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open Ipaddr
module Prefix = struct
type t = Ipv4 of V4.Prefix.t | Ipv6 of V6.Prefix.t | Not of t
let rec compare a b =
match (a, b) with
| Ipv4 a, Ipv4 b -> a b
| Ipv6 a, Ipv6 b -> a b
| Ipv6 _, _ -> 1
| _, Ipv6 _ -> -1
| Not a, Not b -> -compare a b
| Not _, _ -> -1
| _, Not _ -> 1
let rec to_ipv4_list negate = function
| Ipv4 ipv4 -> if negate then [] else [ ipv4 ]
| Ipv6 _ -> []
| Not prefix -> to_ipv4_list (not negate) prefix
let rec to_ipv6_list negate = function
| Ipv4 _ -> []
| Ipv6 ipv6 -> if negate then [] else [ ipv6 ]
| Not prefix -> to_ipv6_list (not negate) prefix
module PrefixSet = struct
include Stdlib.Set.Make (Prefix)
let of_addrs zones =
let open Config in
| Addrs.Name name -> (
match List.assoc_opt name zones with
| Some set -> set
| None -> failwith ("zone " ^ name ^ " not found"))
| Addrs.Ipv4 prefix -> singleton (Prefix.Ipv4 prefix)
| Addrs.Ipv6 prefix -> singleton (Prefix.Ipv6 prefix)
let of_addrs_list zone =
List.fold_left (fun acc addrs -> union (of_addrs zone addrs) acc) empty
module Zones = struct
open Config.Zone
let dependencies zone =
let rec aux = function
| Ipv4 _ | Ipv6 _ -> []
| Name name -> [ name ]
| List list -> List.flatten ( aux list)
| Not not -> aux not
in (fun (k, v) -> (k, aux v)) zone
let rec compile_zone assoc = function
| Ipv4 ipv4 -> PrefixSet.singleton (Prefix.Ipv4 ipv4)
| Ipv6 ipv6 -> PrefixSet.singleton (Prefix.Ipv6 ipv6)
| Name name -> List.assoc name assoc
| List list ->
(fun acc zone -> PrefixSet.union (compile_zone assoc zone) acc)
PrefixSet.empty list
| Not zone -> (fun p -> Prefix.Not p) (compile_zone assoc zone)
let compile zones =
match Tsort.sort (dependencies zones) with
| Tsort.Sorted sorted ->
(fun name acc ->
let zone = List.assoc name zones in
let compiled = compile_zone acc zone in
(name, compiled) :: acc)
sorted []
| _ -> failwith "cyclic dependency in zones definitions"
module Rules = struct
open Nftables
open Config.Rule
(* Bon, ce module n'est vraiment pas très joli… *)
let compile_addrs_list getter expr negate zones addrs_list =
(fun prefix acc -> getter negate prefix @ acc)
(PrefixSet.of_addrs_list zones addrs_list)
|> expr
let compile_match_addrs getter expr field zones addrs_list =
let equal = compile_addrs_list getter expr false zones addrs_list in
let not_equal = compile_addrs_list getter expr true zones addrs_list in
let stmts =
match equal with
| [] -> []
| _ -> [ Stmt.Match (Match.Eq, Expr.Payload field, Expr.Set equal) ]
match not_equal with
| [] -> stmts
| _ ->
Stmt.Match (Match.NotEq, Expr.Payload field, Expr.Set not_equal)
:: stmts
let compile_match_ipv4 field =
compile_match_addrs Prefix.to_ipv4_list Expr.ipv4 (Payload.Ipv4 field)
let compile_match_ipv6 field =
compile_match_addrs Prefix.to_ipv6_list Expr.ipv6 (Payload.Ipv6 field)
let compile_rule zones { src; dest; _ } =
let ipv4_src = compile_match_ipv4 Payload.Ipv4.Saddr zones src in
let ipv4_dest = compile_match_ipv4 Payload.Ipv4.Daddr zones dest in
let ipv6_src = compile_match_ipv6 Payload.Ipv6.Saddr zones src in
let ipv6_dest = compile_match_ipv6 Payload.Ipv6.Daddr zones dest in
let verdict = [ Stmt.Verdict Verdict.Accept ] in
[ ipv4_src @ ipv4_dest @ verdict; ipv6_src @ ipv6_dest @ verdict ]
let compile zones rules = List.flatten ( (compile_rule zones) rules)
let compile config =
let open Nftables in
let open Config in
let zones = Zones.compile config.zones in
let exprs = Rules.compile zones config.rules in
let family = Family.Inet in
let table = "filter" in
let chain = "forward" in
let compiled = (fun expr -> Command.AddRule { family; table; chain; expr }) exprs
:: Command.AddTable { family; name = table }
:: Command.AddChain { family; table; name = chain }
:: compiled