/** * String manipulation and comparison utilities. * * Copyright: Copyright Sean Kelly 2005 - 2009. * License: $(HTTP www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0). * Authors: Sean Kelly, Walter Bright * Source: $(DRUNTIMESRC rt/util/_string.d) */ module core.internal.string; pure: nothrow: @nogc: alias UnsignedStringBuf = char[20]; /** Converts an unsigned integer value to a string of characters. This implementation is a template so it can be used when compiling with -betterC. Params: value = the unsigned integer value to convert buf = the pre-allocated buffer used to store the result radix = the numeric base to use in the conversion (defaults to 10) Returns: The unsigned integer value as a string of characters */ char[] unsignedToTempString(uint radix = 10)(ulong value, return scope char[] buf) @safe if (radix >= 2 && radix <= 16) { size_t i = buf.length; do { uint x = void; if (value < radix) { x = cast(uint)value; value = 0; } else { x = cast(uint)(value % radix); value /= radix; } buf[--i] = cast(char)((radix <= 10 || x < 10) ? x + '0' : x - 10 + 'a'); } while (value); return buf[i .. $]; } private struct TempStringNoAlloc(ubyte N) { private char[N] _buf = void; private ubyte _len; inout(char)[] get() inout return { return _buf[$-_len..$]; } alias get this; } /** Converts an unsigned integer value to a string of characters. This implementation is a template so it can be used when compiling with -betterC. Params: value = the unsigned integer value to convert radix = the numeric base to use in the conversion (defaults to 10) Returns: The unsigned integer value as a string of characters */ auto unsignedToTempString(uint radix = 10)(ulong value) @safe { // Need a buffer of 65 bytes for radix of 2 with room for // signedToTempString to possibly add a negative sign. enum bufferSize = radix >= 10 ? 20 : 65; TempStringNoAlloc!bufferSize result = void; result._len = unsignedToTempString!radix(value, result._buf).length & 0xff; return result; } unittest { UnsignedStringBuf buf; assert(0.unsignedToTempString(buf) == "0"); assert(1.unsignedToTempString(buf) == "1"); assert(12.unsignedToTempString(buf) == "12"); assert(0x12ABCF .unsignedToTempString!16(buf) == "12abcf"); assert(long.sizeof.unsignedToTempString(buf) == "8"); assert(uint.max.unsignedToTempString(buf) == "4294967295"); assert(ulong.max.unsignedToTempString(buf) == "18446744073709551615"); // use stack allocated struct version assert(0.unsignedToTempString == "0"); assert(1.unsignedToTempString == "1"); assert(12.unsignedToTempString == "12"); assert(0x12ABCF .unsignedToTempString!16 == "12abcf"); assert(long.sizeof.unsignedToTempString == "8"); assert(uint.max.unsignedToTempString == "4294967295"); assert(ulong.max.unsignedToTempString == "18446744073709551615"); // test bad radices assert(!is(typeof(100.unsignedToTempString!1(buf)))); assert(!is(typeof(100.unsignedToTempString!0(buf) == ""))); } alias SignedStringBuf = char[20]; char[] signedToTempString(uint radix = 10)(long value, return scope char[] buf) @safe { bool neg = value < 0; if (neg) value = cast(ulong)-value; auto r = unsignedToTempString!radix(value, buf); if (neg) { // about to do a slice without a bounds check auto trustedSlice(return scope char[] r) @trusted { assert(r.ptr > buf.ptr); return (r.ptr-1)[0..r.length+1]; } r = trustedSlice(r); r[0] = '-'; } return r; } auto signedToTempString(uint radix = 10)(long value) @safe { bool neg = value < 0; if (neg) value = cast(ulong)-value; auto r = unsignedToTempString!radix(value); if (neg) { r._len++; r.get()[0] = '-'; } return r; } unittest { SignedStringBuf buf; assert(0.signedToTempString(buf) == "0"); assert(1.signedToTempString(buf) == "1"); assert((-1).signedToTempString(buf) == "-1"); assert(12.signedToTempString(buf) == "12"); assert((-12).signedToTempString(buf) == "-12"); assert(0x12ABCF .signedToTempString!16(buf) == "12abcf"); assert((-0x12ABCF) .signedToTempString!16(buf) == "-12abcf"); assert(long.sizeof.signedToTempString(buf) == "8"); assert(int.max.signedToTempString(buf) == "2147483647"); assert(int.min.signedToTempString(buf) == "-2147483648"); assert(long.max.signedToTempString(buf) == "9223372036854775807"); assert(long.min.signedToTempString(buf) == "-9223372036854775808"); // use stack allocated struct version assert(0.signedToTempString() == "0"); assert(1.signedToTempString == "1"); assert((-1).signedToTempString == "-1"); assert(12.signedToTempString == "12"); assert((-12).signedToTempString == "-12"); assert(0x12ABCF .signedToTempString!16 == "12abcf"); assert((-0x12ABCF) .signedToTempString!16 == "-12abcf"); assert(long.sizeof.signedToTempString == "8"); assert(int.max.signedToTempString == "2147483647"); assert(int.min.signedToTempString == "-2147483648"); assert(long.max.signedToTempString == "9223372036854775807"); assert(long.min.signedToTempString == "-9223372036854775808"); assert(long.max.signedToTempString!2 == "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"); assert(long.min.signedToTempString!2 == "-1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); } /******************************** * Determine number of digits that will result from a * conversion of value to a string. * Params: * value = number to convert * radix = radix * Returns: * number of digits */ int numDigits(uint radix = 10)(ulong value) @safe if (radix >= 2 && radix <= 36) { int n = 1; while (1) { if (value <= uint.max) { uint v = cast(uint)value; while (1) { if (v < radix) return n; if (v < radix * radix) return n + 1; if (v < radix * radix * radix) return n + 2; if (v < radix * radix * radix * radix) return n + 3; n += 4; v /= radix * radix * radix * radix; } } n += 4; value /= radix * radix * radix * radix; } } unittest { assert(0.numDigits == 1); assert(9.numDigits == 1); assert(10.numDigits == 2); assert(99.numDigits == 2); assert(100.numDigits == 3); assert(999.numDigits == 3); assert(1000.numDigits == 4); assert(9999.numDigits == 4); assert(10000.numDigits == 5); assert(99999.numDigits == 5); assert(uint.max.numDigits == 10); assert(ulong.max.numDigits == 20); assert(0.numDigits!2 == 1); assert(1.numDigits!2 == 1); assert(2.numDigits!2 == 2); assert(3.numDigits!2 == 2); // test bad radices static assert(!__traits(compiles, 100.numDigits!1())); static assert(!__traits(compiles, 100.numDigits!0())); static assert(!__traits(compiles, 100.numDigits!37())); } int dstrcmp()( scope const char[] s1, scope const char[] s2 ) @trusted { immutable len = s1.length <= s2.length ? s1.length : s2.length; if (__ctfe) { foreach (const u; 0 .. len) { if (s1[u] != s2[u]) return s1[u] > s2[u] ? 1 : -1; } } else { import core.stdc.string : memcmp; const ret = memcmp( s1.ptr, s2.ptr, len ); if ( ret ) return ret; } return (s1.length > s2.length) - (s1.length < s2.length); }