open Utils open Ipaddr type _ udp = | UdpDport : int udp | UdpSport : int udp type _ tcp = | TcpDport : int tcp | TcpSport : int tcp type _ payload = | Udp : 'a udp -> 'a payload | Tcp : 'a tcp -> 'a payload type _ expr = | String : string -> string expr | Number : int -> int expr | Boolean : bool -> int expr | Ipv4 : (V4.t * V4.Prefix.t) -> (V4.t * V4.Prefix.t) expr | Ipv6 : (V6.t * V6.Prefix.t) -> (V6.t * V6.Prefix.t) expr | List : 'a expr list -> 'a expr | Set : 'a expr list -> 'a expr | Range : 'a expr * 'a expr -> 'a expr | Payload : 'a payload -> 'a expr type (_, _) match_op = | Eq : ('a, 'a) match_op | NotEq : ('a, 'a) match_op type counter = | Named of string | Anon of { packets: int; bytes: int } type verdict = | Accept | Drop | Continue | Return | Jump of string | Goto of string type _ stmt = | Match : { left: 'a expr; right: 'b expr; op: ('a, 'b) match_op } -> unit stmt | Counter : counter -> unit stmt | Verdict : verdict -> unit stmt | NoTrack : unit stmt | Log : { prefix: string option; group: int option } -> unit stmt type family = Ip6 | Ip4 | Inet type table = { family: family; table_name: string } type chain = { family: family; table: string; chain_name: string } type rule = { family: family; table: string; chain: string; expr: unit stmt list } type add_object = | AddTable of table | AddChain of chain | AddRule of rule type flush_object = | FlushRuleset | FlushTable of table | FlushChain of chain type command = | Add of add_object | Flush of flush_object let string_of_udp : type a. a udp -> string = function | UdpSport -> "sport" | UdpDport -> "dport" let string_of_tcp : type a. a tcp -> string = function | TcpSport -> "sport" | TcpDport -> "dport" let assoc_one key value = `Assoc [(key, value)] let json_of_payload (type a) (payload : a payload) = let (protocol, field) = match payload with | Udp udp -> "udp", string_of_udp udp | Tcp tcp -> "tcp", string_of_tcp tcp in assoc_one "payload" (`Assoc [ ("protocol", `String protocol); ("field", `String field); ]) let rec json_of_expr : type a. a expr -> Yojson.Basic.t = function | String s -> `String s | Number n -> `Int n | Boolean b -> `Bool b | Ipv4 (a, p) -> assoc_one "prefix" (`Assoc [ ("addr", `String (V4.to_string a)); ("len", `Int (V4.Prefix.bits p)) ]) | Ipv6 (a, p) -> assoc_one "prefix" (`Assoc [ ("addr", `String (V6.to_string a)); ("len", `Int (V6.Prefix.bits p)) ]) | List l -> `List ( json_of_expr l) | Set s -> assoc_one "set" (`List ( json_of_expr s)) | Range (a, b) -> assoc_one "range" (`List [json_of_expr a ; json_of_expr b]) | Payload p -> json_of_payload p let string_of_match_op : type a b. (a, b) match_op -> string = function | Eq -> "==" | NotEq -> "!=" let json_of_counter = function | Named n -> assoc_one "counter" (`String n) | Anon { packets; bytes } -> assoc_one "counter" (`Assoc [ ("packets", `Int packets); ("bytes", `Int bytes) ]) let json_of_verdict = function | Accept -> assoc_one "accept" `Null | Drop -> assoc_one "drop" `Null | Continue -> assoc_one "continue" `Null | Return -> assoc_one "return" `Null | Jump s -> assoc_one "jump" (assoc_one "target" (`String s)) | Goto s -> assoc_one "goto" (assoc_one "target" (`String s)) let json_of_stmt : type a. a stmt -> Yojson.Basic.t = function | Match { left; right; op } -> assoc_one "match" (`Assoc [ ("left", json_of_expr left); ("right", json_of_expr right); ("op", `String (string_of_match_op op)) ]) | Counter c -> json_of_counter c | Verdict v -> json_of_verdict v | NoTrack -> assoc_one "notrack" `Null | Log { prefix; group } -> let elems = [ (fun p -> ("prefix", `String p)) prefix; (fun g -> ("group", `Int g)) group ] in assoc_one "log" (`Assoc (deoptionalise elems)) let string_of_family = function | Ip6 -> "ip6" | Ip4 -> "ip4" | Inet -> "inet" let json_of_table { family; table_name } = assoc_one "table" (`Assoc [ ("family", `String (string_of_family family)); ("name", `String table_name) ]) let json_of_chain { family; table; chain_name } = assoc_one "chain" (`Assoc [ ("family", `String (string_of_family family)); ("table", `String table); ("name", `String chain_name) ]) let json_of_rule { family; table; chain; expr } = assoc_one "rule" (`Assoc [ ("family", `String (string_of_family family)); ("table", `String table); ("chain", `String chain); ("expr", `List ( json_of_stmt expr)) ]) let json_of_add_object = function | AddTable t -> json_of_table t | AddChain c -> json_of_chain c | AddRule r -> json_of_rule r let json_of_flush_object = function | FlushRuleset -> assoc_one "ruleset" `Null | FlushTable t -> json_of_table t | FlushChain c -> json_of_chain c let json_of_command = function | Add a -> assoc_one "add" (json_of_add_object a) | Flush a -> assoc_one "flush" (json_of_flush_object a) let json_of_nftables n = assoc_one "nftables" (`List ( json_of_command n))