Reworded Heptagon mapfold introductory message.

This commit is contained in:
Adrien Guatto 2010-07-19 11:59:44 +02:00
parent 2a72628f20
commit 2ccdf677f0

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@ -6,38 +6,47 @@
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
(* Generic mapred over Heptagon Ast *)
(* Generic mapred over Heptagon AST *)
(* The basic idea is to provide a bottom up pass over an Heptagon Ast.
If you call [program_it] [hept_funs_default] [acc] [p],
with [p] an heptagon program, [acc] the accumulator of your choice,
it will go through the whole Ast, passing the accumulator without touching it,
and applying the identity to the Ast.
It'll return [p, acc].
(* The basic idea is to provide a top-down pass over an Heptagon AST. If you
call [program_it hept_funs_default acc p], with [p] an heptagon program and
[acc] the accumulator of your choice, it will go through the whole AST,
passing the accumulator without touching it, and applying the identity
function on the AST. It'll return [p, acc].
To customize your pass, you need to redefine some functions of the
[hept_funs_default] structure. These, so provided, functions will be called
when the pass hit on a node of type corresponding to the [hept_it_funs] field.
To customize your pass, you need to redefine some functions of the
[hept_funs_default] record. Each field in the record handles one node type,
and the function held in the field will be called when the iterator
encounters the corresponding node type.
You can immitate the default functions defined here, and named corresponding
to the [hep_it_funs] field (corresponding to the Heptagon Ast type).
There are two types of functions, the ones corresponding to a record type,
and the more special ones corresponding to a sum type.
If you don't want to deal with every constructors,
you can simply finish your matching with [| _ -> raise Misc.Fallback]
It will so fallback to the generic treatement for theses construtors,
defined in this file.
You can imitate the default functions defined here, and named corresponding
to the [hep_it_funs] field (corresponding to the Heptagon AST type). There
are two types of functions, the ones handling record types, and the more
special ones handling sum types. If you don't want to deal with every
constructor, you can simply finish your matching with [| _ -> raise
Misc.Fallback]: it will then fall back to the generic handling for these
construtors, defined in this file.
The structure provided and the functions to iterate on any type ([type_it])
enables lots of different ways to deal with the Ast, discover by yourself ! *)
Note that the iterator is a top-down one. If you want to use it in a
bottom-up manner (e.g. visiting expressions before visiting an equation), you
need to manually call the proper recursive function (defined here) in the
beginning of your handler. For example:
let eq funs acc eq =
let (eq, acc) = Hept_mapfold.eq funs acc eq in
(eq, acc)
The record provided here and the functions to iterate over any type
([type_it]) enable lots of different ways to deal with the AST.
(* /!\ do never, never put in your funs record one
"""" of the generic iterator function [type_it].
You should always put a custom version
or the default version provided in this file. *)
Discover it by yourself !*)
(* /!\ Do not EVER put in your funs record one of the generic iterator function
[type_it]. You should always put a custom version or the default version
provided in this file. Trespassers will loop infinitely! /!\ *)
open Misc
open Global_mapfold