You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

252 lines
6.7 KiB

# This script segment is generated automatically by AutoPilot
# clear list
if {${::AESL::PGuard_autoexp_gen}} {
# Native AXIS:
if {${::AESL::PGuard_autoexp_gen}} {
if {[info proc ::AESL_LIB_XILADAPTER::native_axis_add] == "::AESL_LIB_XILADAPTER::native_axis_add"} {
eval "::AESL_LIB_XILADAPTER::native_axis_add { \
id 1 \
name AXI_video_strm_V_data_V \
reset_level 1 \
sync_rst true \
corename {stream_in} \
metadata { } \
op interface \
ports { stream_in_TDATA { I 24 vector } } \
} "
} else {
puts "@W \[IMPL-110\] Cannot find bus interface model in the library. Ignored generation of bus interface for 'AXI_video_strm_V_data_V'"
# Native AXIS:
if {${::AESL::PGuard_autoexp_gen}} {
if {[info proc ::AESL_LIB_XILADAPTER::native_axis_add] == "::AESL_LIB_XILADAPTER::native_axis_add"} {
eval "::AESL_LIB_XILADAPTER::native_axis_add { \
id 2 \
name AXI_video_strm_V_keep_V \
reset_level 1 \
sync_rst true \
corename {stream_in} \
metadata { } \
op interface \
ports { stream_in_TKEEP { I 3 vector } } \
} "
} else {
puts "@W \[IMPL-110\] Cannot find bus interface model in the library. Ignored generation of bus interface for 'AXI_video_strm_V_keep_V'"
# Native AXIS:
if {${::AESL::PGuard_autoexp_gen}} {
if {[info proc ::AESL_LIB_XILADAPTER::native_axis_add] == "::AESL_LIB_XILADAPTER::native_axis_add"} {
eval "::AESL_LIB_XILADAPTER::native_axis_add { \
id 3 \
name AXI_video_strm_V_strb_V \
reset_level 1 \
sync_rst true \
corename {stream_in} \
metadata { } \
op interface \
ports { stream_in_TSTRB { I 3 vector } } \
} "
} else {
puts "@W \[IMPL-110\] Cannot find bus interface model in the library. Ignored generation of bus interface for 'AXI_video_strm_V_strb_V'"
# Native AXIS:
if {${::AESL::PGuard_autoexp_gen}} {
if {[info proc ::AESL_LIB_XILADAPTER::native_axis_add] == "::AESL_LIB_XILADAPTER::native_axis_add"} {
eval "::AESL_LIB_XILADAPTER::native_axis_add { \
id 4 \
name AXI_video_strm_V_user_V \
reset_level 1 \
sync_rst true \
corename {stream_in} \
metadata { } \
op interface \
ports { stream_in_TUSER { I 1 vector } } \
} "
} else {
puts "@W \[IMPL-110\] Cannot find bus interface model in the library. Ignored generation of bus interface for 'AXI_video_strm_V_user_V'"
# Native AXIS:
if {${::AESL::PGuard_autoexp_gen}} {
if {[info proc ::AESL_LIB_XILADAPTER::native_axis_add] == "::AESL_LIB_XILADAPTER::native_axis_add"} {
eval "::AESL_LIB_XILADAPTER::native_axis_add { \
id 5 \
name AXI_video_strm_V_last_V \
reset_level 1 \
sync_rst true \
corename {stream_in} \
metadata { } \
op interface \
ports { stream_in_TLAST { I 1 vector } } \
} "
} else {
puts "@W \[IMPL-110\] Cannot find bus interface model in the library. Ignored generation of bus interface for 'AXI_video_strm_V_last_V'"
# Native AXIS:
if {${::AESL::PGuard_autoexp_gen}} {
if {[info proc ::AESL_LIB_XILADAPTER::native_axis_add] == "::AESL_LIB_XILADAPTER::native_axis_add"} {
eval "::AESL_LIB_XILADAPTER::native_axis_add { \
id 6 \
name AXI_video_strm_V_id_V \
reset_level 1 \
sync_rst true \
corename {stream_in} \
metadata { } \
op interface \
ports { stream_in_TID { I 1 vector } } \
} "
} else {
puts "@W \[IMPL-110\] Cannot find bus interface model in the library. Ignored generation of bus interface for 'AXI_video_strm_V_id_V'"
# Native AXIS:
if {${::AESL::PGuard_autoexp_gen}} {
if {[info proc ::AESL_LIB_XILADAPTER::native_axis_add] == "::AESL_LIB_XILADAPTER::native_axis_add"} {
eval "::AESL_LIB_XILADAPTER::native_axis_add { \
id 7 \
name AXI_video_strm_V_dest_V \
reset_level 1 \
sync_rst true \
corename {stream_in} \
metadata { } \
op interface \
ports { stream_in_TVALID { I 1 bit } stream_in_TREADY { O 1 bit } stream_in_TDEST { I 1 vector } } \
} "
} else {
puts "@W \[IMPL-110\] Cannot find bus interface model in the library. Ignored generation of bus interface for 'AXI_video_strm_V_dest_V'"
# Direct connection:
if {${::AESL::PGuard_autoexp_gen}} {
eval "cg_default_interface_gen_dc { \
id 8 \
name img_data_stream_0_V \
type fifo \
dir O \
reset_level 1 \
sync_rst true \
corename dc_img_data_stream_0_V \
op interface \
ports { img_data_stream_0_V_din { O 8 vector } img_data_stream_0_V_full_n { I 1 bit } img_data_stream_0_V_write { O 1 bit } } \
} "
# Direct connection:
if {${::AESL::PGuard_autoexp_gen}} {
eval "cg_default_interface_gen_dc { \
id 9 \
name img_data_stream_1_V \
type fifo \
dir O \
reset_level 1 \
sync_rst true \
corename dc_img_data_stream_1_V \
op interface \
ports { img_data_stream_1_V_din { O 8 vector } img_data_stream_1_V_full_n { I 1 bit } img_data_stream_1_V_write { O 1 bit } } \
} "
# Direct connection:
if {${::AESL::PGuard_autoexp_gen}} {
eval "cg_default_interface_gen_dc { \
id 10 \
name img_data_stream_2_V \
type fifo \
dir O \
reset_level 1 \
sync_rst true \
corename dc_img_data_stream_2_V \
op interface \
ports { img_data_stream_2_V_din { O 8 vector } img_data_stream_2_V_full_n { I 1 bit } img_data_stream_2_V_write { O 1 bit } } \
} "
# Direct connection:
if {${::AESL::PGuard_autoexp_gen}} {
eval "cg_default_interface_gen_dc { \
id -1 \
name ap_ctrl \
type ap_ctrl \
reset_level 1 \
sync_rst true \
corename ap_ctrl \
op interface \
ports { ap_done { O 1 bit } ap_idle { O 1 bit } ap_continue { I 1 bit } } \
} "
# Adapter definition:
set PortName ap_clk
set DataWd 1
if {${::AESL::PGuard_autoexp_gen}} {
if {[info proc cg_default_interface_gen_clock] == "cg_default_interface_gen_clock"} {
eval "cg_default_interface_gen_clock { \
id -2 \
name ${PortName} \
reset_level 1 \
sync_rst true \
corename apif_ap_clk \
data_wd ${DataWd} \
op interface \
} else {
puts "@W \[IMPL-113\] Cannot find bus interface model in the library. Ignored generation of bus interface for '${PortName}'"
# Adapter definition:
set PortName ap_rst
set DataWd 1
if {${::AESL::PGuard_autoexp_gen}} {
if {[info proc cg_default_interface_gen_reset] == "cg_default_interface_gen_reset"} {
eval "cg_default_interface_gen_reset { \
id -3 \
name ${PortName} \
reset_level 1 \
sync_rst true \
corename apif_ap_rst \
data_wd ${DataWd} \
op interface \
} else {
puts "@W \[IMPL-114\] Cannot find bus interface model in the library. Ignored generation of bus interface for '${PortName}'"
# merge
if {${::AESL::PGuard_autoexp_gen}} {