You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

31 lines
646 B

{{ ansible_managed | comment }}
{% for pool in chronyd__pools %}
pool {{ pool }} iburst
{% endfor %}
keyfile {{ chronyd__key_file }}
driftfile {{ chronyd__drift_file }}
ntsdumpdir {{ chronyd__nts_dump_dir }}
logdir {{ chronyd__log_dir }}
log tracking measurements statistics
maxupdateskew {{ chronyd__max_update_skew | float }}
{% if chronyd__rtcsync %}
{% endif %}
{% if chronyd__local_stratum is defined %}
local stratum {{ chronyd__local_stratum | int }}
{% endif %}
logchange {{ chronyd__log_change_seconds | float }}
leapsectz right/UTC
{% for network in chronyd__allow_networks %}
allow {{ network | ipaddr }}
{% endfor %}