# Aurore servers inventory # How to name your server ? # > We name servers according to location, then type. # > So all containers at OVH are in ovh-container. # > Then we regroup everything in global geographic and type groups. [ovh-pve] horus ansible_host= [ovh-container] riot.adm.auro.re synapse.adm.auro.re codimd.adm.auro.re services-bdd.adm.auro.re phabricator.adm.auro.re horus-wiki ansible_host= www.adm.auro.re pad.adm.auro.re proxy.adm.auro.re [ovh-vm] re2o-server.adm.auro.re re2o-ldap.adm.auro.re re2o-db.adm.auro.re serge.adm.auro.re [fleming-pve] freya.adm.auro.re odin.adm.auro.re [fleming-vm-ldap-replica] ldap-replica-fleming1.adm.auro.re ldap-replica-fleming2.adm.auro.re # everything at ovh [ovh:children] ovh-pve ovh-container ovh-vm # everything at fleming [fleming:children] fleming-pve fleming-vm-ldap-replica # every LXC container [container:children] ovh-container # every virtual machine [vm:children] ovh-vm fleming-vm-ldap-replica # every PVE [pve:children] ovh-pve fleming-pve # every LDAP replica [ldap-replica:children] fleming-vm-ldap-replica