/* This file is part of the program psim. Copyright (C) 1994-1995, Andrew Cagney This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "build-config.h" #include "misc.h" #include "lf.h" #include "table.h" #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #include /****************************************************************/ int spreg_lookup_table = 1; enum { nr_of_sprs = 1024, }; /****************************************************************/ typedef enum { spreg_name, spreg_reg_nr, spreg_readonly, spreg_length, nr_spreg_fields, } spreg_fields; typedef struct _spreg_table_entry spreg_table_entry; struct _spreg_table_entry { char *name; int spreg_nr; int is_readonly; int length; table_entry *entry; spreg_table_entry *next; }; typedef struct _spreg_table spreg_table; struct _spreg_table { spreg_table_entry *sprs; }; static void spreg_table_insert(spreg_table *table, table_entry *entry) { /* create a new spr entry */ spreg_table_entry *new_spr = ZALLOC(spreg_table_entry); new_spr->next = NULL; new_spr->entry = entry; new_spr->spreg_nr = atoi(entry->fields[spreg_reg_nr]); new_spr->is_readonly = (entry->fields[spreg_readonly] ? atoi(entry->fields[spreg_readonly]) : 0); new_spr->length = atoi(entry->fields[spreg_length]); new_spr->name = (char*)zalloc(strlen(entry->fields[spreg_name]) + 1); ASSERT(new_spr->name != NULL); { int i; for (i = 0; entry->fields[spreg_name][i] != '\0'; i++) { if (isupper(entry->fields[spreg_name][i])) new_spr->name[i] = tolower(entry->fields[spreg_name][i]); else new_spr->name[i] = entry->fields[spreg_name][i]; } } /* insert, by spreg_nr order */ { spreg_table_entry **ptr_to_spreg_entry = &table->sprs; spreg_table_entry *spreg_entry = *ptr_to_spreg_entry; while (spreg_entry != NULL && spreg_entry->spreg_nr < new_spr->spreg_nr) { ptr_to_spreg_entry = &spreg_entry->next; spreg_entry = *ptr_to_spreg_entry; } ASSERT(spreg_entry == NULL || spreg_entry->spreg_nr != new_spr->spreg_nr); *ptr_to_spreg_entry = new_spr; new_spr->next = spreg_entry; } } static spreg_table * spreg_table_load(char *file_name) { table *file = table_open(file_name, nr_spreg_fields, 0); spreg_table *table = ZALLOC(spreg_table); { table_entry *entry; while ((entry = table_entry_read(file)) != NULL) { spreg_table_insert(table, entry); } } return table; } /****************************************************************/ char *spreg_attributes[] = { "is_valid", "is_readonly", "name", "index", "length", 0 }; static void gen_spreg_h(spreg_table *table, lf *file) { spreg_table_entry *entry; char **attribute; lf_print__gnu_copyleft(file); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#ifndef _SPREG_H_\n"); lf_printf(file, "#define _SPREG_H_\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "typedef unsigned_word spreg;\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "typedef enum {\n"); for (entry = table->sprs; entry != NULL ; entry = entry->next) { lf_printf(file, " spr_%s = %d,\n", entry->name, entry->spreg_nr); } lf_printf(file, " nr_of_sprs = %d\n", nr_of_sprs); lf_printf(file, "} sprs;\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); for (attribute = spreg_attributes; *attribute != NULL; attribute++) { if (strcmp(*attribute, "name") == 0) { lf_print_function_type(file, "const char *", "INLINE_SPREG", " "); lf_printf(file, "spr_%s(sprs spr);\n", *attribute); } else { lf_print_function_type(file, "int", "INLINE_SPREG", " "); lf_printf(file, "spr_%s(sprs spr);\n", *attribute); } } lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#endif /* _SPREG_H_ */\n"); } static void gen_spreg_c(spreg_table *table, lf *file) { spreg_table_entry *entry; char **attribute; int spreg_nr; lf_print__gnu_copyleft(file); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#ifndef _SPREG_C_\n"); lf_printf(file, "#define _SPREG_C_\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#include \"basics.h\"\n"); lf_printf(file, "#include \"spreg.h\"\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "typedef struct _spreg_info {\n"); lf_printf(file, " char *name;\n"); lf_printf(file, " int is_valid;\n"); lf_printf(file, " int length;\n"); lf_printf(file, " int is_readonly;\n"); lf_printf(file, " int index;\n"); lf_printf(file, "} spreg_info;\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "static spreg_info spr_info[nr_of_sprs+1] = {\n"); entry = table->sprs; for (spreg_nr = 0; spreg_nr < nr_of_sprs+1; spreg_nr++) { if (entry == NULL || spreg_nr < entry->spreg_nr) lf_printf(file, " { 0, 0, 0, 0, %d},\n", spreg_nr); else { lf_printf(file, " { \"%s\", %d, %d, %d, spr_%s /*%d*/ },\n", entry->name, 1, entry->length, entry->is_readonly, entry->name, entry->spreg_nr); entry = entry->next; } } lf_printf(file, "};\n"); for (attribute = spreg_attributes; *attribute != NULL; attribute++) { lf_printf(file, "\n"); if (strcmp(*attribute, "name") == 0) { lf_print_function_type(file, "const char *", "INLINE_SPREG", "\n"); } else { lf_print_function_type(file, "int", "INLINE_SPREG", "\n"); } lf_printf(file, "spr_%s(sprs spr)\n", *attribute); lf_printf(file, "{\n"); if (spreg_lookup_table || strcmp(*attribute, "name") == 0 || strcmp(*attribute, "index") == 0) lf_printf(file, " return spr_info[spr].%s;\n", *attribute); else { spreg_table_entry *entry; lf_printf(file, " switch (spr) {\n"); for (entry = table->sprs; entry != NULL; entry = entry->next) { lf_printf(file, " case %d:\n", entry->spreg_nr); if (strcmp(*attribute, "is_valid") == 0) lf_printf(file, " return 1;\n"); else if (strcmp(*attribute, "is_readonly") == 0) lf_printf(file, " return %d;\n", entry->is_readonly); else if (strcmp(*attribute, "length") == 0) lf_printf(file, " return %d;\n", entry->length); else ASSERT(0); } lf_printf(file, " default:\n"); lf_printf(file, " return 0;\n"); lf_printf(file, " }\n"); } lf_printf(file, "}\n"); } lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#endif /* _SPREG_C_ */\n"); } /****************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { lf_file_references file_references = lf_include_references; spreg_table *sprs = NULL; char *real_file_name = NULL; int is_header = 0; int ch; if (argc <= 1) { printf("Usage: dgen ...\n"); printf("-s Use switch instead of table\n"); printf("-n Use this as cpp line numbering name\n"); printf("-h Output header file\n"); printf("-p Output spreg.h(P) or spreg.c(p)\n"); printf("-L Suppress cpp line numbering in output files\n"); } while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "hLsn:r:p:")) != -1) { #if 0 /* For debugging. */ fprintf(stderr, "\t-%c %s\n", ch, ( optarg ? optarg : "")); #endif switch(ch) { case 's': spreg_lookup_table = 0; break; case 'r': sprs = spreg_table_load(optarg); break; case 'n': real_file_name = strdup(optarg); break; case 'L': file_references = lf_omit_references; break; case 'h': is_header = 1; break; case 'p': { lf *file = lf_open(optarg, real_file_name, file_references, (is_header ? lf_is_h : lf_is_c), argv[0]); if (is_header) gen_spreg_h(sprs, file); else gen_spreg_c(sprs, file); lf_close(file); is_header = 0; } real_file_name = NULL; break; default: error("unknown option\n"); } } return 0; }