Fixed some bugs

This commit is contained in:
Cédric Pasteur 2011-04-21 16:49:58 +02:00
parent dec8cb69c8
commit 285abc48bf
3 changed files with 41 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ open Minils
open Interference_graph
open Printf
let memalloc_debug = true
let print_interference_graphs = true
let verbose_mode = true
let print_debug0 s =
if verbose_mode then
@ -142,7 +141,7 @@ module World = struct
let node_for_ivar iv =
let rec _node_for_ivar igs iv =
match igs with
| [] -> (*Format.printf "Var not in graph: %s@." (ivar_to_string iv);*) raise Not_found
| [] -> print_debug1 "Var not in graph: %s@." (ivar_to_string iv); raise Not_found
| ig::igs ->
ig, node_for_value ig iv
@ -182,14 +181,32 @@ let add_same_value_link_from_ivar = by_ivar () add_affinity_link
let coalesce_from_name = by_name () coalesce
let have_same_value_from_name = by_name false have_same_value
let remove_from_name x =
let remove_from_ivar iv =
let ig, v = World.node_for_name x in
let ig, v = World.node_for_ivar iv in
G.remove_vertex ig.g_graph v
| Not_found -> (* var not in graph, just ignore it *) ()
(** Adds all the fields of a variable to the set [s] (when it corresponds to a record). *)
let rec all_ivars s iv ty =
let s = if World.is_optimized_ty ty then IvarSet.add iv s else s in
match Modules.unalias_type ty with
| Tid n ->
let fields = Modules.find_struct n in
List.fold_left (fun s { f_name = n; f_type = ty } ->
all_ivars s (Ifield(iv, n)) ty) s fields
Not_found -> s
| _ -> s
let all_ivars_set ivs =
IvarSet.fold (fun iv s -> all_ivars s iv (World.ivar_type iv)) ivs IvarSet.empty
(** Returns a map giving the number of uses of each ivar in the equations [eqs]. *)
let compute_uses eqs =
let aux env eq =
@ -199,7 +216,8 @@ let compute_uses eqs =
IvarEnv.add iv 1 env
IvarSet.fold incr_uses ( eq) env
let ivars = all_ivars_set ( eq) in
IvarSet.fold incr_uses ivars env
List.fold_left aux IvarEnv.empty eqs
@ -210,27 +228,24 @@ let number_uses iv uses =
| Not_found -> 0
let add_uses uses iv env =
if World.is_optimized iv then
IvarEnv.add iv (number_uses iv uses) env
let ivars = all_ivars IvarSet.empty iv (World.ivar_type iv) in
IvarSet.fold (fun iv env -> IvarEnv.add iv (number_uses iv uses) env) ivars env
let compute_live_vars eqs =
let uses = compute_uses eqs in
print_debug_ivar_env "Uses" uses;
let aux (env,res) eq =
let decr_uses iv env =
if World.is_optimized iv then
IvarEnv.add iv ((IvarEnv.find iv env) - 1) env
| Not_found ->(* Format.printf "var not found : %s@." (ivar_to_string iv);*) assert false
IvarEnv.add iv ((IvarEnv.find iv env) - 1) env
| Not_found ->
print_debug1 "Cannot decrease; var not found : %s@." (ivar_to_string iv); assert false
let alive_vars = IvarEnv.fold (fun iv n acc -> if n > 0 then iv::acc else acc) env [] in
print_debug1 "Alive vars : %s@." (String.concat " " ( ivar_to_string alive_vars));
let env = IvarSet.fold decr_uses ( eq) env in
let read_ivars = all_ivars_set ( eq) in
let env = IvarSet.fold decr_uses read_ivars env in
let res = (eq, alive_vars)::res in
let env = IvarSet.fold (add_uses uses) (InterfRead.def eq) env in
print_debug_ivar_env "Remaining uses" env;
@ -276,28 +291,10 @@ let should_interfere = Misc.memoize_couple should_interfere
variable declaration list vds. It just creates one graph per type
and one node per declaration. *)
let init_interference_graph () =
(** Adds a node to the list of nodes for the given type. *)
let add_node env iv ty =
let ty = Modules.unalias_type ty in
if World.is_optimized_ty ty then
TyEnv.add_element ty (mk_node iv) env
(** Adds a node for the variable and all fields of a variable. *)
let rec add_ivar env iv ty =
let env = add_node env iv ty in
(match ty with
| Tid n ->
let fields = Modules.find_struct n in
List.fold_left (fun env { f_name = f; f_type = ty } ->
add_ivar env (Ifield (iv, f)) ty) env fields
Not_found -> env
| _ -> env
let ivars = all_ivars IvarSet.empty iv ty in
IvarSet.fold (fun iv env -> TyEnv.add_element (World.ivar_type iv) (mk_node iv) env) ivars env
let env = Env.fold
(fun _ vd env -> add_ivar env (Ivar vd.v_ident) vd.v_type) !World.vds TyEnv.empty in
@ -326,7 +323,9 @@ let add_interferences live_vars =
let spill_inputs f =
let spilled_inp = (*List.filter is_linear*) f.n_input in
List.iter (fun vd -> remove_from_name vd.v_ident) spilled_inp
let spilled_inp = List.fold_left
(fun s vd -> IvarSet.add (Ivar vd.v_ident) s) IvarSet.empty spilled_inp in
IvarSet.iter remove_from_ivar (all_ivars_set spilled_inp)
(** @return whether [ty] corresponds to a record type. *)
@ -344,28 +343,6 @@ let rec filter_fields = function
| (Ifield (id, _))::l -> id::(filter_fields l)
| _::l -> filter_fields l
(** Returns all the fields of a variable (when it corresponds to a record). *)
let rec record_vars acc iv ty =
let acc = iv::acc in
match ty with
| Tid n ->
let fields = Modules.find_struct n in
List.fold_left (fun acc { f_name = n; f_type = ty } ->
record_vars acc (Ifield(iv, n)) ty) acc fields
Not_found -> acc
| _ -> acc
(** Adds all fields of a var in the list of live variables of
every equation. If x is live in eq, then so are all x.f. *)
let fix_records_live_vars live_vars =
let fix_one_list vars =
List.fold_left (fun acc iv -> record_vars acc iv (World.ivar_type iv)) [] vars
in (fun (eq, vars) -> eq, fix_one_list vars) live_vars
(** Adds the interference between records variables
caused by interferences between their fields. *)
let add_records_field_interferences () =
@ -433,8 +410,6 @@ let build_interf_graph f =
(*coalesce_linear_vars igs vds;*)
(** Other cases*)
List.iter process_eq f.n_equs;
(* Make sure the interference between records are coherent *)
let live_vars = fix_records_live_vars live_vars in
(* Add interferences from live vars set*)
add_interferences live_vars;
(* Add interferences between records implied by IField values*)
@ -494,7 +469,7 @@ let node _ acc f =
let igs = build_interf_graph f in
(** Color the graph *)
color_interf_graphs igs;
if memalloc_debug then
if print_interference_graphs then
print_graphs f igs;
(** Remember the choice we made for code generation *)
{ f with n_mem_alloc = create_subst_lists igs }, acc

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@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ let lhs funs (env, mut) l = match l.pat_desc with
(* replace with representative *)
let iv = ivar_of_pat l in
IvarEnv.find iv env, (env, mut)
{ l with pat_desc = repr_from_ivar env iv }, (env, mut)
| Not_found -> l, (env, mut)

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ shopt -s nullglob
# script de test
# compilateurs utilises pour les tests de gen. de code