Correct inlining, which was aliasing clocks.

This commit is contained in:
Léonard Gérard 2011-11-03 00:41:29 +01:00
parent 76109b553a
commit 17598a3206

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@ -18,17 +18,17 @@ open Hept_mapfold
let to_be_inlined s = !Compiler_options.flatten || (List.mem s !Compiler_options.inline)
let fresh = Idents.gen_fresh "automata" (fun s -> s)
let fresh = Idents.gen_var "inline"
let mk_unique_node nd =
let mk_bind vd =
let id = fresh ( vd.v_ident) in
(vd.v_ident, { vd with v_ident = id; }) in
(vd.v_ident, { vd with v_ident = id; v_clock = Clocks.fresh_clock () }) in
let subst = mk_bind (nd.n_block.b_local
@ nd.n_input @ nd.n_output) in
let subst_var_dec _ () vd =
({ vd with v_ident = (List.assoc vd.v_ident subst).v_ident; }, ()) in
(List.assoc vd.v_ident subst, ()) in
let subst_edesc _ () ed = match ed with
| Evar vn -> (Evar (List.assoc vn subst).v_ident, ())
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback in