C code generation for printf

This commit is contained in:
Cédric Pasteur 2011-11-22 14:43:52 +01:00 committed by Léonard Gérard
parent 2fc0435393
commit 54cde301f6
7 changed files with 76 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ let rec print_static_exp_desc ff sed = match sed with
| Sint i -> fprintf ff "%d" i
| Sbool b -> fprintf ff "%b" b
| Sfloat f -> fprintf ff "%f" f
| Sstring s -> fprintf ff "\"%s\"" s
| Sstring s -> fprintf ff "\"%s\"" (String.escaped s)
| Sconstructor ln -> print_qualname ff ln
| Sfield ln -> print_qualname ff ln
| Svar id -> fprintf ff "%a" print_qualname id

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@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ type error =
| Esplit_enum of ty
| Esplit_tuple of ty
| Eenable_memalloc
| Ebad_format
| Eformat_string_not_constant
exception Unify
@ -201,6 +202,10 @@ let message loc kind =
"%aThis function was compiled with linear types. \
Enable linear typing to call it.@."
print_location loc
| Ebad_format ->
"%aThe format string is invalid@."
print_location loc
| Eformat_string_not_constant ->
"%aA static format string was expected@."
@ -990,8 +995,11 @@ and typing_format_args cenv h e args =
| Econst { se_desc = Sstring s } -> s
| _ -> raise (TypingError Eformat_string_not_constant)
let expected_ty_list = Printf_parser.extract_formatters s in
typing_args cenv h expected_ty_list args
let expected_ty_list = Printf_parser.types_of_format_string s in
typing_args cenv h expected_ty_list args
| Printf_parser.Bad_format -> raise (TypingError Ebad_format)
let rec typing_pat h acc = function
| Evarpat(x) ->

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@ -464,6 +464,12 @@ let rec translate_eq map call_context ({ Minils.eq_lhs = pat; Minils.eq_rhs = e
let action = mk_ifthenelse cond true_act false_act in
v, si, j, (control map ck action) :: s
| pat, Minils.Eapp({ Minils.a_op =
Minils.Efun ({ qual = Module "Iostream"; name = "printf" | "fprintf" } as q)},
args, _) ->
let action = Aop (q, List.map (translate_extvalue_to_exp map) args) in
v, si, j, (control map ck action) :: s
| pat, Minils.Eapp ({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Efun _ | Minils.Enode _ } as app, e_list, r) ->
let name_list = translate_pat map e.Minils.e_ty pat in
let c_list = List.map (translate_extvalue_to_exp map) e_list in

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@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ and pp_cconst fmt cconst = match cconst with
| Ccint i -> fprintf fmt "%d" i
| Ccfloat f -> fprintf fmt "%f" f
| Ctag t -> pp_string fmt t
| Cstrlit t -> fprintf fmt "\"%s\"" t
| Cstrlit t -> fprintf fmt "\"%s\"" (String.escaped t)
let pp_cdecl fmt cdecl = match cdecl with
| Cdecl_enum (s, sl) ->

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@ -112,6 +112,16 @@ let copname = function
| ">>>" -> ">>" | "<<<" -> "<<" | "&&&" -> "&" | "|||" -> "|"
| op -> op
let cformat_of_format s =
let aux m = match m with
| "b" -> "d" (*no booleans in C*)
| _ -> m
match s with
| Cconst (Cstrlit s) -> Cconst (Cstrlit (Printf_parser.tr_format aux s))
| _ -> assert false
(** Translates an Obc var_dec to a tuple (name, cty). *)
let cvar_of_vd vd =
name vd.v_ident, ctype_of_otype vd.v_type
@ -279,6 +289,14 @@ and cop_of_op_aux op_name cexps = match op_name with
Cbop (copname op, el, er)
| _ -> Cfun_call(op, cexps)
| { qual = Module "Iostream"; name = "printf" } ->
let s, args = assert_1min cexps in
let s = cformat_of_format s in
Cfun_call("printf", s::args)
| { qual = Module "Iostream"; name = "fprintf" } ->
let file, s, args = assert_2min cexps in
let s = cformat_of_format s in
Cfun_call("fprintf", file::s::args)
| { name = op } -> Cfun_call(op,cexps)
and cop_of_op out_env var_env op_name exps =
@ -801,9 +819,13 @@ let cdefs_and_cdecls_of_program_decl id = match id with
| Pconst cd -> cdefs_and_cdecls_of_const_decl cd
| _ -> [], []
let header_of_module m = match m with
| Module "Iostream" -> "stdio"
| _ -> String.uncapitalize (modul_to_string m)
let global_file_header name prog =
let dependencies = ModulSet.elements (Obc_utils.Deps.deps_program prog) in
let dependencies = List.map (fun m -> String.uncapitalize (modul_to_string m)) dependencies in
let dependencies = List.map header_of_module dependencies in
let classes = program_classes prog in
let (decls, defs) =
@ -829,8 +851,7 @@ let global_file_header name prog =
let interface_header name i =
let dependencies = ModulSet.elements (Obc_utils.Deps.deps_interface i) in
let dependencies =
List.map (fun m -> String.uncapitalize (modul_to_string m)) dependencies in
let dependencies = List.map header_of_module dependencies in
let cdefs_and_cdecls = List.map cdefs_and_cdecls_of_interface_decl i.i_desc in

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@ -2,20 +2,42 @@ open Types
exception Bad_format
type token = Modifier of string | Literal of string
type format = token list
let tail s start =
String.sub s start (String.length s - start)
(** Return a list of expected types from a format string *)
let rec extract_formatters s =
let rec format_of_string s =
let i = String.index s '%' in
let ty = match s.[i+1] with
| 'b' -> Initial.tbool
| 'd' -> Initial.tint
| 'f' -> Initial.tfloat
| _ -> raise Bad_format
ty::(extract_formatters (tail s (i+1)))
let l = format_of_string (tail s (i+2)) in
if i = 0 then
let modifier = String.sub s 0 1 in
(Modifier modifier)::l
let lit = String.sub s 0 i in
let modifier = String.sub s (i+1) 1 in
(Literal lit)::(Modifier modifier)::l
| Invalid_argument _ -> raise Bad_format (* String.get failed*)
| Not_found -> []
| Not_found -> [Literal s]
let types_of_format_string s =
let ty_of_format f acc = match f with
| Modifier "b" -> Initial.tbool::acc
| Modifier "d" -> Initial.tint::acc
| Modifier "f" -> Initial.tfloat::acc
| _ -> acc
let sl = format_of_string s in
List.fold_right ty_of_format sl []
let tr_format f s =
let aux tok acc = match tok with
| Literal s -> s^acc
| Modifier m -> "%"^(f m)^acc
let sl = format_of_string s in
List.fold_right aux sl ""

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@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ unsafe fun f(a:int) returns (o:int)
var x:int;
x = a + 2;
() = printf("Int is %d@.", x);
() = printf("Bool is %b@.", x = 0);
() = printf("Test");
() = printf("Int is %d\n", x);
() = printf("Bool is %b\n", x = 0);
() = printf("Test\n");
o = x - 1;