from __future__ import annotations """ InvitePolicy class: InvitePolicy object are use to chose whether to accept or decline an invite to a room. """ import asyncio import nio import logging from abc import ( ABC, abstractmethod ) from typing import ( Union, TYPE_CHECKING ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from .client import Client from .utils import ( Room, RoomAlias, RoomId ) from .async_utils import Aobject log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class InvitePolicy(ABC): """ Class used by Client to chose whether to accept of decline an invite. """ @abstractmethod async def accept_invite( self, room_id: RoomId, invite: nio.responses.InviteInfo )->bool: """ Test if the invit must be accepted of declined. Async because the policy might want to do exotic stuff, like, idk, send a pm to someone to ask confirmation """ pass class DeclineAll(InvitePolicy): """ Decline all invitations. """ async def accept_invite( self, room_id: RoomId, invite: nio.responses.InviteInfo )->bool: return False class AcceptAll(InvitePolicy): """ Accept all invitations. """ async def accept_invite( self, room_id: RoomId, invite: nio.responses.InviteInfo )->bool: return True class WhiteList(InvitePolicy, Aobject): """ Accept invite for whitelisted room. This policy cannot be set during the initialization of the client because we need the client to initialize this object: use `client.set_invite_policy(policy)` """ whitelisted_rooms: dict[RoomId, RoomAlias] async def __init__( self, client: Client, whitelisted_rooms_names: list[Union[RoomAlias, RoomId]] ): """ client: the matrix client (cf whitelisted_rooms: the list of the rooms where the bot is allowed to connect (given by room id (expl: '!') or room alias (expl: '')) """ self.whitelisted_rooms = {} rooms = await asyncio.gather(*(client.resolve_room(room_name) for room_name in whitelisted_rooms_names)) for room in rooms: self.whitelisted_rooms[] = room async def accept_invite( self, room_id: RoomId, invite: nio.responses.InviteInfo )->bool: """ Accept invite from whitelisted room, reject the other. """ if room_id in self.whitelisted_rooms:"Invite from {room_id} accepted.") return True else: log.warning(f"Invite from {room_id} declined: not in whitelist.") return False