+++ title = "About" date = "2019-01-25" author = "Radek" +++ # Hi there My name is Radek and I'm the author of this theme. I made it to help you present your ideas easier. We all know how hard is to start something on the web, especially these days. You need to prepare a bunch of stuff, configure them and when that’s done — create the content. This theme is pretty basic and covers all of the essentials. All you have to do is start typing! The theme includes: - **light/dark mode**, depending on your preferences - great reading experience thanks to [**Inter UI font**](https://rsms.me/inter/), made by [Rasmus Andersson](https://rsms.me/about/) - nice code highlighting thanks to [**PrismJS**](https://prismjs.com) So, there you have it... enjoy!