--- title: Contact menu: main: weight: 4 --- We are *Association pour l'Union des Rézo des Résidences Etudiantes* (Aurore). Aurore organization was created on May 29th 2000. On March 6th 2019, Eminet, Pac@net and Flemnet were disolved and merged with Aurore. Nowadays, we are providing Internet at 5 dormatories in the CROUS of Versailles. ## By opening a ticket You can open a ticket on our intranet by follwing this link: . We recommend using this mean of contact for a connection problem, an user account problem or a payment problem. ## Via email **Administrative Council** : **Technical support** : **Treasury** : ## Via Matrix Matrix is an open and federated chat protocol. You may join a support room dedicated to help members by follwing this link : . {{< figure src="../../images/qrcode_support_aurore.svg" title="" >}} ## Legal informations [Status](../../docs/status.pdf) [Internal rules](../../docs/ri.pdf) **Official Aurore website** : **Publicator director** : Léopold Clément (president of Aurore) **Head office** : ``` Aurore Résidence universitaire les jardins de Fleming 21, rue André Maginot 91400 Orsay SIRET : 844 681 601 00028 ``` Aurore is registered to the [RIPE](https://www.ripe.net/) as `AS43619`.