async constants.

Léonard Gérard 13 years ago
parent 9631d9b311
commit 159bab2a55

@ -83,7 +83,10 @@ let rec static_exp_compare se1 se2 =
| Sfield _, (Svar _ | Sint _ | Sfloat _ | Sbool _ | Sconstructor _) -> -1
| Sfield _, _ -> 1
| Stuple _, (Srecord _ | Sop _ | Sarray _ | Sarray_power _) -> 1
| Sasync _, (Svar _ | Sint _ | Sfloat _ | Sbool _ | Sconstructor _ | Sfield _) -> -1
| Sasync _, _ -> 1
| Stuple _, (Srecord _ | Sop _ | Sarray _ | Sarray_power _ ) -> 1
| Stuple _, _ -> -1
| Sarray_power _, (Srecord _ | Sop _ | Sarray _) -> -1

@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ and static_exp_desc funs acc sd = match sd with
(f, se), acc in
let f_se_l, acc = mapfold aux acc f_se_l in
Srecord f_se_l, acc
| Sasync se ->
let se, acc = static_exp_it funs acc se in
Sasync se, acc
and ty_it funs acc t = try funs.ty funs acc t with Fallback -> ty funs acc t

@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ let rec print_static_exp ff se = match se.se_desc with
| Srecord f_se_list ->
print_record (print_couple print_qualname
print_static_exp """ = """) ff f_se_list
| Sasync se -> fprintf ff "@[<2>async %a@]" print_static_exp se
and print_static_exp_tuple ff l =
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@]" (print_list_r print_static_exp "("","")") l

@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ let add_const f v =
let replace_value f v =
g_env.values <- QualEnv.add f v g_env.values
(** { 3 Find functions look in the global environnement, nothing more } *)
(** { 3 Find functions look in the global environement, nothing more } *)
let find_value x = QualEnv.find x g_env.values
let find_type x = QualEnv.find x g_env.types

@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ let eval_core eval apply_op env se = match se.se_desc with
| Srecord f_se_list ->
{ se with se_desc = Srecord
( (fun (f,se) -> f, eval env se) f_se_list) }
| Sasync se' ->
{ se with se_desc = Sasync (eval env se') }
(** [simplify env e] returns e simplified with the
variables values taken from [env] or from the global env with [find_const].

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ and static_exp_desc =
| Sarray of static_exp list (** [ e1, e2, e3 ] *)
| Srecord of (field_name * static_exp) list (** { f1 = e1; f2 = e2; ... } *)
| Sop of fun_name * static_exp list (** defined ops for now in pervasives *)
| Sasync of static_exp
and ty =
| Tprod of ty list (** Product type used for tuples *)

@ -449,6 +449,9 @@ and typing_static_exp const_env se = (typing_static_field const_env fields
(Tid q)) f_se_list in
Srecord f_se_list, Tid q
| Sasync se ->
let typed_se, ty = typing_static_exp const_env se in
Sasync typed_se, Tasync ((),ty)
{ se with se_ty = ty; se_desc = desc }, ty

@ -427,6 +427,7 @@ simple_exp:
| IDENT { Evar $1 }
| const { Econst $1 }
| ASYNC c=const { Econst (mk_static_exp (Sasync c) (Loc($startpos,$endpos))) }
| LBRACE field_exp_list RBRACE { Estruct $2 }
| LBRACKET array_exp_list RBRACKET { mk_call Earray $2 }
| LPAREN tuple_exp RPAREN { mk_call Etuple $2 }
@ -555,14 +556,14 @@ qualname:
const: c=_const { mk_static_exp c (Loc($startpos,$endpos)) }
| c=_const { mk_static_exp c (Loc($startpos,$endpos)) }
| INT { Sint $1 }
| FLOAT { Sfloat $1 }
| BOOL { Sbool $1 }
| constructor { Sconstructor $1 }
| q=qualified (ident)
{ Svar q }
| INT { Sint $1 }
| FLOAT { Sfloat $1 }
| BOOL { Sbool $1 }
| constructor { Sconstructor $1 }
| q=qualified(ident) { Svar q }

@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ and static_exp_desc =
| Sarray of static_exp list (** [ e1, e2, e3 ] *)
| Srecord of (field_name * static_exp) list (** { f1 = e1; f2 = e2; ... } *)
| Sop of fun_name * static_exp list (** defined ops for now in pervasives *)
| Sasync of static_exp
type iterator_type =
| Imap

@ -104,6 +104,9 @@ and static_exp_desc funs acc sd = match sd with
(f, se), acc in
let f_se_l, acc = mapfold aux acc f_se_l in
Srecord f_se_l, acc
| Sasync se ->
let se, acc = static_exp_it funs acc se in
Sasync se, acc
and exp_it funs acc e = funs.exp funs acc e

@ -201,6 +201,7 @@ and translate_static_exp_desc ed =
let qualf (f, se) = (qualify_field f, t se) in
Types.Srecord ( qualf se_f_list)
| Sop (fn, se_list) -> Types.Sop (qualify_value fn, t se_list)
| Sasync se -> Types.Sasync (t se)
let expect_static_exp e = match e.e_desc with
| Econst se -> translate_static_exp se

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ open Misc
with or without static parameters *)
type target =
| Obc of (Obc.program -> unit)
| Obc_scalar of (Obc.program -> unit)
| Obc_no_params of (Obc.program -> unit)
| Minils of (Minils.program -> unit)
| Minils_no_params of (Minils.program -> unit)
@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ let write_obc_file p =
comment "Generation of Obc code"
let targets = [ (*"c", Obc_no_params Cmain.program;*)
"java", Obc Java_main.program;
"java", Obc_scalar Java_main.program;
"obc", Obc write_obc_file;
"obc_np", Obc_no_params write_obc_file;
"epo", Minils write_object_file ]
@ -65,10 +66,17 @@ let generate_target p s =
let p_list = Callgraph.program p in
let o_list = Mls2obc.program p_list in
print_unfolded p_list;
comment "Translation to Obc";
comment "Obc Callgraph";
if !verbose then
List.iter (Obc_printer.print stdout) o_list;
List.iter convert_fun o_list
| Obc_scalar convert_fun ->
let o = Mls2obc.program p in
comment "Obc Scalarize";
let o_s = Scalarize.program o in
convert_fun o;
if !verbose then Obc_printer.print stdout o_s
(** Translation into dataflow and sequential languages, defaults to obc. *)
let program p =

@ -67,6 +67,10 @@ module PatEnv =
type penv_t = (int * exp * ident list) P.t
(* An environment used for automata minimization: holds both a pattern environment mapping patterns to equivalence
classes, and a [(pat * int list) Env.t] that maps variable [x] to a [(pat, pth)] tuple where [pat] is the pattern
holding [x] at path [pth] *)
type t = penv_t * (pat * int list) Env.t
let empty = (P.empty, Env.empty)

@ -1 +1 @@
<c> or <java>:include
<transformations> or <c> or <java>:include

@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ let default_value ty = match ty with
| Tarray _ -> Enew_array (ty,[])
let java_pervasives = Names.modul_of_string "jeptagon.Pervasives"
let java_pervasives_class = Names.qualname_of_string "jeptagon.Pervasives"
let java_pervasive_class c = Names.qualname_of_string ("jeptagon.Pervasives."^c)
let the_java_pervasives = Names.qualname_of_string "jeptagon.Pervasives"
let java_callable = Names.qualname_of_string "java.util.concurrent.Callable"

@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
Obc.Oobj and Oarray are simply Pvar and Parray_elem
Obc.Types_alias are dereferenced since no simple type alias is possible in Java *)
(** Requires scalar Obc : [p = e] when [e] is an array is understand as a copy of the reference,
not a copy of the array. *)
open Format
open Misc
open Names
@ -97,6 +100,9 @@ let rec static_exp param_env se = match se.Types.se_desc with
| Types.Sarray se_l -> Enew_array (ty param_env se.Types.se_ty, (static_exp param_env) se_l)
| Types.Srecord _ -> eprintf "ojSrecord@."; assert false; (* TODO java *)
| Types.Sop (f, se_l) -> Efun (qualname_to_class_name f, (static_exp param_env) se_l)
| Types.Sasync se ->
let t_c = Tgeneric (java_pervasive_class "StaticFuture", [boxed_ty param_env se.Types.se_ty]) in
Enew (t_c, [static_exp param_env se])
and boxed_ty param_env t = match t with
| Types.Tprod ty_l -> tuple_ty param_env ty_l
@ -110,7 +116,7 @@ and boxed_ty param_env t = match t with
and tuple_ty param_env ty_l =
let ln = ty_l |> List.length |> Pervasives.string_of_int in
Tgeneric ({ qual = java_pervasives; name = "Tuple"^ln }, (boxed_ty param_env) ty_l)
Tgeneric (java_pervasive_class ("Tuple"^ln), (boxed_ty param_env) ty_l)
and ty param_env t :Java.ty = match t with
| Types.Tprod ty_l -> tuple_ty param_env ty_l
@ -197,6 +203,9 @@ let rec act_list param_env act_l acts =
| Obc.Afor (v, se, se', b) ->
let afor = Afor (var_dec param_env v, static_exp param_env se, static_exp param_env se', block param_env b) in
| Obc.Ablock b ->
let ablock = Ablock (block param_env b) in
List.fold_right _act act_l acts
@ -304,7 +313,7 @@ let create_async_classe async base_classe =
let act_result =
let exp_call =
let args = var_inst::exps_step in
let executor = Eval (Pfield (Pclass java_pervasives_class, "executor_cached")) in
let executor = Eval (Pfield (Pclass the_java_pervasives, "executor_cached")) in
Emethod_call (executor, "submit", [Enew (Tclass callable_classe_name, args)] )
in Aassgn (Pthis id_result, exp_call)

@ -8,6 +8,21 @@
(* Object code internal representation *)
(** { 3 Semantics }
Any variable is a reference to a constant memory.
Thus [p = e] is not the change of the reference,
but a recursive copy of what is referenced (deep copy).
As an example, [x = 3] but also [x = \[3; 4; 5\]]
and [t1 = t2] with the content of the array [t2] copied into the array [t1].
Obc is also "SSA" in the sens that a variable is assigned a value only once per call of [step] etc.
Thus arguments are passed as constant references to a constant memory.
One exception to the SSA rule is through the [mutable] variables.
Theses variables can be assigned multiple times.
Thus a [mutable] argument is passed as a reference to a constant memory.
open Misc
open Names
open Idents
@ -69,6 +84,7 @@ type act =
| Aasync_call of async_t * pattern list * obj_ref * method_name * exp list
| Acase of exp * (constructor_name * block) list
| Afor of var_dec * static_exp * static_exp * block
| Ablock of block
and block =
{ b_locals : var_dec list;

@ -115,6 +115,9 @@ and act funs acc a = match a with
let idx2, acc = static_exp_it funs.global_funs acc idx2 in
let b, acc = block_it funs acc b in
Afor(x, idx1, idx2, b), acc
| Ablock b ->
let b, acc = block_it funs acc b in
Ablock b, acc
and block_it funs acc b = funs.block funs acc b
and block funs acc b =

@ -108,6 +108,8 @@ let rec print_act ff a =
print_obj_call o
print_method_name meth
print_exps es
| Ablock b ->
fprintf ff "do@\n %a@\ndone" print_block b
and print_var_dec_list ff var_dec_list = match var_dec_list with
| [] -> ()

@ -1,17 +1,46 @@
package jeptagon;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class Pervasives {
public static final java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService executor_cached = java.util.concurrent.Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
public static final ExecutorService executor_cached = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
public static class StaticFuture<V> implements Future<V> {
V v;
public StaticFuture(V v) { this.v = v; }
public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) { return false; }
public boolean isCancelled() { return false; }
public boolean isDone() { return true; }
public V get() { return v; }
public V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) { return v; }
public static class Tuple1 <T> {
public static class Tuple1<T> {
public final T c0;
public Tuple1(T v) {
c0 = v;
public static class Tuple22 {
public final Object c0;
public final Object c1;
public Tuple22(Object v0, Object v1) {
c0 = v0;
c1 = v1;
public static class Tuple2 <T0,T1> {
public final T0 c0;
public final T1 c1;

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
node g () returns (y : int)
y = 3
node f (x : int; c : bool) returns (z : int)
z = merge c (true -> (0 fby (g(z when true(c))))) (false -> 0)

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
node lent(coeff:int) returns (y:int)
y = do_stuff(coeff);
node rapide<<size:int>>() returns (z:int)
var y,cpt : int; big_step : bool;
big_step = cpt = 0;
cpt = size fby (if big_step then size else cpt - 1);
y = merge big_step
(true -> 0 -> (pre (lent(size))))
(false -> 0 fby y when false(big_step));
z = do_stuff(1) - y;
node main() returns(r: int)
r = rapide<<1000>>();

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
node lent(coeff:int) returns (y:int)
y = do_stuff(coeff);
node rapide<<size:int>>() returns (z:int)
var y : int; cpt : int; big_step : bool;
big_step = cpt = 0;
cpt = size fby (if big_step then size else cpt - 1);
y = merge big_step
(true -> 0 -> !(pre (async lent(size))))
(false -> 0 fby y when false(big_step));
z = do_stuff(1) - y;
node main() returns(r: int)
r = rapide<<1000>>();

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
node counter(res: bool; tick: bool) returns (o: int)
o = if res then 0 else if tick then 1 -> pre o + 1 else 0 -> pre o;
node counter2() returns (b: bool)
var t : async int;
t = async 0 fby async counter(false,true);
b = counter(false,true) -1 = !t;

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
node counter(res: bool; tick: bool) returns (o: int)
o = if res then 0 else if tick then 1 -> pre o + 1 else 0 -> pre o;
node counter3() returns (t: async bool)
var last async t: int; cpt: int;
cpt = counter(false,true);
state I do
t = async counter(false,true)));
until true continue III
state III do
until cpt/3 = 0 continue I
b = 0 fby cpt - 1 = 0 -> !t ;

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
load_printer "/sw/lib/ocaml/menhirLib/menhirLib.cmo"
load_printer "/sw/lib/ocaml/str.cma"
load_printer "_build/global/names.d.cmo"
load_printer "_build/global/location.d.cmo"
load_printer "_build/utilities/misc.d.cmo"
