/** * The runtime module exposes information specific to the D runtime code. * * Copyright: Copyright Sean Kelly 2005 - 2009. * License: $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0) * Authors: Sean Kelly * Source: $(LINK2 https://github.com/dlang/druntime/blob/master/src/core/runtime.d, _runtime.d) * Documentation: https://dlang.org/phobos/core_runtime.html */ /* NOTE: This file has been patched from the original DMD distribution to * work with the GDC compiler. */ module core.runtime; version (OSX) version = Darwin; else version (iOS) version = Darwin; else version (TVOS) version = Darwin; else version (WatchOS) version = Darwin; version (GNU) { import gcc.backtrace; // This shouldn't be necessary but ensure that code doesn't get mixed // It does however prevent the unittest SEGV handler to be installed, // which is desireable as it uses backtrace directly. private enum hasExecinfo = false; } else version (DRuntime_Use_Libunwind) { import core.internal.backtrace.libunwind; // This shouldn't be necessary but ensure that code doesn't get mixed // It does however prevent the unittest SEGV handler to be installed, // which is desireable as it uses backtrace directly. private enum hasExecinfo = false; } else import core.internal.execinfo; /// C interface for Runtime.loadLibrary extern (C) void* rt_loadLibrary(const char* name); /// ditto version (Windows) extern (C) void* rt_loadLibraryW(const wchar* name); /// C interface for Runtime.unloadLibrary, returns 1/0 instead of bool extern (C) int rt_unloadLibrary(void* ptr); /// C interface for Runtime.initialize, returns 1/0 instead of bool extern(C) int rt_init(); /// C interface for Runtime.terminate, returns 1/0 instead of bool extern(C) int rt_term(); /** * This type is returned by the module unit test handler to indicate testing * results. */ struct UnitTestResult { /** * Number of modules which were tested */ size_t executed; /** * Number of modules passed the unittests */ size_t passed; /** * Should the main function be run or not? This is ignored if any tests * failed. */ bool runMain; /** * Should we print a summary of the results? */ bool summarize; /** * Simple check for whether execution should continue after unit tests * have been run. Works with legacy code that expected a bool return. * * Returns: * true if execution should continue after testing is complete, false if * not. */ bool opCast(T : bool)() const { return runMain && (executed == passed); } /// Simple return code that says unit tests pass, and main should be run enum UnitTestResult pass = UnitTestResult(0, 0, true, false); /// Simple return code that says unit tests failed. enum UnitTestResult fail = UnitTestResult(1, 0, false, false); } /// Legacy module unit test handler alias bool function() ModuleUnitTester; /// Module unit test handler alias UnitTestResult function() ExtendedModuleUnitTester; private { alias bool function(Object) CollectHandler; alias Throwable.TraceInfo function( void* ptr ) TraceHandler; alias void delegate( Throwable ) ExceptionHandler; extern (C) void _d_print_throwable(Throwable t); extern (C) void* thread_stackBottom(); } shared static this() { // NOTE: Some module ctors will run before this handler is set, so it's // still possible the app could exit without a stack trace. If // this becomes an issue, the handler could be set in C main // before the module ctors are run. Runtime.traceHandler = &defaultTraceHandler; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Runtime /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Stores the unprocessed arguments supplied when the * process was started. */ struct CArgs { int argc; /// The argument count. char** argv; /// The arguments as a C array of strings. } /** * This struct encapsulates all functionality related to the underlying runtime * module for the calling context. */ struct Runtime { /** * Initializes the runtime. This call is to be used in instances where the * standard program initialization process is not executed. This is most * often in shared libraries or in libraries linked to a C program. * If the runtime was already successfully initialized this returns true. * Each call to initialize must be paired by a call to $(LREF terminate). * * Returns: * true if initialization succeeded or false if initialization failed. */ static bool initialize() { return !!rt_init(); } /** * Terminates the runtime. This call is to be used in instances where the * standard program termination process will not be not executed. This is * most often in shared libraries or in libraries linked to a C program. * If the runtime was not successfully initialized the function returns false. * * Returns: * true if termination succeeded or false if termination failed. */ static bool terminate() { return !!rt_term(); } /** * Returns the arguments supplied when the process was started. * * Returns: * The arguments supplied when this process was started. */ extern(C) pragma(mangle, "rt_args") static @property string[] args(); /** * Returns the unprocessed C arguments supplied when the process was started. * Use this when you need to supply argc and argv to C libraries. * * Returns: * A $(LREF CArgs) struct with the arguments supplied when this process was started. * * Example: * --- * import core.runtime; * * // A C library function requiring char** arguments * extern(C) void initLibFoo(int argc, char** argv); * * void main() * { * auto args = Runtime.cArgs; * initLibFoo(args.argc, args.argv); * } * --- */ extern(C) pragma(mangle, "rt_cArgs") static @property CArgs cArgs() @nogc; /** * Locates a dynamic library with the supplied library name and dynamically * loads it into the caller's address space. If the library contains a D * runtime it will be integrated with the current runtime. * * Params: * name = The name of the dynamic library to load. * * Returns: * A reference to the library or null on error. */ static void* loadLibrary()(const scope char[] name) { import core.stdc.stdlib : free, malloc; version (Windows) { import core.sys.windows.winnls : CP_UTF8, MultiByteToWideChar; import core.sys.windows.winnt : WCHAR; if (name.length == 0) return null; // Load a DLL at runtime auto len = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, name.ptr, cast(int)name.length, null, 0); if (len == 0) return null; auto buf = cast(WCHAR*)malloc((len+1) * WCHAR.sizeof); if (buf is null) return null; scope (exit) free(buf); len = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, name.ptr, cast(int)name.length, buf, len); if (len == 0) return null; buf[len] = '\0'; return rt_loadLibraryW(buf); } else version (Posix) { /* Need a 0-terminated C string for the dll name */ immutable len = name.length; auto buf = cast(char*)malloc(len + 1); if (!buf) return null; scope (exit) free(buf); buf[0 .. len] = name[]; buf[len] = 0; return rt_loadLibrary(buf); } } /** * Unloads the dynamic library referenced by p. If this library contains a * D runtime then any necessary finalization or cleanup of that runtime * will be performed. * * Params: * p = A reference to the library to unload. */ static bool unloadLibrary()(void* p) { return !!rt_unloadLibrary(p); } /** * Overrides the default trace mechanism with a user-supplied version. A * trace represents the context from which an exception was thrown, and the * trace handler will be called when this occurs. The pointer supplied to * this routine indicates the base address from which tracing should occur. * If the supplied pointer is null then the trace routine should determine * an appropriate calling context from which to begin the trace. * * Params: * h = The new trace handler. Set to null to disable exception backtracing. */ extern(C) pragma(mangle, "rt_setTraceHandler") static @property void traceHandler(TraceHandler h); /** * Gets the current trace handler. * * Returns: * The current trace handler or null if none has been set. */ extern(C) pragma(mangle, "rt_getTraceHandler") static @property TraceHandler traceHandler(); /** * Overrides the default collect hander with a user-supplied version. This * routine will be called for each resource object that is finalized in a * non-deterministic manner--typically during a garbage collection cycle. * If the supplied routine returns true then the object's dtor will called * as normal, but if the routine returns false than the dtor will not be * called. The default behavior is for all object dtors to be called. * * Params: * h = The new collect handler. Set to null to use the default handler. */ extern(C) pragma(mangle, "rt_setCollectHandler") static @property void collectHandler( CollectHandler h ); /** * Gets the current collect handler. * * Returns: * The current collect handler or null if none has been set. */ extern(C) pragma(mangle, "rt_getCollectHandler") static @property CollectHandler collectHandler(); /** * Overrides the default module unit tester with a user-supplied version. * This routine will be called once on program initialization. The return * value of this routine indicates to the runtime whether the tests ran * without error. * * There are two options for handlers. The `bool` version is deprecated but * will be kept for legacy support. Returning `true` from the handler is * equivalent to returning `UnitTestResult.pass` from the extended version. * Returning `false` from the handler is equivalent to returning * `UnitTestResult.fail` from the extended version. * * See the documentation for `UnitTestResult` to see how you should set up * the return structure. * * See the documentation for `runModuleUnitTests` for how the default * algorithm works, or read the example below. * * Params: * h = The new unit tester. Set both to null to use the default unit * tester. * * Example: * --------- * shared static this() * { * import core.runtime; * * Runtime.extendedModuleUnitTester = &customModuleUnitTester; * } * * UnitTestResult customModuleUnitTester() * { * import std.stdio; * * writeln("Using customModuleUnitTester"); * * // Do the same thing as the default moduleUnitTester: * UnitTestResult result; * foreach (m; ModuleInfo) * { * if (m) * { * auto fp = m.unitTest; * * if (fp) * { * ++result.executed; * try * { * fp(); * ++result.passed; * } * catch (Throwable e) * { * writeln(e); * } * } * } * } * if (result.executed != result.passed) * { * result.runMain = false; // don't run main * result.summarize = true; // print failure * } * else * { * result.runMain = true; // all UT passed * result.summarize = false; // be quiet about it. * } * return result; * } * --------- */ static @property void extendedModuleUnitTester( ExtendedModuleUnitTester h ) { sm_extModuleUnitTester = h; } /// Ditto static @property void moduleUnitTester( ModuleUnitTester h ) { sm_moduleUnitTester = h; } /** * Gets the current legacy module unit tester. * * This property should not be used, but is supported for legacy purposes. * * Note that if the extended unit test handler is set, this handler will * be ignored. * * Returns: * The current legacy module unit tester handler or null if none has been * set. */ static @property ModuleUnitTester moduleUnitTester() { return sm_moduleUnitTester; } /** * Gets the current module unit tester. * * This handler overrides any legacy module unit tester set by the * moduleUnitTester property. * * Returns: * The current module unit tester handler or null if none has been * set. */ static @property ExtendedModuleUnitTester extendedModuleUnitTester() { return sm_extModuleUnitTester; } private: // NOTE: This field will only ever be set in a static ctor and should // never occur within any but the main thread, so it is safe to // make it __gshared. __gshared ExtendedModuleUnitTester sm_extModuleUnitTester = null; __gshared ModuleUnitTester sm_moduleUnitTester = null; } /** * Set source file path for coverage reports. * * Params: * path = The new path name. * Note: * This is a dmd specific setting. */ extern (C) void dmd_coverSourcePath(string path); /** * Set output path for coverage reports. * * Params: * path = The new path name. * Note: * This is a dmd specific setting. */ extern (C) void dmd_coverDestPath(string path); /** * Enable merging of coverage reports with existing data. * * Params: * flag = enable/disable coverage merge mode * Note: * This is a dmd specific setting. */ extern (C) void dmd_coverSetMerge(bool flag); /** * Set the output file name for profile reports (-profile switch). * An empty name will set the output to stdout. * * Params: * name = file name * Note: * This is a dmd specific setting. */ extern (C) void trace_setlogfilename(string name); /** * Set the output file name for the optimized profile linker DEF file (-profile switch). * An empty name will set the output to stdout. * * Params: * name = file name * Note: * This is a dmd specific setting. */ extern (C) void trace_setdeffilename(string name); /** * Set the output file name for memory profile reports (-profile=gc switch). * An empty name will set the output to stdout. * * Params: * name = file name * Note: * This is a dmd specific setting. */ extern (C) void profilegc_setlogfilename(string name); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Overridable Callbacks /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * This routine is called by the runtime to run module unit tests on startup. * The user-supplied unit tester will be called if one has been set, * otherwise all unit tests will be run in sequence. * * If the extended unittest handler is registered, this function returns the * result from that handler directly. * * If a legacy boolean returning custom handler is used, `false` maps to * `UnitTestResult.fail`, and `true` maps to `UnitTestResult.pass`. This was * the original behavior of the unit testing system. * * If no unittest custom handlers are registered, the following algorithm is * executed (the behavior can be affected by the `--DRT-testmode` switch * below): * 1. Execute any unittests present. For each that fails, print the stack * trace and continue. * 2. If no unittests were present, set summarize to false, and runMain to * true. * 3. Otherwise, set summarize to true, and runMain to false. * * See the documentation for `UnitTestResult` for details on how the runtime * treats the return value from this function. * * If the switch `--DRT-testmode` is passed to the executable, it can have * one of 3 values: * 1. "run-main": even if unit tests are run (and all pass), runMain is set to true. * 2. "test-or-main": any unit tests present will cause the program to * summarize the results and exit regardless of the result. This is the * default. * 3. "test-only", runMain is set to false, even with no tests present. * * This command-line parameter does not affect custom unit test handlers. * * Returns: * A `UnitTestResult` struct indicating the result of running unit tests. */ extern (C) UnitTestResult runModuleUnitTests() { version (Windows) import core.sys.windows.stacktrace; static if (__traits(compiles, new LibBacktrace(0))) { import core.sys.posix.signal; // segv handler static extern (C) void unittestSegvHandler(int signum, siginfo_t* info, void* ptr) { import core.stdc.stdio; fprintf(stderr, "Segmentation fault while running unittests:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "----------------\n"); // First frame is LibBacktrace ctor. Second is signal handler, // but include that for now scope bt = new LibBacktrace(1); foreach (size_t i, const(char[]) msg; bt) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg.ptr ? msg.ptr : "???"); } sigaction_t action = void; sigaction_t oldseg = void; sigaction_t oldbus = void; (cast(byte*) &action)[0 .. action.sizeof] = 0; sigfillset(&action.sa_mask); // block other signals action.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO | SA_RESETHAND; action.sa_sigaction = &unittestSegvHandler; sigaction(SIGSEGV, &action, &oldseg); sigaction(SIGBUS, &action, &oldbus); scope (exit) { sigaction(SIGSEGV, &oldseg, null); sigaction(SIGBUS, &oldbus, null); } } else static if (hasExecinfo) { import core.sys.posix.signal; // segv handler static extern (C) void unittestSegvHandler( int signum, siginfo_t* info, void* ptr ) nothrow { static enum MAXFRAMES = 128; void*[MAXFRAMES] callstack; auto numframes = backtrace( callstack.ptr, MAXFRAMES ); backtrace_symbols_fd( callstack.ptr, numframes, 2 ); } sigaction_t action = void; sigaction_t oldseg = void; sigaction_t oldbus = void; (cast(byte*) &action)[0 .. action.sizeof] = 0; sigfillset( &action.sa_mask ); // block other signals action.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO | SA_RESETHAND; action.sa_sigaction = &unittestSegvHandler; sigaction( SIGSEGV, &action, &oldseg ); sigaction( SIGBUS, &action, &oldbus ); scope( exit ) { sigaction( SIGSEGV, &oldseg, null ); sigaction( SIGBUS, &oldbus, null ); } } if (Runtime.sm_extModuleUnitTester !is null) return Runtime.sm_extModuleUnitTester(); else if (Runtime.sm_moduleUnitTester !is null) return Runtime.sm_moduleUnitTester() ? UnitTestResult.pass : UnitTestResult.fail; UnitTestResult results; foreach ( m; ModuleInfo ) { if ( !m ) continue; auto fp = m.unitTest; if ( !fp ) continue; import core.exception; ++results.executed; try { fp(); ++results.passed; } catch ( Throwable e ) { if ( typeid(e) == typeid(AssertError) ) { // Crude heuristic to figure whether the assertion originates in // the unittested module. TODO: improve. auto moduleName = m.name; if (moduleName.length && e.file.length > moduleName.length && e.file[0 .. moduleName.length] == moduleName) { import core.stdc.stdio; printf("%.*s(%llu): [unittest] %.*s\n", cast(int) e.file.length, e.file.ptr, cast(ulong) e.line, cast(int) e.message.length, e.message.ptr); // Exception originates in the same module, don't print // the stack trace. // TODO: omit stack trace only if assert was thrown // directly by the unittest. continue; } } // TODO: perhaps indent all of this stuff. _d_print_throwable(e); } } import core.internal.parseoptions : rt_configOption; if (results.passed != results.executed) { // by default, we always print a summary if there are failures. results.summarize = true; } else switch (rt_configOption("testmode", null, false)) { case "run-main": results.runMain = true; break; case "test-only": // Never run main, always summarize results.summarize = true; break; case "": // By default, do not run main if tests are present. case "test-or-main": // only run main if there were no tests. Only summarize if we are not // running main. results.runMain = (results.executed == 0); results.summarize = !results.runMain; break; default: assert(0, "Unknown --DRT-testmode option: " ~ rt_configOption("testmode", null, false)); } return results; } /** * Get the default `Throwable.TraceInfo` implementation for the platform * * This functions returns a trace handler, allowing to inspect the * current stack trace. * * Params: * ptr = (Windows only) The context to get the stack trace from. * When `null` (the default), start from the current frame. * * Returns: * A `Throwable.TraceInfo` implementation suitable to iterate over the stack, * or `null`. If called from a finalizer (destructor), always returns `null` * as trace handlers allocate. */ Throwable.TraceInfo defaultTraceHandler( void* ptr = null ) { // avoid recursive GC calls in finalizer, trace handlers should be made @nogc instead import core.memory : GC; if (GC.inFinalizer) return null; static if (__traits(compiles, new LibBacktrace(0))) { version (Posix) static enum FIRSTFRAME = 4; else version (Win64) static enum FIRSTFRAME = 4; else static enum FIRSTFRAME = 0; return new LibBacktrace(FIRSTFRAME); } else static if (__traits(compiles, new UnwindBacktrace(0))) { version (Posix) static enum FIRSTFRAME = 5; else version (Win64) static enum FIRSTFRAME = 4; else static enum FIRSTFRAME = 0; return new UnwindBacktrace(FIRSTFRAME); } else version (Windows) { import core.sys.windows.stacktrace; static if (__traits(compiles, new StackTrace(0, null))) { import core.sys.windows.winnt : CONTEXT; version (Win64) enum FIRSTFRAME = 4; else version (Win32) enum FIRSTFRAME = 0; return new StackTrace(FIRSTFRAME, cast(CONTEXT*)ptr); } else return null; } else static if (__traits(compiles, new DefaultTraceInfo())) return new DefaultTraceInfo(); else return null; } /// Example of a simple program printing its stack trace unittest { import core.runtime; import core.stdc.stdio; void main() { auto trace = defaultTraceHandler(null); foreach (line; trace) { printf("%.*s\n", cast(int)line.length, line.ptr); } } } version (DRuntime_Use_Libunwind) { import core.internal.backtrace.handler; alias DefaultTraceInfo = LibunwindHandler; } /// Default implementation for most POSIX systems else static if (hasExecinfo) private class DefaultTraceInfo : Throwable.TraceInfo { import core.demangle; import core.stdc.stdlib : free; import core.stdc.string : strlen, memchr, memmove; this() { // it may not be 1 but it is good enough to get // in CALL instruction address range for backtrace enum CALL_INSTRUCTION_SIZE = 1; static if (__traits(compiles, backtrace((void**).init, int.init))) numframes = cast(int) backtrace(this.callstack.ptr, MAXFRAMES); // Backtrace succeeded, adjust the frame to point to the caller if (numframes >= 2) foreach (ref elem; this.callstack) elem -= CALL_INSTRUCTION_SIZE; else // backtrace() failed, do it ourselves { static void** getBasePtr() { version (D_InlineAsm_X86) asm { naked; mov EAX, EBP; ret; } else version (D_InlineAsm_X86_64) asm { naked; mov RAX, RBP; ret; } else return null; } auto stackTop = getBasePtr(); auto stackBottom = cast(void**) thread_stackBottom(); void* dummy; if ( stackTop && &dummy < stackTop && stackTop < stackBottom ) { auto stackPtr = stackTop; for ( numframes = 0; stackTop <= stackPtr && stackPtr < stackBottom && numframes < MAXFRAMES; ) { callstack[numframes++] = *(stackPtr + 1) - CALL_INSTRUCTION_SIZE; stackPtr = cast(void**) *stackPtr; } } } } override int opApply( scope int delegate(ref const(char[])) dg ) const { return opApply( (ref size_t, ref const(char[]) buf) { return dg( buf ); } ); } override int opApply( scope int delegate(ref size_t, ref const(char[])) dg ) const { version (linux) enum enableDwarf = true; else version (FreeBSD) enum enableDwarf = true; else version (DragonFlyBSD) enum enableDwarf = true; else version (OpenBSD) enum enableDwarf = true; else version (Darwin) enum enableDwarf = true; else enum enableDwarf = false; const framelist = backtrace_symbols( callstack.ptr, numframes ); scope(exit) free(cast(void*) framelist); static if (enableDwarf) { import core.internal.backtrace.dwarf; return traceHandlerOpApplyImpl(numframes, i => callstack[i], (i) { auto str = framelist[i][0 .. strlen(framelist[i])]; return getMangledSymbolName(str); }, dg); } else { int ret = 0; for (size_t pos = 0; pos < numframes; ++pos) { char[4096] fixbuf = void; auto buf = framelist[pos][0 .. strlen(framelist[pos])]; buf = fixline( buf, fixbuf ); ret = dg( pos, buf ); if ( ret ) break; } return ret; } } override string toString() const { string buf; foreach ( i, line; this ) buf ~= i ? "\n" ~ line : line; return buf; } private: int numframes; static enum MAXFRAMES = 128; void*[MAXFRAMES] callstack = void; private: const(char)[] fixline( const(char)[] buf, return ref char[4096] fixbuf ) const { size_t symBeg, symEnd; getMangledSymbolName(buf, symBeg, symEnd); enum min = (size_t a, size_t b) => a <= b ? a : b; if (symBeg == symEnd || symBeg >= fixbuf.length) { immutable len = min(buf.length, fixbuf.length); fixbuf[0 .. len] = buf[0 .. len]; return fixbuf[0 .. len]; } else { fixbuf[0 .. symBeg] = buf[0 .. symBeg]; auto sym = demangle(buf[symBeg .. symEnd], fixbuf[symBeg .. $]); if (sym.ptr !is fixbuf.ptr + symBeg) { // demangle reallocated the buffer, copy the symbol to fixbuf immutable len = min(fixbuf.length - symBeg, sym.length); memmove(fixbuf.ptr + symBeg, sym.ptr, len); if (symBeg + len == fixbuf.length) return fixbuf[]; } immutable pos = symBeg + sym.length; assert(pos < fixbuf.length); immutable tail = buf.length - symEnd; immutable len = min(fixbuf.length - pos, tail); fixbuf[pos .. pos + len] = buf[symEnd .. symEnd + len]; return fixbuf[0 .. pos + len]; } } }