Async in Heptagon Minils Obc.
This commit is contained in:
28 changed files with 278 additions and 151 deletions
@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ let rec skeleton ck = function
Format.eprintf "Internal error, an exp with invalid type@.";
assert false;
| _ -> Cprod ( (skeleton ck) ty_list))
| Tarray _ | Tid _ | Tunit -> Ck ck
| Tarray (t, _) | Tasync (_, t) -> skeleton ck t
| Tid _ | Tunit -> Ck ck
(* TODO here it implicitely says that the base clock is Cbase
and that all tuple is on Cbase *)
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ and link_compare li1 li2 = match li1, li2 with
| Cindex _, _ -> 1
| Clink _, _ -> -1
let async_t_compare a1 a2 = a1 a2
let rec static_exp_compare se1 se2 =
let cr = type_compare se1.se_ty se2.se_ty in
@ -100,7 +103,20 @@ and type_compare ty1 ty2 = match ty1, ty2 with
| Tarray (ty1, se1), Tarray (ty2, se2) ->
let cr = type_compare ty1 ty2 in
if cr <> 0 then cr else static_exp_compare se1 se2
| (Tprod _ | Tid _), _ -> 1
| (Tarray _), _ -> -1
| Tasync (a1, t1), Tasync (a2, t2) ->
let cr = type_compare t1 t2 in
if cr <> 0 then cr else async_t_compare a1 a2
| Tunit, Tunit -> 0
| Tprod _, _ -> 1
| Tid _, Tprod _ -> -1
| Tid _, _ -> 1
| Tarray _, (Tprod _ | Tid _) -> -1
| Tarray _, _ -> 1
| Tasync _, Tunit -> 1
| Tasync _, _ -> -1
| Tunit, _ -> -1
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ and ty funs acc t = match t with
let se, acc = static_exp_it funs acc se in
Tarray (t, se), acc
| Tunit -> t, acc
| Tasync (a, t) -> let t, acc = ty_it funs acc t in Tasync (a, t), acc
and ct_it funs acc c = try funs.ct funs acc c with Fallback -> ct funs acc t
and ct funs acc c = match c with
@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ let print_qualname ff qn = match qn with
| { qual = m; name = n } when m = local_qualname -> print_name ff n
| { qual = m; name = n } -> fprintf ff "%s.%a" m print_name n
let print_async ff async = match async with
| None -> ()
| Some () -> fprintf ff "async "
let rec print_static_exp ff se = match se.se_desc with
| Sint i -> fprintf ff "%d" i
@ -49,6 +52,7 @@ and print_type ff = function
| Tarray (ty, n) ->
fprintf ff "@[<hov2>%a^%a@]" print_type ty print_static_exp n
| Tunit -> fprintf ff "()"
| Tasync (a, t) -> fprintf ff "%a%a" print_async (Some a) print_type t
let print_field ff field =
fprintf ff "@[%a: %a@]" print_qualname field.f_name print_type field.f_type
@ -287,6 +287,7 @@ let rec unalias_type t = match t with
| Tarray (ty, n) -> Tarray(unalias_type ty, n)
| Tprod ty_list -> Tprod ( unalias_type ty_list)
| Tunit -> Tunit
| Tasync (a, t) -> Tasync (a, unalias_type t)
(** Return the current module as a [module_object] *)
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ open Names
open Misc
open Location
type async_t = unit
type static_exp = { se_desc: static_exp_desc; se_ty: ty; se_loc: location }
and static_exp_desc =
@ -30,6 +32,7 @@ and ty =
| Tprod of ty list
| Tid of type_name
| Tarray of ty * static_exp
| Tasync of async_t * ty
| Tunit
let invalid_type = Tprod []
@ -39,6 +42,10 @@ let prod = function
| [ty] -> ty
| ty_list -> Tprod ty_list
let asyncify async ty_list = match async with
| None -> ty_list
| Some a -> (fun ty -> Tasync (a,ty)) ty_list
(** DO NOT use this after the typing, since it could give invalid_type *)
let mk_static_exp ?(loc = no_location) ?(ty = invalid_type) desc =
@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ and apply op e_list =
let t1 = typing e1 in
let t2 = ctuplelist ( typing e_list) in
cseq t2 t1
| Ebang -> let e = assert_1 e_list in typing e
let rec typing_pat = function
| Evarpat(x) -> cwrite(x)
@ -51,8 +51,11 @@ type error =
| Emerge_missing_constrs of QualSet.t
| Emerge_uniq of qualname
| Emerge_mix of qualname
| Epat_should_be_async of ty
| Eshould_be_async of ty
exception Unify
exception Should_be_async of ty
exception TypingError of error
let error kind = raise (TypingError(kind))
@ -161,6 +164,16 @@ let message loc kind =
as the last but one argument (found: %a).@."
print_location loc
print_type ty
| Epat_should_be_async ty ->
eprintf "%aThis pattern is expected to be of async vars \
but the type found is %a.@."
print_location loc
print_type ty
| Eshould_be_async ty ->
eprintf "%aThis expression is expected to be async \
but the type found is %a.@."
print_location loc
print_type ty
raise Errors.Error
@ -385,6 +398,7 @@ let rec check_type const_env = function
| Tprod l ->
Tprod ( (check_type const_env) l)
| Tunit -> Tunit
| Tasync (a, t) -> Tasync (a, check_type const_env t)
and typing_static_exp const_env se =
@ -628,18 +642,15 @@ and typing_app const_env h app e_list =
| (Efun f | Enode f) ->
let ty_desc = find_value f in
let op, expected_ty_list, result_ty_list = kind f ty_desc in
let node_params =
|||| (fun { p_name = n } -> local_qn n) ty_desc.node_params in
let node_params = (fun { p_name = n } -> local_qn n) ty_desc.node_params in
let m = build_subst node_params app.a_params in
let expected_ty_list = (subst_type_vars m) expected_ty_list in
let typed_e_list = typing_args const_env h
expected_ty_list e_list in
let typed_e_list = typing_args const_env h expected_ty_list e_list in
let result_ty_list = (subst_type_vars m) result_ty_list in
let result_ty_list = asyncify app.a_async result_ty_list in
(* Type static parameters and generate constraints *)
let typed_params = typing_node_params const_env
ty_desc.node_params app.a_params in
let size_constrs =
instanciate_constr m ty_desc.node_params_constraints in
let typed_params = typing_node_params const_env ty_desc.node_params app.a_params in
let size_constrs = instanciate_constr m ty_desc.node_params_constraints in
List.iter add_size_constraint size_constrs;
prod result_ty_list,
{ app with a_op = op; a_params = typed_params },
@ -740,6 +751,13 @@ and typing_app const_env h app e_list =
let n =
mk_static_int_op (mk_pervasives "+") [array_size t1; array_size t2] in
Tarray (element_type t1, n), app, [typed_e1; typed_e2]
| Ebang ->
let e = assert_1 e_list in
let typed_e, t = typing const_env h e in
(match t with
| Tasync (_, t) -> t, app, [typed_e]
| _ -> message e.e_loc (Eshould_be_async t))
and typing_iterator const_env h
it n args_ty_list result_ty_list e_list = match it with
@ -831,6 +849,7 @@ and typing_node_params const_env params_sig params =
List.map2 (fun p_sig p -> expect_static_exp const_env
p_sig.p_type p) params_sig params
let rec typing_pat h acc = function
| Evarpat(x) ->
let ty = typ_of_name h x in
@ -947,7 +966,7 @@ and typing_present_handlers const_env h acc def_names
(add total (add partial acc)))
and typing_block const_env h
and typing_block const_env h (* TODO async deal with it ! *)
({ b_local = l; b_equs = eq_list; b_loc = loc } as b) =
let typed_l, (local_names, h0) = build const_env h l in
@ -128,54 +128,59 @@ and print_tag_e_list ff tag_e_list =
and print_every ff reset =
print_opt (fun ff id -> fprintf ff " every %a" print_exp id) ff reset
and print_app ff (app, args) = match app.a_op with
| Eequal ->
let e1, e2 = assert_2 args in
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@ = %a@]" print_exp e1 print_exp e2
| Etuple -> print_exp_tuple ff args
| Efun f | Enode f ->
fprintf ff "@[%a@,%a@,%a@]"
print_qualname f print_params app.a_params print_exp_tuple args
| Eifthenelse ->
let e1, e2, e3 = assert_3 args in
fprintf ff "@[<hv>if %a@ then %a@ else %a@]"
print_exp e1 print_exp e2 print_exp e3
| Efield ->
let r = assert_1 args in
let f = assert_1 app.a_params in
fprintf ff "%a.%a" print_exp r print_static_exp f
| Efield_update ->
let r,e = assert_2 args in
let f = assert_1 app.a_params in
fprintf ff "@[<2>{%a with .%a =@ %a}@]"
print_exp r print_static_exp f print_exp e
| Earray -> fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@]" (print_list_r print_exp "["";""]") args
| Earray_fill ->
let e = assert_1 args in
let n = assert_1 app.a_params in
fprintf ff "%a^%a" print_exp e print_static_exp n
| Eselect ->
let e = assert_1 args in
fprintf ff "%a%a" print_exp e print_index app.a_params
| Eselect_slice ->
let e = assert_1 args in
let idx1, idx2 = assert_2 app.a_params in
fprintf ff "%a[%a..%a]"
print_exp e print_static_exp idx1 print_static_exp idx2
| Eselect_dyn ->
let r, d, e = assert_2min args in
fprintf ff "%a%a default %a"
print_exp r print_dyn_index e print_exp d
| Eupdate ->
let e1, e2, idx = assert_2min args in
fprintf ff "@[<2>(%a with %a =@ %a)@]"
print_exp e1 print_dyn_index idx print_exp e2
| Econcat ->
let e1, e2 = assert_2 args in
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@ @@ %a@]" print_exp e1 print_exp e2
| Earrow ->
let e1, e2 = assert_2 args in
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a ->@ %a@]" print_exp e1 print_exp e2
and print_app ff (app, args) =
print_async ff app.a_async;
match app.a_op with
| Eequal ->
let e1, e2 = assert_2 args in
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@ = %a@]" print_exp e1 print_exp e2
| Etuple -> print_exp_tuple ff args
| Efun f | Enode f ->
fprintf ff "@[%a@,%a@,%a@]"
print_qualname f print_params app.a_params print_exp_tuple args
| Eifthenelse ->
let e1, e2, e3 = assert_3 args in
fprintf ff "@[<hv>if %a@ then %a@ else %a@]"
print_exp e1 print_exp e2 print_exp e3
| Efield ->
let r = assert_1 args in
let f = assert_1 app.a_params in
fprintf ff "%a.%a" print_exp r print_static_exp f
| Efield_update ->
let r,e = assert_2 args in
let f = assert_1 app.a_params in
fprintf ff "@[<2>{%a with .%a =@ %a}@]"
print_exp r print_static_exp f print_exp e
| Earray -> fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@]" (print_list_r print_exp "["";""]") args
| Earray_fill ->
let e = assert_1 args in
let n = assert_1 app.a_params in
fprintf ff "%a^%a" print_exp e print_static_exp n
| Eselect ->
let e = assert_1 args in
fprintf ff "%a%a" print_exp e print_index app.a_params
| Eselect_slice ->
let e = assert_1 args in
let idx1, idx2 = assert_2 app.a_params in
fprintf ff "%a[%a..%a]"
print_exp e print_static_exp idx1 print_static_exp idx2
| Eselect_dyn ->
let r, d, e = assert_2min args in
fprintf ff "%a%a default %a"
print_exp r print_dyn_index e print_exp d
| Eupdate ->
let e1, e2, idx = assert_2min args in
fprintf ff "@[<2>(%a with %a =@ %a)@]"
print_exp e1 print_dyn_index idx print_exp e2
| Econcat ->
let e1, e2 = assert_2 args in
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@ @@ %a@]" print_exp e1 print_exp e2
| Earrow ->
let e1, e2 = assert_2 args in
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a ->@ %a@]" print_exp e1 print_exp e2
| Ebang ->
let e = assert_1 args in
fprintf ff "!(%a)" print_exp e
let rec print_eq ff eq =
match eq.eq_desc with
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ and desc =
and app = {
a_op : op;
a_params : static_exp list;
a_async : async_t option;
a_unsafe : bool }
and op =
@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ and op =
| Eselect_slice
| Eupdate
| Econcat
| Ebang
and pat =
| Etuplepat of pat list
@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ and pat =
type eq = {
eq_desc : eqdesc;
eq_statefull : bool;
eq_loc : location }
eq_loc : location; }
and eqdesc =
| Eautomaton of state_handler list
@ -90,7 +92,8 @@ and block = {
b_equs : eq list;
b_defnames : ty Env.t;
b_statefull : bool;
b_loc : location }
b_loc : location;
b_async : async_t option; }
and state_handler = {
s_state : state_name;
@ -186,11 +189,11 @@ let mk_exp desc ?(ct_annot = Clocks.invalid_clock) ?(loc = no_location) ty =
{ e_desc = desc; e_ty = ty; e_ct_annot = ct_annot;
e_base_ck = Cbase; e_loc = loc; }
let mk_op ?(params=[]) ?(unsafe=false) op =
{ a_op = op; a_params = params; a_unsafe = unsafe }
let mk_app ?(params=[]) ?(unsafe=false) ?(async=None) op =
{ a_op = op; a_params = params; a_async = async; a_unsafe = unsafe }
let mk_op_app ?(params=[]) ?(unsafe=false) ?(reset=None) op args =
Eapp(mk_op ~params:params ~unsafe:unsafe op, args, reset)
Eapp(mk_app ~params:params ~unsafe:unsafe op, args, reset)
let mk_type_dec name desc =
{ t_name = name; t_desc = desc; t_loc = no_location; }
@ -202,9 +205,9 @@ let mk_var_dec ?(last = Var) ?(ck = fresh_clock()) name ty =
{ v_ident = name; v_type = ty; v_clock = ck;
v_last = last; v_loc = no_location }
let mk_block ?(statefull = true) ?(defnames = Env.empty) ?(locals = []) eqs =
let mk_block ?(statefull = true) ?(defnames = Env.empty) ?(async = None) ?(locals = []) eqs =
{ b_local = locals; b_equs = eqs; b_defnames = defnames;
b_statefull = statefull; b_loc = no_location }
b_statefull = statefull; b_loc = no_location; b_async = async; }
let dfalse =
mk_exp (Econst (mk_static_bool false)) (Tid Initial.pbool)
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ let comment_depth = ref 0
let keyword_table = ((Hashtbl.create 149) : (string, token) Hashtbl.t);;
List.iter (fun (str,tok) -> Hashtbl.add keyword_table str tok) [
"async", ASYNC;
"node", NODE;
"fun", FUN;
"returns", RETURNS;
@ -145,6 +146,7 @@ rule token = parse
| ".." {DOUBLE_DOT}
| "<<" {DOUBLE_LESS}
| "!" {BANG}
| (['A'-'Z']('_' ? ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' ''' '0'-'9']) * as id)
{Constructor id}
| (['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z']('_' ? ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' ''' '0'-'9']) * as id)
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ open Hept_parsetree
%token AROBASE
%token <string> PREFIX
%token <string> INFIX0
%token <string> INFIX1
@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ open Hept_parsetree
%left POWER
%right PREFIX
%left DOT
%left BANG
%start program
@ -286,6 +288,8 @@ ty_ident:
{ Tid $1 }
| ty_ident POWER simple_exp
{ Tarray ($1, $3) }
| ASYNC t=ty_ident
{ Tasync ((), t) }
@ -309,7 +313,8 @@ sblock(S) :
| VAR l=loc_params S eq=equs { mk_block l eq (Loc($startpos,$endpos)) }
| eq=equs { mk_block [] eq (Loc($startpos,$endpos)) }
equ: eq=_equ { mk_equation eq (Loc($startpos,$endpos)) }
| eq=_equ { mk_equation eq (Loc($startpos,$endpos)) }
| pat EQUAL exp { Eeq($1, $3) }
| AUTOMATON automaton_handlers END
@ -430,8 +435,6 @@ _simple_exp:
Efield [$1] }
| qualname call_params { mk_app (Enode $1) $2 }
| hs=nonempty_list(merge_handler) { hs }
@ -446,8 +449,13 @@ _exp:
{ Efby ($1, $3) }
| PRE exp
{ Epre (None, $2) }
| node_name LPAREN exps RPAREN
{ Eapp($1, $3) }
/* node call*/
| n=qualname p=call_params LPAREN args=exps RPAREN
{ Eapp(mk_app (Enode n) p , args) }
| ASYNC n=qualname p=call_params LPAREN args=exps RPAREN
{ Eapp(mk_app (Enode n) ~async:(Some ()) p, args) }
| BANG e=exp
{ mk_call Ebang [e] }
| NOT exp
{ mk_op_call "not" [$2] }
| exp INFIX4 exp
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ type field_name = qualname
type constructor_name = qualname
type constant_name = qualname
type async_t = unit
type static_exp = { se_desc: static_exp_desc; se_loc: location }
and static_exp_desc =
@ -56,6 +58,7 @@ type ty =
| Tprod of ty list
| Tid of qualname
| Tarray of ty * exp
| Tasync of async_t * ty
and exp =
{ e_desc : edesc;
@ -74,7 +77,7 @@ and edesc =
| Ewhen of exp * constructor_name * var_name
| Emerge of var_name * (constructor_name * exp) list
and app = { a_op: op; a_params: exp list; }
and app = { a_op: op; a_params: exp list; a_async : async_t option }
and op =
| Eequal
@ -92,6 +95,7 @@ and op =
| Eselect_slice
| Eupdate
| Econcat
| Ebang
and pat =
| Etuplepat of pat list
@ -112,7 +116,8 @@ and eqdesc =
and block =
{ b_local : var_dec list;
b_equs : eq list;
b_loc : location; }
b_loc : location;
b_async : async_t option; }
and state_handler =
{ s_state : state_name;
@ -211,8 +216,8 @@ and interface_desc =
let mk_exp desc ?(ct_annot = Clocks.invalid_clock) loc =
{ e_desc = desc; e_ct_annot = ct_annot; e_loc = loc }
let mk_app op params =
{ a_op = op; a_params = params }
let mk_app op ?(async=None) params =
{ a_op = op; a_params = params; a_async = async; }
let mk_call ?(params=[]) op exps =
Eapp (mk_app op params, exps)
@ -246,9 +251,9 @@ let mk_var_dec name ty last loc =
{ v_name = name; v_type = ty;
v_last = last; v_loc = loc }
let mk_block locals eqs loc =
let mk_block locals ?(async=None) eqs loc =
{ b_local = locals; b_equs = eqs;
b_loc = loc }
b_loc = loc; b_async = async }
let mk_const_dec id ty e loc =
{ c_name = id; c_type = ty; c_value = e; c_loc = loc }
@ -298,6 +298,7 @@ and ty funs acc t = match t with
let t, acc = ty_it funs acc t in
let e, acc = exp_it funs acc e in
Tarray (t, e), acc
| Tasync (a, t) -> let t, acc = ty_it funs acc t in Tasync (a, t), acc
and const_dec_it funs acc c = funs.const_dec funs acc c
@ -214,7 +214,8 @@ let rec translate_type loc ty =
| Tid ln -> Types.Tid (qualify_type ln)
| Tarray (ty, e) ->
let ty = translate_type loc ty in
Types.Tarray (ty, expect_static_exp e))
Types.Tarray (ty, expect_static_exp e)
| Tasync (a, ty) -> Types.Tasync (a, translate_type loc ty))
| ScopingError err -> message loc err
@ -242,16 +243,17 @@ and translate_desc loc env = function
||| (fun (f,e) -> qualify_field f, translate_exp env e)
f_e_list in
Heptagon.Estruct f_e_list
| Eapp ({ a_op = op; a_params = params }, e_list) ->
| Eapp ({ a_op = op; a_params = params; a_async = async }, e_list) ->
let e_list = (translate_exp env) e_list in
let params = (expect_static_exp) params in
let app = Heptagon.mk_op ~params:params (translate_op op) in
let app = Heptagon.mk_app ~params:params ~async:async (translate_op op) in
Heptagon.Eapp (app, e_list, None)
| Eiterator (it, { a_op = op; a_params = params }, n, e_list) ->
let e_list = (translate_exp env) e_list in
let n = expect_static_exp n in
let params = (expect_static_exp) params in
let app = Heptagon.mk_op ~params:params (translate_op op) in
let app = Heptagon.mk_app ~params:params (translate_op op) in
Heptagon.Eiterator (translate_iterator_type it,
app, n, e_list, None)
| Ewhen (e, c, ce) ->
@ -269,6 +271,7 @@ and translate_desc loc env = function
||| fun_c_e c_e_list in
Heptagon.Emerge (e, c_e_list)
and translate_op = function
| Eequal -> Heptagon.Eequal
| Earrow -> Heptagon.Earrow
@ -285,6 +288,7 @@ and translate_op = function
| Eselect_dyn -> Heptagon.Eselect_dyn
| Efun ln -> Heptagon.Efun (qualify_value ln)
| Enode ln -> Heptagon.Enode (qualify_value ln)
| Ebang -> Heptagon.Ebang
and translate_pat loc env = function
| Evarpat x -> Heptagon.Evarpat (Rename.var loc env x)
@ -293,7 +297,7 @@ and translate_pat loc env = function
let rec translate_eq env eq =
{ Heptagon.eq_desc = translate_eq_desc eq.eq_loc env eq.eq_desc ;
Heptagon.eq_statefull = false;
Heptagon.eq_loc = eq.eq_loc }
Heptagon.eq_loc = eq.eq_loc; }
and translate_eq_desc loc env = function
| Eswitch(e, switch_handlers) ->
@ -323,7 +327,8 @@ and translate_block env b =
Heptagon.b_equs = (translate_eq env) b.b_equs;
Heptagon.b_defnames = Env.empty;
Heptagon.b_statefull = false;
Heptagon.b_loc = b.b_loc }, env
Heptagon.b_loc = b.b_loc;
Heptagon.b_async = b.b_async; }, env
and translate_state_handler env sh =
let b, env = translate_block env sh.s_block in
@ -209,11 +209,11 @@ let rec translate_op = function
| Heptagon.Econcat -> Econcat
| Heptagon.Earray -> Earray
| Heptagon.Etuple -> Etuple
| Heptagon.Earrow ->
Error.message no_location Error.Eunsupported_language_construct
| Heptagon.Earrow -> Error.message no_location Error.Eunsupported_language_construct
| Heptagon.Ebang -> Ebang
let translate_app app =
mk_app ~params:app.Heptagon.a_params
mk_app ~params:app.Heptagon.a_params ~async:app.Heptagon.a_async
~unsafe:app.Heptagon.a_unsafe (translate_op app.Heptagon.a_op)
let rec translate env
@ -74,8 +74,7 @@ let rec translate map e =
| Minils.Evar n -> Elhs (var_from_name map n)
| Minils.Eapp ({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Eequal }, e_list, _) ->
Eop (op_from_string "=", (translate map ) e_list)
| Minils.Eapp ({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Efun n },
e_list, _) when Mls_utils.is_op n ->
| Minils.Eapp ({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Efun n }, e_list, _) when Mls_utils.is_op n ->
Eop (n, (translate map ) e_list)
| Minils.Ewhen (e, _, _) ->
let e = translate map e in
@ -98,9 +97,18 @@ let rec translate map e =
let e = translate map (assert_1 e_list) in
let idx_list = (fun idx -> mk_exp (Econst idx)) idx in
Elhs (lhs_of_idx_list (lhs_of_exp e) idx_list)
| _ ->
Format.eprintf "%a@." Mls_printer.print_exp e;
assert false
(* Async operators *)
| Minils.Eapp ({Minils.a_op = Minils.Ebang }, e_list, _) ->
let e = translate map (assert_1 e_list) in
Ebang e
(* Already treated cases when translating the [eq] *)
| Minils.Eiterator _ | Minils.Emerge _ | Minils.Efby _
| Minils.Eapp ({Minils.a_op=(Minils.Enode _|Minils.Efun _|Minils.Econcat|Minils.Eupdate|Minils.Eselect_dyn
|Minils.Etuple)}, _, _) ->
Format.eprintf "%aThis should not be treated as an exp in mls2obc : %a@."
Location.print_location e.Minils.e_loc Mls_printer.print_exp e;
assert false
mk_exp ~ty:e.Minils.e_ty desc
@ -347,12 +355,14 @@ and mk_node_call map call_context app loc name_list args =
{ o_name = obj_ref_name o; o_class = f;
o_params = app.Minils.a_params;
o_size = size_from_call_context call_context; o_loc = loc } in
let si =
(match app.Minils.a_op with
| Minils.Efun _ -> []
| Minils.Enode _ -> [reinit o]
| _ -> assert false) in
[], si, [obj], [Acall (name_list, o, Mstep, args)]
let si = (match app.Minils.a_op with
| Minils.Efun _ -> []
| Minils.Enode _ -> [reinit o]
| _ -> assert false) in
let s = (match app.Minils.a_async with
| None -> [Acall (name_list, o, Mstep, args)]
| Some a -> [Aasync_call (a, name_list, o, Mstep, args)]) in
[], si, [obj], s
| _ -> assert false
and translate_iterator map call_context it name_list app loc n x c_list =
@ -95,6 +95,9 @@ and typing_op op e_list h e ck = match op with
let e1, e2 = assert_2 e_list in
let ct = skeleton ck e.e_ty
in (expect h (Ck ck) e1; expect h ct e2; ct)
| Ebang ->
let e = assert_1 e_list in
typing h e
and expect h expected_ty e =
let actual_ty = typing h e in
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ and edesc =
| Eiterator of iterator_type * app * static_exp * exp list * var_ident option
(** map f <<n>> (exp, exp...) reset ident *)
and app = { a_op: op; a_params: static_exp list; a_unsafe: bool }
and app = { a_op: op; a_params: static_exp list; a_async : async_t option; a_unsafe: bool }
(** Unsafe applications could have side effects
and be delicate about optimizations, !be careful! *)
@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ and op =
| Eselect_dyn (** arg1.[arg3...] default arg2 *)
| Eupdate (** [ arg1 with arg3..arg_n = arg2 ] *)
| Econcat (** arg1@@arg2 *)
| Ebang (** !arg1 *)
type pat =
@ -165,8 +166,8 @@ let mk_type_dec type_desc name loc =
let mk_const_dec id ty e loc =
{ c_name = id; c_type = ty; c_value = e; c_loc = loc }
let mk_app ?(params=[]) ?(unsafe=false) op =
{ a_op = op; a_params = params; a_unsafe = unsafe }
let mk_app ?(params=[]) ?(async=None) ?(unsafe=false) op =
{ a_op = op; a_params = params; a_async = async; a_unsafe = unsafe }
(** The modname field has to be set when known, TODO LG : format_version *)
let mk_program o n t c =
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ and app_compare app1 app2 =
| (Eequal | Etuple | Efun _ | Enode _ | Eifthenelse | Efield
| Efield_update), _ -> -1
| (Earray | Earray_fill | Eselect | Eselect_slice | Eselect_dyn | Eupdate
| Econcat), _ -> 1 in
| Econcat | Ebang), _ -> 1 in
if cr <> 0 then cr
else list_compare static_exp_compare app1.a_params app2.a_params
@ -110,51 +110,56 @@ and print_exp_desc ff = function
print_exp_tuple args
print_every reset
and print_app ff (app, args) = match app.a_op with
| Eequal ->
let e1, e2 = assert_2 args in
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@ = %a@]" print_exp e1 print_exp e2
| Etuple -> print_exp_tuple ff args
| Efun f | Enode f ->
fprintf ff "@[%a@,%a@,%a@]"
print_qualname f print_params app.a_params print_exp_tuple args
| Eifthenelse ->
let e1, e2, e3 = assert_3 args in
fprintf ff "@[<hv>if %a@ then %a@ else %a@]"
print_exp e1 print_exp e2 print_exp e3
| Efield ->
let r = assert_1 args in
let f = assert_1 app.a_params in
fprintf ff "%a.%a" print_exp r print_static_exp f
| Efield_update ->
let r,e = assert_2 args in
let f = assert_1 app.a_params in
fprintf ff "@[<2>{%a with .%a =@ %a}@]"
print_exp r print_static_exp f print_exp e
| Earray -> fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@]" (print_list_r print_exp "["";""]") args
| Earray_fill ->
let e = assert_1 args in
let n = assert_1 app.a_params in
fprintf ff "%a^%a" print_exp e print_static_exp n
| Eselect ->
let e = assert_1 args in
fprintf ff "%a%a" print_exp e print_index app.a_params
| Eselect_slice ->
let e = assert_1 args in
let idx1, idx2 = assert_2 app.a_params in
fprintf ff "%a[%a..%a]"
print_exp e print_static_exp idx1 print_static_exp idx2
| Eselect_dyn ->
let r, d, e = assert_2min args in
fprintf ff "%a%a default %a"
print_exp r print_dyn_index e print_exp d
| Eupdate ->
let e1, e2, idx = assert_2min args in
fprintf ff "@[<2>(%a with %a =@ %a)@]"
print_exp e1 print_dyn_index idx print_exp e2
| Econcat ->
let e1, e2 = assert_2 args in
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@ @@ %a@]" print_exp e1 print_exp e2
and print_app ff (app, args) =
print_async ff app.a_async;
match app.a_op with
| Eequal ->
let e1, e2 = assert_2 args in
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@ = %a@]" print_exp e1 print_exp e2
| Etuple -> print_exp_tuple ff args
| Efun f | Enode f ->
fprintf ff "@[%a@,%a@,%a@]"
print_qualname f print_params app.a_params print_exp_tuple args
| Eifthenelse ->
let e1, e2, e3 = assert_3 args in
fprintf ff "@[<hv>if %a@ then %a@ else %a@]"
print_exp e1 print_exp e2 print_exp e3
| Efield ->
let r = assert_1 args in
let f = assert_1 app.a_params in
fprintf ff "%a.%a" print_exp r print_static_exp f
| Efield_update ->
let r,e = assert_2 args in
let f = assert_1 app.a_params in
fprintf ff "@[<2>{%a with .%a =@ %a}@]"
print_exp r print_static_exp f print_exp e
| Earray -> fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@]" (print_list_r print_exp "["";""]") args
| Earray_fill ->
let e = assert_1 args in
let n = assert_1 app.a_params in
fprintf ff "%a^%a" print_exp e print_static_exp n
| Eselect ->
let e = assert_1 args in
fprintf ff "%a%a" print_exp e print_index app.a_params
| Eselect_slice ->
let e = assert_1 args in
let idx1, idx2 = assert_2 app.a_params in
fprintf ff "%a[%a..%a]"
print_exp e print_static_exp idx1 print_static_exp idx2
| Eselect_dyn ->
let r, d, e = assert_2min args in
fprintf ff "%a%a default %a"
print_exp r print_dyn_index e print_exp d
| Eupdate ->
let e1, e2, idx = assert_2min args in
fprintf ff "@[<2>(%a with %a =@ %a)@]"
print_exp e1 print_dyn_index idx print_exp e2
| Econcat ->
let e1, e2 = assert_2 args in
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@ @@ %a@]" print_exp e1 print_exp e2
| Ebang ->
let e = assert_1 args in
fprintf ff "!(%a)" print_exp e
and print_handler ff c =
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@]" (print_couple print_qualname print_exp "("" -> "")") c
@ -274,6 +274,10 @@ and translate_app kind context op e_list =
let context, e1 = translate VRef context e1 in
let context, e2 = translate VRef context e2 in
context, [e1; e2]
| Ebang ->
let e = assert_1 e_list in
let context, e = translate Exp context e in
context, [e]
| Enode _ | Efun _ | Eifthenelse _ ->
assert false (*already done in translate*)
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ let rec reconstruct input_type (env : PatEnv.t) =
| Etuplepat pat_list, Tprod ty_list ->
List.fold_right2 mk_var_decs pat_list ty_list var_list
| Etuplepat [], Tunit -> var_list
| Etuplepat _, (Tarray _ | Tid _ | Tunit) -> assert false (* ill-typed *) in
| Etuplepat _, (Tarray _ | Tid _ | Tunit | Tasync _) -> assert false (* ill-typed *) in (* TODO async *)
let add_to_lists pat (_, head, children) (eq_list, var_list) =
(* Remember the encoding of resets given above. *)
@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ let rec ctype_of_otype oty =
ctype_of_otype ty)
| Tprod _ -> assert false
| Tunit -> assert false
| Tasync _ -> assert false (* TODO async *)
let cvarlist_of_ovarlist vl =
let cvar_of_ovar vd =
@ -288,6 +289,8 @@ let rec cexpr_of_exp var_env exp =
Cstructlit (ctyn, cexps)
| Earray e_list ->
Carraylit (cexprs_of_exps var_env e_list)
| Ebang _ ->
(* TODO async *) assert false
and cexprs_of_exps var_env exps =
|||| (cexpr_of_exp var_env) exps
@ -491,6 +494,8 @@ let rec cstm_of_act var_env obj_env act =
[Csexpr (Cfun_call (classn ^ "_reset", elt ))] )]
| Aasync_call _ -> assert false (* TODO async *)
(** Special case for x = 0^n^n...*)
| Aassgn (vn, { e_desc = Econst c }) ->
let vn = clhs_of_lhs var_env vn in
@ -85,14 +85,14 @@ let assert_node_res cd =
(** [main_def_of_class_def cd] returns a [(var_list, rst_i, step_i)] where
[var_list] (resp. [rst_i] and [step_i]) is a list of variables (resp. of
statements) needed for a main() function calling [cd]. *)
(* TODO: refactor into something more readable. *)
let main_def_of_class_def cd =
let format_for_type ty = match ty with
| Tarray _ | Tprod _ | Tunit -> assert false
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pfloat -> "%f"
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pint -> "%d"
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pbool -> "%d"
| Tid _ -> "%s" in
| Tid _ -> "%s"
| Tasync _ -> assert false (* TODO async *) in
(** Does reading type [ty] need a buffer? When it is the case,
[need_buf_for_ty] also returns the type's name. *)
@ -101,7 +101,8 @@ let main_def_of_class_def cd =
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pfloat -> None
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pint -> None
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pbool -> None
| Tid { name = n } -> Some n in
| Tid { name = n } -> Some n
| Tasync _ -> assert false (* TODO async *) in
let cprint_string s = Csexpr (Cfun_call ("printf", [Cconst (Cstrlit s)])) in
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ and exp_desc =
| Eop of op_name * exp list
| Estruct of type_name * (field_name * exp) list
| Earray of exp list
| Ebang of exp
type obj_ref =
| Oobj of obj_name
@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ type method_name =
type act =
| Aassgn of pattern * exp
| Acall of pattern list * obj_ref * method_name * exp list
| Aasync_call of async_t * pattern list * obj_ref * method_name * exp list
| Acase of exp * (constructor_name * block) list
| Afor of var_ident * static_exp * static_exp * block
@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ and edesc funs acc ed = match ed with
| Earray args ->
let args, acc = mapfold (exp_it funs) acc args in
Earray args, acc
| Ebang e ->
let e, acc = exp_it funs acc e in
Ebang e, acc
and lhs_it funs acc l = funs.lhs funs acc l
@ -97,6 +100,10 @@ and act funs acc a = match a with
let lhs_list, acc = mapfold (lhs_it funs) acc lhs_list in
let args, acc = mapfold (exp_it funs) acc args in
Acall(lhs_list, obj, n, args), acc
| Aasync_call(a, lhs_list, obj, n, args) ->
let lhs_list, acc = mapfold (lhs_it funs) acc lhs_list in
let args, acc = mapfold (exp_it funs) acc args in
Aasync_call(a, lhs_list, obj, n, args), acc
| Acase(x, c_b_list) ->
let aux acc (c,b) =
let b, acc = block_it funs acc b in
@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ and print_exp ff e =
fprintf ff "@[";
print_list_r print_exp "[" ";" "]" ff e_list;
fprintf ff "@]"
| Ebang e ->
fprintf ff "!(%a)" print_exp e
and print_op ff op e_list = match e_list with
| [l; r] ->
@ -75,6 +77,7 @@ let print_method_name ff = function
| Mstep -> fprintf ff "step"
| Mreset -> fprintf ff "reset"
let rec print_act ff a =
let print_lhs_tuple ff var_list = match var_list with
| [] -> ()
@ -98,6 +101,13 @@ let rec print_act ff a =
print_obj_call o
print_method_name meth
print_exps es
| Aasync_call (a, var_list, o, meth, es) ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a%a%a.%a(%a)@]"
print_lhs_tuple var_list
print_async (Some a)
print_obj_call o
print_method_name meth
print_exps es
and print_var_dec_list ff var_dec_list = match var_dec_list with
| [] -> ()
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