#!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook --- # Set up DHCP servers. - hosts: dhcp-*.adm.auro.re, !dhcp-aurore*.adm.auro.re vars: service_repo: https://gitlab.federez.net/re2o/dhcp.git service_name: dhcp service_version: master service_config: hostname: re2o.auro.re username: service-user password: "{{ vault_serviceuser_passwd }}" roles: - re2o-service - isc-dhcp-server # Deploy unbound DNS server (recursive). - hosts: dns-*.adm.auro.re,!dns-aurore*.adm.auro.re roles: - unbound # Déploiement du service re2o aurore-firewall et keepalived # radvd: IPv6 SLAAC (/64 subnets, private IPs). # Must NOT be on routeur-aurore-*, or will with DHCPv6! - hosts: ~routeur-(pacaterie|edc|fleming|gs).*\.adm\.auro\.re roles: - router - radvd # Radius (backup only for now) - hosts: ~radius-(edc|fleming|pacaterie|gs).* roles: - radius # WIP: Deploy authoritative DNS servers # - hosts: authoritative_dns # vars: # service_repo: https://gitlab.crans.org/nounous/re2o-dns.git # service_name: dns # service_version: crans # service_config: # hostname: re2o-server.adm.auro.re # username: service-user # password: "{{ vault_serviceuser_passwd }}" # roles: # - re2o-service # Deploy Unifi Controller #- hosts: unifi-fleming.adm.auro.re,unifi-pacaterie.adm.auro.re # roles: # - unifi-controller # Deploy Re2o switch service #- hosts: switchs-manager.adm.auro.re # vars: # service_repo: https://gitlab.federez.net/re2o/switchs.git # service_name: switchs # service_version: master # service_config: # hostname: re2o-server.adm.auro.re # username: service-user # password: "{{ vault_serviceuser_passwd }}" # roles: # - re2o-service