Improvement for normalize memories

Only create necessary copies (for outputs
and recursive registers).
This commit is contained in:
Cédric Pasteur 2011-11-16 16:07:36 +01:00
parent 8644982593
commit 1a28ed96e8
2 changed files with 48 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -27,6 +27,13 @@ let rec static_exp_of_exp e =
| _ -> err_message e Enot_static_exp)
| _ -> err_message e Enot_static_exp
let rec ident_of_extvalue w = match w.w_desc with
| Wvar x -> Some x
| Wfield(w, _) -> ident_of_extvalue w
| Wwhen(w, _, _) -> ident_of_extvalue w
| Wconst _ -> None
| Wreinit (_, w) -> ident_of_extvalue w
(** @return the list of bounds of an array type*)
let rec bounds_list ty =
match Modules.unalias_type ty with

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ open Mls_utils
mem_o = v fby e;
o = mem_o
We also need to add one copy if two registers are defined by each other, eg:
We also need to add one copy if two (or more) registers are defined by each other, eg:
x = v fby y;
y = v fby x;
@ -20,40 +20,40 @@ open Mls_utils
y = v fby x
let memory_vars_vds nd =
let build env l =
List.fold_left (fun env vd -> Env.add vd.v_ident vd env) env l
let normalize_outputs = ref true
(** Builds the initial environment, that maps any register to the ident on the right hand side.
For outputs that are also registers, if normalize_outputs is true,
they are mapped to themselves to force the copy (made necessary by the calling convention).
Other variables are mapped to None. *)
let build_env nd =
let add_none env l = List.fold_left (fun env vd -> Env.add vd.v_ident None env) env l in
let add_eq env eq = match eq.eq_lhs, eq.eq_rhs.e_desc with
| Evarpat x, Efby (_, w) -> Env.add x (ident_of_extvalue w) env
| _, _ ->
List.fold_left (fun env id -> Env.add id None env) env (Vars.def [] eq)
let env = build Env.empty nd.n_output in
let env = build env nd.n_local in
let mem_var_tys = Mls_utils.node_memory_vars nd in (fun (x, _) -> Env.find x env) mem_var_tys
let copies_done = ref []
let add_copy x y =
copies_done := (x, y) :: !copies_done
let clear_copies () =
copies_done := []
let is_copy_done x y =
List.mem (x, y) !copies_done
(* If x and y are both registers, only create one copy *)
let should_be_normalized outputs mems x w = match w.w_desc with
| Wvar y ->
add_copy x y;
(vd_mem x outputs) or (vd_mem x mems && not (is_copy_done y x))
| _ ->
(vd_mem x outputs) or (vd_mem x mems)
let find_vd x outputs mems =
if vd_mem x outputs then
vd_find x outputs
let env = add_none Env.empty nd.n_input in
let env = List.fold_left add_eq env nd.n_equs in
let env =
if !normalize_outputs then
List.fold_left (fun env vd -> Env.add vd.v_ident (Some vd.v_ident) env) env nd.n_output
vd_find x mems
let eq _ (outputs, mems, v, eqs) eq = match eq.eq_lhs, eq.eq_rhs.e_desc with
| Evarpat x, Efby (_, w) when should_be_normalized outputs mems x w ->
let vd = find_vd x outputs mems in
let rec depends_on x y env =
match Env.find y env with
| None -> false
| Some z ->
if ident_compare x z = 0 then true
else if ident_compare y z = 0 then false
else depends_on x z env
let eq _ (env, vds, v, eqs) eq = match eq.eq_lhs, eq.eq_rhs.e_desc with
| Evarpat x, Efby (_, _) when depends_on x x env ->
let vd = vd_find x vds in
let x_mem = Idents.gen_var "normalize_mem" ("mem_"^( x)) in
let vd_mem = { vd with v_ident = x_mem } in
let exp_mem_x = mk_extvalue_exp vd.v_clock vd.v_type
@ -62,23 +62,25 @@ let eq _ (outputs, mems, v, eqs) eq = match eq.eq_lhs, eq.eq_rhs.e_desc with
let eq_copy = { eq with eq_lhs = Evarpat x_mem } in
(* o = mem_o *)
let eq = { eq with eq_rhs = exp_mem_x } in
eq, (outputs, mems, vd_mem::v, eq::eq_copy::eqs)
(* remove the dependency in env *)
let env = Env.add x None env in
eq, (env, vds, vd_mem::v, eq::eq_copy::eqs)
| _, _ ->
eq, (outputs, mems, v, eq::eqs)
eq, (env, vds, v, eq::eqs)
(* Leave contract unchanged (no output defined in it) *)
let contract funs acc c = c, acc
let contract _ acc c = c, acc
let node funs acc nd =
clear_copies ();
let env = build_env nd in
let nd, (_, _, v, eqs) =
Mls_mapfold.node_dec funs (nd.n_output, memory_vars_vds nd, nd.n_local, []) nd
Mls_mapfold.node_dec funs (env, nd.n_local @ nd.n_output, [], []) nd
(* return updated node *)
{ nd with n_local = v; n_equs = List.rev eqs }, acc
{ nd with n_local = v @ nd.n_local; n_equs = List.rev eqs }, acc
let program p =
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with
eq = eq; node_dec = node; contract = contract } in
let p, _ = Mls_mapfold.program_it funs ([], [], [], []) p in
let p, _ = Mls_mapfold.program_it funs (Env.empty, [], [], []) p in