Make sure to run check_type on every
Types declared by the user must be checked (this will also replaced names with the correct longname).
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 24 additions and 17 deletions
@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ module Type =
let sigtype { sig_name = name; sig_inputs = i_list; sig_statefull = statefull;
sig_outputs = o_list; sig_params = params } =
let const_env = build_node_params NamesEnv.empty params in
let typed_params, const_env = build_node_params NamesEnv.empty params in
let check_arg a = { a with a_type = check_type const_env a.a_type } in
name, { node_inputs = check_arg i_list;
node_outputs = check_arg o_list;
node_statefull = statefull;
node_params = params;
node_params = typed_params;
node_params_constraints = []; }
let read { interf_desc = desc; interf_loc = loc } =
@ -545,11 +545,11 @@ and typing_static_args const_env expected_ty_list e_list =
error (Earity_clash(List.length e_list, List.length expected_ty_list))
and expect_static_exp const_env exp_ty se =
let se, ty = typing_static_exp const_env se in
unify ty exp_ty; se
Unify -> message se.se_loc (Etype_clash(ty, exp_ty))
let se, ty = typing_static_exp const_env se in
unify ty exp_ty; se
_ -> message se.se_loc (Etype_clash(ty, exp_ty))
(** @return the type of the field with name [f] in the list
[fields]. [t1] is the corresponding record type and [loc] is
@ -1078,8 +1078,11 @@ let solve loc cl =
Solve_failed c -> message loc (Econstraint_solve_failed c)
let build_node_params const_env l =
List.fold_left (fun env p -> NamesEnv.add p.p_name p.p_type env)
const_env l
let check_param env p =
let ty = check_type const_env p.p_type in
{ p with p_type = ty }, NamesEnv.add p.p_name ty env
mapfold check_param const_env l
let node ({ n_name = f; n_statefull = statefull;
n_input = i_list; n_output = o_list;
@ -1087,9 +1090,10 @@ let node ({ n_name = f; n_statefull = statefull;
n_local = l_list; n_equs = eq_list; n_loc = loc;
n_params = node_params; } as n) =
let const_env = build_node_params NamesEnv.empty node_params in
let typed_i_list, input_names, h = build const_env Env.empty Env.empty i_list in
let typed_params, const_env =
build_node_params NamesEnv.empty node_params in
let typed_i_list, input_names, h =
build const_env Env.empty Env.empty i_list in
let typed_o_list, output_names, h = build const_env h h o_list in
(* typing contract *)
@ -1107,12 +1111,13 @@ let node ({ n_name = f; n_statefull = statefull;
let cl = get_size_constraint () in
let cl = solve loc cl in
add_value f (signature statefull i_list o_list node_params cl);
add_value f (signature statefull typed_i_list typed_o_list typed_params cl);
{ n with
n_input = List.rev typed_i_list;
n_output = List.rev typed_o_list;
n_local = typed_l_list;
n_params = typed_params;
n_contract = typed_contract;
n_equs = typed_eq_list }
@ -1140,8 +1145,9 @@ let deftype { t_name = n; t_desc = tdesc; t_loc = loc } =
TypingError(error) -> message loc error
let typing_const_dec cd =
let se = expect_static_exp NamesEnv.empty cd.c_type cd.c_value in
let cd = { cd with c_value = se } in
let ty = check_type NamesEnv.empty cd.c_type in
let se = expect_static_exp NamesEnv.empty ty cd.c_value in
let cd = { cd with c_value = se; c_type = ty } in
add_const cd.c_name (mk_const_def cd.c_name cd.c_type cd.c_value);
@ -176,7 +176,8 @@ let mk_call ?(params=[]) op exps =
Eapp (mk_app op params, exps)
let mk_op_call ?(params=[]) s exps =
mk_call ~params:params (Efun (Name s)) exps
mk_call ~params:params
(Efun (Modname { qual = "Pervasives"; id = s })) exps
let mk_iterator_call it ln params n exps =
Eiterator (it, mk_app (Enode ln) params, n, exps)
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ let translate_iterator_type = function
let op_from_app loc app =
match app.a_op with
| Efun op -> op_from_app_name op
| Efun op | Enode op -> op_from_app_name op
| _ -> raise Not_static
let rec static_exp_of_exp const_env e =
Reference in a new issue