env: TERM: "xterm-256color" shell: program: /usr/bin/xonsh # program: /usr/bin/bash # Font configuration (changes require restart) font: # The size to use. size: 8 normal: family: Comic Mono style: Regular # The bold font face bold: family: Comic Mono style: Bold # The italic font face italic: family: Comic Mono key_bindings: - { key: Return, mods: Control|Shift, action: SpawnNewInstance } window.opacity: 0.85 # Colors (Tomorrow Night Bright) colors: # Default colors primary: background: '0x000000' foreground: '0xeaeaea' # Normal colors normal: black: '0x000000' red: '0xd54e53' green: '0xb9ca4a' yellow: '0xe6c547' blue: '0x7aa6da' magenta: '0xc397d8' cyan: '0x70c0ba' white: '0x424242' # Bright colors bright: black: '0x666666' red: '0xff3334' green: '0x9ec400' yellow: '0xe7c547' blue: '0x7aa6da' magenta: '0xb77ee0' cyan: '0x54ced6' white: '0x2a2a2a'