WIP: add a compile.ml file

This commit is contained in:
jeltz 2022-09-06 17:20:14 +02:00
parent 82ae6dbc33
commit 6739c4b4a8
Signed by: jeltz
GPG key ID: 800882B66C0C3326
2 changed files with 104 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -1,37 +1,109 @@
open Config
open Ipaddr
let rec deps_of_zone = function
| ZoneIpv4 _ | ZoneIpv6 _ -> []
| Zone z -> [z]
| ZoneList l -> List.flatten (List.map deps_of_zone l)
| ZoneExclude e -> deps_of_zone e
module Prefix = struct
type t = Ipv4 of V4.Prefix.t | Ipv6 of V6.Prefix.t | Not of t
let deps_of_zones zone =
List.map (fun (a, b) -> (a, deps_of_zone b)) zone
let rec compare a b =
match (a, b) with
| Ipv4 a, Ipv4 b -> V4.Prefix.compare a b
| Ipv6 a, Ipv6 b -> V6.Prefix.compare a b
| Ipv6 _, _ -> 1
| _, Ipv6 _ -> -1
| Not a, Not b -> -compare a b
| Not _, _ -> -1
| _, Not _ -> 1
let compile_zone _ _ = []
module PrefixSet = struct
include Stdlib.Set.Make (Prefix)
let of_addrs zones =
let open Config in
| Addrs.Name name -> (
match List.assoc_opt name zones with
| Some set -> set
| None -> failwith ("zone " ^ name ^ " not found"))
| Addrs.Ipv4 prefix -> singleton (Prefix.Ipv4 prefix)
| Addrs.Ipv6 prefix -> singleton (Prefix.Ipv6 prefix)
let of_addrs_list zone =
List.fold_left (fun acc addrs -> union (of_addrs zone addrs) acc) empty
let rec zone_deps =
let open Config.Zone in
| Ipv4 _ | Ipv6 _ -> []
| Name name -> [ name ]
| List list -> List.flatten (List.map zone_deps list)
| Not not -> zone_deps not
let zones_deps zone = List.map (fun (k, v) -> (k, zone_deps v)) zone
let rec compile_zone assoc =
let open Config.Zone in
| Ipv4 ipv4 -> PrefixSet.singleton (Prefix.Ipv4 ipv4)
| Ipv6 ipv6 -> PrefixSet.singleton (Prefix.Ipv6 ipv6)
| Name name -> List.assoc name assoc
| List list ->
(fun acc zone -> PrefixSet.union (compile_zone assoc zone) acc)
PrefixSet.empty list
| Not zone -> PrefixSet.map (fun p -> Prefix.Not p) (compile_zone assoc zone)
let compile_zones zones =
let deps = deps_of_zones zones in
match Tsort.sort deps with
match Tsort.sort (zones_deps zones) with
| Tsort.Sorted sorted ->
List.fold_right (fun name acc ->
let values = List.assoc name zones in
let compiled = compile_zone acc values in
(name, compiled) :: acc) sorted []
(fun name acc ->
let zone = List.assoc name zones in
let compiled = compile_zone acc zone in
(name, compiled) :: acc)
sorted []
| _ -> assert false
let compile_rule zones { src; dest; l4 } =
let match_src = match src with
| [] -> []
| l -> []
let find_ipv4 zones negate addrs_list =
let open Prefix in
let prefixes = PrefixSet.of_addrs_list zones addrs_list in
let rec filter_prefix negate prefix acc =
match prefix with
| Ipv4 ipv4 -> if negate then acc else ipv4 :: acc
| Ipv6 _ -> acc
| Not prefix -> filter_prefix (not negate) prefix acc
let match_dest = match dest with
| [] -> []
| l -> []
let l4_rules = compile_l4 zones l4 in
List.flatten [match_src; match_dest; l4_rules]
PrefixSet.fold (filter_prefix negate) prefixes []
let compile_rules zones =
List.map (compile_rule zones)
let compile_addrs_ipv4 zones field addrs =
let open Nftables in
let equal = find_ipv4 zones false addrs |> List.map (fun p -> Expr.Ipv4 p) in
let not_equal =
find_ipv4 zones true addrs |> List.map (fun p -> Expr.Ipv4 p)
(* TODO: handle empty sets *)
Stmt.Match (Match.Eq, Expr.Payload (Payload.Ipv4 field), Expr.Set equal);
(Match.NotEq, Expr.Payload (Payload.Ipv4 field), Expr.Set not_equal);
let compile_rule zones rule =
let open Config.Rule in
let open Nftables in
let ipv4_src = compile_addrs_ipv4 zones Payload.Ipv4.Saddr rule.src in
let ipv4_dest = compile_addrs_ipv4 zones Payload.Ipv4.Daddr rule.dest in
List.flatten [ ipv4_src; ipv4_dest ]
let compile config =
let open Nftables in
let open Config in
let zones = compile_zones config.zones in
let exprs = List.map (compile_rule zones) config.rules in
let family = Family.Inet in
let table = "filter" in
let chain = "forward" in
let compiled =
List.map (fun expr -> Command.AddRule { family; table; chain; expr }) exprs
Command.FlushRuleset :: compiled

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@ -1,25 +1,6 @@
open Nftables
let json = Yojson.Basic.from_file "config.json"
let config = Config.of_json json
let compiled = Compile.compile config
let nftables = Nftables.to_json compiled
let nftables = [
Flush FlushRuleset;
Add (AddRule {
family = Inet;
table = "filter";
chain = "forward";
expr =
Log { prefix = Some "test"; group = None };
Match {
left = Payload (Udp UdpSport);
right = Set [Number 53];
op = NotEq };
Verdict Accept
let json = json_of_nftables nftables
let () =
print_string (Yojson.Basic.to_string json);
print_newline ()
let () = Format.printf "%s\n" (Yojson.Basic.pretty_to_string nftables)