C backend ported to recent API changes in Obc
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 51 additions and 39 deletions
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- Ne plus forcer l'ordre constantes puis types puis definitions de noeud. Il
faudra mettre à jour les phases du compilateur et modifier l'ast.
- Ajouter des constantes locales
- supprimer pinst dans minils
- heptcheck
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ module QualEnv = struct
module QualSet = Set.Make (struct type t = qualname let compare = compare end)
module ModulSet = Set.Make (struct type t = modul let compare = compare end)
module S = Set.Make (struct type t = string let compare = compare end)
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ let write_obc_file p =
close_out obc;
comment "Generation of Obc code"
let targets = [ (*"c", Obc_no_params Cmain.program;*)
let targets = [ "c", Obc_no_params Cmain.program;
"java", Obc Java_main.program;
"obc", Obc write_obc_file;
"obc_np", Obc_no_params write_obc_file;
@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ and cexpr =
| Caddrof of clhs (** Take the address of a left-hand-side expression. *)
| Cstructlit of string * cexpr list (** Structure literal "{ f1, f2, ... }".*)
| Carraylit of cexpr list (** Array literal [\[e1, e2, ...\]]. *)
| Cmethod_call of cexpr * string * cexpr list (** Object member function call with parameters. *)
and cconst =
| Ccint of int (** Integer constant. *)
| Ccfloat of float (** Floating-point number constant. *)
@ -156,11 +155,14 @@ let rec pp_list f sep fmt l = match l with
let pp_string fmt s =
fprintf fmt "%s" (cname_of_name s)
let cname_of_qn q =
if q.qual = Pervasives or q.qual = Names.local_qualname then
(q.qual ^ "__" ^ q.name)
let rec modul_to_cname q = match q with
| Pervasives | LocalModule -> ""
| Module m -> m ^ "__"
| QualModule { qual = q; name = n } ->
(modul_to_cname q)^n^"__"
let cname_of_qn qn =
(modul_to_cname qn.qual) ^ qn.name
let pp_qualname fmt q =
pp_string fmt (cname_of_qn q)
@ -173,7 +175,6 @@ let rec pp_cty fmt cty = match cty with
| Cty_ptr cty' -> fprintf fmt "%a*" pp_cty cty'
| Cty_arr (n, cty') -> fprintf fmt "%a[%d]" pp_cty cty' n
| Cty_void -> fprintf fmt "void"
| Cty_future cty' -> fprintf fmt "future<%a>" pp_cty cty'
(** [pp_array_decl cty] returns the base type of a (multidimensionnal) array
and the string of indices. *)
@ -243,8 +244,8 @@ and pp_cexpr fmt ce = match ce with
| Caddrof lhs -> fprintf fmt "&%a" pp_clhs lhs
| Cstructlit (s, el) ->
fprintf fmt "(%a){@[%a@]}" pp_string s (pp_list1 pp_cexpr ",") el
| Carraylit el ->
fprintf fmt "((int []){@[%a@]})" (pp_list1 pp_cexpr ",") el (* TODO master : WRONG *)
| Carraylit el -> (* TODO master : WRONG *)
fprintf fmt "((int []){@[%a@]})" (pp_list1 pp_cexpr ",") el
and pp_clhs fmt lhs = match lhs with
| Cvar s -> pp_string fmt s
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ open Misc
open Names
open Idents
open Obc
open Obc_utils
open Types
open Modules
@ -343,7 +344,7 @@ let rec assoc_obj instance obj_env =
match obj_env with
| [] -> raise Not_found
| od :: t ->
if od.o_name = instance
if od.o_ident = instance
then od
else assoc_obj instance t
@ -364,10 +365,10 @@ let step_fun_call var_env sig_info objn out args =
if sig_info.node_statefull then (
let mem =
(match objn with
| Oobj o -> Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), local_qn o)
| Oobj o -> Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), local_qn (name o))
| Oarray (o, l) ->
let l = clhs_of_lhs var_env l in
Carray (Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), local_qn o), Clhs l)
Carray (Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), local_qn (name o)), Clhs l)
) in
args@[Caddrof out; Caddrof mem]
) else
@ -427,7 +428,7 @@ let rec create_affect_const var_env dest c =
let dest = Carray (dest, Cconst (Ccint i)) in
(i - 1, create_affect_const var_env dest c @ affl) in
snd (List.fold_right create_affect_idx cl (List.length cl - 1, []))
| _ -> [Caffect (dest, cexpr_of_exp var_env (mk_exp (Econst c)))]
| _ -> [Caffect (dest, cexpr_of_static_exp c)]
(** [cstm_of_act obj_env mods act] translates the Obj action [act] to a list of
C statements, using the association list [obj_env] to map object names to
@ -465,9 +466,12 @@ let rec cstm_of_act var_env obj_env act =
cstm_of_act_list var_env obj_env act) cl in
[Cswitch (cexpr_of_exp var_env e, ccl)]
| Ablock b ->
cstm_of_act_list var_env obj_env b
(** For composition of statements, just recursively apply our
translation function on sub-statements. *)
| Afor (x, i1, i2, act) ->
| Afor ({ v_ident = x; _ }, i1, i2, act) ->
[Cfor(name x, int_of_static_exp i1,
int_of_static_exp i2, cstm_of_act_list var_env obj_env act)]
@ -495,10 +499,10 @@ let rec cstm_of_act var_env obj_env act =
(match obj.o_size with
| None ->
[Csexpr (Cfun_call (classn ^ "_reset",
[Caddrof (Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), local_qn on))]))]
[Caddrof (Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), local_qn (name on)))]))]
| Some size ->
let x = gen_symbol () in
let field = Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), local_qn on) in
let field = Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), local_qn (name on)) in
let elt = [Caddrof( Carray(field, Clhs (Cvar x)) )] in
[Cfor(x, 0, int_of_static_exp size,
[Csexpr (Cfun_call (classn ^ "_reset", elt ))] )]
@ -595,7 +599,7 @@ let mem_decl_of_class_def cd =
let ty = match od.o_size with
| Some se -> Cty_arr (int_of_static_exp se, ty)
| None -> ty in
(od.o_name, ty)::l
(name od.o_ident, ty)::l
@ -740,8 +744,8 @@ let cfile_list_of_oprog_ty_decls name oprog =
filename_types, [types_h; types_c]
let global_file_header name prog =
let dependencies = S.elements (Obc_utils.Deps.deps_program prog) in
let dependencies = List.map String.uncapitalize dependencies in
let dependencies = ModulSet.elements (Obc_utils.Deps.deps_program prog) in
let dependencies = List.map modul_to_string dependencies in
let (decls, defs) =
List.split (List.map cdefs_and_cdecls_of_class_def prog.p_defs) in
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ open Misc
open Names
open Idents
open Obc
open Obc_utils
open Types
open Modules
open Signature
@ -258,9 +259,8 @@ let main_skel var_list prologue body =
let mk_main name p =
match (!Compiler_options.simulation_node, !Compiler_options.assert_nodes) with
| (None, []) -> []
| (_, n_names) ->
if !Compiler_options.simulation then (
let n_names = !Compiler_options.assert_nodes in
let find_class n =
try List.find (fun cd -> cd.cd_name.name = n) p.p_defs
with Not_found ->
@ -275,18 +275,16 @@ let mk_main name p =
(var @ var_l, res :: res_l, step :: step_l) in
List.fold_right add a_classes ([], [], []) in
let (_, var_l, res_l, step_l) =
(match !Compiler_options.simulation_node with
| None -> (n_names, var_l, res_l, step_l)
| Some n ->
let (nvar_l, res, nstep_l) =
main_def_of_class_def (find_class n) in
(n :: n_names, nvar_l @ var_l,
res :: res_l, nstep_l @ step_l)) in
let n = !Compiler_options.simulation_node in
let (nvar_l, res, nstep_l) = main_def_of_class_def (find_class n) in
let (var_l, res_l, step_l) =
(nvar_l @ var_l, res :: res_l, nstep_l @ step_l) in
[("_main.c", Csource [main_skel var_l res_l step_l]);
("_main.h", Cheader ([name], []))];
) else
@ -297,7 +295,8 @@ let translate name prog =
(global_file_header modname prog) @ (mk_main name prog)
let program p =
let filename = filename_of_name (cname_of_name p.p_modname) in
let filename =
filename_of_name (cname_of_name (modul_to_string p.p_modname)) in
let dirname = build_path (filename ^ "_c") in
let dir = clean_dir dirname in
let c_ast = translate filename p in
@ -109,11 +109,12 @@ let remove_resets b =
module Deps =
let deps_longname deps { qual = modn; } = S.add modn deps
let deps_longname deps qn = match qn.qual with
| Module _ | QualModule _ -> ModulSet.add qn.qual deps
| _ -> deps
let deps_static_exp_desc funs deps sedesc =
let (sedesc, deps) = Global_mapfold.static_exp_desc funs deps sedesc in
@ -162,7 +163,6 @@ struct
act = deps_act;
obj_dec = deps_obj_dec;
} in
let (_, deps) = Obc_mapfold.program funs S.empty p in
S.remove p.p_modname (S.remove Pervasives deps)
let (_, deps) = Obc_mapfold.program funs ModulSet.empty p in
ModulSet.remove p.p_modname deps
@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ let silent_pass d enabled f p =
then do_silent_pass d f p
else p
let filename_of_name n =
String.uncapitalize n
let build_path suf =
match !target_path with
Reference in a new issue