You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Format the alert message.
import asyncio
import dataclasses
import json
from typing import (
from jinja2 import Environment, BaseLoader
template_raw = (
"{% if alert['labels']['severity'] == 'critical' and alert['status'] == 'firing' %}"
"@room<b><font color='red'>"
"{% elif alert['labels']['severity'] == 'warning' and alert['status'] == 'firing' %}"
"<b><font color='orange'>"
"{% elif alert['status'] == 'resolved' %}"
"<b><font color='green'> End of alert "
"{% else %}"
"{% endif %}"
"{{ alert['labels']['alertname'] }}: {{ alert['labels']['instance'] }} <br/>"
"{{ alert['annotations']['title'] }}<br/>"
"{{ alert['annotations']['description'] }}<br/>"
template = Environment(loader=BaseLoader).from_string(template_raw)
class Message:
body: str
formated_body: Optional[str]
def format_alert(
alert_json: dict[str, Any]
Format an alert in json format to a nice string.
messages = []
for alert in alert_json['alerts']:
formated_body = template.render(alert=alert, status=alert_json['status'])
body = f"{ alert['annotations']['title'] }:\n{ alert['annotations']['description'] }"
if '@room' in formated_body:
body = '@room ' + body
formated_body = formated_body.replace('@room', '')
messages.append(Message(body, formated_body))
return messages
async def format_alerts(
alert_queue: asyncio.Queue[dict[str,Any]],
message_queue: asyncio.Queue[Message]
Read alerts from alert_queue, format them, and put them in message_queue.
while True:
alert = await alert_queue.get()
messages = format_alert(alert)
for message in messages:
await message_queue.put(message)