# coding: utf-8 # Author: Arthur 'Grizzly' Grisel-Davy import subprocess import json def get_command(options): command = 'tilix' # Directory if options['dir']: command+=" -w {}".format(options['dir']) # Name if options['name']: command +=" -t {}".format(options['name']) # Dimension absolute if 'dimensions_abs' in options.keys(): command+=" --geometry={}x{}+{}+{}".format(options['dimensions_abs']['W'], options['dimensions_abs']['H'], options['dimensions_abs']['pos_W'], options['dimensions_abs']['pos_H']) # Dimension Relative if 'dimensions_rel' in options.keys(): with open(params_path,'r') as f: params = json.loads(f.read()) L,C,H,W = 0,0,0,0 if 'bottom' in options['dimensions_rel']: H = int(params["height"]/2) if 'right' in options['dimensions_rel']: W = int(params["width"]/2) if 'half_width' in options['dimensions_rel']: C = int(params['colones']/2) else: C = params['colones'] if 'half_height' in options['dimensions_rel']: L = int(params['lignes']/2) else: L = params['lignes'] command+=" --geometry={}x{}+{}+{}".format(C,L,W,H) # Command (must be last!) if 'command' in options.keys(): command += " -e {}".format(options['command']) return(command) if __name__ == "__main__": templates_dir = './templates/' params_path = './params.json' template = 'eet2.json' with open(templates_dir+template,'r') as f: options = json.loads(f.read()) for fen in options['fenetres']: print(fen) print("Lancement de {}:".format(fen['name'])) command = get_command(fen) print("Using command: \n{}".format(command)) subprocess.call(command.split(' '))