What is gprofng? Gprofng is the GNU Next Generation profiler for analyzing the performance of Linux applications. Gprofng allows you to: - Profile C / C++ / Java / Scala applications without needing to recompile - Profile multi-threaded applications - Analyze and compare multiple experiments - Use time-based sampling and / or hardware event counters Building gprofng Gprofng is distributed with binutils. To build gprofng, you build binutils. Overview: 1. Set paths 2. Verify prerequisites 3. Git clone 4. Configure, make, and make install Details follow for each of these. 1. Set paths If you are configuring binutils for the default location, it will use: /usr/local In your shell initialization procedure, set your paths using commands similar to these: export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH export MANPATH=/usr/local/share/man:$MANPATH export INFOPATH=/usr/local/share/info/:$INFOPATH 2. Verify prerequisites To build a recent version of binutils, it is useful to have a developer system with the most recent compilers, libraries, and operating system. Development systems will typically already include most of these: bison bison-devel bzip2 elfutils-debuginfod-client-devel expat-devel flex gcc gcc-c++ git-core git-core-doc gmp-devel help2man libbabeltrace-devel libipt-devel m4 make mpfr-devel ncurses-devel perl-Data-Dumper tar texinfo xz zlib-devel java-17-openjdk-devel CAUTION: The list of prerequisites changes depending on your operating system and changes as binutils evolves. The list above is a snapshot of the useful packages in early 2022 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Oracle Linux. Your system may use other packages; for example, you may be able to use a different version of Java than shown above. If there are failures, you may need to search for other packages as described in the "Hints" section below. 3. Git clone Select a binutils repository and a branch that you would like to start from. For example, to clone from the master at sourceware.org, you could say: git clone http://sourceware.org/git/binutils-gdb.git CloneDir 4. Configure, make, and install There are many options for configure (see: configure --help). For example, --prefix sets the destination, as described in the "Hints" section below. If the default destination /usr/local is acceptable for your needs, then after the clone operation finishes, you can simply say: mkdir build cd build ../CloneDir/configure make sudo make install Getting started To start using gprofng, see the tutorial available by saying: info gprofng Hints and tips for building binutils - Use the script(1) command to write a log of your build. - If you run multiple commands at once (for example: make --jobs=10) then you should also use make option: --output-sync Without --output-sync, the log would be difficult to interpret. - Search the log for errors and warnings, for example: configure: WARNING: is missing or unusable; some features may be unavailable. The above message suggests that may be needed on your system. - Sometimes the above message is not sufficiently specific to guide you to the right package. In the directory where the failure happens, config.log may identify a specific missing file, and your package manager may allow you to search for it. For example, if build/gprofng/config.log shows that javac is missing, and if your package manager is dnf, you could try: dnf --repo='*' whatprovides '*/javac' - You can set a custom destination directory using configure --prefix. This is useful if you prefer not to change /usr/local, or if you are not allowed to do so. If you set a custom prefix, be sure to change all three paths mentioned in the PATH section above.