 fmt x y =
if verbose_mode then
Format.printf fmt x y
let print_debug_ivar_env name env =
if verbose_mode then (
Format.printf "%s: " name;
IvarEnv.iter (fun k v -> Format.printf "%s : %d; " (ivar_to_string k) v) env;
Format.printf "@."
module TyEnv =
type t = ty
let compare = Global_compare.type_compare
module InterfRead = struct
let rec vars_ck acc = function
| Con(_, _, n) -> IvarSet.add (Ivar n) acc
| Cbase | Cvar { contents = Cindex _ } -> acc
| Cvar { contents = Clink ck } -> vars_ck acc ck
let rec ivar_of_extvalue w = match w.w_desc with
| Wvar x -> Ivar x
| Wfield(w, f) -> Ifield (ivar_of_extvalue w, f)
| Wwhen(w, _, _) -> ivar_of_extvalue w
| Wconst _ -> assert false
let ivar_of_pat p = match p with
| Evarpat x -> Ivar x
| _ -> assert false
let ivars_of_extvalues wl =
let tr_one acc w = match w.w_desc with
| Wconst _ -> acc
| _ -> (ivar_of_extvalue w)::acc
List.fold_left tr_one [] wl
let read_extvalue funs acc w =
(* recursive call *)
let _, acc = Mls_mapfold.extvalue funs acc w in
let acc =
match w.w_desc with
| Wconst _ -> acc
| _ -> IvarSet.add (ivar_of_extvalue w) acc
w, vars_ck acc w.w_ck
let read_exp funs acc e =
(* recursive call *)
let _, acc = Mls_mapfold.exp funs acc e in
(* special cases *)
let acc = match e.e_desc with
| Emerge(x,_) | Eapp(_, _, Some x)
| Eiterator (_, _, _, _, _, Some x) -> IvarSet.add (Ivar x) acc
| _ -> acc
e, vars_ck acc e.e_base_ck
let rec vars_pat acc = function
| Evarpat x -> IvarSet.add (Ivar x) acc
| Etuplepat pat_list -> List.fold_left vars_pat acc pat_list
let def eq =
vars_pat IvarSet.empty eq.eq_lhs
let rec nth_var_from_pat j pat =
match j, pat with
| 0, Evarpat x -> x
| n, Etuplepat l -> nth_var_from_pat 0 (List.nth l n)
| _, _ -> assert false
let read_exp e =
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with
Mls_mapfold.exp = read_exp;
Mls_mapfold.extvalue = read_extvalue } in
let _, acc = Mls_mapfold.exp_it funs IvarSet.empty e in
let read eq =
read_exp eq.eq_rhs
module World = struct
let vds = ref Env.empty
let memories = ref IvarSet.empty
let igs = ref []
let init f =
(* build vds cache *)
let build env vds =
List.fold_left (fun env vd -> Env.add vd.v_ident vd env) env vds
let env = build Env.empty f.n_input in
let env = build env f.n_output in
let env = build env f.n_local in
igs := [];
vds := env;
(* build the set of memories *)
let mems = Mls_utils.node_memory_vars f in
memories := List.fold_left (fun s (x, _) -> IvarSet.add (Ivar x) s) IvarSet.empty mems
let vd_from_ident x =
Env.find x !vds
let rec ivar_type iv = match iv with
| Ivar x ->
let vd = vd_from_ident x in
| Ifield(_, f) ->
let n = Modules.find_field f in
let fields = Modules.find_struct n in
Signature.field_assoc f fields
let is_optimized_ty ty =
match Modules.unalias_type ty with
| Tarray _ -> true
| Tid n ->
(match Modules.find_type n with
| Signature.Tstruct _ -> true
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false
let is_optimized iv =
is_optimized_ty (ivar_type iv)
let is_memory x =
IvarSet.mem (Ivar x) !memories
let node_for_ivar iv =
let rec _node_for_ivar igs iv =
match igs with
| [] -> print_debug1 "Var not in graph: %s@." (ivar_to_string iv); raise Not_found
| ig::igs ->
ig, node_for_value ig iv
with Not_found ->
_node_for_ivar igs iv)
_node_for_ivar !igs iv
let node_for_name x =
node_for_ivar (Ivar x)
(** Helper functions to work with the multiple interference graphs *)
let by_ivar def f x y =
if World.is_optimized x then (
let igx, nodex = World.node_for_ivar x in
let igy, nodey = World.node_for_ivar y in
if igx == igy then
f igx nodex nodey
) else
let by_name def f x y =
if World.is_optimized (Ivar x) then (
let igx, nodex = World.node_for_name x in
let igy, nodey = World.node_for_name y in
if igx == igy then
f igx nodex nodey
) else
let add_interference_link_from_name = by_name () add_interference_link
let add_interference_link_from_ivar = by_ivar () add_interference_link
let add_affinity_link_from_name = by_name () add_affinity_link
let add_affinity_link_from_ivar = by_ivar () add_affinity_link
let add_same_value_link_from_name = by_name () add_affinity_link
let add_same_value_link_from_ivar = by_ivar () add_affinity_link
let coalesce_from_name = by_name () coalesce
let coalesce_from_ivar = by_ivar () coalesce
let have_same_value_from_name = by_name false have_same_value
let remove_from_ivar iv =
let ig, v = World.node_for_ivar iv in
G.remove_vertex ig.g_graph v
| Not_found -> (* var not in graph, just ignore it *) ()
(** Adds all the fields of a variable to the set [s] (when it corresponds to a record). *)
let rec all_ivars s iv ty =
let s = if World.is_optimized_ty ty then IvarSet.add iv s else s in
match Modules.unalias_type ty with
| Tid n ->
let fields = Modules.find_struct n in
List.fold_left (fun s { f_name = n; f_type = ty } ->
all_ivars s (Ifield(iv, n)) ty) s fields
Not_found -> s
| _ -> s
let all_ivars_set ivs =
IvarSet.fold (fun iv s -> all_ivars s iv (World.ivar_type iv)) ivs IvarSet.empty
(** Returns a map giving the number of uses of each ivar in the equations [eqs]. *)
let compute_uses eqs =
let aux env eq =
let incr_uses iv env =
if IvarEnv.mem iv env then
IvarEnv.add iv ((IvarEnv.find iv env) + 1) env
IvarEnv.add iv 1 env
let ivars = all_ivars_set ( eq) in
IvarSet.fold incr_uses ivars env
List.fold_left aux IvarEnv.empty eqs
let number_uses iv uses =
IvarEnv.find iv uses
| Not_found -> 0
let add_uses uses iv env =
let ivars = all_ivars IvarSet.empty iv (World.ivar_type iv) in
IvarSet.fold (fun iv env -> IvarEnv.add iv (number_uses iv uses) env) ivars env
let decr_uses iv env =
IvarEnv.add iv ((IvarEnv.find iv env) - 1) env
| Not_found ->
print_debug1 "Cannot decrease; var not found : %s@." (ivar_to_string iv); assert false
(** TODO: compute correct live range for variables wit no use ?*)
let compute_live_vars eqs =
let uses = compute_uses eqs in
print_debug_ivar_env "Uses" uses;
let aux (env,res) eq =
let alive_vars = IvarEnv.fold (fun iv n acc -> if n > 0 then iv::acc else acc) env [] in
print_debug1 "Alive vars : %s@." (String.concat " " ( ivar_to_string alive_vars));
let read_ivars = all_ivars_set ( eq) in
let env = IvarSet.fold decr_uses read_ivars env in
let res = (eq, alive_vars)::res in
let env = IvarSet.fold (add_uses uses) (InterfRead.def eq) env in
print_debug_ivar_env "Remaining uses" env;
env, res
let env = IvarSet.fold (add_uses uses) !World.memories IvarEnv.empty in
let _, res = List.fold_left aux (env, []) eqs in
let rec disjoint_clock is_mem ck1 ck2 =
match ck1, ck2 with
| Cbase, Cbase -> false
| Con(ck1, c1, n1), Con(ck2,c2,n2) ->
if ck1 = ck2 & n1 = n2 & c1 <> c2 & not is_mem then
disjoint_clock is_mem ck1 ck2
(*let separated_by_reset =
(match x_is_mem, y_is_mem with
| true, true -> are_separated_by_reset c1 c2
| _, _ -> true) in *)
| _ -> false
(** [should_interfere x y] returns whether variables x and y
can interfere. *)
let should_interfere (x, y) =
let vdx = World.vd_from_ident x in
let vdy = World.vd_from_ident y in
if Global_compare.type_compare vdx.v_type vdy.v_type <> 0 then
else (
let x_is_mem = World.is_memory x in
let y_is_mem = World.is_memory y in
let are_copies = have_same_value_from_name x y in
let disjoint_clocks = disjoint_clock (x_is_mem || y_is_mem) vdx.v_clock vdy.v_clock in
not (disjoint_clocks or are_copies)
let should_interfere = Misc.memoize_couple should_interfere
(** Builds the (empty) interference graphs corresponding to the
variable declaration list vds. It just creates one graph per type
and one node per declaration. *)
let init_interference_graph () =
(** Adds a node for the variable and all fields of a variable. *)
let rec add_ivar env iv ty =
let ivars = all_ivars IvarSet.empty iv ty in
IvarSet.fold (fun iv env -> TyEnv.add_element (World.ivar_type iv) (mk_node iv) env) ivars env
let env = Env.fold
(fun _ vd env -> add_ivar env (Ivar vd.v_ident) vd.v_type) !World.vds TyEnv.empty in
World.igs := TyEnv.fold (fun ty l acc -> (mk_graph l ty)::acc) env []
(** Adds interferences between all the variables in
the list. If force is true, then interference is added
whatever the variables are, without checking if interference
is real. *)
let rec add_interferences_from_list force vars =
let add_interference x y =
match x, y with
| Ivar x, Ivar y ->
if force or should_interfere (x, y) then
add_interference_link_from_ivar (Ivar x) (Ivar y)
| _, _ -> add_interference_link_from_ivar x y
Misc.iter_couple add_interference vars
(** Adds to the interference graphs [igs] the
interference resulting from the live vars sets
stored in hash. *)
let add_interferences live_vars =
List.iter (fun (_, vars) -> add_interferences_from_list false vars) live_vars
let spill_inputs f =
let spilled_inp = List.filter (fun vd -> not (is_linear vd.v_linearity)) f.n_input in
let spilled_inp = List.fold_left
(fun s vd -> IvarSet.add (Ivar vd.v_ident) s) IvarSet.empty spilled_inp in
IvarSet.iter remove_from_ivar (all_ivars_set spilled_inp)
(** @return whether [ty] corresponds to a record type. *)
let is_record_type ty = match ty with
| Tid n ->
(match Modules.find_type n with
| Tstruct _ -> true
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false
(** [filter_vars l] returns a list of variables whose fields appear in
a list of ivar.*)
let rec filter_fields = function
| [] -> []
| (Ifield (id, _))::l -> id::(filter_fields l)
| _::l -> filter_fields l
(** Adds the interference between records variables
caused by interferences between their fields. *)
let add_records_field_interferences () =
let add_record_interf g n1 n2 =
if interfere g n1 n2 then
let v1 = filter_fields !(G.V.label n1) in
let v2 = filter_fields !(G.V.label n2) in
Misc.iter_couple_2 add_interference_link_from_ivar v1 v2
List.iter (iter_interf add_record_interf) !World.igs
(** Coalesce the nodes corresponding to all semilinear variables
with the same location. *)
let coalesce_linear_vars () =
let coalesce_one_var _ vd memlocs =
if World.is_optimized_ty vd.v_type then
(match vd.v_linearity with
| Ltop -> memlocs
| Lat r ->
if LocationEnv.mem r memlocs then (
coalesce_from_name vd.v_ident (LocationEnv.find r memlocs);
) else
LocationEnv.add r vd.v_ident memlocs
| _ -> assert false)
ignore (Env.fold coalesce_one_var !World.vds LocationEnv.empty)
let find_targeting f =
let find_output outputs_lins (acc,i) l =
match l with
| Lvar _ ->
let idx = Misc.index (fun l1 -> l = l1) outputs_lins in
if idx >= 0 then
(i, idx)::acc, i+1
acc, i+1
| _ -> acc, i+1
let desc = Modules.find_value f in
let inputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list desc.node_inputs in
let outputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list desc.node_outputs in
let acc, _ = List.fold_left (find_output outputs_lins) ([], 0) inputs_lins in
(** [process_eq igs eq] adds to the interference graphs igs
the links corresponding to the equation. Interferences
corresponding to live vars sets are already added by build_interf_graph.
let process_eq ({ eq_lhs = pat; eq_rhs = e } as eq) =
(** Other cases*)
match pat, e.e_desc with
| _, Eiterator((Imap|Imapi), { a_op = Enode _ | Efun _ }, _, pw_list, w_list, _) ->
let invars = InterfRead.ivars_of_extvalues w_list in
let pinvars = InterfRead.ivars_of_extvalues pw_list in
let outvars = IvarSet.elements (InterfRead.def eq) in
(* because of the encoding of the fold, the outputs are written before
the partially applied inputs are read so they must interfere *)
List.iter (fun inv -> List.iter (add_interference_link_from_ivar inv) outvars) pinvars;
(* affinities between inputs and outputs *)
List.iter (fun inv -> List.iter
(add_affinity_link_from_ivar inv) outvars) invars;
| Evarpat x, Eiterator((Ifold|Ifoldi), { a_op = Enode _ | Efun _ }, _, pw_list, w_list, _) ->
(* because of the encoding of the fold, the output is written before
the inputs are read so they must interfere *)
let w_list, _ = Misc.split_last w_list in
let invars = InterfRead.ivars_of_extvalues w_list in
let pinvars = InterfRead.ivars_of_extvalues pw_list in
List.iter (add_interference_link_from_ivar (Ivar x)) invars;
List.iter (add_interference_link_from_ivar (Ivar x)) pinvars
| Etuplepat l, Eiterator(Imapfold, { a_op = Enode _ | Efun _ }, _, pw_list, w_list, _) ->
let w_list, _ = Misc.split_last w_list in
let invars = InterfRead.ivars_of_extvalues w_list in
let pinvars = InterfRead.ivars_of_extvalues pw_list in
let outvars, acc_out = Misc.split_last ( InterfRead.ivar_of_pat l) in
(* because of the encoding of the fold, the output is written before
the inputs are read so they must interfere *)
List.iter (add_interference_link_from_ivar acc_out) invars;
List.iter (add_interference_link_from_ivar acc_out) pinvars;
(* because of the encoding of the fold, the outputs are written before
the partially applied inputs are read so they must interfere *)
List.iter (fun inv -> List.iter (add_interference_link_from_ivar inv) outvars) pinvars;
(* it also interferes with outputs. We add it here because it will not hold
if it is not used. *)
List.iter (add_interference_link_from_ivar acc_out) outvars;
(*affinity between inputs and outputs*)
List.iter (fun inv -> List.iter (add_affinity_link_from_ivar inv) outvars) invars
| Evarpat x, Efby(_, w) -> (* x = _ fby y *)
(match w.w_desc with
| Wconst _ -> ()
| _ -> add_affinity_link_from_ivar (InterfRead.ivar_of_extvalue w) (Ivar x) )
| Evarpat x, Eextvalue w ->
(* Add links between variables with the same value *)
(match w.w_desc with
| Wconst _ -> ()
| _ -> add_same_value_link_from_ivar (InterfRead.ivar_of_extvalue w) (Ivar x) )
| _ -> () (* do nothing *)
(** Add the special init and return equations to the dependency graph
(resp at the bottom and top) *)
let add_init_return_eq f =
(** a_1,..,a_p = __init__ *)
let eq_init = mk_equation (Mls_utils.pat_from_dec_list f.n_input)
(mk_extvalue_exp Cbase Initial.tint (Wconst (Initial.mk_static_int 0))) in
(** __return__ = o_1,..,o_q *)
let eq_return = mk_equation (Etuplepat [])
(mk_exp Cbase Tinvalid (Mls_utils.tuple_from_dec_list f.n_output)) in
let build_interf_graph f =
World.init f;
(** Init interference graph *)
init_interference_graph ();
let eqs = add_init_return_eq f in
(** Build live vars sets for each equation *)
let live_vars = compute_live_vars eqs in
(* Coalesce linear variables *)
coalesce_linear_vars ();
(** Other cases*)
List.iter process_eq f.n_equs;
(* Add interferences from live vars set*)
add_interferences live_vars;
(* Add interferences between records implied by IField values*)
add_records_field_interferences ();
(* Splill inputs that are not modified *)
spill_inputs f;
(* Return the graphs *)
(** Color the nodes corresponding to fields using
the color attributed to the record. This makes sure that
if a and b are shared, then a.f and b.f are too. *)
let color_fields ig =
let process n =
let fields = filter_fields !(G.V.label n) in
match fields with
| [] -> ()
| id::_ -> (* we only look at the first as they will all have the same color *)
let _, top_node = World.node_for_ivar id in
G.Mark.set n (G.Mark.get top_node)
G.iter_vertex process ig.g_graph
(** Color an interference graph.*)
let color_interf_graphs igs =
let record_igs, igs =
List.partition (fun ig -> is_record_type ig.g_type) igs in
(* First color interference graphs of record types *)
List.iter Dcoloring.color record_igs;
(* Then update fields colors *)
List.iter color_fields igs;
(* and finish the coloring *)
List.iter Dcoloring.color igs
let print_graphs f igs =
let cpt = ref 0 in
let print_graph ig =
let s = (Names.shortname f.n_name)^ (string_of_int !cpt) in
Interference2dot.print_graph (Names.fullname f.n_name) s ig;
cpt := !cpt + 1
List.iter print_graph igs
(** Create the list of lists of variables stored together,
from the interference graph.*)
let create_subst_lists igs =
let create_one_ig ig =
|||| (fun x -> ig.g_type, x) (Dcoloring.values_by_color ig)
List.flatten ( create_one_ig igs)
let node _ acc f =
(** Build the interference graphs *)
let igs = build_interf_graph f in
(** Color the graph *)
color_interf_graphs igs;
if print_interference_graphs then
print_graphs f igs;
(** Remember the choice we made for code generation *)
{ f with n_mem_alloc = create_subst_lists igs }, acc
let program p =
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with Mls_mapfold.node_dec = node } in
let p, _ = Mls_mapfold.program_it funs () p in
@ -42,9 +42,17 @@ let compile_program p =
(* Scheduling *)
let p = pass "Scheduling" true Schedule.program p pp in
let p =
if !Compiler_options.use_interf_scheduler then
pass "Scheduling (with minimization of interferences)" true Schedule_interf.program p pp
pass "Scheduling" true Schedule.program p pp
(* Normalize memories*)
(* Normalize memories*)
let p = pass "Normalize memories" true Normalize_mem.program p pp in
(* Memory allocation *)
let p = pass "memory allocation" !do_mem_alloc Interference.program p pp in
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ open Idents
open Signature
open Static
open Types
open Linearity
open Clocks
(** Warning: Whenever Minils ast is modified,
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ and extvalue = {
w_desc : extvalue_desc;
mutable w_ck: ck;
w_ty : ty;
w_linearity : linearity;
w_loc : location }
and extvalue_desc =
@ -57,6 +59,7 @@ and exp = {
mutable e_base_ck : ck;
mutable e_ct : ct;
e_ty : ty;
e_linearity : linearity;
e_loc : location }
and edesc =
@ -106,6 +109,7 @@ type eq = {
type var_dec = {
v_ident : var_ident;
v_type : ty;
v_linearity : linearity;
v_clock : ck;
v_loc : location }
@ -126,7 +130,8 @@ type node_dec = {
n_equs : eq list;
n_loc : location;
n_params : param list;
n_param_constraints : constrnt list }
n_param_constraints : constrnt list;
n_mem_alloc : (ty * Interference_graph.ivar list) list; }
type const_dec = {
c_name : qualname;
@ -147,15 +152,22 @@ and program_desc =
(*Helper functions to build the AST*)
let mk_extvalue ~ty ?(clock = fresh_clock()) ?(loc = no_location) desc =
{ w_desc = desc; w_ty = ty;
let mk_extvalue ~ty ?(linearity = Ltop) ?(clock = fresh_clock()) ?(loc = no_location) desc =
{ w_desc = desc; w_ty = ty; w_linearity = linearity;
w_ck = clock; w_loc = loc }
let mk_exp level_ck ty ?(ck = Cbase) ?(ct = fresh_ct ty) ?(loc = no_location) desc =
{ e_desc = desc; e_ty = ty; e_level_ck = level_ck; e_base_ck = ck; e_ct = ct; e_loc = loc }
let mk_exp level_ck ty ?(linearity = Ltop) ?(ck = Cbase)
?(ct = fresh_ct ty) ?(loc = no_location) desc =
{ e_desc = desc; e_ty = ty; e_linearity = linearity;
e_level_ck = level_ck; e_base_ck = ck; e_ct = ct; e_loc = loc }
let mk_var_dec ?(loc = no_location) ident ty ck =
{ v_ident = ident; v_type = ty; v_clock = ck; v_loc = loc }
let mk_var_dec ?(loc = no_location) ?(linearity = Ltop) ident ty ck =
{ v_ident = ident; v_type = ty; v_linearity = linearity; v_clock = ck; v_loc = loc }
let mk_extvalue_exp ?(linearity = Ltop) ?(clock = fresh_clock())
?(loc = no_location) level_ck ty desc =
mk_exp ~ck:clock ~loc:loc level_ck ty
(Eextvalue (mk_extvalue ~clock:clock ~loc:loc ~linearity:linearity ~ty:ty desc))
let mk_equation ?(loc = no_location) pat exp =
{ eq_lhs = pat; eq_rhs = exp; eq_loc = loc }
@ -163,6 +175,7 @@ let mk_equation ?(loc = no_location) pat exp =
let mk_node
?(input = []) ?(output = []) ?(contract = None) ?(local = []) ?(eq = [])
?(stateful = true) ?(loc = no_location) ?(param = []) ?(constraints = [])
name =
{ n_name = name;
n_stateful = stateful;
@ -173,7 +186,8 @@ let mk_node
n_equs = eq;
n_loc = loc;
n_params = param;
n_param_constraints = constraints }
n_param_constraints = constraints;
n_mem_alloc = mem_alloc }
let mk_type_dec type_desc name loc =
{ t_name = name; t_desc = type_desc; t_loc = loc }
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ open Names
open Signature
open Idents
open Types
open Linearity
open Clocks
open Static
open Format
@ -28,9 +29,9 @@ let rec print_pat ff = function
| Etuplepat pat_list ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>(%a)@]" (print_list_r print_pat """,""") pat_list
let print_vd ff { v_ident = n; v_type = ty; v_clock = ck } =
let print_vd ff { v_ident = n; v_type = ty; v_linearity = lin; v_clock = ck } =
(* if !Compiler_options.full_type_info then*)
fprintf ff "%a : %a :: %a" print_ident n print_type ty print_ck ck
fprintf ff "%a : %a%a :: %a" print_ident n print_type ty print_linearity lin print_ck ck
(*else fprintf ff "%a : %a" print_ident n print_type ty*)
let print_local_vars ff = function
@ -73,8 +74,8 @@ and print_trunc_index ff idx =
and print_exp ff e =
if !Compiler_options.full_type_info then
fprintf ff "(%a : %a :: %a)"
print_exp_desc e.e_desc print_type e.e_ty print_ct e.e_ct
fprintf ff "(%a : %a%a :: %a)"
print_exp_desc e.e_desc print_type e.e_ty print_linearity e.e_linearity print_ct e.e_ct
else fprintf ff "%a" print_exp_desc e.e_desc
and print_every ff reset =
@ -82,8 +83,8 @@ and print_every ff reset =
and print_extvalue ff w =
if !Compiler_options.full_type_info then
fprintf ff "(%a : %a :: %a)"
print_extvalue_desc w.w_desc print_type w.w_ty print_ck w.w_ck
fprintf ff "(%a : %a%a :: %a)"
print_extvalue_desc w.w_desc print_type w.w_ty print_linearity w.w_linearity print_ck w.w_ck
else fprintf ff "%a" print_extvalue_desc w.w_desc
@ -58,6 +58,15 @@ let is_record_type ty = match ty with
let is_op = function
| { qual = Pervasives; name = _ } -> true | _ -> false
let pat_from_dec_list decs =
Etuplepat ( (fun vd -> Evarpat vd.v_ident) decs)
let tuple_from_dec_list decs =
let aux vd =
mk_extvalue ~clock:vd.v_clock ~ty:vd.v_type (Wvar vd.v_ident)
Eapp(mk_app Earray, aux decs, None)
module Vars =
let add x acc = if List.mem x acc then acc else x :: acc
@ -158,13 +167,11 @@ end
(* Assumes normal form, all fby are solo rhs *)
let node_memory_vars n =
let eq _ acc ({ eq_lhs = pat; eq_rhs = e } as eq) =
match e.e_desc with
| Efby(_, _) ->
let v_l = Vars.vars_pat [] pat in
let t_l = Types.unprod e.e_ty in
let acc = (List.combine v_l t_l) @ acc in
eq, acc
| _ -> eq, acc
match pat, e.e_desc with
| Evarpat x, Efby(_, _) ->
let acc = (x, e.e_ty) :: acc in
eq, acc
| _, _ -> eq, acc
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with eq = eq } in
let _, acc = node_dec_it funs [] n in
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
open Misc
open Minils
open Mls_utils
open Graph
open Sgraph
open Dep
(* possible overlapping between clocks *)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
(** A scheduler that tries to minimize interference between variables, in
order to have a more efficient memory allocation. *)
open Idents
open Minils
open Mls_utils
open Misc
open Sgraph
module EqMap =
Map.Make (
struct type t = eq
let compare = compare
let eq_clock eq =
module Cost =
open Interference_graph
open Interference
(** Returns the minimum of the values in the map.
Picks an equation with the clock ck if possible. *)
let min_map ck m =
let one_min k d (v,eq,same_ck) =
match eq with
| None -> (d, Some k, eq_clock k = ck)
| Some eq ->
if d < v then
(d, Some k, eq_clock eq = ck)
else if d = v & not same_ck & eq_clock eq = ck then
(v, Some k, true)
(v, Some eq, same_ck)
let _, eq, _ = EqMap.fold one_min m (0, None, false) in
match eq with
| None -> assert false
| Some eq -> eq
(** Remove from the elements the elements whose value is zero or negative. *)
let remove_null m =
let check_not_null k d m =
if d > 0 then IvarEnv.add k d m else m
IvarEnv.fold check_not_null m IvarEnv.empty
(** Returns the list of variables killed by an equation (ie vars
used by the equation and with use count equal to 1). *)
let killed_vars eq env =
let is_killed iv acc =
if IvarEnv.find iv env = 1 then acc + 1 else acc
| Not_found ->
Format.printf "Var not found in kill_vars %s@." (ivar_to_string iv); assert false
IvarSet.fold is_killed (all_ivars_set ( eq)) 0
(** Compute the cost of all the equations in rem_eqs using var_uses.
So far, it uses only the number of killed and defined variables. *)
let compute_costs env rem_eqs =
let cost eq =
let nb_killed_vars = killed_vars eq env in
let nb_def_vars = IvarSet.cardinal (all_ivars_set (InterfRead.def eq)) in
nb_def_vars - nb_killed_vars
List.fold_left (fun m eq -> EqMap.add eq (cost eq) m) EqMap.empty rem_eqs
(** Initialize the costs data structure. *)
let init_cost uses inputs =
let env = IvarSet.fold (add_uses uses) !World.memories IvarEnv.empty in
let inputs = (fun vd -> Ivar vd.v_ident) inputs in
List.fold_left (fun env iv -> add_uses uses iv env) env inputs
(** [update_cost eq uses env] updates the costs data structure
after eq has been chosen as the next equation to be scheduled.
It updates uses and adds the new variables defined by this equation.
let update_cost eq uses env =
let env = IvarSet.fold decr_uses (all_ivars_set ( eq)) env in
IvarSet.fold (add_uses uses) (InterfRead.def eq) env
(** Returns the next equation, chosen from the list of equations rem_eqs *)
let next_equation rem_eqs ck env =
let eq_cost = compute_costs env rem_eqs in
min_map ck eq_cost
(** Returns the list of 'free' nodes in the dependency graph (nodes without
predecessors). *)
let free_eqs node_list =
let is_free n =
(List.length n.g_depends_on) = 0
|||| (fun n -> n.g_containt) (List.filter is_free node_list)
let rec node_for_eq eq nodes_list =
match nodes_list with
| [] -> raise Not_found
| n::nodes_list ->
if eq = n.g_containt then
node_for_eq eq nodes_list
(** Remove an equation from the dependency graph. All the edges to
other nodes are removed. *)
let remove_eq eq node_list =
let n = node_for_eq eq node_list in
List.iter (remove_depends n) n.g_depends_on;
List.iter (fun n2 -> remove_depends n2 n) n.g_depends_by;
List.filter (fun n2 -> n.g_tag <> n2.g_tag) node_list
(** Main function to schedule a node. *)
let schedule eq_list inputs node_list =
let uses = Interference.compute_uses eq_list in
let rec schedule_aux rem_eqs sched_eqs node_list ck costs =
match rem_eqs with
| [] -> sched_eqs
| _ ->
(* First choose the next equation to schedule depending on costs*)
let eq = Cost.next_equation rem_eqs ck costs in
(* remove it from the dependency graph *)
let node_list = remove_eq eq node_list in
(* update the list of equations ready to be scheduled *)
let rem_eqs = free_eqs node_list in
(* compute new costs for the next step *)
let costs = Cost.update_cost eq uses costs in
schedule_aux rem_eqs (eq::sched_eqs) node_list (eq_clock eq) costs
let costs = Cost.init_cost uses inputs in
let rem_eqs = free_eqs node_list in
List.rev (schedule_aux rem_eqs [] node_list Clocks.Cbase costs)
let schedule_contract c =
let node _ () f =
Interference.World.init f;
let contract = optional schedule_contract f.n_contract in
let node_list, _ = f.n_equs in
let f = { f with n_equs = schedule f.n_equs f.n_input node_list; n_contract = contract } in
f, ()
let program p =
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with Mls_mapfold.node_dec = node } in
let p, () = Mls_mapfold.program_it funs () p in
@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ let df = function
(* Tell ocamlbuild about Menhir library (needed by --table). *)
ocaml_lib ~extern:true ~dir:"+menhirLib" "menhirLib";
(* Tell ocamlbuild about the ocamlgraph library. *)
ocaml_lib ~extern:true ~dir:"+ocamlgraph" "graph";
(* Menhir does not come with menhirLib.cmxa so we have to manually by-pass
OCamlbuild's built-in logic and add the needed menhirLib.cmxa. *)
flag ["link"; "native"; "link_menhirLib"] (S [A "-I"; A "+menhirLib";
@ -328,8 +328,6 @@ let output_cfile dir (filen, cfile_desc) =
let output dir cprog =
List.iter (output_cfile dir) cprog
(** { Lexical conversions to C's syntax } *)
(** Returns the type of a pointer to a type, except for
types which are already pointers. *)
let pointer_to ty =
@ -71,7 +71,9 @@ let output_names_list sig_info =
| Some n -> n
| None -> Error.message no_location Error.Eno_unnamed_output
|||| remove_option sig_info.node_outputs
let outputs = List.filter
(fun ad -> not (Linearity.is_linear ad.a_linearity)) sig_info.node_outputs in
|||| remove_option outputs
let is_stateful n =
@ -107,6 +109,7 @@ let rec ctype_of_otype oty =
let cvarlist_of_ovarlist vl =
let cvar_of_ovar vd =
let ty = ctype_of_otype vd.v_type in
let ty = if Linearity.is_linear vd.v_linearity then pointer_to ty else ty in
name vd.v_ident, ty
|||| cvar_of_ovar vl
@ -221,10 +224,10 @@ and create_affect_stm dest src ty =
(** Returns the expression to use e as an argument of
a function expecting a pointer as argument. *)
let address_of e = match e with
| Carray _ -> e
| Cderef e -> e
| _ -> Caddrof e
let address_of ty e =
match ty with
| Tarray _ -> e
| _ -> Caddrof e
let rec cexpr_of_static_exp se =
match se.se_desc with
@ -400,6 +403,15 @@ let out_var_name_of_objn o =
of the called node, [mem] represents the node context and [args] the
argument list.*)
let step_fun_call out_env var_env sig_info objn out args =
let rec add_targeting l ads = match l, ads with
| [], [] -> []
| e::l, ad::ads ->
(*this arg is targeted, use a pointer*)
let e = if Linearity.is_linear ad.a_linearity then address_of ad.a_type e else e in
e::(add_targeting l ads)
| _, _ -> assert false
let args = (add_targeting args sig_info.node_inputs) in
if sig_info.node_stateful then (
let mem =
(match objn with
@ -14,8 +14,66 @@ open Misc
open Obc
open Obc_utils
open Clocks
open Signature
open Obc_mapfold
let appears_in_exp, appears_in_lhs =
let lhsdesc _ (x, acc) ld = match ld with
| Lvar y -> ld, (x, acc or (x=y))
| Lmem y -> ld, (x, acc or (x=y))
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback
let funs = { Obc_mapfold.defaults with lhsdesc = lhsdesc } in
let appears_in_exp x e =
let _, (_, acc) = exp_it funs (x, false) e in
let appears_in_lhs x l =
let _, (_, acc) = lhs_it funs (x, false) l in
appears_in_exp, appears_in_lhs
let used_vars e =
let add x acc = if List.mem x acc then acc else x::acc in
let lhsdesc funs acc ld = match ld with
| Lvar y -> ld, add y acc
| Lmem y -> ld, add y acc
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback
let funs = { Obc_mapfold.defaults with lhsdesc = lhsdesc } in
let _, vars = Obc_mapfold.exp_it funs [] e in
let rec is_modified_by_call x args e_list = match args, e_list with
| [], [] -> false
| a::args, e::e_list ->
if Linearity.is_linear a.a_linearity && appears_in_exp x e then
is_modified_by_call x args e_list
| _, _ -> assert false
let is_modified_handlers j x handlers =
let act _ acc a = match a with
| Aassgn(l, _) -> a, acc or (appears_in_lhs x l)
| Acall (name_list, o, Mstep, e_list) ->
(* first, check if e is one of the output of the function*)
if List.exists (appears_in_lhs x) name_list then
a, true
else (
let sig_info = find_obj (obj_ref_name o) j in
a, acc or (is_modified_by_call x sig_info.node_inputs e_list)
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback
let funs = { Obc_mapfold.defaults with act = act } in
List.exists (fun (_, b) -> snd (block_it funs false b)) handlers
let is_modified_handlers j e handlers =
let vars = used_vars e in
List.exists (fun x -> is_modified_handlers j x handlers) vars
let fuse_blocks b1 b2 =
{ b1 with b_locals = b1.b_locals @ b2.b_locals;
b_body = b1.b_body @ b2.b_body }
@ -37,7 +95,7 @@ let is_deadcode = function
| Afor(_, _, _, { b_body = [] }) -> true
| _ -> false
let rec joinlist l =
let rec joinlist j l =
let l = List.filter (fun a -> not (is_deadcode a)) l in
match l with
| [] -> []
@ -46,24 +104,31 @@ let rec joinlist l =
match s1, s2 with
| Acase(e1, h1),
Acase(e2, h2) when e1.e_desc = e2.e_desc ->
joinlist ((Acase(e1, joinhandlers h1 h2))::l)
| s1, s2 -> s1::(joinlist (s2::l))
if is_modified_handlers j e1 h1 then
s1::(joinlist j (s2::l))
joinlist j ((Acase(e1, joinhandlers j h1 h2))::l)
| s1, s2 -> s1::(joinlist j (s2::l))
and join_block b =
{ b with b_body = joinlist b.b_body }
and join_block j b =
{ b with b_body = joinlist j b.b_body }
and joinhandlers h1 h2 =
and joinhandlers j h1 h2 =
match h1 with
| [] -> h2
| (c1, s1) :: h1' ->
let s1', h2' =
try let s2, h2'' = find c1 h2 in fuse_blocks s1 s2, h2''
with Not_found -> s1, h2 in
(c1, join_block s1') :: joinhandlers h1' h2'
(c1, join_block j s1') :: joinhandlers j h1' h2'
let block _ acc b =
{ b with b_body = joinlist b.b_body }, acc
let block _ j b =
{ b with b_body = joinlist j b.b_body }, j
let class_def funs acc cd =
let cd, _ = Obc_mapfold.class_def funs cd.cd_objs cd in
cd, acc
let program p =
let p, _ = program_it { defaults with block = block } () p in
let p, _ = program_it { defaults with class_def = class_def; block = block } [] p in
@ -16,4 +16,11 @@ let pp p = if !verbose then Obc_printer.print stdout p
let compile_program p =
(*Control optimization*)
let p = pass "Control optimization" true Control.program p pp in
(* Memory allocation application *)
let p = pass "Application of Memory Allocation" !do_mem_alloc Memalloc_apply.program p pp in
(*Dead code removal*)
let p = pass "Dead code removal" !do_mem_alloc Deadcode.program p pp in
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ open Misc
open Names
open Idents
open Types
open Linearity
open Signature
open Location
@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ and block =
and var_dec =
{ v_ident : var_ident;
v_type : ty;
v_linearity : linearity;
v_mutable : bool;
v_loc : location }
@ -114,7 +116,8 @@ type class_def =
cd_objs : obj_dec list;
cd_params : param list;
cd_methods: method_def list;
cd_loc : location }
cd_loc : location;
cd_mem_alloc : (ty * Interference_graph.ivar list) list; }
type program =
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
open Obc
open Idents
open Global_compare
open Misc
let rec extvalue_compare w1 w2 =
let cr = type_compare w1.w_ty w2.w_ty in
if cr <> 0 then cr
match w1.w_desc, w2.w_desc with
| Wvar x1, Wvar x2 -> ident_compare x1 x2
| Wmem x1, Wmem x2 -> ident_compare x1 x2
| Wfield(r1, f1), Wfield(r2, f2) ->
let cr = compare f1 f2 in
if cr <> 0 then cr else extvalue_compare r1 r2
| Warray(l1, e1), Warray(l2, e2) ->
let cr = extvalue_compare l1 l2 in
if cr <> 0 then cr else exp_compare e1 e2
| Wvar _, _ -> 1
| Wmem _, Wvar _ -> -1
| Wmem _, _ -> 1
| Wfield _, (Wvar _ | Wmem _) -> -1
| Wfield _, _ -> 1
| Wconst _, (Wvar _ | Wmem _ | Wfield _) -> -1
| Wconst _, _ -> 1
| Warray _, _ -> -1
and exp_compare e1 e2 =
let cr = type_compare e1.e_ty e2.e_ty in
if cr <> 0 then cr
match e1.e_desc, e2.e_desc with
| Eextvalue w1, Eextvalue w2 -> extvalue_compare w1 w2
| Eop(op1, el1), Eop(op2, el2) ->
let cr = compare op1 op2 in
if cr <> 0 then cr else list_compare exp_compare el1 el2
| Estruct(_, fnel1), Estruct (_, fnel2) ->
let compare_fne (fn1, e1) (fn2, e2) =
let cr = compare fn1 fn2 in
if cr <> 0 then cr else exp_compare e1 e2
list_compare compare_fne fnel1 fnel2
| Earray el1, Earray el2 ->
list_compare exp_compare el1 el2
| Eextvalue _, _ -> 1
| Eop _, (Eextvalue _) -> -1
| Eop _, _ -> 1
| Estruct _, (Eextvalue _ | Eop _) -> -1
| Estruct _, _ -> 1
| Earray _, _ -> -1
let rec compare_lhs_extvalue l w = match l.pat_desc, w.w_desc with
| Lvar x1, Wvar x2 -> ident_compare x1 x2
| Lmem x1, Wmem x2 -> ident_compare x1 x2
| Lfield (l1, f1), Wfield (w2, f2) ->
let cr = compare f1 f2 in
if cr <> 0 then cr else compare_lhs_extvalue l1 w2
| Larray (l1, e1), Warray (w2, e2) ->
let cr = compare_lhs_extvalue l1 w2 in
if cr <> 0 then cr else exp_compare e1 e2
| _, _ -> 1 (* always return 1 as we only use it for comparison *)
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ open Global_printer
let print_vd ff vd =
fprintf ff "@[<v>";
if vd.v_mutable then
fprintf ff "mutable ";
print_ident ff vd.v_ident;
fprintf ff ": ";
print_type ff vd.v_type;
@ -12,12 +12,13 @@ open Idents
open Location
open Misc
open Types
open Linearity
open Obc
open Obc_mapfold
open Global_mapfold
let mk_var_dec ?(loc=no_location) ?(mut=false) ident ty =
{ v_ident = ident; v_type = ty; v_mutable = mut; v_loc = loc }
let mk_var_dec ?(loc=no_location) ?(linearity = Ltop) ?(mut=false) ident ty =
{ v_ident = ident; v_type = ty; v_linearity = linearity; v_mutable = mut; v_loc = loc }
let mk_ext_value ?(loc=no_location) ty desc =
{ w_desc = desc; w_ty = ty; w_loc = loc; }
@ -110,11 +111,23 @@ let find_step_method cd =
let find_reset_method cd =
List.find (fun m -> m.m_name = Mreset) cd.cd_methods
let replace_step_method st cd =
let f md = if md.m_name = Mstep then st else md in
{ cd with cd_methods = f cd.cd_methods }
let obj_ref_name o =
match o with
| Oobj obj
| Oarray (obj, _) -> obj
let rec find_obj o j = match j with
| [] -> assert false
| obj::j ->
if o = obj.o_ident then
Modules.find_value obj.o_class
find_obj o j
(** Input a block [b] and remove all calls to [Reset] method from it *)
let remove_resets b =
let block funs () b =
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
open Obc
open Obc_mapfold
let is_deadcode = function
| Aassgn (lhs, e) ->
(match e.e_desc with
| Eextvalue w -> Obc_compare.compare_lhs_extvalue lhs w = 0
| _ -> false
| Acase (_, []) -> true
| Afor(_, _, _, { b_body = [] }) -> true
| _ -> false
let act funs act_list a =
let a, _ = Obc_mapfold.act funs [] a in
if is_deadcode a then
a, act_list
a, a::act_list
let block funs acc b =
let _, act_list = Obc_mapfold.block funs [] b in
{ b with b_body = List.rev act_list }, acc
let program p =
let funs = { Obc_mapfold.defaults with block = block; act = act } in
let p, _ = Obc_mapfold.program_it funs [] p in
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
open Types
open Idents
open Signature
open Linearity
open Obc
open Obc_utils
open Obc_mapfold
open Interference_graph
module LinListEnv =
type t = linearity_var
let compare = compare
let rec ivar_of_pat l = match l.pat_desc with
| Lvar x -> Ivar x
| Lfield(l, f) -> Ifield (ivar_of_pat l, f)
| _ -> assert false
let rec repr_from_ivar env iv =
let lhs = IvarEnv.find iv env in lhs.pat_desc
| Not_found ->
(match iv with
| Ivar x -> Lvar x
| Ifield(iv, f) ->
let ty = Tid (Modules.find_field f) in
let lhs = mk_pattern ty (repr_from_ivar env iv) in
Lfield (lhs, f) )
let rec choose_record_field env l = match l with
| [iv] -> repr_from_ivar env iv
| (Ivar _)::l -> choose_record_field env l
| (Ifield(iv,f))::_ -> repr_from_ivar env (Ifield(iv,f))
| [] -> assert false
(** Chooses from a list of vars (with the same color in the interference graph)
the one that will be used to store every other. It can be either an input,
an output or any var if there is no input or output in the list. *)
let choose_representative m inputs outputs mems ty vars =
let filter_ivs vars l = List.filter (fun iv -> List.mem iv l) vars in
let inputs = filter_ivs vars inputs in
let outputs = filter_ivs vars outputs in
let mems = filter_ivs vars mems in
let desc = match inputs, outputs, mems with
| [], [], [] -> choose_record_field m vars
| [], [], (Ivar m)::_ -> Lmem m
| [Ivar vin], [], [] -> Lvar vin
| [], [Ivar vout], [] -> Lvar vout
| [Ivar vin], [Ivar _], [] -> Lvar vin
| _, _, _ ->
Interference.print_debug0 "@.Something is wrong with the coloring : ";
Interference.print_debug1 "%s@." (String.concat " " ( ivar_to_string vars));
Interference.print_debug0 "\tInputs : ";
Interference.print_debug1 "%s@." (String.concat " " ( ivar_to_string inputs));
Interference.print_debug0 "\tOutputs : ";
Interference.print_debug1 "%s@." (String.concat " " ( ivar_to_string outputs));
Interference.print_debug0 "\tMem : ";
Interference.print_debug1 "%s@." (String.concat " " ( ivar_to_string mems));
assert false (*something went wrong in the coloring*)
mk_pattern ty desc
let memalloc_subst_map inputs outputs mems subst_lists =
let map_from_subst_lists (env, mutables) l =
let add_to_map (env, mutables) (ty, l) =
let repr = choose_representative env inputs outputs mems ty l in
let env = List.fold_left (fun env iv -> IvarEnv.add iv repr env) env l in
let mutables =
if (List.length l > 1) || (List.mem (Ivar (var_name repr)) mems) then
IdentSet.add (var_name repr) mutables
env, mutables
List.fold_left add_to_map (env, mutables) l
let record_lists, other_lists = List.partition
(fun (ty,_) -> Interference.is_record_type ty) subst_lists in
let env, mutables = map_from_subst_lists (IvarEnv.empty, IdentSet.empty) record_lists in
map_from_subst_lists (env, mutables) other_lists
let lhs funs (env, mut, j) l = match l.pat_desc with
| Lmem _ -> l, (env, mut, j)
| Larray _ -> Obc_mapfold.lhs funs (env, mut, j) l
| Lvar _ | Lfield _ ->
(* replace with representative *)
let iv = ivar_of_pat l in
{ l with pat_desc = repr_from_ivar env iv }, (env, mut, j)
| Not_found -> Obc_mapfold.lhs funs (env, mut, j) l
let act funs (env,mut,j) a = match a with
| Acall(pat, o, Mstep, e_list) ->
let desc = Obc_utils.find_obj (obj_ref_name o) j in
let e_list = (fun e -> fst (Obc_mapfold.exp_it funs (env,mut,j) e)) e_list in
let fix_pat p a l = if Linearity.is_linear a.a_linearity then l else p::l in
let pat = List.fold_right2 fix_pat pat desc.node_outputs [] in
let pat = (fun l -> fst (Obc_mapfold.lhs_it funs (env,mut,j) l)) pat in
Acall(pat, o, Mstep, e_list), (env,mut,j)
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback
let var_decs _ (env, mutables,j) vds =
let var_dec vd acc =
if (var_name (IvarEnv.find (Ivar vd.v_ident) env)) <> vd.v_ident then
(* remove unnecessary outputs *)
else (
let vd =
if IdentSet.mem vd.v_ident mutables then (
{ vd with v_mutable = true }
) else
| Not_found -> vd::acc
List.fold_right var_dec vds [], (env, mutables,j)
let add_other_vars md cd =
let add_one (env, ty_env) vd =
if is_linear vd.v_linearity && not (Interference.World.is_optimized_ty vd.v_type) then
let r = location_name vd.v_linearity in
let env = LinListEnv.add_element r (Ivar vd.v_ident) env in
let ty_env = LocationEnv.add r vd.v_type ty_env in
env, ty_env
env, ty_env
let envs = List.fold_left add_one (LinListEnv.empty, LocationEnv.empty) md.m_inputs in
let envs = List.fold_left add_one envs md.m_outputs in
let env, ty_env = List.fold_left add_one envs cd.cd_mems in
LinListEnv.fold (fun r x acc -> (LocationEnv.find r ty_env, x)::acc) env []
let class_def funs acc cd =
(* find the substitution and apply it to the body of the class *)
let ivars_of_vds vds = (fun vd -> Ivar vd.v_ident) vds in
let md = find_step_method cd in
let inputs = ivars_of_vds md.m_inputs in
let outputs = ivars_of_vds md.m_outputs in
let mems = ivars_of_vds cd.cd_mems in
(*add linear variables not taken into account by memory allocation*)
let mem_alloc = (add_other_vars md cd) @ cd.cd_mem_alloc in
let env, mutables = memalloc_subst_map inputs outputs mems mem_alloc in
let cd, _ = Obc_mapfold.class_def funs (env, mutables, cd.cd_objs) cd in
(* remove unnecessary outputs*)
let m_outputs = List.filter (fun vd -> is_not_linear vd.v_linearity) md.m_outputs in
let md = find_step_method cd in
let md = { md with m_outputs = m_outputs } in
let cd = replace_step_method md cd in
cd, acc
let program p =
let funs = { Obc_mapfold.defaults with class_def = class_def; var_decs = var_decs;
act = act; lhs = lhs } in
let p, _ = Obc_mapfold.program_it funs (IvarEnv.empty, IdentSet.empty, []) p in
@ -1 +1 @@
<global> or <minils>:include
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
module ListMap (Ord:Map.OrderedType) =
include Map.Make(Ord)
let add_element k v m =
add k (v::(find k m)) m
| Not_found -> add k [v] m
let add_elements k vl m =
add k (vl @ (find k m)) m
| Not_found -> add k vl m
@ -98,6 +98,10 @@ let do_iterator_fusion = ref false
let do_scalarize = ref false
let do_mem_alloc = ref false
let use_interf_scheduler = ref false
let doc_verbose = "\t\t\tSet verbose mode"
and doc_version = "\t\tThe version of the compiler"
and doc_print_types = "\t\t\tPrint types"
@ -123,3 +127,5 @@ and doc_assert = "<node>\t\tInsert run-time assertions for boolean node <node>"
and doc_inline = "<node>\t\tInline node <node>"
and doc_itfusion = "\t\tEnable iterator fusion."
and doc_tomato = "\t\tEnable automata minimization."
and doc_memalloc = "\t\tEnable memory allocation"
and doc_interf_scheduler = "\t\tUse a scheduler that tries to minimise interferences"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
(* dependences between equations *)
open Graph
open Sgraph
open Idents
module type READ =
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
<>: use_ocamlgraph
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
open Interference_graph
open Containers
(** Coloring*)
let no_color = 0
let min_color = 1
module ColorEnv =
type t = int
let compare = compare
module ColorSet =
type t = int
let compare = compare
module Dsatur = struct
let rec remove_colored l = match l with
| [] -> []
| v::l -> if G.Mark.get v > 0 then l else v::(remove_colored l)
let colors i g v =
let color e colors =
if G.E.label e = i then
let c = G.Mark.get (G.E.dst e) in
if c <> 0 then
ColorSet.add c colors
G.fold_succ_e color g v ColorSet.empty
(** Returns the smallest value not in the list of colors. *)
let rec find_min_available_color interf_colors =
let rec aux i =
if not (ColorSet.mem i interf_colors) then i else aux (i+1)
aux min_color
(** Returns a new color from interference and affinity colors lists.*)
let pick_color interf_colors aff_colors =
let aff_colors = ColorSet.diff aff_colors interf_colors in
if not (ColorSet.is_empty aff_colors) then
ColorSet.choose aff_colors
find_min_available_color interf_colors
let dsat g v =
let color_deg = ColorSet.cardinal (colors Iinterference g v) in
if color_deg = 0 then G.out_degree g v else color_deg
let dsat_max g v1 v2 =
match compare (dsat g v1) (dsat g v2) with
| 0 -> if G.out_degree g v1 > G.out_degree g v2 then v1 else v2
| x when x > 0 -> v1
| _ -> v2
let uncolored_vertices g =
G.fold_vertex (fun v acc -> if G.Mark.get v = 0 then v::acc else acc) g []
let color_vertex g v =
let c = (pick_color (colors Iinterference g v) (colors Iaffinity g v)) in
G.Mark.set v c
let rec color_vertices g vertices = match vertices with
| [] -> ()
| v::vertices ->
let vmax = List.fold_left (dsat_max g) v vertices in
color_vertex g vmax;
let vertices = remove_colored (v::vertices) in
color_vertices g vertices
let coloring g =
color_vertices g (uncolored_vertices g)
let values_by_color g =
let env = G.fold_vertex
(fun n env -> ColorEnv.add_elements (G.Mark.get n) !(G.V.label n) env)
g.g_graph ColorEnv.empty
ColorEnv.fold (fun _ v acc -> v::acc) env []
let color g =
Dsatur.coloring g.g_graph
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
open Graph
open Interference_graph
(** Printing *)
module DotG = struct
include G
let name = ref ""
let color_to_graphviz_color i =
(i * 8364263947 + 855784368)
(*Functions for printing the graph *)
let default_vertex_attributes _ = []
let default_edge_attributes _ = []
let get_subgraph _ = None
let graph_attributes _ =
[`Label !name]
let vertex_name v =
let rec ivar_name iv =
match iv with
| Ivar id -> id
| Ifield(ivar, f) -> (ivar_name ivar)^"_"^(Names.shortname f)
Misc.sanitize_string (ivar_name (List.hd !(V.label v)))
let vertex_attributes v =
let s = String.concat ", " ( (fun iv -> ivar_to_string iv) !(V.label v)) in
[`Label s; `Color (color_to_graphviz_color (Mark.get v))]
let edge_attributes e =
let style =
match E.label e with
| Iinterference -> `Solid
| Iaffinity -> `Dashed
| Isame_value -> `Dotted
[`Style style; `Dir `None]
module DotPrint = Graphviz.Dot(DotG)
let print_graph label filename g =
Global_printer.print_type Format.str_formatter g.g_type;
let ty_str = Format.flush_str_formatter () in
|||| := label^" : "^ty_str;
let oc = open_out (filename ^ ".dot") in
DotPrint.output_graph oc g.g_graph;
close_out oc
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
open Graph
type ilink =
| Iinterference
| Iaffinity
| Isame_value
type ivar =
| Ivar of Idents.var_ident
| Ifield of ivar * Names.field_name
module IvarEnv =
Map.Make (struct
type t = ivar
let compare = compare
module IvarSet =
Set.Make (struct
type t = ivar
let compare = compare
let rec ivar_to_string = function
| Ivar n -> n
| Ifield(iv,f) -> (ivar_to_string iv)^"."^(Names.shortname f)
module VertexValue = struct
type t = ivar list ref
(*let compare = compare
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
let equal = (=)
let default = []*)
module EdgeValue = struct
type t = ilink
let default = Iinterference
let compare = compare
module G =
include Imperative.Graph.AbstractLabeled(VertexValue)(EdgeValue)
let add_edge_v g n1 v n2 =
add_edge_e g (E.create n1 v n2)
let mem_edge_v g n1 n2 v =
(E.label (find_edge g n1 n2)) = v
Not_found -> false
let filter_succ g v n =
fold_succ_e (fun e acc -> if (E.label e) = v then (E.dst e)::acc else acc) g n []
let coalesce g n1 n2 =
if n1 <> n2 then (
iter_succ_e (fun e -> add_edge_e g (E.create n1 (E.label e) (E.dst e))) g n2;
let r = V.label n1 in
r := !(V.label n2) @ !r;
remove_vertex g n2
let vertices g =
fold_vertex (fun v acc -> v::acc) g []
let filter_vertices f g =
fold_vertex (fun v acc -> if f v then v::acc else acc) g []
type interference_graph = {
g_type : Types.ty;
g_graph : G.t;
g_hash : (ivar, G.V.t) Hashtbl.t
(** Functions to create graphs and nodes *)
let mk_node x =
G.V.create (ref [x])
let add_node g n =
G.add_vertex g.g_graph n;
List.iter (fun x -> Hashtbl.add g.g_hash x n) !(G.V.label n)
(* Hashtbl.add g.g_tag_hash n.g_tag n;
n.g_graph <- Some g*)
let node_for_value g x =
Hashtbl.find g.g_hash x
let mk_graph nodes ty =
let g = { g_graph = G.create ();
g_type = ty;
g_hash = Hashtbl.create 100 } in
List.iter (add_node g) nodes;
(** Functions to read the graph *)
let interfere g n1 n2 =
G.mem_edge_v g.g_graph n1 n2 Iinterference
let affinity g n1 n2 =
G.mem_edge_v g.g_graph n1 n2 Iaffinity
let have_same_value g n1 n2 =
G.mem_edge_v g.g_graph n1 n2 Isame_value
let interfere_with g n =
G.filter_succ g.g_graph Iinterference n
let affinity_with g n =
G.filter_succ g.g_graph Iaffinity n
let has_same_value_as g n =
G.filter_succ g.g_graph Isame_value n
(** Functions to modify the graph *)
let add_interference_link g n1 n2 =
if n1 <> n2 then (
G.remove_edge g.g_graph n1 n2;
G.add_edge_v g.g_graph n1 Iinterference n2
let add_affinity_link g n1 n2 =
if n1 <> n2 && not (G.mem_edge g.g_graph n1 n2) then (
G.remove_edge g.g_graph n1 n2;
G.add_edge_v g.g_graph n1 Iaffinity n2
let add_same_value_link g n1 n2 =
if n1 <> n2 && not (interfere g n1 n2) then (
G.remove_edge g.g_graph n1 n2;
G.add_edge_v g.g_graph n1 Isame_value n2
let coalesce g n1 n2 =
let find_wrong_same_value () =
let filter_same_value e acc =
if (G.E.label e) = Isame_value && not(have_same_value g n2 (G.E.dst e)) then
(G.E.dst e)::acc
G.fold_succ_e filter_same_value g.g_graph n1 []
(* remove same value links no longer true *)
List.iter (fun n -> G.remove_edge g.g_graph n n1) (find_wrong_same_value ());
(* update the hash table*)
List.iter (fun x -> Hashtbl.replace g.g_hash x n1) !(G.V.label n2);
(* coalesce nodes in the graph*)
G.coalesce g.g_graph n1 n2
(** Iterates [f] on all the couple of nodes interfering in the graph g *)
let iter_interf f g =
let do_f e =
if G.E.label e = Iinterference then
f g (G.E.src e) (G.E.dst e)
G.iter_edges_e do_f g.g_graph
@ -164,6 +164,12 @@ let mapfold f acc l =
([],acc) l in
List.rev l, acc
let mapfold2 f acc l1 l2 =
let l,acc = List.fold_left2
(fun (l,acc) e1 e2 -> let e,acc = f acc e1 e2 in e::l, acc)
([],acc) l1 l2 in
List.rev l, acc
let mapfold_right f l acc =
List.fold_right (fun e (acc, l) -> let acc, e = f e acc in (acc, e :: l))
l (acc, [])
@ -277,4 +283,42 @@ let split_string s separator = Str.split (separator |> Str.quote |> Str.regexp)
let file_extension s = split_string s "." |> last_element
(** Memoize the result of the function [f]*)
let memoize f =
let map = Hashtbl.create 100 in
fun x ->
Hashtbl.find map x
| Not_found -> let r = f x in Hashtbl.add map x r; r
(** Memoize the result of the function [f], taht should expect a
tuple as input and be reflexive (f (x,y) = f (y,x)) *)
let memoize_couple f =
let map = Hashtbl.create 100 in
fun (x,y) ->
Hashtbl.find map (x,y)
| Not_found ->
let r = f (x,y) in Hashtbl.add map (x,y) r; Hashtbl.add map (y,x) r; r
(** [iter_couple f l] calls f for all x and y distinct in [l]. *)
let rec iter_couple f l = match l with
| [] -> ()
| x::l ->
List.iter (f x) l;
iter_couple f l
(** [iter_couple_2 f l1 l2] calls f for all x in [l1] and y in [l2]. *)
let iter_couple_2 f l1 l2 =
List.iter (fun v1 -> List.iter (f v1) l2) l1
(** [index p l] returns the idx of the first element in l
that satisfies predicate p.*)
let index p l =
let rec aux i = function
| [] -> -1
| v::l -> if p v then i else aux (i+1) l
aux 0 l
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ val option_compare : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a option -> 'a option -> int
(** Mapfold *)
val mapfold: ('acc -> 'b -> 'c * 'acc) -> 'acc -> 'b list -> 'c list * 'acc
val mapfold2: ('acc -> 'b -> 'd -> 'c * 'acc) -> 'acc -> 'b list -> 'd list -> 'c list * 'acc
(** Mapfold, right version. *)
val mapfold_right
@ -102,6 +103,14 @@ val mapi3: (int -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) ->
'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list -> 'd list
val fold_righti : (int -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b -> 'b
(** [iter_couple f l] calls f for all x and y distinct in [l]. *)
val iter_couple : ('a -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a list -> unit
(** [iter_couple_2 f l1 l2] calls f for all x in [l1] and y in [l2]. *)
val iter_couple_2 : ('a -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> unit
(** [index p l] returns the idx of the first element in l
that satisfies predicate p.*)
val index : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> int
(** Functions to decompose a list into a tuple *)
val assert_empty : 'a list -> unit
val assert_1 : 'a list -> 'a
@ -127,3 +136,10 @@ val internal_error : string -> 'a
(** Unsupported : Is used when something should work but is not currently supported *)
val unsupported : string -> 'a
(** Memoize the result of the function [f]*)
val memoize : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'b)
(** Memoize the result of the function [f], taht should expect a
tuple as input and be reflexive (f (x,y) = f (y,x)) *)
val memoize_couple : (('a * 'a) -> 'b) -> (('a * 'a) -> 'b)
@ -66,3 +66,5 @@ let print_map iter print_key print_element ff map =
fprintf ff "@[<hv 2>[@ ";
iter (fun k x -> fprintf ff "| %a -> %a@ " print_key k print_element x) map;
fprintf ff "]@]"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
node f(a:int^10 at r) returns (o:int^10 at r)
var u:int^10 at r;
u = [a with [0] = 0];
o = map<<10>> (+)(u, a);
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ shopt -s nullglob
# script de test
# compilateurs utilises pour les tests de gen. de code
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
const m:int = 3
const n:int = 100
node f(a:int^10 at r) returns (o:int^10 at r)
o = [ a with [0]=0 ]
node g(a:int^10 at r) returns (o:int^10 at r)
o = f(a)
node linplus (a:int at r) returns (u:int at r)
u = a
fun swap<<s:int>>(i,j:int; a:float^s at r) returns (o:float^s at r)
var u,v:float; a1:float^s at r;
u = a.[i] default 0.0;
v = a.[j] default 0.0;
a1 = [ a with [i] = v ];
o = [ a1 with [j] = v];
node shuffle(i_arr, j_arr:int^m; q:int)
returns (v : float)
var t,t_next:float^n at r;
t_next = fold<<m>> (swap<<n>>)(i_arr, j_arr, t);
init<<r>> t = (0.0^n) fby t_next;
v = t_next.[q] default 0.0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
const n:int = 100
fun f(a:int^n at r) returns (o:int^n at r)
o = [ a with [0] = 0 ]
fun g(a:int^n at r) returns (o:int^n at r)
o = [ a with [n-1] = 0 ]
node autom(a:int^n at r) returns (o:int^n at r)
state S1
o = f(a)
until true then S2
state S2
o = g(a)
until false then S1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
const n:int = 100
node pp(x:float) returns(o1,o2:float)
o1 = x;
o2 = x
node f() returns (o:float)
var u,v:float^n at r;
init<<r>> u = [1.0^n with [0] = 0.0];
v = [u with [n-1] = 0.0];
o = v[28]
node g() returns (o:float)
var u,v:float^n at r; z:float^n;
(init<<r>> u, z) = map<<n>> pp(0.0^n);
v = [u with [n-1] = 0.0];
o = v[28]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
const n:int = 100
type st = On | Off
node f(a:int^n at r; c:st) returns (o:int^n at r)
var u,v,x:int^n at r;
(u, v) = split c (a);
x = [ u with [0] = 0 ];
o = merge c (On -> x) (Off -> v)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
type array = { tab : int^100; size : int }
fun f(a:array) returns (o:array)
o = { a with .size = 0 }
node g(a:array) returns (o:array)
var v, u : int^100;
v = [ with [0] = 0 ];
u = [ v with [10] = 99 ];
o = { a with .tab = u }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
const n:int = 100
const m:int = 3
fun swap<<s:int>>(i,j:int; a:float^s) returns (o:float^s)
var u,v:float; a1:float^s;
u = a.[i] default 0.0;
v = a.[j] default 0.0;
a1 = [ a with [i] = v ];
o = [ a1 with [j] = v];
node shuffle(i_arr, j_arr:int^m; q:int)
returns (v : float)
var t,t_next:float^n;
t_next = fold<<m>> (swap<<n>>)(i_arr, j_arr, t);
t = (0.0^n) fby t_next;
v = t_next.[q] default 0.0;
node p(a,b:int^n) returns (o:int^n)
var x:int^n;
x = map<<n>> (+) (a, b);
o = map<<n>> (-) (x, b)
fun clocked(x:bool; i,j:int; a:float^n) returns (o:float^n)
var a1,a2:float^n;
a1 = [ (a when true(x)) with [i when true(x)] = 0.0 ];
a2 = [ (a when false(x)) with [j when false(x)] = 0.0 ];
o = merge x (true -> a1) (false -> a2);
node clocked_reg(x:bool; i,j:int; a:float^n) returns (o:float^n)
var a1,a2:float^n;
o = merge x (true -> a1) (false -> a2);
a1 = (0.0^n) fby [ a1 with [i when true(x)] = 0.0 ];
a2 = (0.0^n) fby [ a2 with [j when false(x)] = 0.0 ];
Reference in a new issue