Correct handling of local assume/enforce of contracts
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 123 additions and 19 deletions
@ -77,7 +77,13 @@ let error_message loc = function
let ck_of_name h x =
if is_reset x
then fresh_clock()
else Env.find x h
Env.find x h
with Not_found ->
Format.printf "Not found while hept_clocking : %a@\n"
Idents.print_ident x;
raise Not_found
let rec typing_pat h = function
| Evarpat x -> Ck (ck_of_name h x)
@ -258,19 +264,25 @@ let typing_contract h contract =
| Some { c_block = b;
c_assume = e_a;
c_enforce = e_g;
c_assume_loc = e_a_loc;
c_enforce_loc = e_g_loc;
c_controllables = c_list } ->
let h' = typing_block h b in
(* assumption *)
expect h' (Etuplepat []) (Ck Cbase) e_a;
expect h' (Etuplepat []) (Ck Cbase) e_a_loc;
(* property *)
expect h' (Etuplepat []) (Ck Cbase) e_g;
expect h' (Etuplepat []) (Ck Cbase) e_g_loc;
append_env h c_list
let typing_local_contract h contract =
match contract with
| None -> ()
| Some { c_assume_loc = e_a_loc;
c_enforce_loc = e_g_loc } ->
(* assumption *)
expect h (Etuplepat []) (Ck Cbase) e_a_loc;
(* property *)
expect h (Etuplepat []) (Ck Cbase) e_g_loc
(* check signature causality and update it in the global env *)
let update_signature h node =
let set_arg_clock vd ad =
@ -287,7 +299,8 @@ let typing_node node =
let h0 = append_env Env.empty node.n_input in
let h0 = append_env h0 node.n_output in
let h = typing_contract h0 node.n_contract in
typing_block h node.n_block;
let h = typing_block h node.n_block in
typing_local_contract h node.n_contract;
(* synchronize input and output on base : find the free vars and set them to base *)
Env.iter (fun _ ck -> unify_ck Cbase (root_ck_of ck)) h0;
(*update clock info in variables descriptions *)
@ -31,7 +31,9 @@
(* To be done before "completion" and "switch" transformations *)
open Misc
open Names
open Idents
open Heptagon
open Hept_utils
open Hept_mapfold
@ -45,6 +47,77 @@ open Linearity
let fresh = Idents.gen_var "contracts"
let mk_unique_node nd =
let mk_bind vd =
let id = fresh ( vd.v_ident) in
(vd.v_ident, { vd with v_ident = id; v_clock = Clocks.fresh_clock () }) in
let subst =
(fun subst vd ->
let id, vd = mk_bind vd in
Env.add id vd.v_ident subst)
(nd.n_input @ nd.n_output) in
let subst_var_ident _funs subst v =
let v = Env.find v subst in
v, subst
let subst_block funs subst b =
let b_local, subst' =
(fun subst vd ->
let id, vd = mk_bind vd in
vd, (Env.add id vd.v_ident subst))
subst b.b_local in
let b, _ = Hept_mapfold.block funs subst' b in
{ b with b_local = b_local }, subst
let subst_contract_block funs subst b =
let b_local, subst' =
(fun subst vd ->
let id, vd = mk_bind vd in
vd, (Env.add id vd.v_ident subst))
subst b.b_local in
let b, _ = Hept_mapfold.block funs subst' b in
{ b with b_local = b_local }, subst'
let subst_contract funs subst c =
let c_block, subst' = subst_contract_block funs subst c.c_block in
let c_assume, subst' = exp_it funs subst' c.c_assume in
let c_enforce, subst' = exp_it funs subst' c.c_enforce in
let subst =
(fun subst vd ->
let id, vd = mk_bind vd in
Env.add id vd.v_ident subst)
subst c.c_controllables in
let c_controllables, subst = mapfold (var_dec_it funs) subst c.c_controllables in
let c_assume_loc, subst = exp_it funs subst c.c_assume_loc in
let c_enforce_loc, subst = exp_it funs subst c.c_enforce_loc in
{ c_assume = c_assume;
c_enforce = c_enforce;
c_assume_loc = c_assume_loc;
c_enforce_loc = c_enforce_loc;
c_block = c_block;
c_controllables = c_controllables },
subst in
(* let funs = { defaults with *)
(* var_dec = subst_var_dec; *)
(* eqdesc = subst_eqdesc; *)
(* edesc = subst_edesc; } in *)
let funs = { Hept_mapfold.defaults with
block = subst_block;
contract = subst_contract;
global_funs = { Global_mapfold.defaults with
Global_mapfold.var_ident = subst_var_ident } } in
fst (Hept_mapfold.node_dec funs subst nd)
let mk_unique_contract nd =
let mk_bind vd =
let id = fresh ( vd.v_ident) in
@ -93,11 +166,13 @@ let exp funs (env, newvars, newequs, contracts) exp =
match exp.e_desc with
| Eapp ({ a_op = (Enode nn | Efun nn); } as op, argl, rso) ->
begin try
let add_reset eq = match rso with
| None -> eq
| Some x -> mk_equation (Ereset (mk_block [eq], x)) in
let ni = mk_unique_contract (QualEnv.find nn env) in
let n = QualEnv.find nn env in
let ni = mk_unique_node n in
let ci = match ni.n_contract with
None -> raise Not_found
@ -190,7 +265,7 @@ let mk_vd_bool v = mk_var_dec ~last:(Last (Some (mk_static_bool true))) v tbool
let node_dec funs (env, newvars, newequs, contracts) nd =
let nd, (env, newvars, newequs, contracts) =
Hept_mapfold.node_dec funs (env, newvars, newequs, contracts) nd in
(* Build assume and guarantee parts from contract list (list of
ident pairs (v_a,v_g)). Returns also a list of variable
declarations. *)
@ -351,8 +351,8 @@ let eq funs context eq =
let context = translate_eq context eq in
eq, context
let block funs _ b =
let _, (v_acc, eq_acc) = Hept_mapfold.block funs ([],[]) b in
let block funs context b =
let _, (v_acc, eq_acc) = Hept_mapfold.block funs context b in
{ b with b_local = v_acc@b.b_local; b_equs = eq_acc}, ([], [])
let contract funs context c =
@ -361,9 +361,9 @@ let contract funs context c =
(* Non-void context could mean lost equations *)
assert (void_context=([],[]));
let context, e_a = translate ExtValue ([],[]) c.c_assume in
let context, e_a_loc = translate ExtValue context c.c_assume_loc in
let context, e_e = translate ExtValue context c.c_enforce in
let context, e_e_loc = translate ExtValue context c.c_enforce_loc in
let local_context, e_a_loc = translate ExtValue ([],[]) c.c_assume_loc in
let local_context, e_e_loc = translate ExtValue local_context c.c_enforce_loc in
let (d_list, eq_list) = context in
{ c with
c_assume = e_a;
@ -373,7 +373,22 @@ let contract funs context c =
c_block = { b with
b_local = d_list@b.b_local;
b_equs = eq_list@b.b_equs; }
}, void_context
}, local_context
and node_dec funs context nd =
let n_input, context = mapfold (var_dec_it funs) context nd.n_input in
let n_output, context = mapfold (var_dec_it funs) context nd.n_output in
let n_params, context = mapfold (param_it funs.global_funs) context nd.n_params in
let n_contract, context = optional_wacc (contract_it funs) context nd.n_contract in
let n_block, context = block_it funs context nd.n_block in
{ nd with
n_input = n_input;
n_output = n_output;
n_block = n_block;
n_params = n_params;
n_contract = n_contract }
, context
let program p =
let funs = { defaults with block = block; eq = eq; contract = contract } in
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ let append_env h vds =
List.fold_left (fun h { v_ident = n; v_clock = ck } -> Env.add n ck h) h vds
let typing_contract h contract =
let typing_contract h0 h contract =
match contract with
| None -> None, h
| Some ({ c_local = l_list;
@ -263,14 +263,14 @@ let typing_contract h contract =
c_assume_loc = e_a_loc;
c_enforce_loc = e_g_loc;
c_controllables = c_list } as contract) ->
let h' = append_env h l_list in
let h' = append_env h0 l_list in
(* assumption *)
(* property *)
let eq_list = typing_eqs h' eq_list in
expect_extvalue h' Cbase e_a;
expect_extvalue h' Cbase e_g;
expect_extvalue h' Cbase e_a_loc;
expect_extvalue h' Cbase e_g_loc;
expect_extvalue h Cbase e_a_loc;
expect_extvalue h Cbase e_g_loc;
let h = append_env h c_list in
Some { contract with c_eq = eq_list }, h
@ -278,8 +278,9 @@ let typing_contract h contract =
let typing_node node =
let h0 = append_env Env.empty node.n_input in
let h0 = append_env h0 node.n_output in
let contract, h = typing_contract h0 node.n_contract in
let h = append_env h node.n_local in
let h = append_env h0 node.n_local in
let contract, h = typing_contract h0 h node.n_contract in
(* let h = append_env h node.n_local in *)
let equs = typing_eqs h node.n_equs in
(* synchronize input and output on base : find the free vars and set them to base *)
Env.iter (fun _ ck -> unify_ck Cbase (root_ck_of ck)) h0;
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