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== Vivado HLS Report for 'AddWeighted'
* Date: Tue Feb 7 10:18:34 2023
* Version: 2019.1 (Build 2552052 on Fri May 24 15:28:33 MDT 2019)
* Project: edge_detect
* Solution: solution1
* Product family: zynq
* Target device: xc7z020-clg400-1
== Performance Estimates
+ Timing (ns):
* Summary:
| Clock | Target| Estimated| Uncertainty|
|ap_clk | 6.70| 4.846| 0.84|
+ Latency (clock cycles):
* Summary:
| Latency | Interval | Pipeline|
| min | max | min | max | Type |
| 2077922| 2077922| 2077922| 2077922| none |
+ Detail:
* Instance:
* Loop:
+ Verbose Summary: Synthesis Manager
InlineROM: 1
ExposeGlobal: 0
+ Verbose Summary: CDFG Model
IsTopModel: 0
ResetActiveHigh: 1
IsCombinational: 2
IsDatapathOnly: 0
HasWiredReturn: 1
HasMFsm: 0
HasVarLatency: 1
IsPipeline: 0
IsRtlPipelined: 0
IsInstanceOverlapped: 0
IsDontTouch: 0
HasImplIP: 0
IsGatedGlobalClock: 0
+ Verbose Summary: Schedule
* Number of FSM states : 2
* Pipeline : 0
* Dataflow Pipeline: 0
* FSM state transitions:
1 --> 2
2 -->
* FSM state operations:
State 1 <SV = 0> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_1 : Operation 3 [2/2] (0.00ns) ---> "call fastcc void @arithm_pro(i8* %src1_data_stream_0_V, i8* %src1_data_stream_1_V, i8* %src1_data_stream_2_V, i8* %src2_data_stream_0_V, i8* %src2_data_stream_1_V, i8* %src2_data_stream_2_V, i8* %dst_data_stream_0_V, i8* %dst_data_stream_1_V, i8* %dst_data_stream_2_V)" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_arithm.h:879] ---> Operation 3 'call' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00> <CoreType = "Generic"> ---> Core 0 '' <Latency = 0> <II = 1> <Delay = 1.00> <Generic> <Opcode : >
State 2 <SV = 1> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_2 : Operation 4 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(i8* %src2_data_stream_2_V, [8 x i8]* @ap_fifo_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 2, i32 2, i32 16, i32 16, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str)" ---> Operation 4 'specinterface' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_2 : Operation 5 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(i8* %src2_data_stream_1_V, [8 x i8]* @ap_fifo_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 2, i32 2, i32 16, i32 16, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str)" ---> Operation 5 'specinterface' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_2 : Operation 6 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(i8* %src2_data_stream_0_V, [8 x i8]* @ap_fifo_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 2, i32 2, i32 16, i32 16, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str)" ---> Operation 6 'specinterface' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_2 : Operation 7 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(i8* %src1_data_stream_2_V, [8 x i8]* @ap_fifo_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 2, i32 2, i32 16, i32 16, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str)" ---> Operation 7 'specinterface' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_2 : Operation 8 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(i8* %src1_data_stream_1_V, [8 x i8]* @ap_fifo_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 2, i32 2, i32 16, i32 16, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str)" ---> Operation 8 'specinterface' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_2 : Operation 9 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(i8* %src1_data_stream_0_V, [8 x i8]* @ap_fifo_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 2, i32 2, i32 16, i32 16, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str)" ---> Operation 9 'specinterface' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_2 : Operation 10 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(i8* %dst_data_stream_0_V, [8 x i8]* @ap_fifo_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 2, i32 2, i32 16, i32 16, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str)" ---> Operation 10 'specinterface' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_2 : Operation 11 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(i8* %dst_data_stream_1_V, [8 x i8]* @ap_fifo_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 2, i32 2, i32 16, i32 16, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str)" ---> Operation 11 'specinterface' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_2 : Operation 12 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(i8* %dst_data_stream_2_V, [8 x i8]* @ap_fifo_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 2, i32 2, i32 16, i32 16, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str)" ---> Operation 12 'specinterface' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_2 : Operation 13 [1/2] (0.00ns) ---> "call fastcc void @arithm_pro(i8* %src1_data_stream_0_V, i8* %src1_data_stream_1_V, i8* %src1_data_stream_2_V, i8* %src2_data_stream_0_V, i8* %src2_data_stream_1_V, i8* %src2_data_stream_2_V, i8* %dst_data_stream_0_V, i8* %dst_data_stream_1_V, i8* %dst_data_stream_2_V)" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_arithm.h:879] ---> Operation 13 'call' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00> <CoreType = "Generic"> ---> Core 0 '' <Latency = 0> <II = 1> <Delay = 1.00> <Generic> <Opcode : >
ST_2 : Operation 14 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "ret void" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_arithm.h:880] ---> Operation 14 'ret' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
+ Verbose Summary: Timing violations
Target clock period: 6.7ns, clock uncertainty: 0.837ns.
<State 1>: 0ns
The critical path consists of the following:
<State 2>: 0ns
The critical path consists of the following:
+ Verbose Summary: Binding
* FSMD analyzer results:
- Output states:
- Input state :
- Chain level:
State 1
State 2
+ Verbose Summary: Datapath Resource usage