#!/usr/bin/env python3 from configparser import ConfigParser import socket from re2oapi import Re2oAPIClient from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader import requests import base64 import json from subprocess import call import os.path config = ConfigParser() config.read('config.ini') api_hostname = config.get('Re2o', 'hostname') api_password = config.get('Re2o', 'password') api_username = config.get('Re2o', 'username') api_client = Re2oAPIClient(api_hostname, api_username, api_password) client_hostname = socket.gethostname().split('.', 1)[0] all_users = api_client.list("mail/alias") def generate(api_client): # Création de l'environnement Jinja env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('.')) template = env.get_template('templates/list') aliases_rendered = template.render(data=all_users) fichier = open('generated/aliases','w') if os.path.isfile('aliases_local'): # if a local aliases file exist, add it's content at the beginning local = open('aliases_local','r') for line in local.readlines(): fichier.write(line) local.close() fichier.write(aliases_rendered) fichier.close() call(["newalias", "generated/aliases"]) # Update the aliases config file call(["postfix", "reload"]) # force the reloading now for service in api_client.list("services/regen/"): if service['hostname'] == client_hostname and \ service['service_name'] == 'mail-server' and \ service['need_regen']: generate(api_client) api_client.patch(service['api_url'], data={'need_regen': False})