failover peer "dhcp-failover" { {% if inventory_hostname == dhcp_failover.primary_host %} primary; # MCLT = Maximum Client Lead Time. # Must be specified on the primary, forbidden on the secondary. mclt 3600; # Address or DNS name on which this node listens for connections # from its failover peer. address {{ dhcp_failover.primary_host }}; peer address {{ dhcp_failover.secondary_host }}; # Load balancing. split 128; {% endif %} {% if inventory_hostname == dhcp_failover.secondary_host %} secondary; # Address and peer address are reversed on the secondary node. address {{ dhcp_failover.secondary_host }}; peer address {{ dhcp_failover.primary_host }}; {% endif %} # The following options can be shared between primary and # secondary failover peers. port 647; peer port 647; max-response-delay 30; max-unacked-updates 10; load balance max seconds 3; }