Fixed stupid bug

This commit is contained in:
Cédric Pasteur 2011-04-18 17:14:50 +02:00
parent c0602c6df6
commit 03f0d5d89a

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@ -101,12 +101,12 @@ let rec whenc context e c n =
type kind = ExtValue | Any
(** Creates an equation and add it to the context if necessary. *)
let add context expected_kind ({ e_desc = de } as e) =
let up = match de, expected_kind with
let add context expected_kind e =
let up = match e.e_desc, expected_kind with
| (Evar _ | Eapp ({ a_op = Efield }, _, _) | Ewhen _
| Eapp ({ a_op = Etuple }, _, _) | Econst _) , ExtValue -> false
| _ , ExtValue -> true
| _ -> false in
| _ -> Format.printf "Not normalizing \n"; false in
if up then
let context, n = equation context e in
context, { e with e_desc = n }
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ let add context expected_kind ({ e_desc = de } as e) =
context, e
let rec translate kind context e =
let context, e = match e.e_desc with
let context, e' = match e.e_desc with
| Econst _
| Evar _ -> context, e
| Epre(v, e1) -> fby kind context e v e1
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ let rec translate kind context e =
flatten_e_list e_list, reset) }
| Elast _ | Efby _ ->
Error.message e.e_loc Error.Eunsupported_language_construct
in add context kind e
in add context kind e'
and translate_list kind context e_list =
match e_list with
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ and ifthenelse context e e1 e2 e3 =
{ e with e_desc = Eapp(mk_app Etuple, e_list, None) }
if is_list e2 then (
context, mk_ite_list (e_to_e_list e2) (e_to_e_list e2)
context, mk_ite_list (e_to_e_list e2) (e_to_e_list e3)
) else
context, { e with e_desc = Eapp (mk_app Eifthenelse, [e1; e2; e3], None) }
@ -244,13 +244,19 @@ and distribute ((d_list, eq_list) as context) eq pat e =
dist_e_list pat_list e_list
| Etuplepat(pat_list), Econst { se_desc = Stuple se_list } ->
dist_e_list pat_list (exp_list_of_static_exp_list se_list)
| _ -> d_list, eq :: eq_list
| _ ->
let eq = { eq with eq_desc = Eeq(pat, e) } in
d_list, eq :: eq_list
and translate_eq context eq = match eq.eq_desc with
and translate_eq ((d_list, eq_list) as context) eq = match eq.eq_desc with
| Eeq (pat, e) ->
let context, e = translate Any context e in
distribute context eq pat e
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback
| Eblock b ->
let v, eqs = translate_eq_list [] b.b_equs in
let eq = { eq with eq_desc = Eblock { b with b_local = v @ b.b_local; b_equs = eqs} } in
d_list, eq :: eq_list
| _ -> Misc.internal_error "normalize" 0
and translate_eq_list d_list eq_list =