# Copyright (C) 2009-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
# This file is part of the GDB testsuite. It tests the
# gdb.Value.format_string () method.
load_lib gdb-python.exp
# Skip all tests if Python scripting is not enabled.
if { [skip_python_tests] } { continue }
# Build inferior to language specification.
proc build_inferior {exefile lang} {
global srcdir subdir srcfile testfile hex
set flags [list debug $lang]
if { $lang == "c" } {
lappend flags additional_flags=-std=c99
if { [gdb_compile "${srcdir}/${subdir}/${srcfile}" "${exefile}" \
executable $flags] != "" } {
untested "failed to compile in $lang mode"
return -1
return 0
# Restart GDB.
proc prepare_gdb {exefile} {
global srcdir subdir srcfile testfile hex
gdb_reinitialize_dir $srcdir/$subdir
gdb_load ${exefile}
if ![runto_main] then {
perror "couldn't run to breakpoint"
# Load the pretty printer.
set remote_python_file \
[gdb_remote_download host ${srcdir}/${subdir}/${testfile}.py]
gdb_test_no_output "source ${remote_python_file}" "load python file"
runto_bp "break here"
# Set breakpoint and run to that breakpoint.
proc runto_bp {bp} {
gdb_breakpoint [gdb_get_line_number $bp]
gdb_continue_to_breakpoint $bp
# Set an option using the GDB command in $set_cmd, execute $body, and then
# restore the option using the GDB command in $unset_cmd.
proc with_temp_option { set_cmd unset_cmd body } {
with_test_prefix $set_cmd {
gdb_test "$set_cmd" ".*"
uplevel 1 $body
gdb_test "$unset_cmd" ".*"
# A regular expression for a pointer.
set default_pointer_regexp "0x\[a-fA-F0-9\]+"
# A regular expression for a non-expanded C++ reference.
# Stringifying a C++ reference produces an address preceeded by a "@" in
# Python, but, by default, the C++ reference/class is expanded by the
# GDB print command.
set default_ref_regexp "@${default_pointer_regexp}"
# The whole content of the C variable a_big_string, i.e. the whole English
# alphabet repeated 10 times.
set whole_big_string ""
for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
append whole_big_string $alphabet
unset alphabet
# Produces a potentially cut down version of $whole_big_string like GDB
# would represent it.
# $max is the maximum number of characters allowed in the string (but
# the return value may contain more to accound for the extra quotes and
# "..." added by GDB).
proc get_cut_big_string { max } {
global whole_big_string
set whole_size [string length $whole_big_string]
if { $max > $whole_size } {
return "\"${whole_big_string}\""
set cut_string [string range $whole_big_string 0 [expr $max - 1]]
return "\"${cut_string}\"..."
# A dictionary mapping from C variable names to their default string
# representation when using str () or gdb.Value.format_string () with
# no arguments.
# This usually matches what the print command prints if used with no
# options, except for C++ references which are not expanded by
# default in Python. See the comment above $default_ref_regexp.
set default_regexp_dict [dict create \
"a_point_t" "Pretty Point \\(42, 12\\)" \
"a_point_t_pointer" $default_pointer_regexp \
"a_point_t_ref" "Pretty Point \\(42, 12\\)" \
"another_point" "Pretty Point \\(123, 456\\)" \
"a_struct_with_point" "\\{the_point = Pretty Point \\(42, 12\\)\\}" \
"a_struct_with_union" "\\{the_union = \\{an_int = 707406378, a_char = 42 '\\*'\\}\\}" \
"an_enum" "ENUM_BAR" \
"a_string" "${default_pointer_regexp} \"hello world\"" \
"a_binary_string" "${default_pointer_regexp} \"hello\"" \
"a_binary_string_array" "\"hello\\\\000world\"" \
"a_big_string" [get_cut_big_string 200] \
"an_array" "\\{2, 3, 5\\}" \
"an_array_with_repetition" "\\{1, 3 , 5, 5, 5\\}" \
"a_symbol_pointer" "${default_pointer_regexp} " \
"a_base_ref" "${default_ref_regexp}" \
# A sentinel value to pass to function to get them to use a default value
# instead.
# Note that we cannot use $undefined for default arguments in function
# definitions as we would just get the literal "$undefined" string, so
# we need to repeat the string.
set undefined "\000UNDEFINED\000"
# Return $value if it's not $undefined, otherwise return the default value
# (from $default_regexp_dict) for the variable $var.
proc get_value_or_default { var value } {
global undefined
if { $value != $undefined } {
return $value
global default_regexp_dict
return [dict get $default_regexp_dict $var]
# Check that using gdb.Value.format_string on the value representing the
# variable $var produces $expected.
proc check_format_string {
{ expected "\000UNDEFINED\000" }
{ name "\000UNDEFINED\000" }
} {
global undefined
set expected [get_value_or_default $var $expected]
if { $name == $undefined } {
set name "${var} with option ${opts}"
gdb_test \
"python print (gdb.parse_and_eval ('${var}').format_string (${opts}))" \
$expected \
# Check that printing $var with no options set, produces the expected
# output.
proc check_var_with_no_opts {
{ expected "\000UNDEFINED\000" }
} {
set expected [get_value_or_default $var $expected]
with_test_prefix "${var}" {
check_format_string \
$var \
"" \
$expected \
"no opts"
# str () should behave like gdb.Value.format_string () with no args.
gdb_test \
"python print (str (gdb.parse_and_eval ('${var}')))" \
$expected \
# Check that printing $var with $opt set to True and set to False,
# produces the expected output.
proc check_var_with_bool_opt {
{ true_expected "\000UNDEFINED\000" }
{ false_expected "\000UNDEFINED\000" }
} {
set true_expected [get_value_or_default $var $true_expected]
set false_expected [get_value_or_default $var $false_expected]
with_test_prefix "${var} with option ${opt}" {
# Option set to True.
check_format_string \
$var \
"${opt}=True" \
$true_expected \
# Option set to False.
check_format_string \
$var \
"${opt}=False" \
$false_expected \
# Test gdb.Value.format_string with no options.
proc_with_prefix test_no_opts {} {
global current_lang
check_var_with_no_opts "a_point_t"
check_var_with_no_opts "a_point_t_pointer"
check_var_with_no_opts "another_point"
check_var_with_no_opts "a_struct_with_union"
check_var_with_no_opts "an_enum"
check_var_with_no_opts "a_string"
check_var_with_no_opts "a_binary_string"
check_var_with_no_opts "a_binary_string_array"
check_var_with_no_opts "a_big_string"
check_var_with_no_opts "an_array"
check_var_with_no_opts "an_array_with_repetition"
check_var_with_no_opts "a_symbol_pointer"
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
# Nothing changes in all of the C++ tests because deref_refs is not
# True.
check_var_with_no_opts "a_point_t_ref"
check_var_with_no_opts "a_base_ref"
# Test the raw option for gdb.Value.format_string.
proc_with_prefix test_raw {} {
global current_lang
global default_ref_regexp
check_var_with_bool_opt "raw" "a_point_t" \
"{x = 42, y = 12}"
check_var_with_bool_opt "raw" "a_point_t_pointer"
check_var_with_bool_opt "raw" "another_point" \
"{x = 123, y = 456}"
check_var_with_bool_opt "raw" "a_struct_with_union"
check_var_with_bool_opt "raw" "an_enum"
check_var_with_bool_opt "raw" "a_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "raw" "a_binary_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "raw" "a_binary_string_array"
check_var_with_bool_opt "raw" "a_big_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "raw" "an_array"
check_var_with_bool_opt "raw" "an_array_with_repetition"
check_var_with_bool_opt "raw" "a_symbol_pointer"
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
check_var_with_bool_opt "raw" "a_point_t_ref" \
check_var_with_bool_opt "raw" "a_base_ref"
with_temp_option \
"disable pretty-printer '' test_lookup_function" \
"enable pretty-printer '' test_lookup_function" {
check_var_with_no_opts "a_point_t" \
"{x = 42, y = 12}"
check_var_with_bool_opt "raw" "a_point_t" \
"{x = 42, y = 12}" \
"{x = 42, y = 12}"
# Test the pretty_arrays option for gdb.Value.format_string.
proc_with_prefix test_pretty_arrays {} {
global current_lang
set an_array_pretty "\\{\[\r\n\]+ 2,\[\r\n\]+ 3,\[\r\n\]+ 5\[\r\n\]+\\}"
set an_array_with_repetition_pretty \
"\\{\[\r\n\]+ 1,\[\r\n\]+ 3 ,\[\r\n\]+ 5,\[\r\n\]+ 5,\[\r\n\]+ 5\[\r\n\]+\\}"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_arrays" "a_point_t"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_arrays" "a_point_t_pointer"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_arrays" "another_point"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_arrays" "a_struct_with_union"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_arrays" "an_enum"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_arrays" "a_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_arrays" "a_binary_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_arrays" "a_binary_string_array"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_arrays" "a_big_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_arrays" "an_array" \
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_arrays" "an_array_with_repetition" \
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_arrays" "a_symbol_pointer"
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_arrays" "a_point_t_ref"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_arrays" "a_base_ref"
with_temp_option "set print array on" "set print array off" {
check_var_with_no_opts "an_array" \
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_arrays" "an_array" \
check_var_with_no_opts "an_array_with_repetition" \
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_arrays" "an_array_with_repetition" \
# Test the pretty_structs option for gdb.Value.format_string.
proc_with_prefix test_pretty_structs {} {
global current_lang
set a_struct_with_union_pretty \
"\\{\[\r\n\]+ the_union = \\{\[\r\n\]+ an_int = 707406378,\[\r\n\]+ a_char = 42 '\\*'\[\r\n\]+ \\}\[\r\n\]+\\}"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_structs" "a_point_t"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_structs" "a_point_t_pointer"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_structs" "another_point"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_structs" "a_struct_with_union" \
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_structs" "an_enum"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_structs" "a_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_structs" "a_binary_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_structs" "a_binary_string_array"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_structs" "a_big_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_structs" "an_array"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_structs" "an_array_with_repetition"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_structs" "a_symbol_pointer"
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_structs" "a_point_t_ref"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_structs" "a_base_ref"
with_temp_option "set print structs on" "set print structs off" {
check_var_with_no_opts "a_struct_with_union"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_structs" "a_struct_with_union" \
# point_t is usually printed through the pretty printer.
# Try disabling it.
with_temp_option \
"disable pretty-printer '' test_lookup_function" \
"enable pretty-printer '' test_lookup_function" {
check_var_with_no_opts "a_point_t" \
"{x = 42, y = 12}"
check_var_with_bool_opt "pretty_structs" "a_point_t" \
"\\{\[\r\n\]+ x = 42, *\[\r\n\]+ y = 12\[\r\n\]+\\}" \
"{x = 42, y = 12}" \
# Test the array_indexes option for gdb.Value.format_string.
proc_with_prefix test_array_indexes {} {
global current_lang
set an_array_with_indexes "\\{\\\[0\\\] = 2, \\\[1\\\] = 3, \\\[2\\\] = 5\\}"
set an_array_with_repetition_with_indexes \
"\\{\\\[0\\\] = 1, \\\[1\\\] = 3 , \\\[13\\\] = 5, \\\[14\\\] = 5, \\\[15\\\] = 5\\}"
check_var_with_bool_opt "array_indexes" "a_point_t"
check_var_with_bool_opt "array_indexes" "a_point_t_pointer"
check_var_with_bool_opt "array_indexes" "another_point"
check_var_with_bool_opt "array_indexes" "a_struct_with_union"
check_var_with_bool_opt "array_indexes" "an_enum"
check_var_with_bool_opt "array_indexes" "a_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "array_indexes" "a_binary_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "array_indexes" "a_binary_string_array"
check_var_with_bool_opt "array_indexes" "a_big_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "array_indexes" "an_array" \
check_var_with_bool_opt "array_indexes" "an_array_with_repetition" \
check_var_with_bool_opt "array_indexes" "a_symbol_pointer"
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
check_var_with_bool_opt "array_indexes" "a_point_t_ref"
check_var_with_bool_opt "array_indexes" "a_base_ref"
with_temp_option \
"set print array-indexes on" \
"set print array-indexes off" {
check_var_with_no_opts "an_array" \
check_var_with_bool_opt "array_indexes" "an_array" \
check_var_with_no_opts "an_array_with_repetition" \
check_var_with_bool_opt "array_indexes" "an_array_with_repetition" \
# Test the symbols option for gdb.Value.format_string.
proc_with_prefix test_symbols {} {
global undefined
global current_lang
global default_pointer_regexp
check_var_with_bool_opt "symbols" "a_point_t"
check_var_with_bool_opt "symbols" "a_point_t_pointer"
check_var_with_bool_opt "symbols" "another_point"
check_var_with_bool_opt "symbols" "a_struct_with_union"
check_var_with_bool_opt "symbols" "an_enum"
check_var_with_bool_opt "symbols" "a_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "symbols" "a_binary_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "symbols" "a_binary_string_array"
check_var_with_bool_opt "symbols" "a_big_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "symbols" "an_array"
check_var_with_bool_opt "symbols" "an_array_with_repetition"
check_var_with_bool_opt "symbols" "a_symbol_pointer" \
$undefined \
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
check_var_with_bool_opt "symbols" "a_point_t_ref"
check_var_with_bool_opt "symbols" "a_base_ref"
with_temp_option "set print symbol off" "set print symbol on" {
check_var_with_no_opts "a_symbol_pointer" \
check_var_with_bool_opt "symbols" "a_symbol_pointer" \
$undefined \
# Test the unions option for gdb.Value.format_string.
proc_with_prefix test_unions {} {
global undefined
global current_lang
check_var_with_bool_opt "unions" "a_point_t"
check_var_with_bool_opt "unions" "a_point_t_pointer"
check_var_with_bool_opt "unions" "another_point"
check_var_with_bool_opt "unions" "a_struct_with_union" \
$undefined \
"\\{the_union = \\{...\\}\\}"
check_var_with_bool_opt "unions" "an_enum"
check_var_with_bool_opt "unions" "a_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "unions" "a_binary_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "unions" "a_binary_string_array"
check_var_with_bool_opt "unions" "a_big_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "unions" "an_array"
check_var_with_bool_opt "unions" "an_array_with_repetition"
check_var_with_bool_opt "unions" "a_symbol_pointer"
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
check_var_with_bool_opt "unions" "a_point_t_ref"
check_var_with_bool_opt "unions" "a_base_ref"
with_temp_option "set print union off" "set print union on" {
check_var_with_no_opts "a_struct_with_union" \
"\\{the_union = \\{...\\}\\}"
check_var_with_bool_opt "unions" "a_struct_with_union" \
$undefined \
"\\{the_union = \\{...\\}\\}"
# Test the address option for gdb.Value.format_string.
proc_with_prefix test_address {} {
global undefined
global current_lang
check_var_with_bool_opt "address" "a_point_t"
check_var_with_bool_opt "address" "a_point_t_pointer" \
$undefined \
check_var_with_bool_opt "address" "another_point"
check_var_with_bool_opt "symbols" "a_struct_with_union"
check_var_with_bool_opt "address" "an_enum"
check_var_with_bool_opt "address" "a_string" \
$undefined \
"\"hello world\""
check_var_with_bool_opt "address" "a_binary_string" \
$undefined \
check_var_with_bool_opt "address" "a_binary_string_array"
check_var_with_bool_opt "address" "a_big_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "address" "an_array"
check_var_with_bool_opt "address" "an_array_with_repetition"
check_var_with_bool_opt "address" "a_symbol_pointer" \
$undefined \
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
check_var_with_bool_opt "address" "a_point_t_ref"
check_var_with_bool_opt "address" "a_base_ref" \
$undefined \
with_temp_option "set print address off" "set print address on" {
check_var_with_no_opts "a_string" \
"\"hello world\""
check_var_with_bool_opt "address" "a_string" \
$undefined \
"\"hello world\""
# Test the nibbles option for gdb.Value.format_string.
proc_with_prefix test_nibbles {} {
global current_lang
set opts "format='t', nibbles=True"
with_test_prefix $opts {
if { $current_lang == "c" } {
set binary_pointer_regexp "\[ 0-1\]+"
gdb_test "python print (gdb.Value (42).format_string (${opts}))" \
"0010 1010" \
"42 with option ${opts}"
check_format_string "a_point_t" $opts
check_format_string "a_point_t_pointer" $opts \
check_format_string "another_point" $opts
check_format_string "a_struct_with_union" $opts \
"\\{the_union = \\{an_int = 0010 1010 0010 1010 0010 1010 0010 1010, a_char = 0010 1010\\}\\}"
check_format_string "an_enum" $opts \
check_format_string "a_string" $opts \
check_format_string "a_binary_string" $opts \
check_format_string "a_binary_string_array" $opts \
"\\{0110 1000, 0110 0101, 0110 1100, 0110 1100, 0110 1111, 0, 0111 0111, 0110 1111, 0111 0010, 0110 1100, 0110 0100, 0\\}"
check_format_string "a_big_string" $opts \
"\\{0100 0001, 0100 0010, 0100 0011, 0100 0100, 0100 0101, \[, 0-1\]+\.\.\.\\}"
check_format_string "an_array" $opts \
"\\{0010, 0011, 0101\\}"
check_format_string "an_array_with_repetition" $opts \
"\\{0001, 0011 , 0101, 0101, 0101\\}"
check_format_string "a_symbol_pointer" $opts \
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
set binary_pointer_regexp "\['0-1\]+"
gdb_test "python print (gdb.Value (42).format_string (${opts}))" \
"0010'1010" \
"42 with option ${opts}"
check_format_string "a_point_t" $opts
check_format_string "a_point_t_pointer" $opts \
check_format_string "another_point" $opts
check_format_string "a_struct_with_union" $opts \
"\\{the_union = \\{an_int = 0010'1010'0010'1010'0010'1010'0010'1010, a_char = 0010'1010\\}\\}"
check_format_string "an_enum" $opts \
check_format_string "a_string" $opts \
check_format_string "a_binary_string" $opts \
check_format_string "a_binary_string_array" $opts \
"\\{0110'1000, 0110'0101, 0110'1100, 0110'1100, 0110'1111, 0, 0111'0111, 0110'1111, 0111'0010, 0110'1100, 0110'0100, 0\\}"
check_format_string "a_big_string" $opts \
"\\{0100'0001, 0100'0010, 0100'0011, 0100'0100, 0100'0101, \[, '0-1\]+\.\.\.\\}"
check_format_string "an_array" $opts \
"\\{0010, 0011, 0101\\}"
check_format_string "an_array_with_repetition" $opts \
"\\{0001, 0011 , 0101, 0101, 0101\\}"
check_format_string "a_symbol_pointer" $opts \
check_format_string "a_point_t_ref" $opts
check_format_string "a_base_ref" $opts
# Test the deref_refs option for gdb.Value.format_string.
proc_with_prefix test_deref_refs {} {
global current_lang
global default_pointer_regexp
global default_ref_regexp
global decimal
check_var_with_bool_opt "deref_refs" "a_point_t"
check_var_with_bool_opt "deref_refs" "a_point_t_pointer"
check_var_with_bool_opt "deref_refs" "another_point"
check_var_with_bool_opt "deref_refs" "a_struct_with_union"
check_var_with_bool_opt "deref_refs" "an_enum"
check_var_with_bool_opt "deref_refs" "a_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "deref_refs" "a_binary_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "deref_refs" "a_binary_string_array"
check_var_with_bool_opt "deref_refs" "a_big_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "deref_refs" "an_array"
check_var_with_bool_opt "deref_refs" "an_array_with_repetition"
check_var_with_bool_opt "deref_refs" "a_symbol_pointer"
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
check_var_with_bool_opt "deref_refs" "a_point_t_ref"
check_var_with_bool_opt "deref_refs" "a_base_ref" \
"${default_ref_regexp}: \\{_vptr\[.\$\]Base = ${default_pointer_regexp} , a = 42, static a_static_member = 2019\\}"
# Test the actual_objects option for gdb.Value.format_string.
proc_with_prefix test_actual_objects {} {
global current_lang
check_var_with_bool_opt "actual_objects" "a_point_t"
check_var_with_bool_opt "actual_objects" "a_point_t_pointer"
check_var_with_bool_opt "actual_objects" "another_point"
check_var_with_bool_opt "actual_objects" "a_struct_with_union"
check_var_with_bool_opt "actual_objects" "an_enum"
check_var_with_bool_opt "actual_objects" "a_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "actual_objects" "a_binary_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "actual_objects" "a_binary_string_array"
check_var_with_bool_opt "actual_objects" "a_big_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "actual_objects" "an_array"
check_var_with_bool_opt "actual_objects" "an_array_with_repetition"
check_var_with_bool_opt "actual_objects" "a_symbol_pointer"
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
# Nothing changes in all of the C++ tests because deref_refs is not
# True.
check_var_with_bool_opt "actual_objects" "a_point_t_ref"
check_var_with_bool_opt "actual_objects" "a_base_ref"
with_temp_option "set print object on" "set print object off" {
check_var_with_no_opts "a_point_t_ref"
check_var_with_bool_opt "actual_objects" "a_point_t_ref"
check_var_with_no_opts "a_base_ref"
check_var_with_bool_opt "actual_objects" "a_base_ref"
# Test the static_members option for gdb.Value.format_string.
proc_with_prefix test_static_members {} {
global current_lang
check_var_with_bool_opt "static_members" "a_point_t"
check_var_with_bool_opt "static_members" "a_point_t_pointer"
check_var_with_bool_opt "static_members" "another_point"
check_var_with_bool_opt "static_members" "a_struct_with_union"
check_var_with_bool_opt "static_members" "an_enum"
check_var_with_bool_opt "static_members" "a_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "static_members" "a_binary_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "static_members" "a_binary_string_array"
check_var_with_bool_opt "static_members" "a_big_string"
check_var_with_bool_opt "static_members" "an_array"
check_var_with_bool_opt "static_members" "an_array_with_repetition"
check_var_with_bool_opt "static_members" "a_symbol_pointer"
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
# Nothing changes in all of the C++ tests because deref_refs is not
# True.
check_var_with_bool_opt "static_members" "a_point_t_ref"
check_var_with_bool_opt "static_members" "a_base_ref"
with_temp_option \
"set print static-members off" \
"set print static-members on" {
check_var_with_no_opts "a_point_t_ref"
check_var_with_bool_opt "static_members" "a_point_t_ref"
check_var_with_no_opts "a_base_ref"
check_var_with_bool_opt "static_members" "a_base_ref"
# Test the max_elements option for gdb.Value.format_string.
proc_with_prefix test_max_elements {} {
global current_lang
global default_pointer_regexp
# 200 is the default maximum number of elements, so setting it should
# not change the output.
set opts "max_elements=200"
with_test_prefix $opts {
check_format_string "a_point_t" $opts
check_format_string "a_point_t_pointer" $opts
check_format_string "another_point" $opts
check_format_string "a_struct_with_union" $opts
check_format_string "an_enum" $opts
check_format_string "a_string" $opts
check_format_string "a_binary_string" $opts
check_format_string "a_binary_string_array" $opts
check_format_string "a_big_string" $opts
check_format_string "an_array" $opts
check_format_string "an_array_with_repetition" $opts
check_format_string "a_symbol_pointer" $opts
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
check_format_string "a_point_t_ref" $opts
check_format_string "a_base_ref" $opts
set opts "max_elements=3"
with_test_prefix $opts {
check_format_string "a_point_t" $opts
check_format_string "a_point_t_pointer" $opts
check_format_string "another_point" $opts
check_format_string "a_struct_with_union" $opts
check_format_string "an_enum" $opts
check_format_string "a_string" $opts \
"${default_pointer_regexp} \"hel\"..."
check_format_string "a_binary_string" $opts \
"${default_pointer_regexp} \"hel\"..."
# This will print four characters instead of three, see
# .
check_format_string "a_binary_string_array" $opts \
check_format_string "a_big_string" $opts \
[get_cut_big_string 3]
check_format_string "an_array" $opts
check_format_string "an_array_with_repetition" $opts \
"\\{1, 3 ...\\}"
check_format_string "a_symbol_pointer" $opts
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
check_format_string "a_point_t_ref" $opts
check_format_string "a_base_ref" $opts
# Both 1,000 (we don't have that many elements) and 0 (unlimited) should
# mean no truncation.
foreach opts { "max_elements=1000" "max_elements=0" } {
with_test_prefix $opts {
check_format_string "a_point_t" $opts
check_format_string "a_point_t_pointer" $opts
check_format_string "another_point" $opts
check_format_string "a_struct_with_union" $opts
check_format_string "an_enum" $opts
check_format_string "a_string" $opts
check_format_string "a_binary_string" $opts
check_format_string "a_binary_string_array" $opts
check_format_string "a_big_string" $opts \
[get_cut_big_string 1000]
check_format_string "an_array" $opts
check_format_string "an_array_with_repetition" $opts
check_format_string "a_symbol_pointer" $opts
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
check_format_string "a_point_t_ref" $opts
check_format_string "a_base_ref" $opts
with_temp_option "set print elements 4" "set print elements 200" {
check_format_string "a_string" "" \
"${default_pointer_regexp} \"hell\"..."
check_format_string "a_binary_string" "" \
"${default_pointer_regexp} \"hell\"..."
check_format_string "a_binary_string_array" "" \
check_format_string "an_array_with_repetition" "" \
"\\{1, 3 ...\\}"
# Test the max_depth option for gdb.Value.format_string.
proc_with_prefix test_max_depth {} {
set opts "max_depth=-1"
with_test_prefix $opts {
check_format_string "a_struct_with_union" $opts
check_format_string "a_point_t" $opts "Pretty Point \\(42, 12\\)"
check_format_string "a_struct_with_point" $opts
set opts "max_depth=0"
with_test_prefix $opts {
check_format_string "a_struct_with_union" $opts "\\{\.\.\.\\}"
check_format_string "a_point_t" $opts "Pretty Point \\(42, 12\\)"
check_format_string "a_struct_with_point" $opts "\\{\.\.\.\\}"
set opts "max_depth=1"
with_test_prefix $opts {
check_format_string "a_struct_with_union" $opts "\\{the_union = \\{\.\.\.\\}\\}"
check_format_string "a_point_t" $opts "Pretty Point \\(42, 12\\)"
check_format_string "a_struct_with_point" $opts
set opts "max_depth=2"
with_test_prefix $opts {
check_format_string "a_struct_with_union" $opts
check_format_string "a_point_t" $opts "Pretty Point \\(42, 12\\)"
check_format_string "a_struct_with_point" $opts
# Test the repeat_threshold option for gdb.Value.format_string.
proc_with_prefix test_repeat_threshold {} {
global current_lang
global default_pointer_regexp
# 10 is the default threshold for repeated items, so setting it should
# not change the output.
set opts "repeat_threshold=10"
with_test_prefix $opts {
check_format_string "a_point_t" $opts
check_format_string "a_point_t_pointer" $opts
check_format_string "another_point" $opts
check_format_string "a_struct_with_union" $opts
check_format_string "an_enum" $opts
check_format_string "a_string" $opts
check_format_string "a_binary_string" $opts
check_format_string "a_binary_string_array" $opts
check_format_string "a_big_string" $opts
check_format_string "an_array" $opts
check_format_string "an_array_with_repetition" $opts
check_format_string "a_symbol_pointer" $opts
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
check_format_string "a_point_t_ref" $opts
check_format_string "a_base_ref" $opts
set opts "repeat_threshold=1"
with_test_prefix $opts {
check_format_string "a_point_t" $opts
check_format_string "a_point_t_pointer" $opts
check_format_string "another_point" $opts
check_format_string "a_struct_with_union" $opts
check_format_string "an_enum" $opts
check_format_string "a_string" $opts \
"${default_pointer_regexp} \"he\", 'l' , \"o world\""
check_format_string "a_binary_string" $opts \
"${default_pointer_regexp} \"he\", 'l' , \"o\""
check_format_string "a_binary_string_array" $opts \
"\"he\", 'l' , \"o\\\\000world\""
check_format_string "a_big_string" $opts
check_format_string "an_array" $opts
check_format_string "an_array_with_repetition" $opts \
"\\{1, 3 , 5 \\}"
check_format_string "a_symbol_pointer" $opts
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
check_format_string "a_point_t_ref" $opts
check_format_string "a_base_ref" $opts
set opts "repeat_threshold=3"
with_test_prefix $opts {
check_format_string "a_point_t" $opts
check_format_string "a_point_t_pointer" $opts
check_format_string "another_point" $opts
check_format_string "a_struct_with_union" $opts
check_format_string "an_enum" $opts
check_format_string "a_string" $opts
check_format_string "a_binary_string" $opts
check_format_string "a_binary_string_array" $opts
check_format_string "a_big_string" $opts
check_format_string "an_array" $opts
check_format_string "an_array_with_repetition" $opts
check_format_string "a_symbol_pointer" $opts
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
check_format_string "a_point_t_ref" $opts
check_format_string "a_base_ref" $opts
# Both 100 (we don't have that many repeated elements) and 0 (unlimited)
# should mean no truncation.
foreach opts { "repeat_threshold=100" "repeat_threshold=0" } {
with_test_prefix $opts {
check_format_string "a_point_t" $opts
check_format_string "a_point_t_pointer" $opts
check_format_string "another_point" $opts
check_format_string "a_struct_with_union" $opts
check_format_string "an_enum" $opts
check_format_string "a_string" $opts
check_format_string "a_binary_string" $opts
check_format_string "a_binary_string_array" $opts
check_format_string "a_big_string" $opts
check_format_string "an_array" $opts
check_format_string "an_array_with_repetition" $opts \
"\\{1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5\\}"
check_format_string "a_symbol_pointer" $opts
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
check_format_string "a_point_t_ref" $opts
check_format_string "a_base_ref" $opts
with_temp_option "set print repeats 1" "set print repeats 10" {
check_format_string "an_array_with_repetition" "" \
"\\{1, 3 , 5 \\}"
# Test the format option for gdb.Value.format_string.
proc_with_prefix test_format {} {
global current_lang
global default_pointer_regexp
# Hexadecimal.
set opts "format='x'"
with_test_prefix $opts {
gdb_test "python print (gdb.Value (42).format_string (${opts}))" \
"0x2a" \
"42 with option ${opts}"
check_format_string "a_point_t" $opts
check_format_string "a_point_t_pointer" $opts
check_format_string "another_point" $opts
check_format_string "a_struct_with_union" $opts \
"\\{the_union = \\{an_int = 0x2a2a2a2a, a_char = 0x2a\\}\\}"
check_format_string "an_enum" $opts \
check_format_string "a_string" $opts \
check_format_string "a_binary_string" $opts \
check_format_string "a_binary_string_array" $opts \
"\\{0x68, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x0, 0x77, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x0\\}"
check_format_string "a_big_string" $opts \
"\\{0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, \[, x0-9a-f\]+\.\.\.\\}"
check_format_string "an_array" $opts \
"\\{0x2, 0x3, 0x5\\}"
check_format_string "an_array_with_repetition" $opts \
"\\{0x1, 0x3 , 0x5, 0x5, 0x5\\}"
check_format_string "a_symbol_pointer" $opts \
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
check_format_string "a_point_t_ref" $opts
check_format_string "a_base_ref" $opts
# Binary.
set opts "format='t'"
with_test_prefix $opts {
set binary_pointer_regexp "\[0-1\]+"
gdb_test "python print (gdb.Value (42).format_string (${opts}))" \
"101010" \
"42 with option ${opts}"
check_format_string "a_point_t" $opts
check_format_string "a_point_t_pointer" $opts \
check_format_string "another_point" $opts
check_format_string "a_struct_with_union" $opts \
"\\{the_union = \\{an_int = 101010001010100010101000101010, a_char = 101010\\}\\}"
check_format_string "an_enum" $opts \
check_format_string "a_string" $opts \
check_format_string "a_binary_string" $opts \
check_format_string "a_binary_string_array" $opts \
"\\{1101000, 1100101, 1101100, 1101100, 1101111, 0, 1110111, 1101111, 1110010, 1101100, 1100100, 0\\}"
check_format_string "a_big_string" $opts \
"\\{1000001, 1000010, 1000011, 1000100, 1000101, \[, 0-1\]+\.\.\.\\}"
check_format_string "an_array" $opts \
"\\{10, 11, 101\\}"
check_format_string "an_array_with_repetition" $opts \
"\\{1, 11 , 101, 101, 101\\}"
check_format_string "a_symbol_pointer" $opts \
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
check_format_string "a_point_t_ref" $opts
check_format_string "a_base_ref" $opts
# Decimal.
set opts "format='d'"
with_test_prefix $opts {
set decimal_pointer_regexp "\[0-9\]+"
gdb_test "python print (gdb.Value (0x2a).format_string (${opts}))" \
"42" \
"0x2a with option ${opts}"
check_format_string "a_point_t" $opts
check_format_string "a_point_t_pointer" $opts \
check_format_string "another_point" $opts
check_format_string "a_struct_with_union" $opts \
"\\{the_union = \\{an_int = 707406378, a_char = 42\\}\\}"
check_format_string "an_enum" $opts \
check_format_string "a_string" $opts \
check_format_string "a_binary_string" $opts \
check_format_string "a_binary_string_array" $opts \
"\\{104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 0, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100, 0\\}"
check_format_string "a_big_string" $opts \
"\\{65, 66, 67, 68, 69, \[, 0-9\]+\.\.\.\\}"
check_format_string "an_array" $opts
check_format_string "an_array_with_repetition" $opts
check_format_string "a_symbol_pointer" $opts \
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
check_format_string "a_point_t_ref" $opts
check_format_string "a_base_ref" $opts
# Test mixing options.
proc_with_prefix test_mixed {} {
global current_lang
global default_ref_regexp
global default_pointer_regexp
global decimal
check_format_string "a_point_t" \
"raw=True, format='x'" \
"\\{x = 0x2a, y = 0xc\\}"
check_format_string "an_array" \
"array_indexes=True, pretty_arrays=True" \
"\\{\[\r\n\]+ \\\[0\\\] = 2,\[\r\n\]+ \\\[1\\\] = 3,\[\r\n\]+ \\\[2\\\] = 5\[\r\n\]+\\}"
check_format_string "a_struct_with_union" \
"pretty_structs=True, unions=False" \
"\\{\[\r\n\]+ the_union = \\{\.\.\.\\}\[\r\n\]+\\}"
check_format_string "a_symbol_pointer" \
"symbols=False, format='d'" \
if { $current_lang == "c++" } {
check_format_string "a_point_t_ref" \
"deref_refs=True, actual_objects=True, raw=True" \
"${default_ref_regexp}: \\{x = 42, y = 12\\}"
check_format_string "a_base_ref" \
"deref_refs=True, static_members=False" \
"${default_ref_regexp}: \\{_vptr\[.\$\]Base = ${default_pointer_regexp} , a = 42\\}"
# Test passing invalid arguments to gdb.Value.format_string.
proc_with_prefix test_invalid_args {} {
check_format_string \
"a_point_t" \
"12" \
"TypeError: format_string\\(\\) takes 0 positional arguments but 1 were given.*"
check_format_string \
"a_point_t" \
"invalid=True" \
"TypeError: 'invalid' is an invalid keyword argument for this function.*"
check_format_string \
"a_point_t" \
"raw='hello'" \
"TypeError: argument 1 must be bool, not str.*"
check_format_string \
"a_point_t" \
"format='xd'" \
"ValueError: a single character is required.*"
# Check the styling argument to format_string. This function needs to
# be called with TERM set such that styling can be applied.
proc test_styling {} {
gdb_test "python print(gdb.parse_and_eval(\"a_point_t\").format_string(styling=True, raw=True))" \
"{[style x variable] = 42, [style y variable] = 12}"
# Run all the tests in common for both C and C++.
proc_with_prefix test_all_common {} {
# No options.
# Single options set to True/False.
# Multiple options mixed together.
# Various error conditions.
# The current language ("c" or "c++" while running tests).
set current_lang ""
with_test_prefix "format_string" {
# Perform C Tests.
if { [build_inferior "${binfile}" "c"] == 0 } {
with_test_prefix "lang_c" {
save_vars { env(TERM) } {
# We run all of these tests in an environment where styling
# could work, but we only expect the final call to
# test_styling to actually produce any styled output.
setenv TERM ansi
set current_lang "c"
prepare_gdb "${binfile}"
# Perform C++ Tests.
if { [build_inferior "${binfile}-cxx" "c++"] == 0 } {
with_test_prefix "lang_cpp" {
set current_lang "c++"
prepare_gdb "${binfile}-cxx"