v_name -> v_ident for idents....
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 12 additions and 12 deletions
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ let clear env c =
clearec c
let build dec =
let add acc { v_name = n; } = IdentSet.add n acc in
let add acc { v_ident = n; } = IdentSet.add n acc in
List.fold_left add IdentSet.empty dec
(** Main typing function *)
@ -327,11 +327,11 @@ and build h dec =
| Heptagon.Last(Some _) -> { i_kind = Last(izero); i_typ = izero }
| Heptagon.Last(None) -> { i_kind = Last(ione); i_typ = new_var () } in
(fun h { v_name = n; v_last = last } -> Env.add n (kind last) h) h dec
(fun h { v_ident = n; v_last = last } -> Env.add n (kind last) h) h dec
let sbuild h dec =
(fun h { v_name = n } -> Env.add n { i_kind = Var; i_typ = izero } h) h dec
(fun h { v_ident = n } -> Env.add n { i_kind = Var; i_typ = izero } h) h dec
let typing_contract h contract =
match contract with
@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ and typing_block statefull h
and build h h0 dec =
(fun (acc_dec, acc_defined, h)
({ v_name = n; v_type = btype; v_last = l; v_loc = loc } as v) ->
({ v_ident = n; v_type = btype; v_last = l; v_loc = loc } as v) ->
let ty = check_type btype in
(* update type longname with module name from check_type *)
@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ let typing_contract statefull h contract =
let signature const_env inputs returns params constraints =
let arg_dec_of_var_dec vd =
mk_arg (Some (name vd.v_name)) (check_type vd.v_type)
mk_arg (Some (name vd.v_ident)) (check_type vd.v_type)
{ node_inputs = List.map arg_dec_of_var_dec inputs;
node_outputs = List.map arg_dec_of_var_dec returns;
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ and print_c ff = function
fprintf ff "^";
print_size_exp ff n
and print_vd ff { v_name = n; v_type = ty; v_last = last } =
and print_vd ff { v_ident = n; v_type = ty; v_last = last } =
fprintf ff "@[<v>";
begin match last with Last _ -> fprintf ff "last " | _ -> () end;
print_ident ff n;
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ and present_handler = {
and var_dec = {
v_name : ident; mutable v_type : ty; v_last : last; v_loc : location
v_ident : ident; mutable v_type : ty; v_last : last; v_loc : location
and last =
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ let mk_equation ?(statefull = true) desc =
{ eq_desc = desc; eq_statefull = statefull; eq_loc = no_location; }
let mk_var_dec ?(last = Var) name ty =
{ v_name = name; v_type = ty;
{ v_ident = name; v_type = ty;
v_last = last; v_loc = no_location }
let mk_block ?(statefull = true) defnames eqs =
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ and translate_switch_handler loc const_env env sh =
Heptagon.w_block = fst (translate_block const_env env sh.w_block) }
and translate_var_dec const_env env vd =
{ Heptagon.v_name = Rename.name vd.v_loc env vd.v_name;
{ Heptagon.v_ident = Rename.name vd.v_loc env vd.v_name;
Heptagon.v_type = translate_type const_env vd.v_type;
Heptagon.v_last = translate_last env vd.v_last;
Heptagon.v_loc = vd.v_loc }
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ open Ident
(* introduce a fresh equation [last_x = pre(x)] for every *)
(* variable declared with a last *)
let last (eq_list, env, v) { v_name = n; v_type = t; v_last = last } =
let last (eq_list, env, v) { v_ident = n; v_type = t; v_last = last } =
match last with
| Var -> (eq_list, env, v)
| Last(default) ->
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ struct
let add l env =
(fun acc { Heptagon.v_name = n } ->
(fun acc { Heptagon.v_ident = n } ->
IdentSet.add n acc) IdentSet.empty l)
(* sample e according to the clock [base on C1(x1) on ... on Cn(xn)] *)
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ let add_locals ni l_eqs s_eqs s_handlers =
s_eqs s_handlers in
addrec l_eqs s_eqs s_handlers
let translate_var { Heptagon.v_name = n; Heptagon.v_type = ty; } =
let translate_var { Heptagon.v_ident = n; Heptagon.v_type = ty; } =
mk_var_dec n ty
let translate_locals locals l =
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