/** * Contains the implementation for object monitors. * * Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2000 - 2015. * License: $(HTTP www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0). * Authors: Walter Bright, Sean Kelly, Martin Nowak * Source: $(DRUNTIMESRC rt/_monitor_.d) */ module rt.monitor_; import core.atomic, core.stdc.stdlib, core.stdc.string; // NOTE: The dtor callback feature is only supported for monitors that are not // supplied by the user. The assumption is that any object with a user- // supplied monitor may have special storage or lifetime requirements and // that as a result, storing references to local objects within Monitor // may not be safe or desirable. Thus, devt is only valid if impl is // null. extern (C) void _d_setSameMutex(shared Object ownee, shared Object owner) nothrow in { assert(ownee.__monitor is null); } do { auto m = ensureMonitor(cast(Object) owner); if (m.impl is null) { atomicOp!("+=")(m.refs, cast(size_t) 1); } // Assume the monitor is garbage collected and simply copy the reference. ownee.__monitor = owner.__monitor; } extern (C) void _d_monitordelete(Object h, bool det) { auto m = getMonitor(h); if (m is null) return; if (m.impl) { // let the GC collect the monitor setMonitor(h, null); } else if (!atomicOp!("-=")(m.refs, cast(size_t) 1)) { // refcount == 0 means unshared => no synchronization required disposeEvent(cast(Monitor*) m, h); deleteMonitor(cast(Monitor*) m); setMonitor(h, null); } } // does not call dispose events, for internal use only extern (C) void _d_monitordelete_nogc(Object h) @nogc { auto m = getMonitor(h); if (m is null) return; if (m.impl) { // let the GC collect the monitor setMonitor(h, null); } else if (!atomicOp!("-=")(m.refs, cast(size_t) 1)) { // refcount == 0 means unshared => no synchronization required deleteMonitor(cast(Monitor*) m); setMonitor(h, null); } } extern (C) void _d_monitorenter(Object h) in { assert(h !is null, "Synchronized object must not be null."); } do { auto m = cast(Monitor*) ensureMonitor(h); auto i = m.impl; if (i is null) lockMutex(&m.mtx); else i.lock(); } extern (C) void _d_monitorexit(Object h) { auto m = cast(Monitor*) getMonitor(h); auto i = m.impl; if (i is null) unlockMutex(&m.mtx); else i.unlock(); } extern (C) void rt_attachDisposeEvent(Object h, DEvent e) { synchronized (h) { auto m = cast(Monitor*) getMonitor(h); assert(m.impl is null); foreach (ref v; m.devt) { if (v is null || v == e) { v = e; return; } } auto len = m.devt.length + 4; // grow by 4 elements auto pos = m.devt.length; // insert position auto p = realloc(m.devt.ptr, DEvent.sizeof * len); import core.exception : onOutOfMemoryError; if (!p) onOutOfMemoryError(); m.devt = (cast(DEvent*) p)[0 .. len]; m.devt[pos + 1 .. len] = null; m.devt[pos] = e; } } extern (C) void rt_detachDisposeEvent(Object h, DEvent e) { synchronized (h) { auto m = cast(Monitor*) getMonitor(h); assert(m.impl is null); foreach (p, v; m.devt) { if (v == e) { memmove(&m.devt[p], &m.devt[p + 1], (m.devt.length - p - 1) * DEvent.sizeof); m.devt[$ - 1] = null; return; } } } } nothrow: extern (C) void _d_monitor_staticctor() { version (Posix) { pthread_mutexattr_init(&gattr); pthread_mutexattr_settype(&gattr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE); } initMutex(&gmtx); } extern (C) void _d_monitor_staticdtor() { destroyMutex(&gmtx); version (Posix) pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&gattr); } package: // This is what the monitor reference in Object points to alias IMonitor = Object.Monitor; alias DEvent = void delegate(Object); version (Windows) { version (CRuntime_DigitalMars) { pragma(lib, "snn.lib"); } import core.sys.windows.winbase /+: CRITICAL_SECTION, DeleteCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, InitializeCriticalSection, LeaveCriticalSection+/; alias Mutex = CRITICAL_SECTION; alias initMutex = InitializeCriticalSection; alias destroyMutex = DeleteCriticalSection; alias lockMutex = EnterCriticalSection; alias unlockMutex = LeaveCriticalSection; } else version (Posix) { import core.sys.posix.pthread; @nogc: alias Mutex = pthread_mutex_t; __gshared pthread_mutexattr_t gattr; void initMutex(pthread_mutex_t* mtx) { pthread_mutex_init(mtx, &gattr) && assert(0); } void destroyMutex(pthread_mutex_t* mtx) { pthread_mutex_destroy(mtx) && assert(0); } void lockMutex(pthread_mutex_t* mtx) { pthread_mutex_lock(mtx) && assert(0); } void unlockMutex(pthread_mutex_t* mtx) { pthread_mutex_unlock(mtx) && assert(0); } } else { static assert(0, "Unsupported platform"); } struct Monitor { IMonitor impl; // for user-level monitors DEvent[] devt; // for internal monitors size_t refs; // reference count Mutex mtx; } private: @property ref shared(Monitor*) monitor(return scope Object h) pure nothrow @nogc { return *cast(shared Monitor**)&h.__monitor; } private shared(Monitor)* getMonitor(Object h) pure @nogc { return atomicLoad!(MemoryOrder.acq)(h.monitor); } void setMonitor(Object h, shared(Monitor)* m) pure @nogc { atomicStore!(MemoryOrder.rel)(h.monitor, m); } __gshared Mutex gmtx; shared(Monitor)* ensureMonitor(Object h) { if (auto m = getMonitor(h)) return m; auto m = cast(Monitor*) calloc(Monitor.sizeof, 1); assert(m); initMutex(&m.mtx); bool success; lockMutex(&gmtx); if (getMonitor(h) is null) { m.refs = 1; setMonitor(h, cast(shared) m); success = true; } unlockMutex(&gmtx); if (success) { // Set the finalize bit so that the monitor gets collected (Bugzilla 14573) import core.memory : GC; if (!(typeid(h).m_flags & TypeInfo_Class.ClassFlags.hasDtor)) GC.setAttr(cast(void*) h, GC.BlkAttr.FINALIZE); return cast(shared(Monitor)*) m; } else // another thread succeeded instead { deleteMonitor(m); return getMonitor(h); } } void deleteMonitor(Monitor* m) @nogc { destroyMutex(&m.mtx); free(m); } void disposeEvent(Monitor* m, Object h) { foreach (v; m.devt) { if (v) v(h); } if (m.devt.ptr) free(m.devt.ptr); } // Bugzilla 14573 unittest { import core.memory : GC; auto obj = new Object; assert(!(GC.getAttr(cast(void*) obj) & GC.BlkAttr.FINALIZE)); ensureMonitor(obj); assert(getMonitor(obj) !is null); assert(GC.getAttr(cast(void*) obj) & GC.BlkAttr.FINALIZE); }