#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e # Simple script to upload executable to bootloader if [ $# -ne 2 ] then echo "Upload image via serial port (UART) to the NEORV32 bootloader." echo "Reset processor before starting the upload." echo "Usage: [sudo] sh uart_upload.sh " echo "Example: sh uart_upload.sh /dev/ttyS6 neorv32_exe.bin" exit fi # configure serial port stty -F "$1" 19200 -hup raw -echo -echoe -echok -echoctl -echoke -crtscts cs8 -cstopb noflsh clocal cread # trigger fast upload mode and get response exec 3<$1 # redirect serial output to fd 3 cat <&3 > uart_upload.response.dat & # redirect serial output to file PID=$! # save pid to kill cat printf "u" > $1 # send upload command to serial port sleep 0.5s # wait for bootloader response kill $PID # kill cat process exec 3<&- # free fd 3 # check response if ! grep -Fq "Awaiting neorv32_exe.bin" uart_upload.response.dat; then echo "Bootloader response error." echo "Reset processor before starting the upload." rm -f uart_upload.response.dat exit fi # send executable and get repsonse echo -n "Uploading... " exec 3<$1 # redirect serial output to fd 3 cat <&3 > uart_upload.response.dat & # redirect serial output to file PID=$! # save pid to kill cat cat "$2" > "$1" # send executable to serial port sleep 3s # wait for bootloader response kill $PID # kill cat process exec 3<&- # free fd 3 # check response if ! grep -Fq "OK" uart_upload.response.dat; then echo "Upload error." rm -f uart_upload.response.dat exit fi rm -f uart_upload.response.dat echo "Done."