You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

98 lines
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# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
### Tangled Mind
### Author: Arthur 'Grizzly' Grisel-Davy
from glob import glob
import random
def fetch_rooms(path):
"""Fetch all the basic tiles asset from the path.
Return a dictionary
wildcard = '*-*.png'
filenames = glob(path+wildcard)
print(f"Found {len(filenames)} rooms")
assembly = {'T':[],
for filename in filenames:
label = filename.split("/")[-1].split('-')[0]
if 'T' in label:
if 'R' in label:
if 'D' in label:
if 'L' in label:
return assembly
def map_generator(n):
"""Map generator generate a map with a main path of n rooms
room_side = 1000
assembly = fetch_rooms('./maps/rooms/')
#assembly = {'T/R/D/L':[(label1,path1),(label2,path2),...]}
start_key = random.choice(list(assembly.keys()))
start_label,start_room = random.choice(assembly[start_key])
position = [0,0]
carte = [(start_room,position)]
# Select an arbitrary first direction of arrival
dir_from = random.choice(start_label)
current_label = start_label
for i in range(n):
# select the next direction, can't be the direction of arrival
dir_next = random.choice(current_label.replace(dir_from,''))
# Select the next room
next_label,next_room = random.choice(assembly[dir_next])
# Compute the position of the next tile
if dir_next == 'T':
next_position = [position[0],position[1]-room_side]
dir_from = 'D'
if dir_next == 'R':
next_position = [position[0]+room_side,position[1]]
dir_from = 'L'
if dir_next == 'D':
next_position = [position[0],position[1]+room_side]
dir_from = 'T'
if dir_next == 'L':
next_position = [position[0]-room_side,position[1]]
dir_from = 'R'
# Build the map
# Update the label for next turn
current_label = next_label
position = next_position
# Display the result:
for room in carte:
print(f"Room {room[0].split('/')[-1]} at position {room[1]}")