<<< :sectnums: == Software Toolchain Setup To compile (and debug) executables for the NEORV32 a RISC-V toolchain is required. There are two possibilities to get this: 1. Download and _build_ the official RISC-V GNU toolchain yourself. 2. Download and install a prebuilt version of the toolchain; this might also done via the package manager / app store of your OS [NOTE] The default toolchain prefix (`RISCV_PREFIX` variable) for this project is **`riscv32-unknown-elf-`**. Of course you can use any other RISC-V toolchain (like `riscv64-unknown-elf-`) that is capable to emit code for a `rv32` architecture. Just change `RISCV_PREFIX` according to your needs. :sectnums: === Building the Toolchain from Scratch To build the toolchain by yourself you can follow the guide from the official https://github.com/riscv-collab/riscv-gnu-toolchain GitHub page. You need to make sure the generated toolchain fits the architecture of the NEORV32 core. To get a toolchain that even supports minimal ISA extension configurations, it is recommend to compile for `rv32i` only. Please note that this minimal ISA also provides further ISA extensions like `m` or `c`. Of course you can use a _multilib_ approach to generate toolchains for several target ISAs at once. .Configuring GCC build for `rv32i` (minimal ISA) [source,bash] ---- riscv-gnu-toolchain$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv --with-arch=rv32i --with-abi=ilp32 riscv-gnu-toolchain$ make ---- [IMPORTANT] Keep in mind that - for instance - a toolchain build with `--with-arch=rv32imc` only provides library code compiled with compressed (`C`) and `mul`/`div` instructions (`M`)! Hence, this code cannot be executed (without emulation) on an architecture without these extensions! [IMPORTANT] Make sure to use "newlib" as C standard library as the NEORV32 has no native support for Linus-like operating systems. :sectnums: === Downloading and Installing a Prebuilt Toolchain Alternatively, you can download a prebuilt toolchain. :sectnums: ==== Use The Toolchain I have Build I have compiled a GCC toolchain on a 64-bit x86 Ubuntu (Ubuntu on Windows, actually) and uploaded it to GitHub. You can directly download the according toolchain archive as single _zip-file_ within a packed release from https://github.com/stnolting/riscv-gcc-prebuilt. Unpack the downloaded toolchain archive and copy the content to a location in your file system (e.g. `/opt/riscv`). More information about downloading and installing my prebuilt toolchains can be found in the repository's README. :sectnums: ==== Use a Third Party Toolchain Of course you can also use any other prebuilt version of the toolchain. There are a lot RISC-V GCC packages out there - even for Windows. On Linux system you might even be able to fetch a toolchain via your distribution's package manager. [IMPORTANT] Make sure the toolchain can (also) emit code for a `rv32i` architecture, uses the `ilp32` or `ilp32e` ABI and **was not build** using CPU extensions that are not supported by the NEORV32 (like `D`). :sectnums: === Installation Now you have the toolchain binaries. The last step is to add them to your `PATH` environment variable (if you have not already done so): make sure to add the _binaries_ folder (`bin`) of your toolchain. [source,bash] ---- $ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/riscv/bin ---- You should add this command to your `.bashrc` (if you are using bash) to automatically add the RISC-V toolchain at every console start. :sectnums: === Testing the Installation To make sure everything works fine, navigate to an example project in the NEORV32 example folder and execute the following command: [source,bash] ---- neorv32/sw/example/demo_blink_led$ make check ---- This will test all the tools required for generating NEORV32 executables. Everything is working fine if `Toolchain check OK` appears at the end.