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== Vivado HLS Report for 'AXIvideo2Mat'
* Date: Tue Feb 7 10:18:26 2023
* Version: 2019.1 (Build 2552052 on Fri May 24 15:28:33 MDT 2019)
* Project: edge_detect
* Solution: solution1
* Product family: zynq
* Target device: xc7z020-clg400-1
== Performance Estimates
+ Timing (ns):
* Summary:
| Clock | Target| Estimated| Uncertainty|
|ap_clk | 6.70| 2.931| 0.84|
+ Latency (clock cycles):
* Summary:
| Latency | Interval | Pipeline|
| min | max | min | max | Type |
| 2079003| 2079003| 2079003| 2079003| none |
+ Detail:
* Instance:
* Loop:
| | Latency | Iteration| Initiation Interval | Trip | |
| Loop Name | min | max | Latency | achieved | target | Count| Pipelined|
|- loop_wait_for_start | 0| 0| 1| 1| 1| 0| yes |
|- loop_height | 2079000| 2079000| 1925| -| -| 1080| no |
| + loop_width | 1920| 1920| 2| 1| 1| 1920| yes |
| + loop_wait_for_eol | 0| 0| 1| 1| 1| 0| yes |
+ Verbose Summary: Synthesis Manager
InlineROM: 1
ExposeGlobal: 0
+ Verbose Summary: CDFG Model
IsTopModel: 0
ResetActiveHigh: 1
IsCombinational: 2
IsDatapathOnly: 0
HasWiredReturn: 1
HasMFsm: 0
HasVarLatency: 1
IsPipeline: 0
IsRtlPipelined: 0
IsInstanceOverlapped: 0
IsDontTouch: 0
HasImplIP: 0
IsGatedGlobalClock: 0
+ Individual pipeline summary:
* Pipeline-0: initiation interval (II) = 1, depth = 1
* Pipeline-1: initiation interval (II) = 1, depth = 2
* Pipeline-2: initiation interval (II) = 1, depth = 1
+ Verbose Summary: Schedule
* Number of FSM states : 9
* Pipeline : 3
Pipeline-0 : II = 1, D = 1, States = { 2 }
Pipeline-1 : II = 1, D = 2, States = { 5 6 }
Pipeline-2 : II = 1, D = 1, States = { 8 }
* Dataflow Pipeline: 0
* FSM state transitions:
1 --> 2
2 --> 3 2
3 --> 4
4 --> 5
5 --> 7 6
6 --> 5
7 --> 8
8 --> 9 8
9 --> 4
* FSM state operations:
State 1 <SV = 0> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_1 : Operation 10 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(i8* %img_data_stream_2_V, [8 x i8]* @ap_fifo_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 2, i32 2, i32 16, i32 16, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str)" ---> Operation 10 'specinterface' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_1 : Operation 11 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(i8* %img_data_stream_1_V, [8 x i8]* @ap_fifo_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 2, i32 2, i32 16, i32 16, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str)" ---> Operation 11 'specinterface' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_1 : Operation 12 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(i8* %img_data_stream_0_V, [8 x i8]* @ap_fifo_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 2, i32 2, i32 16, i32 16, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str)" ---> Operation 12 'specinterface' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_1 : Operation 13 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(i24* %AXI_video_strm_V_data_V, i3* %AXI_video_strm_V_keep_V, i3* %AXI_video_strm_V_strb_V, i1* %AXI_video_strm_V_user_V, i1* %AXI_video_strm_V_last_V, i1* %AXI_video_strm_V_id_V, i1* %AXI_video_strm_V_dest_V, [5 x i8]* @p_str1, i32 1, i32 1, [5 x i8]* @p_str2, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str, [1 x i8]* @p_str) nounwind" ---> Operation 13 'specinterface' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_1 : Operation 14 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "br label %loop_wait_for_start" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:63] ---> Operation 14 'br' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
State 2 <SV = 1> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_2 : Operation 15 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecLoopName([20 x i8]* @p_str18) nounwind" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:65] ---> Operation 15 'specloopname' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_2 : Operation 16 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%tmp_s = call i32 (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecRegionBegin([20 x i8]* @p_str18)" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:65] ---> Operation 16 'specregionbegin' 'tmp_s' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_2 : Operation 17 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecPipeline(i32 1, i32 1, i32 1, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str) nounwind" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:66] ---> Operation 17 'specpipeline' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_2 : Operation 18 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecLoopTripCount(i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str) nounwind" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:67] ---> Operation 18 'speclooptripcount' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_2 : Operation 19 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%empty = call { i24, i3, i3, i1, i1, i1, i1 } @_ssdm_op_Read.axis.volatile.i24P.i3P.i3P.i1P.i1P.i1P.i1P(i24* %AXI_video_strm_V_data_V, i3* %AXI_video_strm_V_keep_V, i3* %AXI_video_strm_V_strb_V, i1* %AXI_video_strm_V_user_V, i1* %AXI_video_strm_V_last_V, i1* %AXI_video_strm_V_id_V, i1* %AXI_video_strm_V_dest_V)" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:68] ---> Operation 19 'read' 'empty' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00> <Core = "AXI4Stream"> ---> Core 5 'AXI4Stream' <Latency = 0> <II = 1> <Delay = 1.00> <Adapter> <Opcode : >
ST_2 : Operation 20 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%tmp_data_V = extractvalue { i24, i3, i3, i1, i1, i1, i1 } %empty, 0" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:68] ---> Operation 20 'extractvalue' 'tmp_data_V' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_2 : Operation 21 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%tmp_user_V = extractvalue { i24, i3, i3, i1, i1, i1, i1 } %empty, 3" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:68] ---> Operation 21 'extractvalue' 'tmp_user_V' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_2 : Operation 22 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%tmp_last_V = extractvalue { i24, i3, i3, i1, i1, i1, i1 } %empty, 4" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:68] ---> Operation 22 'extractvalue' 'tmp_last_V' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_2 : Operation 23 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%empty_108 = call i32 (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecRegionEnd([20 x i8]* @p_str18, i32 %tmp_s)" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:70] ---> Operation 23 'specregionend' 'empty_108' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_2 : Operation 24 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "br i1 %tmp_user_V, label %.preheader232.preheader, label %loop_wait_for_start" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:65] ---> Operation 24 'br' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
State 3 <SV = 2> <Delay = 1.76>
ST_3 : Operation 25 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%sof_1 = alloca i1" ---> Operation 25 'alloca' 'sof_1' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_3 : Operation 26 [1/1] (1.76ns) ---> "store i1 true, i1* %sof_1" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:71] ---> Operation 26 'store' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 1.76>
ST_3 : Operation 27 [1/1] (1.76ns) ---> "br label %.preheader232" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:71] ---> Operation 27 'br' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 1.76>
State 4 <SV = 3> <Delay = 2.85>
ST_4 : Operation 28 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%axi_last_V_0 = phi i1 [ %axi_last_V_3, %loop_height_end ], [ %tmp_last_V, %.preheader232.preheader ]" ---> Operation 28 'phi' 'axi_last_V_0' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_4 : Operation 29 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%axi_data_V_0 = phi i24 [ %axi_data_V_3, %loop_height_end ], [ %tmp_data_V, %.preheader232.preheader ]" ---> Operation 29 'phi' 'axi_data_V_0' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_4 : Operation 30 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%t_V = phi i11 [ %i_V, %loop_height_end ], [ 0, %.preheader232.preheader ]" ---> Operation 30 'phi' 't_V' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_4 : Operation 31 [1/1] (1.88ns) ---> "%icmp_ln71 = icmp eq i11 %t_V, -968" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:71] ---> Operation 31 'icmp' 'icmp_ln71' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 1.88> <Core = "Cmp"> ---> Core 25 'Cmp' <Latency = 0> <II = 1> <Delay = 1.88> <FuncUnit> <Opcode : 'icmp'> <InPorts = 2> <OutPorts = 1>
ST_4 : Operation 32 [1/1] (1.63ns) ---> "%i_V = add i11 %t_V, 1" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:71] ---> Operation 32 'add' 'i_V' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 1.63> <Core = "AddSub"> ---> Core 14 'AddSub' <Latency = 0> <II = 1> <Delay = 1.63> <FuncUnit> <Opcode : 'add' 'sub'> <InPorts = 2> <OutPorts = 1>
ST_4 : Operation 33 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecLoopTripCount(i64 1080, i64 1080, i64 1080)" ---> Operation 33 'speclooptripcount' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_4 : Operation 34 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "br i1 %icmp_ln71, label %2, label %loop_height_begin" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:71] ---> Operation 34 'br' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_4 : Operation 35 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecLoopName([12 x i8]* @p_str7) nounwind" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:71] ---> Operation 35 'specloopname' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln71)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_4 : Operation 36 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%tmp_25 = call i32 (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecRegionBegin([12 x i8]* @p_str7)" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:71] ---> Operation 36 'specregionbegin' 'tmp_25' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln71)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_4 : Operation 37 [1/1] (1.76ns) ---> "br label %0" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:73] ---> Operation 37 'br' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln71)> <Delay = 1.76>
ST_4 : Operation 38 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "ret void" ---> Operation 38 'ret' <Predicate = (icmp_ln71)> <Delay = 0.00>
State 5 <SV = 4> <Delay = 2.85>
ST_5 : Operation 39 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%eol = phi i1 [ %axi_last_V_0, %loop_height_begin ], [ %axi_last_V_2, %hls_label_4 ]" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:100] ---> Operation 39 'phi' 'eol' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_5 : Operation 40 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%axi_data_V_1 = phi i24 [ %axi_data_V_0, %loop_height_begin ], [ %p_Val2_s, %hls_label_4 ]" ---> Operation 40 'phi' 'axi_data_V_1' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_5 : Operation 41 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%t_V_5 = phi i11 [ 0, %loop_height_begin ], [ %j_V, %hls_label_4 ]" ---> Operation 41 'phi' 't_V_5' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_5 : Operation 42 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%eol_0 = phi i1 [ false, %loop_height_begin ], [ %axi_last_V_2, %hls_label_4 ]" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:81] ---> Operation 42 'phi' 'eol_0' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_5 : Operation 43 [1/1] (1.88ns) ---> "%icmp_ln73 = icmp eq i11 %t_V_5, -128" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:73] ---> Operation 43 'icmp' 'icmp_ln73' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 1.88> <Core = "Cmp"> ---> Core 25 'Cmp' <Latency = 0> <II = 1> <Delay = 1.88> <FuncUnit> <Opcode : 'icmp'> <InPorts = 2> <OutPorts = 1>
ST_5 : Operation 44 [1/1] (1.63ns) ---> "%j_V = add i11 %t_V_5, 1" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:73] ---> Operation 44 'add' 'j_V' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 1.63> <Core = "AddSub"> ---> Core 14 'AddSub' <Latency = 0> <II = 1> <Delay = 1.63> <FuncUnit> <Opcode : 'add' 'sub'> <InPorts = 2> <OutPorts = 1>
ST_5 : Operation 45 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecLoopTripCount(i64 1920, i64 1920, i64 1920)" ---> Operation 45 'speclooptripcount' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_5 : Operation 46 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "br i1 %icmp_ln73, label %.preheader.preheader, label %loop_width_begin" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:73] ---> Operation 46 'br' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_5 : Operation 47 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%sof_1_load = load i1* %sof_1" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:76] ---> Operation 47 'load' 'sof_1_load' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_5 : Operation 48 [1/1] (0.97ns) ---> "%or_ln76 = or i1 %sof_1_load, %eol_0" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:76] ---> Operation 48 'or' 'or_ln76' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73)> <Delay = 0.97> <Core = "LogicGate"> ---> Core 27 'LogicGate' <Latency = 0> <II = 1> <Delay = 0.97> <FuncUnit> <Opcode : 'and' 'or' 'xor'> <InPorts = 2> <OutPorts = 1>
ST_5 : Operation 49 [1/1] (1.76ns) ---> "br i1 %or_ln76, label %hls_label_4, label %1" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:76] ---> Operation 49 'br' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73)> <Delay = 1.76>
ST_5 : Operation 50 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%empty_109 = call { i24, i3, i3, i1, i1, i1, i1 } @_ssdm_op_Read.axis.volatile.i24P.i3P.i3P.i1P.i1P.i1P.i1P(i24* %AXI_video_strm_V_data_V, i3* %AXI_video_strm_V_keep_V, i3* %AXI_video_strm_V_strb_V, i1* %AXI_video_strm_V_user_V, i1* %AXI_video_strm_V_last_V, i1* %AXI_video_strm_V_id_V, i1* %AXI_video_strm_V_dest_V)" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:81] ---> Operation 50 'read' 'empty_109' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73 & !or_ln76)> <Delay = 0.00> <Core = "AXI4Stream"> ---> Core 5 'AXI4Stream' <Latency = 0> <II = 1> <Delay = 1.00> <Adapter> <Opcode : >
ST_5 : Operation 51 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%tmp_data_V_1 = extractvalue { i24, i3, i3, i1, i1, i1, i1 } %empty_109, 0" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:81] ---> Operation 51 'extractvalue' 'tmp_data_V_1' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73 & !or_ln76)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_5 : Operation 52 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%tmp_last_V_1 = extractvalue { i24, i3, i3, i1, i1, i1, i1 } %empty_109, 4" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:81] ---> Operation 52 'extractvalue' 'tmp_last_V_1' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73 & !or_ln76)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_5 : Operation 53 [1/1] (1.76ns) ---> "br label %hls_label_4" ---> Operation 53 'br' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73 & !or_ln76)> <Delay = 1.76>
ST_5 : Operation 54 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%axi_last_V_2 = phi i1 [ %tmp_last_V_1, %1 ], [ %eol, %loop_width_begin ]" ---> Operation 54 'phi' 'axi_last_V_2' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_5 : Operation 55 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%p_Val2_s = phi i24 [ %tmp_data_V_1, %1 ], [ %axi_data_V_1, %loop_width_begin ]" ---> Operation 55 'phi' 'p_Val2_s' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_5 : Operation 56 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%tmp = trunc i24 %p_Val2_s to i8" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_axi_io.h:49->C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_axi_io.h:71->C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:92] ---> Operation 56 'trunc' 'tmp' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_5 : Operation 57 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%tmp_28 = call i8 @_ssdm_op_PartSelect.i8.i24.i32.i32(i24 %p_Val2_s, i32 8, i32 15)" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_axi_io.h:49->C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_axi_io.h:71->C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:92] ---> Operation 57 'partselect' 'tmp_28' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_5 : Operation 58 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%tmp_29 = call i8 @_ssdm_op_PartSelect.i8.i24.i32.i32(i24 %p_Val2_s, i32 16, i32 23)" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_axi_io.h:49->C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_axi_io.h:71->C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:92] ---> Operation 58 'partselect' 'tmp_29' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_5 : Operation 59 [1/1] (1.76ns) ---> "store i1 false, i1* %sof_1" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:73] ---> Operation 59 'store' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73)> <Delay = 1.76>
State 6 <SV = 5> <Delay = 2.93>
ST_6 : Operation 60 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecLoopName([11 x i8]* @p_str8) nounwind" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:73] ---> Operation 60 'specloopname' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_6 : Operation 61 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%tmp_26 = call i32 (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecRegionBegin([11 x i8]* @p_str8)" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:73] ---> Operation 61 'specregionbegin' 'tmp_26' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_6 : Operation 62 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecPipeline(i32 1, i32 1, i32 1, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str) nounwind" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:75] ---> Operation 62 'specpipeline' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_6 : Operation 63 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%tmp_30 = call i32 (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecRegionBegin([12 x i8]* @p_str16)" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_core.h:696->C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_core.h:717->C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:94] ---> Operation 63 'specregionbegin' 'tmp_30' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_6 : Operation 64 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecProtocol(i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str) nounwind" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_core.h:700->C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_core.h:717->C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:94] ---> Operation 64 'specprotocol' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_6 : Operation 65 [1/1] (2.93ns) ---> "call void @_ssdm_op_Write.ap_fifo.volatile.i8P(i8* %img_data_stream_0_V, i8 %tmp)" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_core.h:703->C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_core.h:717->C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:94] ---> Operation 65 'write' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73)> <Delay = 2.93> <Core = "FIFO"> ---> Core 32 'FIFO' <Latency = 0> <II = 1> <Delay = 3.63> <Storage> <Opcode : 'read' 'write' 'nbread' 'nbwrite'> <Ports = 0> <Width = 8> <Depth = 2> <FIFO>
ST_6 : Operation 66 [1/1] (2.93ns) ---> "call void @_ssdm_op_Write.ap_fifo.volatile.i8P(i8* %img_data_stream_1_V, i8 %tmp_28)" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_core.h:703->C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_core.h:717->C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:94] ---> Operation 66 'write' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73)> <Delay = 2.93> <Core = "FIFO"> ---> Core 32 'FIFO' <Latency = 0> <II = 1> <Delay = 3.63> <Storage> <Opcode : 'read' 'write' 'nbread' 'nbwrite'> <Ports = 0> <Width = 8> <Depth = 2> <FIFO>
ST_6 : Operation 67 [1/1] (2.93ns) ---> "call void @_ssdm_op_Write.ap_fifo.volatile.i8P(i8* %img_data_stream_2_V, i8 %tmp_29)" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_core.h:703->C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_core.h:717->C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:94] ---> Operation 67 'write' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73)> <Delay = 2.93> <Core = "FIFO"> ---> Core 32 'FIFO' <Latency = 0> <II = 1> <Delay = 3.63> <Storage> <Opcode : 'read' 'write' 'nbread' 'nbwrite'> <Ports = 0> <Width = 8> <Depth = 2> <FIFO>
ST_6 : Operation 68 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%empty_110 = call i32 (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecRegionEnd([12 x i8]* @p_str16, i32 %tmp_30)" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_core.h:705->C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_core.h:717->C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:94] ---> Operation 68 'specregionend' 'empty_110' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_6 : Operation 69 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%empty_111 = call i32 (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecRegionEnd([11 x i8]* @p_str8, i32 %tmp_26)" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:95] ---> Operation 69 'specregionend' 'empty_111' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_6 : Operation 70 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "br label %0" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:73] ---> Operation 70 'br' <Predicate = (!icmp_ln73)> <Delay = 0.00>
State 7 <SV = 5> <Delay = 1.76>
ST_7 : Operation 71 [1/1] (1.76ns) ---> "br label %.preheader" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:96] ---> Operation 71 'br' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 1.76>
State 8 <SV = 6> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_8 : Operation 72 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%axi_last_V_3 = phi i1 [ %tmp_last_V_2, %loop_wait_for_eol ], [ %eol, %.preheader.preheader ]" ---> Operation 72 'phi' 'axi_last_V_3' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_8 : Operation 73 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%axi_data_V_3 = phi i24 [ %tmp_data_V_2, %loop_wait_for_eol ], [ %axi_data_V_1, %.preheader.preheader ]" ---> Operation 73 'phi' 'axi_data_V_3' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_8 : Operation 74 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%eol_2 = phi i1 [ %tmp_last_V_2, %loop_wait_for_eol ], [ %eol_0, %.preheader.preheader ]" ---> Operation 74 'phi' 'eol_2' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_8 : Operation 75 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "br i1 %eol_2, label %loop_height_end, label %loop_wait_for_eol" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:96] ---> Operation 75 'br' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_8 : Operation 76 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecLoopName([18 x i8]* @p_str19) nounwind" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:96] ---> Operation 76 'specloopname' <Predicate = (!eol_2)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_8 : Operation 77 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%tmp_27 = call i32 (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecRegionBegin([18 x i8]* @p_str19)" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:96] ---> Operation 77 'specregionbegin' 'tmp_27' <Predicate = (!eol_2)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_8 : Operation 78 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecPipeline(i32 1, i32 1, i32 1, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str) nounwind" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:97] ---> Operation 78 'specpipeline' <Predicate = (!eol_2)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_8 : Operation 79 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "call void (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecLoopTripCount(i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, [1 x i8]* @p_str) nounwind" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:98] ---> Operation 79 'speclooptripcount' <Predicate = (!eol_2)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_8 : Operation 80 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%empty_112 = call { i24, i3, i3, i1, i1, i1, i1 } @_ssdm_op_Read.axis.volatile.i24P.i3P.i3P.i1P.i1P.i1P.i1P(i24* %AXI_video_strm_V_data_V, i3* %AXI_video_strm_V_keep_V, i3* %AXI_video_strm_V_strb_V, i1* %AXI_video_strm_V_user_V, i1* %AXI_video_strm_V_last_V, i1* %AXI_video_strm_V_id_V, i1* %AXI_video_strm_V_dest_V)" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:100] ---> Operation 80 'read' 'empty_112' <Predicate = (!eol_2)> <Delay = 0.00> <Core = "AXI4Stream"> ---> Core 5 'AXI4Stream' <Latency = 0> <II = 1> <Delay = 1.00> <Adapter> <Opcode : >
ST_8 : Operation 81 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%tmp_data_V_2 = extractvalue { i24, i3, i3, i1, i1, i1, i1 } %empty_112, 0" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:100] ---> Operation 81 'extractvalue' 'tmp_data_V_2' <Predicate = (!eol_2)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_8 : Operation 82 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%tmp_last_V_2 = extractvalue { i24, i3, i3, i1, i1, i1, i1 } %empty_112, 4" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:100] ---> Operation 82 'extractvalue' 'tmp_last_V_2' <Predicate = (!eol_2)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_8 : Operation 83 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%empty_113 = call i32 (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecRegionEnd([18 x i8]* @p_str19, i32 %tmp_27)" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:103] ---> Operation 83 'specregionend' 'empty_113' <Predicate = (!eol_2)> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_8 : Operation 84 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "br label %.preheader" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:103] ---> Operation 84 'br' <Predicate = (!eol_2)> <Delay = 0.00>
State 9 <SV = 7> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_9 : Operation 85 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "%empty_114 = call i32 (...)* @_ssdm_op_SpecRegionEnd([12 x i8]* @p_str7, i32 %tmp_25)" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:104] ---> Operation 85 'specregionend' 'empty_114' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
ST_9 : Operation 86 [1/1] (0.00ns) ---> "br label %.preheader232" [C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:71] ---> Operation 86 'br' <Predicate = true> <Delay = 0.00>
+ Verbose Summary: Timing violations
Target clock period: 6.7ns, clock uncertainty: 0.837ns.
<State 1>: 0ns
The critical path consists of the following:
<State 2>: 0ns
The critical path consists of the following:
<State 3>: 1.77ns
The critical path consists of the following:
'alloca' operation ('sof_1') [28] (0 ns)
'store' operation ('store_ln71', C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:71) of constant 1 on local variable 'sof_1' [29] (1.77 ns)
<State 4>: 2.86ns
The critical path consists of the following:
'icmp' operation ('icmp_ln71', C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:71) [35] (1.88 ns)
blocking operation 0.978 ns on control path)
<State 5>: 2.86ns
The critical path consists of the following:
'icmp' operation ('icmp_ln73', C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:73) [48] (1.88 ns)
blocking operation 0.978 ns on control path)
<State 6>: 2.93ns
The critical path consists of the following:
fifo write on port 'img_data_stream_0_V' (C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_core.h:703->C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_core.h:717->C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:94) [72] (2.93 ns)
<State 7>: 1.77ns
The critical path consists of the following:
multiplexor before 'phi' operation ('axi.last.V') with incoming values : ('tmp.last.V', C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:68) ('tmp.last.V', C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:81) ('tmp.last.V', C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/common/technology/autopilot/hls/hls_video_io.h:100) [82] (1.77 ns)
<State 8>: 0ns
The critical path consists of the following:
<State 9>: 0ns
The critical path consists of the following:
+ Verbose Summary: Binding
* FSMD analyzer results:
- Output states:
- Input state :
- Chain level:
State 1
State 2
State 3
State 4
State 5
State 6
State 7
State 8
State 9
+ Verbose Summary: Datapath Resource usage