Itfusion moved to heptagon

This commit is contained in:
Cédric Pasteur 2011-04-13 15:10:15 +02:00
parent cbf92beba2
commit 611c94bbbd
4 changed files with 44 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -232,6 +232,19 @@ let mk_signature name ins outs stateful params loc =
sig_params = params;
sig_loc = loc }
let mk_node
?(input = []) ?(output = []) ?(contract = None) ?(local = [])
?(stateful = true) ?(loc = no_location) ?(param = []) ?(constraints = [])
name block =
{ n_name = name;
n_stateful = stateful;
n_input = input;
n_output = output;
n_contract = contract;
n_block = block;
n_loc = loc;
n_params = param;
n_params_constraints = constraints }
(** @return the set of variables defined in [pat]. *)
let vars_pat pat =

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@ -2,10 +2,15 @@ open Signature
open Modules
open Names
open Static
open Mls_mapfold
open Minils
open Hept_mapfold
open Heptagon
(* Iterator fusion *)
let is_stateful app =
match app.a_op with
| Enode _ -> true
| _ -> false
(* Functions to temporarily store anonymous nodes*)
let mk_fresh_node_name () = Modules.fresh_value "itfusion" "temp"
@ -21,8 +26,8 @@ let anon_nodes = ref QualEnv.empty
let add_anon_node inputs outputs locals eqs =
let n = mk_fresh_node_name () in
let nd = mk_node ~input:inputs ~output:outputs ~local:locals
~eq:eqs n in
let b = mk_block ~locals:locals eqs in
let nd = mk_node ~input:inputs ~output:outputs ~local:locals n b in
anon_nodes := QualEnv.add n nd !anon_nodes;
@ -46,9 +51,9 @@ match l with
| _ -> Etuplepat ( (fun vd -> Evarpat vd.v_ident) l)
let tuple_of_vd_list l =
let el = (fun vd -> mk_exp ~ty:vd.v_type (Evar vd.v_ident)) l in
let el = (fun vd -> mk_exp (Evar vd.v_ident) vd.v_type) l in
let ty = ( (fun vd -> vd.v_type) l) in
mk_exp ~ty:ty (Eapp (mk_app Etuple, el, None))
mk_exp (Eapp (mk_app Etuple, el, None)) ty
let vd_of_arg ad =
mk_var_dec (fresh_vd_of_arg ad) ad.a_type
@ -70,24 +75,25 @@ let get_node_inp_outp app = match app.a_op with
(** Creates the equation to call the node [app].
@return the list of new inputs required by the call, the expression
used to retrieve the resul of the call and [acc_eq_list] with the
used to retrieve the result of the call and [acc_eq_list] with the
added equations. *)
let mk_call app acc_eq_list =
let new_inp, new_outp = get_node_inp_outp app in
let args = (fun vd -> mk_exp ~ty:vd.v_type
(Evar vd.v_ident)) new_inp in
let args = (fun vd -> mk_exp
(Evar vd.v_ident) vd.v_type) new_inp in
let out_ty = ( (fun vd -> vd.v_type) new_outp) in
let e = mk_exp ~ty:out_ty (Eapp (app, args, None)) in
let e = mk_exp (Eapp (app, args, None)) out_ty in
match List.length new_outp with
| 1 -> new_inp, e, acc_eq_list
| _ ->
(*more than one output, we need to create a new equation *)
let eq = mk_equation (pat_of_vd_list new_outp) e in
let eq = mk_equation ~stateful:(is_stateful app)
(Eeq(pat_of_vd_list new_outp, e)) in
let e = tuple_of_vd_list new_outp in
new_inp, e, eq::acc_eq_list
let edesc funs acc ed =
let ed, acc = Mls_mapfold.edesc funs acc ed in
let ed, acc = Hept_mapfold.edesc funs acc ed in
match ed with
| Eiterator(Imap, f, n, [], e_list, r) ->
(** @return the list of inputs of the anonymous function,
@ -107,7 +113,7 @@ let edesc funs acc ed =
new_inp @ inp, acc_eq_list, e::largs, local_args @ args, true
| _ ->
let vd = mk_var_dec (fresh_var ()) e.e_ty in
let x = mk_exp ~ty:vd.v_type (Evar vd.v_ident) in
let x = mk_exp (Evar vd.v_ident) vd.v_type in
vd::inp, acc_eq_list, x::largs, e::args, b
@ -118,10 +124,12 @@ let edesc funs acc ed =
(* create the call to f in the lambda fun *)
let _, outp = get_node_inp_outp f in
let f_out_type = ( (fun v -> v.v_type) outp) in
let call = mk_exp ~ty:f_out_type (Eapp(f, largs, None)) in
let eq = mk_equation (pat_of_vd_list outp) call in
let call = mk_exp (Eapp(f, largs, None)) f_out_type in
let eq = mk_equation ~stateful:(is_stateful f)
(Eeq(pat_of_vd_list outp, call)) in
(* create the lambda *)
let anon = mk_app (Enode (add_anon_node inp outp [] (eq::acc_eq_list))) in
let anon = mk_app
(Enode (add_anon_node inp outp [] (eq::acc_eq_list))) in
Eiterator(Imap, anon, n, [], args, r), acc)
ed, acc
@ -131,6 +139,6 @@ let edesc funs acc ed =
let program p =
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with edesc = edesc } in
let p, _ = Mls_mapfold.program_it funs false p in
let funs = { Hept_mapfold.defaults with edesc = edesc } in
let p, _ = Hept_mapfold.program_it funs false p in

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@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ open Misc
open Initial
open Names
open Idents
open Signature
open Heptagon
open Hept_mapfold
open Types
open Clocks
@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ let flatten_e_list l =
List.flatten ( flatten l)
(** Creates a new equation x = e, adds x to d_list
and the equation to eq_list. *)
let equation (d_list, eq_list) e =
let add_one_var ty d_list =
let n = Idents.gen_var "normalize" "v" in
@ -93,6 +95,7 @@ let const e c =
type kind = ExtValue | Any
(** Creates an equation and add it to the context if necessary. *)
let add context expected_kind ({ e_desc = de } as e) =
let up = match de, expected_kind with
| (Evar _ | Eapp ({ a_op = Efield }, _, _) | Ewhen _

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@ -163,13 +163,12 @@ let mk_equation ?(loc = no_location) pat exp =
let mk_node
?(input = []) ?(output = []) ?(contract = None) ?(local = []) ?(eq = [])
?(stateful = true) ?(loc = no_location) ?(param = []) ?(constraints = [])
?(pinst = ([],[])) name =
name =
{ n_name = name;
n_stateful = stateful;
n_input = input;
n_output = output;
n_contract = contract;
(* n_controller_call = pinst;*)
n_local = local;
n_equs = eq;
n_loc = loc;