Remove CI from Master
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 0 additions and 270 deletions
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- build
- deploy
image: python:3.6
stage: build
- 'which pip || ( apt-get update -y && apt-get install python3-pip -y )'
- pip3 install markdown2
- python3 --version
- python3 -c "from gitlabCI import build; build()"
- assets/
- images/
- templates/
- index.html
image: ubuntu
stage: deploy
- 'which ssh-agent || ( apt-get update -y && apt-get install openssh-client -y )'
- eval $(ssh-agent -s)
- echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add - > /dev/null
- mkdir -p ~/.ssh
- chmod 700 ~/.ssh
- ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
- chmod 644 ~/.ssh/known_hosts
- ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -J git@ "rm -r /var/www/aurore/*"
- scp -r assets/ images/ templates/ index.html git@
@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
from markdown2 import markdown_path
from typing import List, Tuple
from datetime import date
from os import walk, system
markdown_dir = 'markdown'
html_dir = 'templates'
img_dir = 'images'
tab = ''
# Build Stage #
def build() -> None:
Build all files needed for the web site.
Build HTML files from Markdown files.
Copy images from Markdown directory to HTML directory.
Build events template.
md_files = get_sources()
def change_img_url(html: str, html_path: str) -> str:
Change the URL from each image tag inside the HTML code. The change is done only if it is a local address.
:param html: The original HTML code
:type html: str
:param html_path: Path of the HTML code
:type html_path: str
:return: The modify HTML code
:rtype: str
>>> change_img_url('<img src="images/img.png" />', '13-04-2019-Example')
'<img src="templates/13-04-2019-Example/images/img.png" />'
>>> change_img_url('<img src="" />', '13-04-2019-Example')
'<img src="" />'
img_pos = html.find("<img ")
if img_pos != -1:
new_html = html[:img_pos]
new_html = html
while img_pos != -1:
src_pos = html.find("src=", img_pos+5)
src_end = html.find(html[src_pos + 4], src_pos + 5)
src = html[src_pos+5:src_end]
if src[:4] != 'http':
src = html_path[:html_path.rfind('/')] + '/' + src
new_html += html[img_pos:src_pos+5] + src
img_pos = html.find("<img ", src_end)
if img_pos != -1:
new_html += html[src_end:img_pos]
new_html += html[src_end:]
return new_html
def copy_files(md_files: List[str]) -> None:
Copy files and directories from Markdown directory to HTML directory.
:param md_files: List of all Markdown files path in the Markdown directory
:type md_files: List[str]
for md_file in md_files:
directory = md_file[:md_file.rfind('/')]
system('cp -r ' + directory.replace(' ', '\\ ') + '/* ' + directory.replace(' ', '_').replace(markdown_dir, html_dir))
rm_file = md_file.replace(markdown_dir, html_dir).replace(' ', '\\ ')
rm_file = rm_file[:rm_file.rfind('/')+1].replace('\\ ', '_') + rm_file[rm_file.rfind('/')+1:]
system('rm ' + rm_file)
def create_html_files(md_files: List[str]) -> None:
Build HTML files from Markdown files.
:param md_files: List of all Markdown files path in the Markdown directory
:type md_files: List[str]
for md_file in md_files:
original_html = markdown_path(md_file) # Conversion from markdown to HTML
html_directory = html_dir + '/' + md_file.split('/')[1].replace(' ', '_')
html_filename = md_file[:-3].replace(markdown_dir, html_dir).replace(' ', '_') + '.html'
system('mkdir ' + html_directory) # Creation of the HTML directory
final_html = change_img_url(original_html, html_filename)
title = md_file[md_file.rfind('/') + 1:].split('-')[3][:-3]
event_date = md_file[md_file.rfind('/')+1:][:10].replace('-', '/')
final_html = '<h2 class="major"><div class="title">' + title + '</div><div class="date">' + event_date + \
'</div></h2>\n' + final_html
with open(html_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as html_file:
html_file.write(final_html) # Write HTML inside the file
def create_templates(md_files: List[str]) -> None:
Build events and index template.
:param md_files: List of all Markdown files path in the Markdown directory
:type md_files: List[str]
events_html = '<h2 class="major">Évènements et foyers</h2>\n'
index_html = ''
if len(md_files) != 0:
for md_file in md_files:
event_date, title, event = parse_md_filename(md_file.replace(' ', '_'))
if (event_date, date, title) == (date.min, '', ''):
events_html += '<a class="event" href="#event-' + event_date.strftime('%d-%m-%Y') + '-' + title + '">\n \
<div class="date">' + event_date.strftime('%a %d %b %Y') + '</div>\n \
<div class="title">' + title.replace('_', ' ') + '</div>\n \
<div class="description">\n' + event + '</div>\n \
index_html += '<article id="event-' + event_date.strftime(
'%d-%m-%Y') + '-' + title + '"></article>\n\t\t\t\t'
events_html += "<p>Pas d'évènements prévus à ce jour :(</p>\n"
with open('templates/events.html', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as events_template:
initial_index_html = ''
with open("index.html", "r", encoding='utf-8') as index_template:
for line in index_template:
initial_index_html += line
with open("index.html", "w", encoding='utf-8') as index_template:
position = initial_index_html.find('<!-- Events articles -->')
index_template.write(initial_index_html[:position] + index_html + initial_index_html[position:])
def del_links(html: str) -> str:
Delete the link tags (<a>) inside of the HTML code.
:param html: HTML code with link tags
:type html: str
:return: HTML code without link tags
:rtype: str
>>> del_links('<p>An <a href="">example</a></p>')
'<p>An example</p>'
new_html = ""
i = 0
opened = False
while i < len(html) - 4: # Not going out of range
if html[i:i + 3] == "<a ": # Beginning of an opening link tag
for j in range(3, len(html) - i - 3):
if html[i + j] == ">": # Ending of the opening link tag
i += j + 1
opened = True
elif html[i:i + 4] == "</a>" and opened: # Closing link tag
i += 4
opened = False
new_html += html[i]
i += 1
return new_html
def get_sources() -> List[str]:
Search and return markdown files path used as sources.
:return: The markdown files
:rtype: List[str]
md_files = []
for (root, dirs, files) in walk(markdown_dir):
for file in files:
if file[-3:] == '.md': # It is a markdown file
md_files.append(root + '/' + file)
return md_files
def parse_md_filename(filename: str) -> Tuple[date, str, str]:
Parse the Markdown file to have the event date, the title and the description.
:param filename: Filename of the Markdown file.
Format must be:
:type filename: str
:return: If the filename format is correct: (Event Date, Title, Description)
If it is not correct: (date.min, '', '')
:rtype: Tuple[date, str, str]
>>> parse_md_filename('')
(date(2019, 06, 13), Example, *Content of the Markdown file without link tags*)
>>> parse_md_filename('13-06-2019-BadExample')
(date.min, '', '')
>>> parse_md_filename('Bad-Example')
(date.min, '', '')
split = filename[filename.rfind('/') + 1:].split('-')
if len(split) == 4: # Format is good :
day, month, year, title = split
title = title[:-3] # Remove the extension
event_date = date(int(year), int(month), int(day))
return date.min, '', ''
event = ''
nb_line = 0
with open(filename.replace(markdown_dir, html_dir).replace('.md', '.html'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as html_file:
for line in html_file:
if nb_line > 0:
event += line
nb_line += 1
event = del_links(event)
return event_date, title, event
Reference in a new issue