Replace record type with tuple for Match

jeltz 2 years ago
parent 570c40b434
commit 6e26862f40
Signed by: jeltz
GPG Key ID: 800882B66C0C3326

@ -35,12 +35,7 @@ type verdict =
| Goto of string
type _ stmt =
| Match : {
left : 'a expr;
right : 'b expr;
op : ('a, 'b) match_op;
-> unit stmt
| Match : (('a, 'b) match_op * 'a expr * 'b expr) -> unit stmt
| Counter : counter -> unit stmt
| Verdict : verdict -> unit stmt
| NoTrack : unit stmt
@ -136,7 +131,7 @@ let json_of_verdict = function
| Goto s -> assoc_one "goto" (assoc_one "target" (`String s))
let json_of_stmt : type a. a stmt -> Yojson.Basic.t = function
| Match { left; right; op } ->
| Match (op, left, right) ->
assoc_one "match"
