# Jumpstart Jumpstart is a python script for opening a set of terminal prompt at specific locations and execute scpecific commands. This script is tailored for the `Tilit` terminal emulator and will not work with other terminal emulators. This script is meant to remove the minor but existing pain of recreating a work environment again and again. I did not find any other script to do that, but if it exists let me know. ## Use Jumpstart will execute an arbitrary number of `tilix` commands based on the specified template choosen. The parameters needed for the positions of the windows are stored in the `params_default.json` file. The templates are stored in the `template\` folder. The parameters of the templates are: * `name`: the name of the window. * `dir`: the directory to move in before executing the command. * `dimensions_rel`: the relatives dimensions of the window (top/bottom/right/left/half_width/half_height). * `dimensions_abs`: Absolute dimensions of the window in row, collumns and pixel positions. * `command`: Command to execute in the window.