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30 lines
808 B

//**** jumptable (source: llvm)
// TODO: find corresponding C and assembly code (Exercise 1).
multibranch 0x20b00 to "processSensorData"+0x70,
loop "main"+0x4c 32;
loop "main"+0x150 10; // assumed bound
// TODO: find tighter loop bound, later, specify loop bounds depending on
// calling context (Exercise 2).
loop "fixFilter"+0x24 10000;
loop "calibrateArom"+0x48 128;
loop "calibrateArom"+0xf0 128;
loop "calibrateArom"+0x190 128;
loop "processSensorData"+0xb8 8;
loop "processSensorData"+0x214 32;
loop "processSensorData"+0x384 32;
loop "processSensorData"+0x4c0 32;
loop "runFlightPlan"+0x1bc 1; // watchdog loop