# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # REST endpoint Authentication module for Matrix synapse # Copyright (C) 2017 Maxime Dor # # https://max.kamax.io/ # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # import logging from twisted.internet import defer import requests import json logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RestAuthProvider(object): def __init__(self, config, account_handler): self.account_handler = account_handler if not config.endpoint: raise RuntimeError('Missing endpoint config') self.endpoint = config.endpoint self.regLower = config.regLower self.config = config logger.info('Endpoint: %s', self.endpoint) logger.info('Enforce lowercase username during registration: %s', self.regLower) @defer.inlineCallbacks def check_password(self, user_id, password): logger.info("Got password check for " + user_id) data = {'user':{'id':user_id, 'password':password}} r = requests.post(self.endpoint + '/_matrix-internal/identity/v1/check_credentials', json = data) r.raise_for_status() r = r.json() if not r["auth"]: reason = "Invalid JSON data returned from REST endpoint" logger.warning(reason) raise RuntimeError(reason) auth = r["auth"] if not auth["success"]: logger.info("User not authenticated") defer.returnValue(False) localpart = user_id.split(":", 1)[0][1:] logger.info("User %s authenticated", user_id) registration = False if not (yield self.account_handler.check_user_exists(user_id)): logger.info("User %s does not exist yet, creating...", user_id) if localpart != localpart.lower() and self.regLower: logger.info('User %s was cannot be created due to username lowercase policy', localpart) defer.returnValue(False) user_id, access_token = (yield self.account_handler.register(localpart=localpart)) registration = True logger.info("Registration based on REST data was successful for %s", user_id) else: logger.info("User %s already exists, registration skipped", user_id) if auth["profile"]: logger.info("Handling profile data") profile = auth["profile"] store = yield self.account_handler.hs.get_profile_handler().store if "display_name" in profile and ((registration and self.config.setNameOnRegister) or (self.config.setNameOnLogin)): display_name = profile["display_name"] logger.info("Setting display name to '%s' based on profile data", display_name) yield store.set_profile_displayname(localpart, display_name) else: logger.info("Display name was not set because it was not given or policy restricted it") if (self.config.updateThreepid): if "three_pids" in profile: logger.info("Handling 3PIDs") for threepid in profile["three_pids"]: medium = threepid["medium"].lower() address = threepid["address"].lower() logger.info("Looking for 3PID %s:%s in user profile", medium, address) validated_at = self.account_handler.hs.get_clock().time_msec() if not (yield store.get_user_id_by_threepid(medium, address)): logger.info("3PID is not present, adding") yield store.user_add_threepid( user_id, medium, address, validated_at, validated_at ) else: logger.info("3PID is present, skipping") else: logger.info("3PIDs were not updated due to policy") else: logger.info("No profile data") defer.returnValue(True) @staticmethod def parse_config(config): # verify config sanity _require_keys(config, ["endpoint"]) class _RestConfig(object): endpoint = '' regLower = True setNameOnRegister = True setNameOnLogin = False updateThreepid = True rest_config = _RestConfig() rest_config.endpoint = config["endpoint"] try: rest_config.regLower = config['policy']['registration']['username']['enforceLowercase'] except TypeError: # we don't care pass except KeyError: # we don't care pass try: rest_config.setNameOnRegister = config['policy']['registration']['profile']['name'] except TypeError: # we don't care pass except KeyError: # we don't care pass try: rest_config.setNameOnLogin = config['policy']['login']['profile']['name'] except TypeError: # we don't care pass except KeyError: # we don't care pass try: rest_config.updateThreepid = config['policy']['all']['threepid']['update'] except TypeError: # we don't care pass except KeyError: # we don't care pass return rest_config def _require_keys(config, required): missing = [key for key in required if key not in config] if missing: raise Exception( "REST Auth enabled but missing required config values: {}".format( ", ".join(missing) ) )