Enum in Obc should also be qualnames
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 8 additions and 6 deletions
@ -484,8 +484,7 @@ let translate_ty_def { Minils.t_name = name; Minils.t_desc = tdesc;
let tdesc = match tdesc with
| Minils.Type_abs -> Type_abs
| Minils.Type_alias ln -> Type_alias ln
| Minils.Type_enum tag_name_list ->
Type_enum (List.map shortname tag_name_list)
| Minils.Type_enum tag_name_list -> Type_enum tag_name_list
| Minils.Type_struct field_ty_list ->
Type_struct field_ty_list in
{ t_name = name; t_desc = tdesc; t_loc = loc }
@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ let decls_of_type_decl otd =
| Type_alias ty -> [Cdecl_typedef (ctype_of_otype ty, name)]
| Type_enum nl ->
let name = !global_name ^ "_" ^ name in
[Cdecl_enum (name, nl);
[Cdecl_enum (name, List.map cname_of_qn nl);
Cdecl_function (name ^ "_of_string",
Cty_id name,
[("s", Cty_ptr Cty_char)]);
@ -667,6 +667,7 @@ let cdefs_and_cdecls_of_type_decl otd =
{ var_decls = [];
block_body =
let gen_if t =
let t = cname_of_qn t in
let funcall = Cfun_call ("strcmp", [Clhs (Cvar "s");
Cconst (Cstrlit t)]) in
let cond = Cbop ("==", funcall, Cconst (Ccint 0)) in
@ -681,6 +682,7 @@ let cdefs_and_cdecls_of_type_decl otd =
{ var_decls = [];
block_body =
let gen_clause t =
let t = cname_of_qn t in
let fun_call =
Cfun_call ("strcpy", [Clhs (Cvar "buf");
Cconst (Cstrlit t)]) in
@ -689,7 +691,8 @@ let cdefs_and_cdecls_of_type_decl otd =
Creturn (Clhs (Cvar "buf"))]; }
} in
([of_string_fun; to_string_fun],
[Cdecl_enum (name, nl); cdecl_of_cfundef of_string_fun;
[Cdecl_enum (name, List.map cname_of_qn nl);
cdecl_of_cfundef of_string_fun;
cdecl_of_cfundef to_string_fun])
| Type_struct fl ->
let decls = List.map (fun f -> cname_of_qn f.Signature.f_name,
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ type type_dec =
and tdesc =
| Type_abs
| Type_alias of ty
| Type_enum of name list
| Type_enum of constructor_name list
| Type_struct of structure
type const_dec = {
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ let print_type_def ff { t_name = name; t_desc = tdesc } =
fprintf ff "@[type %a@ = %a@\n@]" print_qualname name print_type ty
| Type_enum(tag_name_list) ->
fprintf ff "@[type %a = " print_qualname name;
print_list_r print_name "" "|" "" ff tag_name_list;
print_list_r print_qualname "" "|" "" ff tag_name_list;
fprintf ff "@\n@]"
| Type_struct(f_ty_list) ->
fprintf ff "@[type %a = " print_qualname name;
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