# plugins xontrib load pipeliner xontrib load sh xontrib load onepath $XONTRIB_ONEPATH_ACTIONS[''] = 'vim' # Yes, I don't trust auto-exec xontrib load ssh_agent # env $PATH.insert(0, $HOME+'/bin') $PATH.insert(0, $HOME+'/bin') $PATH.insert(0, $HOME+'/.local/bin') $PATH.insert(0, $HOME+'/.cargo/bin') $PATH.insert(0, $HOME+'/.gem/ruby/2.7.0/bin') $DATA = '/media/me/dataDrive' $UPDATE_OS_ENVIRON = True $PROMPT = '{env_name}{BOLD_INTENSE_PURPLE}{user}@{hostname}{BOLD_INTENSE_YELLOW} {cwd}{branch_color}{curr_branch: [{}]}{RESET} {BOLD_INTENSE_YELLOW}{prompt_end}{RESET} ' $XONTRIB_SH_SHELLS = ['bash', 'sh'] if ${...}.get('XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP', '') != "KDE" and \ ${...}.get('XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP', '') != "GNOME": $QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME = "qt5ct" # navigation aliases['..'] = 'cd ..' aliases['...'] = 'cd ../.' aliases['.3'] = 'cd ../../..' aliases['.4'] = 'cd ../../../..' aliases['.5'] = 'cd ../../../../..' # vi = vim aliases['vi'] = 'vim' # Package manager aliases['upgrade'] = 'pacman -Suy && yay -Suy' # git aliases['add'] = 'git add' aliases['branch'] = 'git branch' aliases['commit'] = 'git commit -am' aliases['clone'] = 'git clone' aliases['pull'] = 'git pull' aliases['push'] = 'git push' aliases['merge'] = 'git merge' aliases['status'] = 'git status' aliases['rebase'] = 'git rebase' aliases['checkout'] = 'git checkout' # ssh aliases['proxy_hindley'] = 'ssh -D 8080 hindley.adh.auro.re' # config aliases['config'] = '/usr/bin/git --git-dir=/home/me/.cfg/ --work-tree=/home/me' # fix some shit aliases["alsamixer"] = "$[/usr/bin/alsamixer]" # python utils :) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np def plot(f, a:float=0.0, b:float=10.0, n:int=300): """ Plot the function f between a and b with an accuracy of n points. """ x = np.linspace(a, b, n) plt.plot(x, list(map(f, x))) plt.show()